2-1 Tortoise and Hare 1

There were a lot of animals in the woods. P

In front of everyone the hare boasted. P

"I'm the fastest animal here! Nobody can beat me!" P

The animals all agreed. P

They envied his speed. P

2-2 Tortoise and Hare 2

But the wise owl disagreed. P

"How do you know? We won't believe you until you beat the tortoise." P

The owl pointed to the tortoise. P

"If you win, then we'll believe you." P

2-3 Tortoise and Hare 3

"Fine," the rabbit said, "it's just a slow tortoise." P

The tortoise and the hare met at the starting line. P

They looked at each other. P

The frog waved the checkered flag. P

The race began. P

The rabbit was fast outrunning the tortoise. P

2-4 Tortoise and Hare 4

The hare quickly ran off. P

The tortoise slowly crawled along. P

Soon, the hare was far ahead of the tortoise. P

The tortoise was very behind. P

But the tortoise kept crawling. P

2-5 Tortoise and Hare 5

The hare ran for awhile. P

After some time, he got hungry. P

So, he sat under a tree. P

He happily ate his carrots. P

He soon was full. P

Then, he became very sleepy. P

2-6 Tortoise and Hare 6

The hare was sure that he could finish before the tortoise. P

He decided to take a nap. P

He slept soundly. P

The tortoise slowly crawled by the hare. P

The tortoise soon began to win. P

But the hare didn't see him passing by. P

2-7 Tortoise and Hare 7-8

The hare woke up from his nap. P

But he had slept too long. P

The tortoise was already near the finish line. P

The hare was running out of time. P

The hare tried his best to catch up. P

It was no use. P

It was too late. P

The tortoise already crossed the finish line. P

The hare lost the race. P

2-8 Tortoise and Hare 9

The tortoise had won. P

He was losing in the beginning. P

But he tried his very best. P

The Hare was ashamed. P

The owl announced, "The tortoise beat the hare!" P

2-9 Tortoise and Hare 10

The hare was wrong to boast about being fast. P

He did not try his best. P

He thought he was too good. P

He realized his mistake. P

The hare shook hands with the tortoise. P

The hare praised him. P

"Being slow and steady is better than being fast and late." P

2-11 Happy Prince 1

In the middle of town, there was a statue. P

It was of a happy prince. P

His eyes were made out of sapphires. P

His body was entirely made out of gold. P

There was a red ruby on the handle of his sword. P

He was called, 'The Happy Prince.' P

The townspeople believed that the prince gave happiness. P

2-12 Happy Prince 2

One day a swallow flew into town. P

It needed to rest before going down south. P

"I'll stay here for a while," the swallow said. P

It sat under the statue of the Happy Prince. P

A drop of water fell on its head. P

The swallow was surprised. P

The water was a teardrop from the prince's eyes. P

2-13 Happy Prince 3

The swallow flew to the shoulders of the crying prince. P

"Prince, why are you crying?" asked the swallow. P

The prince told the swallow his story. P

He did not know what sadness was while he was alive in the palace. P

When he died, his servant made him into a statue. P

Now, in the middle of town, he sees everything. P

"I see unhappiness and misery," said the prince. P

"I can't do anything but cry." P

2-14 Happy Prince 4

The prince continued. P

There was a poor lady sitting beside her son. P

He was lying in bed. P

He was very sick. P

She needed to buy medicine for him, but she has no money. P

"Will you please take this gem from my sword to her?" the prince asked. P

The swallow took the gem. P

The swallow placed it on the poor lady's table. P

2-15 Happy Prince 5

The swallow was about to leave. P

"Can you please stay a while longer?" the Happy Prince asked. P

"But I have to go south to my family." P

The prince pointed to a girl below. P

She was selling matchboxes. P

"The little girl just dropped her matchboxes in the mud," the prince said. P

"Please take one of the gems in my eye to her." P

The swallow cried, "Your eye? I can't do that!" P

But the swallow listened to the prince's request. P

2-16 Happy Prince 6-7

The weather got colder. P

The swallow was ready to leave. P

"Swallow," the prince said. P

"Please take my last gem to the young man in the attic." P

The young man needed to finish writing the play. P

But he did not have enough paper. P

The swallow did as the prince wished. P

"You can't see any more, but I'll be your eyes for you." P

The swallow flew from place to place. P

It reported everything that he saw. P

When the swallow told him about the poor people the prince wanted to help. P

2-17 Happy Prince 8-9

The prince listened to the swallow. P

He cried again. P

He was too sad. P

His entire body was made out of gold. P

"Take bits of my body and give them to the poor," said the prince. P

"Then everyone will be happy." P

The swallow followed the prince's request. P

The poor people of the streets were not cold. P

They were not hungry anymore either. P

"Go to your family now," the Happy Prince said. P

"I don't have any energy anymore," said the swallow. P

"Good-bye, prince!" P

The swallow kissed the prince, and then died. P

2-18 Happy Prince 10

Suddenly, the Happy Prince turned ugly. P

The mayor saw this change. P

He asked, "What happened to the Happy Prince? Get rid of it now." P

The statue was moved to a factory to be melted. P

But no matter how hot it got, the prince's heart would not melt. P

2-19 Happy Prince 11

One day, God summoned an angel. P

"Bring me two precious things from the town." P

The angel returned with the heart of the Happy Prince. P

The angel also brought the swallow. P

"You have found something precious!" God said. P

"The Happy Prince and the swallow shall rule the city of gold," God declared. P

The Happy Prince and the swallow lived happily ever after. P

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