Timothy Goes to School 1

Timothy, you have mail. P

Really, Mom? For Me? P

It has your name on it. P

Wow, What is it? P

There's only one way to find out. Open it. P

What does it say? P

It says "Guess who's invited to Mrs. Jenkin's kindergarten class at Hilltop School" P

Me! I'm invited. Can I go, mom? P

It's time to go to school.Right Now? P

Tomorrow, after one more sleep. P

Timothy Goes to School 2

Timothy, what are you doing? P

I'm looking for something to wear on my first day of school. P

Need something special? P

How about these? P

I made them for you. P

Perfect. P

Brand new notebook, brand new pencils, and brand new clothes. P

And tomorrow is a brand new day. P

You better get to bed. P

You don't want to sleep through your first day of school. P

Night mom, night dad. P

Good night, Timothy. P

Timothy Goes to School 3

Is it tomorrow yet? P

I wonder what its going to be like? I can hardly wait. P

Watching out the window wont make the bus come any faster, Timothy. P

It's here, it's here! Hooray, hooray! P

What's the matter, Timothy? P

I won't know anybody. P

Sure you will. Doris will be on the bus. P

Have a great day. P

I'm Henry. All aboard for hilltop school. P

Hey, Timothy! Come sit with me. P

Timothy Goes to School 4

I see it, I see it. It's hilltop school. P

Good morning, everyone. Welcome to hilltop school. P

We're going to have such fun. P

My name is Mrs. Jenkins, and I'm your teacher. P

I think the best way to get to know each other is to play my special song. P

Hurry scurry, children. Circle, triangle, square, find a shape to sit on. P

Gather round and sit right down. P

Doesn't matter who youre next to. P

We're a lot the same but with different names. P

And theres so many things. P

That were going to do. P

You might feel a little bit shy. P

But we all feel that way sometimes. P

It's a new adventure. P

It's a brand new day. P

Anything can happen. P

When we laugh and we play. P

Welcome to this brand new day. P

It's a new adventure. P

It's a brand new day. P

Anything can happen when we laugh and we play. P

Welcome to this brand new day. P

I'm sure youll be the best of friends. P

Timothy Goes to School 5

Great coloured pencils, yoko. P

You can borrow them if you like. P

I have new pencils too. we can all share. P

How very precise. well done, claude. P

Im going to draw hilltop school too. P

You know, timothy, nobody wears overalls on the first day of school. P

Teeth brushed, dear? P

You want a story? P

Timothy, is there something bothering you? P

Nobody wears overalls on the first day of school, mom. P

Oh, honey, you can wear whatever you want to. P

How about your new jacket for tomorrow? P

Perfect, just like claude. P

Timothy Goes to School 6

You look nice. want to play? P

Wait up. P

Nobody wears party clothes on the second day of school. P

How was school today? P

I'm never going back. P

Why not? P

Nobody wears party clothes on the second day of school. P

We can fix that.tomorrow you can wear something in-between, just like everyone else. P

How do you like my lucky shirt? P

I think ive seen it someplace before. P

Youre wearing the same shirt i am. P

No, youre wearing the same shirt i am. P

Yoko, look out! i got it, i got it! P

Great catch, throw it to me. P

Are you all right? hes such a show-off, and he thinks he knows everything. P

Timothy Goes to School 7

Wake up, my little cherry blossom. It's a brand new day. P

What shall I do today? P

All my favourite things. P

And what shall I wear today? P

All my favourite clothes. P

And where shall I go today? P

All my favourite places. P

And who shall I see today? P

All my favourite friends. P

I saved you a seat. P

Have a wonderful day at school, my little cherry blossom. P

Do not forget your lunch. P

What did you make me? P

All your favourite foods. P

Timothy Goes to School 8

How lovely to see all of you today. P

That's it, children, hurry into class. P

Class won't be the same without you. P

Lunch boxes out and open, please, boys and girls. It's time for lunch. P

I saved you a seat. P

Who wants to trade? P

Who wants a half? P

I do, please, because I forgot my iverwurst. P

Not me. I have squeeze cheeze. P

I've got swiss cheese on rye. P

Who would like to trade with me? P

Who wants egg salad? P

I'll trade you my cream cheese and jelly for your peanut butter and honey. P

Look what I have. P

Peanut butter and honey. My favourite. P

Trade you? P

Double trade egg salad. My favourite. P

Timothy Goes to School 9

How come no one wants to trade with me, Timothy? P

I don't understand. Mama made all my favourite food. P

The trouble with your favourite food is that it's no one elses favourite. P

But nothing beats sushi. There's a tasty treasure inside every piece. P

It's green. It's seaweed. P

Please do not tell me that it's raw fish P

Watch out, it's moving. P

Why can't your mother make you something normal? P

That was the best peanut butter and honey sandwich I've ever tasted. P

Time for recess. Everybody out. P

There's an unhappy sound in my classroom. P

Yoko, what's wrong? P

Everybody laughed at my lunch. They think I'm weird. P

What did you bring for lunch? P

My favourite food. P

Oh, sushi! dont worry, they'll forget about it by snack time. P

Tell you what, I haven't eaten my lunch yet. P

If you don't mind the company, we can have a desk picnic together. P

Timothy Goes to School 10

Come on everybody it's snack time P

When your tummy starts to grumble. P

You can make a cookie crumble at snack time. P

What's that? P

Ice cream. Red bean ice cream. P

Red bean ice cream is weird. P

But everyone loves ice cream. P

I must think of something to help yoko. P

I know what to do. P

Goodbye, children. remember to give these notes to your parents. P

I hope you have a happy weekend. P

Remember to give this note to your mother. P

Everything will work out, youll see. P

Dear parents, Monday will be international food day at hilltop school. P

Everyone is asked to bring in a dish from another country. P

Everyone must try a bite of everything. P

Happy cooking, Mrs. Jenkins. P

This is exciting news! P

We will have to make something extra special. P

Extra special cheese burgers. P

Oh, no. we will make deluxe sushi for the whole class. P

Don't worry, my little cherry blossom. Everyone will try sushi and everyone will love it. P

Timothy Goes to School 11

Children, what does international food day mean to us? P

Try everything! P

I brought caribbean coconut crisps. What did you bring? P

Deluxe sushi. P

Something smells good. P

You really think so? P

Enchiladas. hey, Charles, wait up. save some for me. P

Only take a little bite. Mexican enchiladas are pretty spicy. P

I like spicy. P

That looks tasty. I'd better try some before it's all gone. P

What's that? P

What's over there? P

I'm hungry. I didn't get to eat anything yet. P

Oh, that looks good. P

Hey, that's my knish. P

How do you like international food day, Yoko? P

I don't. How do you like international food day? P

It's hard to tell. I didn't get to try anything. P

Timothy Goes to School 12

And you did not try my deluxe sushi either. P

No one tried it, not even one piece. P

Recess. P

Oh, dear. I'm sorry, Yoko. P

Do you want to come outside and play ball or swing on the swing? P

I'll be right outside if you want me. P

We should have made cheese burgers. P

I didn't get any lunch. P

I'm so hungry ill eat anything. P

Let me show you how to use chopsticks. P

I like sushi. you're right, Yoko. P

This is really good. P

Can we have sushi again tomorrow? P

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