3-1 Ant and Grasshopper 1

It was a warm spring day. P

All the insects were busy collecting food. P

All day long they gathered the harvest. P

But the grasshopper was taking a nap. P

The other insects were jealous. P

3-2 Ant and Grasshopper 2

The grasshopper went from flower to flower. P

He saw the bees were collecting pollen. P

The ants were still working hard. P

But grasshopper only watched the ants. P

He asked, "Ant, why don't you dance to my music?" P

3-3 Ant and Grasshopper 3

Soon a hot summer came. P

The ants were working hard. P

The ants sweated a lot. P

But they worked harder and harder. P

The grasshopper didn't work at all. P

The grasshopper only played his violin. P

3-4 Ant and Grasshopper 4

The ant was worried for the grasshopper. P

So the ant warned the grasshopper. P

"When winter comes, you'll regret not working." P

The grasshopper just turned around. P

He ignored the ants warning. P

He continued to just play his violin. P

3-5 Ant and Grasshopper 5

One day, rain began to fall. P

It was fall and a bit chilly. P

The rain came down hard. P

So everyone had to stop working. P

The insects and the grasshopper hurried home. P

3-6 Ant and Grasshopper 6-7

The grasshopper did not have a home. P

He stood underneath a mushroom. P

"This is very boring." P

He could not play. P

He got very wet. P

The weather was also getting colder. P

Then winter came. P

It was very cold. P

The grasshopper couldn't stay under the mushroom anymore. P

So he went to go find a shelter. P

The grasshopper went from place to place. P

He could not play his violin anymore. P

3-7 Ant and Grasshopper 8

The grasshopper was cold. P

He was also hungry. P

He knocked on the ant's door. P

He wanted to ask for some food. P

"Will you please give me some food?" the grasshopper asked. P

"I warned you." the ant replied P

3-8 Ant and Grasshopper 9

"Ant, will you let me warm up a little?" P

The grasshopper told the ant that he was cold and hungry. P

The ant shook his head. P

"You only played your violin." P

Another ant said, "We prepared, but you didn't listen." P

3-9 Ant and Grasshopper 10

The grasshopper had no place to go. P

He was cold, hungry, and lonely. P

"I should have worked in the summer." P

The grasshopper had no where to go. P

He had nothing to eat. P

The ants were warm inside having fun. P

But the grasshopper was outside in the cold by himself. P

3-11 Ugly Duckling 1-2

A mother duck sat by the pond. P

She was sitting on her eggs. P

She was happily waiting. P

Her babies were about to be born. P

Some time passed. P

Finally the cute baby ducks were born. P

"Mommy!" one cried. P

Soon most of them broke out of their shells. P

"Quack! Quack!" they quacked. P

3-12 Ugly Duckling 3-4

There was still one large egg left. P

The mother and ducklings waited. P

But an ugly duckling came out. P

The mother duck and the other baby ducklings were surprised. P

"That duckling is so ugly!" P

The other animals did not like the ugly duckling. P

When the ugly duckling came near them, they all ran away. P

"I don't want my babies to be like that," the mother hen said. P

The animals gathered and held a meeting. P

They decided to chase the ugly duckling away. P

3-13 Ugly Duckling 5-6

"We don't want to be with you." P

The mother duck and the other ducklings were ashamed. P

They left the ugly duckling all alone. P

The ugly duckling began to cry. P

"Why doesn't anyone like me?" thought the ugly duckling. P

The ugly duckling cried and cried. P

A field mouse came. P

The mouse saw that the ugly duckling was sad. P

So the mouse cheered up the ugly duckling. P

"Don't worry, you'll find someone who likes you." P

3-14 Ugly Duckling 7

The mouse was right. P

The duckling soon found a kind lady. P

A kind lady took the ugly duckling home. P

"Don't cry, I'll take care of you." P

The duckling was happy. P

But the lady had a very mean hen and cat at home. P

3-16 Ugly Duckling 8

The cat and the hen bothered the ugly duckling. P

They poked and shoved the ugly duckling. P

They made fun of the duckling. P

They wanted the duckling to go away. P

"Go away ugly duckling!" P

The ugly duckling was chased away again. P

3-17 Ugly Duckling 9-10

It was very cold and dark outside. P

The winter cold froze the ugly duckling. P

A hunter was passing by. P

He saw the ugly duckling. P

"Poor thing, your body is frozen." P

The hunter sat beside the ugly duckling. P

He picked up the ugly duckling. P

He wanted to take care of the duckling. P

He took the ugly duckling home. P

3-18 Ugly Duckling 11-12

But his wife and children did not like the ugly duckling. P

They looked at the ugly duckling and were upset. P

"We don't want that ugly duckling here." P

The ugly duckling had to leave again. P

Warm spring days finally came. P

The ugly duckling was still alone by the pond. P

The ugly duckling played alone. P

One day, it was surprised. P

Its reflection in the pond was different. P

3-19 Ugly Duckling 13-14

The ugly duckling was not an ugly duckling. P

It was a beautiful swan! P

Other swans came and said hello. P

"Hello, swan, come play with us!" P

The ugly duckling realized, "I wasn't a duck, but a swan!" P

So he went off to play with the other swans. P

The ugly duckling was not ugly. P

It was growing to become beautiful. P

The ugly duckling grew to be a beautiful swan. P

The swan now knew everything and was very happy. P

The swan was never alone again. P

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