6-1 Three Little Pigs 1

Three little pigs lived in the woods. P

They each decided to build a house. P

The youngest pig built a brick house. P

But the oldest and second oldest pig only played. P

They did not even think about making a home. P

6-2 Three Little Pigs 2

"Why don't you quickly finish and play? P

The brothers asked the youngest. P

"You should build a strong house," the youngest said. P

"The wolf is going to come soon." P

The brothers thought the youngest was wasting his time. P

6-3 Three Little Pigs 3

The oldest pig finished his house early. P

"I built this house because it's easy to build." P

He built his house out of straws. P

He was satisfied. P

The oldest pig happily went off to play. P

6-4 Three Little Pigs 4-5

"I need to play too," the second oldest pig said. P

He took some wooden boards. P

With the boards, he loosely made a house. P

He made the house quickly. P

He went back to playing. P

The two older brothers were having fun in the woods. P

A wolf was watching them. P

He hid and waited. P

"They look delicious!" he said. P

He ran after them. P

The brothers were scared. P

6-6 Three Little Pigs 6

The wolf first went to the oldest pig's straw house. P

"This house is weak!" the wolf laughed. P

"I can easily blow away this house." P

The wolf huffed and puffed. P

The wolf blew away the straw house in no time. P

The house was destroyed. P

6-7 Three Little Pigs 7-8

The oldest pig no longer had a home. P

He ran to the second oldest pig's home. P

"Help!" he cried. P

"The wolf is coming!" P

His brother told him to come inside. P

He went into his brother's wooden home. P

The wolf was amused. P

"This wooden house is not a problem!" he cried out. P

The wolf huffed and puffed. P

The wolf blew again. P

The wooden house quickly fell to pieces. P

The brother had to run again. P

6-8 Three Little Pigs 9

The two pigs were very afraid. P

They ran to their youngest brother's home. P

"The wolf is coming!" they yelled. P

The youngest let the brothers in. P

He locked the door. P

"Don't worry, this house is strong," he said. P

"It won't fall down." P

6-9 Three Little Pigs 10-11

The wolf appeared at the door. P

He was confident. P

"This house should only take one blow!" P

The wolf huffed and puffed. P

The wolf blew his hardest. P

But the brick house did not move at all. P

The wolf was puzzled. P

"I tried so hard, but the house won't budge." P

He rested under a tree. P

He thought hard. P

"There has to be a way." P

He soon got an idea. P

6-11 Three Little Pigs 12

Some time passed. P

A strange sound came from the chimney. P

"The wolf is coming down the chimney," cried the oldest pig. P

"What should we do?!" yelled the second oldest pig. P

The young pig was calm. P

"I have an idea," he said. P

The youngest started a fire. P

He boiled water in a pot. P

6-12 Three Little Pigs 13

The wolf knew nothing about the boiling pot of water. P

He was excited to enter the house. P

"I'm coming to get you," he cried. P

He quickly went down the chimney. P

But it was getting hotter and hotter as he went down. P

He was wondering why it was getting hot. P

6-13 Three Little Pigs 14-15

The wolf fell into the hot pot. P

"Ow! It's hot! It's hot," the wolf howled. P

The pigs watched the wolf run around in pain. P

The wolf was so badly burned that he ran away. P

The pigs were happy and relieved. P

The wolf raced out the door. P

The three pigs danced with joy. P

"A brick house is strong!" they sang. P

"It can withstand any trouble!" P

The pigs had nothing to worry about. P

6-14 Three Little Pigs 16

The poor wolf was badly burned. P

He spent the whole night in pain. P

He went to the creek. P

The wolf never went near the pigs again. P

The older brother also built new brick houses. P

The three pigs helped one another and lived happily ever after. P

6-16 Androcles and Lion 1-2

Androcles was a poor slave. P

He worked hard during the day. P

But at night he was chained. P

He was also locked up in a dark prison. P

Being alone he was lonely. P

The same thing happened day and night. P

His work never lessened. P

There was no end. P

There was no hope. P

A guard always bothered him. P

6-17 Androcles and Lion 3-4

One day, the guard was napping. P

He did not bother Androcles at all. P

Androcles made sure the guard would not notice. P

He quietly ran away into the woods. P

Androcles walked around the woods. P

While walking, he found a hurt lion. P

The lion was crying. P

Seeing that the lion was in pain he decided to help him. P

"Why are you crying, Lion?" he asked. P

6-18 Androcles and Lion 5-6

The lion moaned and pointed to his foot. P

There was a huge splinter in it. P

"Oh, that splinter is hurting you," Androcles said. P

"I'll take it out for you." P

He carefully took it out. P

The lion sighed in relief. P

Suddenly, the guards found them. P

"The runaway slave is here! Get him!" P

Androcles and the lion tried to run away. P

But they were both captured. P

They were brought back to prison. P

6-19 Androcles and Lion 7-8

For running away Androcles was punished. P

The next morning, Androcles was sent to the stadium. P

The guards opened the gates. P

They sent him into the arena. P

He was about to be eaten by a lion. P

Androcles was surprised. P

It was the same lion he saw yesterday. P

"Oh, it's you." P

"How's your foot?" asked Androcles. P

The emperor heard their story. P

He praised the kindness of Androcles. P

He set both of them free. P

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