5-1 Little Red Riding Hood 1

Once upon a time, there lived a lovely girl. P

She lived in a small village. P

She had a kind grandmother. P

Her grandmother loved the girl very much. P

And the girl loved her grandmother too. P

She visited her many times. P

5-2 Little Red Riding Hood 2

One day her grandmother visited the lovely girl. P

She gave her a pretty red cape. P

"You look so pretty in the cape," the grandmother said. P

"I'll call you Little Red Riding Hood." P

She liked wearing the red cape. P

5-3 Little Red Riding Hood 3

One day, Little Red Riding Hood's mother made bread. P

She sent her on an errand. P

"Take this bread to Grandmother's," her mother said. P

"And wait there until your father comes." P

She replied, " yes mother." P

5-4 Little Red Riding Hood 4

Little Red Riding Hood was excited to go to her grandmother's home. P

Little Red Riding Hood happily went to her grandmother's home. P

She walked through the woods. P

She talked to birds and other animals. P

She had fun. P

5-5 Little Red Riding Hood 5

Suddenly, she met a wolf. P

The wolf popped out. P

"Where are you going?" asked the wolf. P

Little Red Riding Hood thought the wolf was kind. P

She friendly answered him. P

"I'm going to my grandmother's home." P

5-6 Little Red Riding Hood 6

The wolf was interested. P

"Ooh, I can eat both of them!" he thought. P

The wolf asked where her grandmother lived. P

She was not too sure. P

"She lives alone at the top of the mountains." P

The wolf gave a smirk. P

5-7 Little Red Riding Hood 7

The wolf took a shortcut. P

He came to the grandmother's house first. P

The wolf pretended to be Little Red Riding Hood. P

"Grandmother, I'm here!" he called. P

The grandmother answered. P

"The door's open, come in!" P

5-8 Little Red Riding Hood 8

The wolf went inside. P

He quickly ran into the grandmother's bedroom. P

The grandmother screamed. P

"Help, Help!" the grandmother yelled. P

The wolf opened his mouth wide. P

He swallowed the grandmother whole. P

5-9 Little Red Riding Hood 9

Then the wolf put on the grandmother's clothes. P

The wolf tried to pretend to be the grandmother. P

He waited for Little Red Riding Hood. P

He also put on her glasses. P

He was excited to eat his next meal. P

He then heard Little Red Riding Hood coming. P

5-10 Little Red Riding Hood 10

Little Red Riding Hood finally arrived. P

She knocked on the door. P

"Grandmother, I'm here," she called. P

This time, the wolf pretended to be the grandmother. P

"Come on in," he imitated. P

Not knowing Little Red Riding Hood went inside. P

5-11 Little Red Riding Hood 11

"What's wrong with your voice, grandmother?" P

Little Red Riding Hood asked. P

"Cough. I have a cold," the wolf replied under the covers. P

"Grandmother, why is your mouth so big?" she wondered. P

"So that I can eat you!" cried the wolf. P

Soon he jumped and swallowed Little Red Riding Hood. P

5-12 Little Red Riding Hood 12

Soon Little Red Riding Hood's father arrived. P

He saw the wolf under the tree with a huge stomach. P

"Oh, no! The wolf ate grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood." P

"I must do something to save them," he thought. P

He took a knife to open up the wolf. P

5-13 Little Red Riding Hood 13

The father saved the grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood. P

Little Red Riding Hood was relieved. P

The grandmother was also relieved. P

She hugged her father and grandmother. P

"I won't talk to strangers again," she promised. P

5-14 Little Red Riding Hood 14

Good-bye grandmother! P

She waved to her grandmother. P

"Remember to watch out for strangers," her grandmother reminded. P

"I'll visit you soon," she replied. P

They all waved to each other good-bye. P

5-16 Treasure in the Vineyard 1-3

Once upon a time, there lived a diligent farmer. P

He worked at a huge vineyard. P

He worked in the fields from morning to night. P

But he had no one to help him. P

And he was worried about the future. P

The farmer had three sons. P

All of them were lazy. P

They did not work at all. P

"My sons play all the time," the farmer said. P

"Come and work for me." P

But it was no use. P

The boys just sat at home. P

They did nothing. P

Then one day, the farmer became ill. P

He called his three sons to his bedside. P

5-17 Treasure in the Vineyard 4-5

"My sons, I am very sick," the farmer said. P

"I want you to dig in the vineyard." P

He told them that there was a treasure buried. P

"Please dig them up quickly." P

The next morning, the boys rushed to the vineyard. P

This is the first time they work on the vineyard. P

They were very excited. P

"Let's find the treasure fast," one said. P

"Who's going to find it first?" another asked. P

"I'm going to find it!" said the last. P

5-18 Treasure in the Vineyard 6-7

The three sons reached the vineyard. P

They used picks and shovels. P

Each son began digging. P

They worked really hard. P

The brothers dug well into the night. P

The moon came out. P

It was time to go home. P

But they could not find the treasure. P

"Where is it," they asked. P

They began to wonder what the treasure was. P

5-19 Treasure in the Vineyard 8-9

The brothers continued to dig. P

They worked even harder. P

But they still did not find the treasure. P

"Why can't we find it?" they asked. P

The sons took a break. P

The vineyards were well dug up. P

The soil was rich and fertile. P

Many grapes grew from the ground. P

The plentiful grapes made the boys rich. P

Then the sons understood. P

"The grapes are the hidden treasure!" P

From then on, the boys continued to work hard. P

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