4-1 Snow White 1-2

Once upon a time there was a queen. P

She gave birth to a lovely princess. P

The baby was as white as snow. P

So she was named Snow White. P

But the queen died right after the baby was born. P

A new jealous queen came. P

She was very, very, jealous of everything. P

As time went by, Snow White grew into a beautiful woman. P

The queen liked to look at the mirror every day. P

The queen wanted to hear that she was pretty. P

The queen asked, "Mirror, mirror on the wall." P

Who is the most beautiful woman in the world? P

4-2 Snow White 3-4

But one day, the mirror answered differently. P

You are beautiful. But Snow White is even more beautiful! P

The queen was angry. P

She did not know that Snow White grew up to become a beautiful young lady. P

"I cannot let Snow White be the prettiest!" P

So she decided to kill Snow White. P

The queen was mad. P

So the queen called a hunter. P

She gave him a bag. P

It was filled with coins. P

She gave him an order. P

"Take the princess to the woods and kill her!" P

4-3 Snow White 5-6

The hunter took the princess to the woods. P

But he could not kill her. P

"Princess, run away. The queen is trying to kill you." P

Snow White was shocked. P

Snow White began to run away. P

Snow White listened to the hunter. P

She escaped. P

She thanked the hunter for his help. P

She wandered around in the woods. P

She found a house. P

4-4 Snow White 7-8

Inside the house, it was a mess. P

There were clothes all over the place. P

"Who lives in this house?" she wondered. P

"I should clean this place," she thought. P

She cleaned the house. P

Then she fell asleep. P

Night came and the seven dwarves returned. P

"Someone is sleeping in our home!" a dwarf cried out. P

Snow White woke up and heard them talking about her. P

She got to know the dwarves. P

So the dwarves asked, "Snow White, please stay!" P

From then on, Snow White lived with the seven dwarves. P

4-6 Snow White 9

The next day, the queen thought that Snow White was dead. P

The queen asked the mirror the same question. P

But the mirror answered. P

Snow White was still the prettiest. P

"Snow White is still alive?" P

The queen was angry. P

She made a poisoned apple. P

She went to kill Snow White herself with a poisoned apple. P

4-7 Snow White 10-11

The queen pretended to be an old grandmother. P

"Snow White, eat this apple." P

Snow white was hungry so she took the apple. P

Snow White took a bite and fell to the ground. P

'Good. Now I'll be the most beautiful woman in the world.' P

The queen was happy and she returned to the castle. P

The seven dwarves found the princess. P

She was lying on the ground. P

They were very sad. P

"Our poor princess!" P

The dwarves cried. P

They placed flowers around their princess. P

4-8 Snow White 12-13

The next day, a prince was passing through the woods. P

He heard about Snow White from the dwarves. P

"Pretty princess, please come back." P

The prince kissed her. P

There was a miracle. P

Snow White woke up! P

Everyone was happy to see the princess again. P

"Hurray! She's awake!" P

The prince asked her to come live with him. P

Snow white accepted his request. P

He took her to his castle. P

"Goodbye," the dwarves happily waved. P

4-9 Snow White 14

The queen didn't know about this. P

The queen asked the mirror the same question again. P

"Who is the most beautiful in the world?" P

The mirror answered, "Snow White is the most beautiful woman in the world." P

The queen was very angry. P

She threw the mirror to the ground. P

The mirror hit the bottle of poison. P

The bottle of poison also fell to the ground and broke. P

"Oh, No! This bottle can not break." P

The poison spread and killed the queen. P

4-11 City, Country Mouse 1

A fancy City Mouse came to the countryside. P

He carried a small brown bag. P

He arrived at a small cottage. P

He was there to meet an old friend. P

So he went from place to place looking for his friend. P

4-12 City, Country Mouse 2

"Come to the city with me," the City Mouse said. P

"There is a lot of delicious food and many things to see." P

The Country Mouse was curious. P

"Besides, the countryside is too boring!" P

The Country Mouse agreed. P

He followed the City Mouse to the city P

4-13 City, Country Mouse 3

They got to the city. P

The Country Mouse was awed. P

There were tall buildings. P

Bright lights were shining everywhere. P

The city was also busy with activity. P

The country mouse was amazed at everything. P

4-14 City, Country Mouse 4

The city also had many foods. P

The Country Mouse had not seen a lot of them. P

There were so many things. P

Everything was fancy. P

The two mice went to a restaurant. P

They tried to bite into a delicious cake. P

But the waiter came. P

He chased the mice away. P

4-15 City, Country Mouse 5

The mice ran away to the City Mouse's home. P

"That was too close!" cried the Country Mouse. P

He was scared of the city. P

He was homesick. P

So he decided to leave the city. P

He packed up his things to leave tomorrow. P

4-16 City, Country Mouse 6

The next day, the Country Mouse waved good-bye. P

He could not be in the city anymore. P

"I'm going back home," the Country Mouse said. P

"The city is not for me." P

The city mouse was sad that he was leaving. P

4-17 City, Country Mouse 7

The Country Mouse got on the train. P

He was very happy. P

He was on his way home. P

The day was nice. P

The sun was out. P

The air was fresh. P

4-18 City, Country Mouse 8

Soon the Country Mouse got off the train. P

The Country Mouse eventually came home. P

He rested in his backyard. P

The weather was perfect. P

Everything was peaceful. P

"It's good to be back home," he thought. P

4-19 City, Country Mouse 9

The Country Mouse realized that he should be grateful with what he has. P

He thought that his friend had it better. P

He assumed that the grass was greener on the other side. P

But he found out that his own home was more comfortable. P

And he was gracious of everything he had. P

He realized that "home sweet home" is where he should be. P

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