1-1 Lesson 1-1-1

Hey, John. Do you know where my wallet is? P

I'm not sure. I think I placed it on the coffee table in the lounge. P

I've looked everywhere and I can't find it. P

I found it. It was under the sofa. P

1-2 Lesson 1-1-2

David, where did you leave my ticket? P

The last time I saw them, they were on your work desk. P

I don't have time to look for it. Please, just tell me. I have to go to work soon. P

Oh, my! They're right there in your back pocket. P

1-3 Lesson 1-1-3

I need to know where you put my car key, Austin! P

Didn't you have it last? I mean, you always leave them on top of the counter. P

No, they're not there. Where do you think it could be? P

There it is. It's in the pantry. P

1-4 Lesson 1-2-1

WA! Where is my bag? Do you know where I might've placed it? P

I think you might want to check the lost and found. P

I've tried everything else and I haven't found it yet. P

You were at that fancy banquet. You might have lost it there. P

I've already tried that and found nothing. P

That's odd. Where on earth could it be? P

I have to go to a ceremony, so I need it. P

I'll talk to my friend. He's a private investigator and is great at finding things. P

1-5 Lesson 1-2-2

This is the worst day of my life. My wedding ring is missing. P

You should file a police report. It's imperative that you do it. P

I've already done that, but it didn't help. P

You were at the mall. Don't you think you might've dropped it there somewhere? P

I did look there, but couldn't find it. P

Do you think someone really stole it then? P

My parents will be here any minute now and I must find it before they get here. P

I'll help you move the furniture so we can look around for it. P

1-6 Lesson 1-2-3

I can't believe it! I lost my earring. Have you seen it? P

Why don't you check your dresser? P

I checked there several times, but I couldn't find it. P

You went to the swimming pool with your sister. Are you sure you didn't drop it there? P

I traced my path, but I couldn't find it. P

I feel sorry for you. P

I can't sleep at night. What should I do? P

Calm yourself. You will find it. P

1-7 Lesson 1-3-1

Excuse me, sir. I lost my cell phone and was wondering if anyone has returned it. P

You are not the only one who lost their phone. We have so many of them in our storage. Can you describe what it looks like. P

It has my name engraved on the back. It's also black. P

Okay. Let me go and look for it. Here it is. Is this the right one? P

Thank you so much. May I have it? P

Before I give this to you, I have to verify your identification first. P

Here you are. P

Thank you. You are all set. P

Thank you very much. P

No problem. P

1-8 Lesson 1-3-2

There were a lot of them sitting in the box that haven't been claimed by their owners. P

May I have it? P

I need proof that this is yours. Please show me some verification of your identity. P

It's in my car. Let me go get it. P

Sure. P

Thanks. P

Not at all. P

Pardon me, but I lost my Ipod yesterday and I was wondering if you have it here. P

I can help you find it, but since there are a lot of them in the lost and found box, you need to tell me exactly what it looks like. P

My initials are engraved on the back. P

Wait right here. I'm going to check the office and I'll be back. P

Sorry it took a while to search for that model. P

1-9 Lesson 1-3-3

Sorry to interrupt. I think I left my digital camera here and wanted to ask you if someone found it and brought it to you. P

It happens that we have had many other visitors bring in lost items exactly like that. P

So, please tell me more about what yours looks like so that I can pull out a few for you to identify. P

I have a sticker with my name and address inside the battery compartment. It's also very glossy. P

Stay here, sir. I'll be right back with your lost item. I found the one that matched your description. P

Can I take a look at it? P

Before I hand this over, I'm going to make sure this is yours. Do you have a student card? P

Let me go and get it from my locker. P

Okay. P

I appreciate it. P

Don't worry about it. P

1-10 Lesson 1-4-1

Who's this? P

Dad! It's me. P

Hi! What is going on? P

I just called to remind you about today's family dinner. P

Oh, I almost forgot! Thank you! P

We are planning to have a barbecue. P

That sounds great! P

Don't be late. See you soon. P

All right. Bye. P

Bye. P

1-11 Lesson 1-4-2

Hello? P

Dad! It's me, Paul! P

Hello, son. How are you doing? P

I'm doing great. You did not forget about today's lunch, right? P

Right! Of course I didn't. P

We will have a fantastic Italian Salad. Your favorite! P

Amazing! P

We will pick you up in 40 minutes. Okay? P

Sure. See you. P

See you. P

1-12 Lesson 1-4-3

Good afternoon? P

It's me. P

Wow! Long time no see. How have you been? P

I'm doing okay. We are going to have a tea party at my house at 6 o'clock. Can you come? P

Of course. P

We are going to watch the movie 'Gone With the Wind' P

Sounds good! I won't miss it. P

Come early so we can prepare some dessert! P

Okay. P

See you later. P

1-13 Lesson 1-5-1

Do you require any assistance? P

Can you help me look for a car? P

I'll be glad to help you. P

I heard this was the best dealership in town. P

It is. P

So, should we start? P

Yes, of course. P

I like this one. How much is it? P

That one is fifty thousand dollars. P

That is too much for me. I need a cheaper car than that. P

Right this way. P

Great. P

1-14 Lesson 1-5-2

Do you need help? P

I'm looking for a pick-up truck. Can you help me? P

Of course. I would be happy to assist you today. P

I've heard from my neighbors that this dealership has a great variety of cars to choose from. P

Sure we do. P

May I see some? P

Yes. P

I think this red pick-up truck looks nice. How much is this? P

It is eighty five hundred dollars. P

Ouch! That's beyond my budget. P

I see. If you want, I can show you some pickups that are reasonably priced. P

It's okay. I will stop by another time. P

1-15 Lesson 1-5-3

What are you looking for? P

I'm looking for a sports car. P

This is your lucky day. P

Everyone tells me about the great prices and hospitality here. P

It's great to hear that. P

So, are you going to show me the models? P

Let's head on over to the lot. P

I want that one over there. What will it cost me? P

That's our flagship car. It's worth over fifty thousand dollars. P

Oh my! Forget it. Show me some other ones. P

Let's move along. P

It feels like this place is not for me. I will search for a less expensive place. Bye. P

1-16 Lesson 1-6-1

Mike, hurry up! P

What's the matter? P

Did you wear my jeans? P

Yes. P

I can't find them anymore. Where did you put them? P

I put them back in the drawer. P

That's strange. I can't find them. That not there. Are you sure you put them back there? P

I promise you! Why don't you ask Justin. He sometimes wears your clothes without permission. P

I will be really mad if he doesn't know. P

All right. P

1-17 Lesson 1-6-2

Josie, if you are not busy, can we talk? P

What's going on? P

Did you wear my shirt? P

Yes, I did. P

Well, I need to know where it is. P

I put it back where I found it originally. P

That's strange because I couldn't find it there. Are you sure? P

Believe me! Maybe Shawn wore it after me. P

Well, if he says he doesn't know where it is, then I'm going to get really mad. P

I see. P

1-18 Lesson 1-6-3

Josie, if you are not busy, can we talk? P

Sure. What’s going on? P

Have you seen my hat? I can't find it. P

I wore it, but I put it back on your desk. P

It's not there. P

Did you check your closet? P

Yeah. It wasn't in there. Are you sure that you put it back on my desk? P

Please, believe me! Why don't you ask Paul? He was looking for it a while ago. P

Let me go and ask him. Thanks. P

I see. P

1-19 Lesson 1-7-1

Oh! I lost my notebook. P

Try to recall where you've been and maybe that might help. P

Everything I need for today is in there. If I can't find it, I get a zero for today's class participation. P

Okay. Calm down. What does it look like? P

There is a sticker of an elephant on it and the brand is Sony. P

Is that one yours? P

No, it's not. I'm about to freak out! Last time I saw it, it was in my backpack. P

I know. Let's go and report to school police that it's missing. P

1-20 Lesson 1-7-2

I'm so angry. I don't know where I put my PDA. P

Trace back the places you have visited and review them one by one. P

I need to find it for my presentation. I'm in a panic and I can't think. P

All right, look at me. Breathe slowly. Tell me some information about it so I can try to find it. P

It's a brand new PDA. It's made by Samsung and is a glossy black color. P

Is it this one? P

That's not mine. I think I remember putting it in my luggage. P

Why don't we go and tell security? P

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