1-1 Birds I

There are many different types of birds. P

Some live in rainforests. P

Others live in deserts. P

There are birds who hunt prey. P

They eat small insects and seeds. P

Birds come in different sizes. P

Ostriches are the biggest birds. P

A hummingbird is the smallest bird. P

Birds are different in many ways. P

1-2 Birds II

Birds have two wings and two legs. P

They are the only animals with feathers. P

Their feathers come in many different colors. P

Feathers allow birds to fly. P

Birds need wings to fly. P

A bird's wings are its arms. P

They flap their wings to fly. P

Flapping gives a bird the power to fly. P

1-3 Ostrich

Some birds can't fly. P

One bird that can't fly is the ostrich. P

The ostrich is too heavy. P

It is the biggest bird. P

It also lays the largest eggs. P

The ostrich has a long neck and legs. P

It can run very fast. P

The feathers of the ostrich are black. P

The ostrich lives in Africa. P

1-4 Hummingbird

This is a hummingbird. P

Hummingbirds can hover. P

They hover to stay in one place. P

Hummingbirds drink nectar. P

Nectar is found in special flowers. P

Hummingbirds find flowers with nectar. P

They use their long bills to reach nectar. P

Hummingbirds like red, orange and yellow flowers. P

1-5 Owls

Owls prey on small birds. P

Prey are small animals. P

Owls also eat mice and squirrels P

Most owls hunt at night. P

They hide on top of trees. P

Owls have special feathers. P

It allows them to fly quietly. P

Owls have strong feet. P

Owls make hoot sounds to communicate. P

1-6 Migratory Birds

Many birds migrate every year. P

Migratory birds travel to another place. P

Birds migrate in search of food. P

They migrate to find warmer places to live. P

Birds fly long distances when they migrate. P

Birds migrate in groups. P

They return to the same place each year. P

Birds migrate twice a year. P

1-7 Birds' Nests

Birds build nests. P

Nests are home for birds. P

Birds build nests with loose twigs. P

They build nest on trees. P

Others build nests on buildings. P

Birds lay eggs in nests. P

Birds sit on their eggs to keep them warm. P

Eggs hatch and baby birds are born. P

1-8 Eagles

Eagles are birds of prey. P

Birds of prey are birds who hunt for food. P

Preys are smaller animals being hunted. P

Eagles have talons. P

Eagles use their talons to hunt. P

A talon is a sharp claw. P

An eagle's talons are yellow in color. P

Eagles have powerful vision. P

Eagles use their vision to find prey from the sky. P

Eagles are strong and wonderful birds. P

1-9 Penguins

Penguins are birds that cannot fly. P

Penguins swim very well. P

Their wings are like flippers. P

Flippers help penguins swim. P

They spend most of their lives in the sea. P

They swim fast underwater. P

Penguins find food in the sea. P

They feed on fish and other sea animals. P

All penguins have a big head and a short neck. P

Penguins live in Antarctica. P

1-10 Human Skeleton

Humans have a skeleton. P

Under the skin is a strong, hard skeleton. P

A skeleton is made from bones. P

A skeleton has 206 bones. P

These bones support the body. P

Bones are very hard. P

They do not break easily. P

All bones together are called a skeleton. P

Every human has a skeleton made up of many bones. P

1-11 Five Senses

I have five senses. P

I can see with my eyes. P

I can hear with my ears. P

I can smell with my nose. P

I can taste with my tongue. P

I can touch with my fingers. P

These are my five senses. P

My senses are working every minute of the day. P

1-12 Human Brain

Inside your head is your brain. P

Your brain controls every move you make. P

Your brain tells your body how to move. P

It allows you to walk and run. P

Your brain allows you to think. P

Your five senses give the brain information. P

Dreams come from your brain. P

The adult human brain weighs about 3 pounds. P

1-13 The Living Body

Human bodies are living. P

It only needs a few things to make it go. P

Human bodies need air to breathe. P

Human bodies need food for energy. P

Human bodies need water to drink. P

All living things need water to survive. P

A busy body works hard. P

It needs rest to heal and grow. P

1-14 Arms

My arms are very important. P

I use my two arms every day. P

I can throw with my arm. P

I can pull with my arm. P

I can push with my arm. P

I can lift with my arm. P

My arms are strong. P

I use them to play. P

1-15 Legs

Humans have two legs. P

Each leg has a foot. P

Each foot has five toes. P

Humans use their legs to run. P

Humans use their legs to walk. P

Humans use their legs to skip. P

Humans use their legs to jump. P

Legs are used every day. P

1-16 Use Your Body!

I use my body to play sports. P

I kick the ball with my legs to play soccer. P

I shoot the ball with my arms to play basketball. P

I swing the club with my arms to play golf. P

I grab the ball with my hand to play baseball. P

John's favorite sport is playing soccer. P

When I play hard, I sweat. P

Sweat is water from my body to cool it off. P

1-17 Muscles

Muscles move the body. P

Muscles are under the skin. P

A muscle is made up of muscle fibers. P

Muscles are everywhere on our body. P

They produce movement in the body. P

Muscles are trained to be stronger. P

Muscles are trained by flexing them. P

Flexing muscles is done by bending or extending. P

Without muscles we could not walk, smile or speak. P

1-18 Sense of Taste

You can taste many different flavors. P

Taste buds are on your tongue. P

Your tongue is used to taste. P

The tongue allows us to taste different flavors. P

Your nose helps with tasting, too. P

Smell is very important to taste. P

Our sense of taste changes by our sense of smell. P

Both taste and smell are needed to tell different flavors. P

1-19 Butterflies

Butterflies are flying insects. P

A butterfly has four wings. P

Their wings are very colorful. P

Some have blue, red or yellow wings. P

Butterflies are very popular. P

Butterflies are found around the world. P

Many people visit butterfly farms to see butterflies. P

The most colorful ones are found in the rainforest. P

1-20 Ladybugs I

Ladybugs are small insects. P

They have round shaped bodies. P

Most ladybugs are red or yellow with black spots. P

Some are black or brown with white spots. P

They all have six legs and a pair of wings. P

Ladybugs can use their wings to fly. P

They can use their legs to crawl. P

Ladybugs come in different sizes. P

People think ladybugs are cute. P

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