1-1 Look and Listen
Good morning, Dave. Good to see you again. P
Good to see you. How’s it going, Yena? P
I’m fine. How’s it going? P
Not bad. I’m in class four. P
I’m in class four, too. P
That’s great! P
Hello! Nice to meet you. P
Nice to meet you, too. P
What’s your name? P
My name is Juwon. This is Linh. P
How’s it going? P
Very well, thank you. P
1-2 Listen and Say
Hi, Nick. How’s it going? P
Not bad. How about you? P
I’m great. Do you have art class? P
Yes, I do. Goodbye. P
Hi! I’m Emma. This is my friend, Chanho. P
Hi! I’m Kate. P
How’s it going? P
Not bad. How about you? P
What are you doing? P
I’m making an airplane. P
Wow! You’re good. P
2-1 Look and Listen
Where is Marie? P
She’s in the bedroom. P
Are you sleeping? P
No, I’m not. Look at that. P
You’re good. P
This is nice. P
This is the living room. Come with me, please. P
Wow, a smart room! P
Where are you, Dave? P
I’m in the kitchen. P
What are you doing, Dave? P
shh.... Don’t talk, please. P
Wow! I like it. P
3-1 Look and Listen
ow! You’re pretty. P
Thank you. Let’s go. P
Wait. Whose bottle is this? P
It’s Marie’s. P
Yes, it’s mine. Thank you. P
Welcome! Ride a bicycle and make some apple juice. P
Please tell me. Whose balloon is this? P
Oh, it’s Dave’s. P
Hey, Dave! Here’s your balloon. P
Let’s ride a bicycle. P
That’s great. P
3-2 Listen and Say
Let’s make sandwiches. P
Put on your hat, please. P
Yena, is this your hat? P
No. This is my hat. P
Whose hat is this? P
Oh! It’s mine. Thanks. P
I like cheese. P
Me, too. Let’s put some cheese. P
I like vegetables. P
Good! Let’s put some vegetables, too. P
Whose fork is this? P
No. It’s Dave’s fork. P
It’s mine. Thank you. P
Now, let’s eat our sandwiches. P
4-2 Listen and Say
Hello, Dave. This is Juwon. P
Let’s go camping this holiday. P
Oh, wait. Okay. Let’s go. P
Juwon, Dave. Help me, please. P
Okay. Stand there, please. P
Good. Let’s watch a movie. P
Oh, it’s my dad. Hello? P
How’s is going, Dave? P
I’m great. I can see many stars here. P
That’s good. Have fun. P
Thanks, Dad. See you. P
5-1 Look and Listen
What do you want for Children’s Day? P
I want an airplane and a helicopter. P
Howon, choose one, please. P
How about you, Juwon? P
I want a helicopter. P
Good choice. I want an airplane. P
Welcome to the magic show. P
What do you want for Children’s Day? P
I want a rabbit. P
A rabbit? Okey. Here you are. P
It’s picture card, not a rabbit. P
Wait, please. P
It’s so cute. Thank you. P
5-2 Listen and Say
Good morning, Dave. Tomorrow is your birthday. P
What do you want for your birthday? P
I want a baseball glove. P
This is for you. P
It’s a baseball and a cap. Thank you. P
You’re welcome. P
Happy Birthday, Dave! P
This is for you. P
Thank you. Look! Let’s go. P
It’s a baseball glove. I love it. P
Let’s play baseball. P
5-3 story Time
Tomorrow is Anne’s birthday. P
what do you want for your birthday? P
I want a new dress. P
What are you doing, Diana? P
I’m making a new dress for Anne. P
That’s nice. Do you need help? P
yes, I do. Thank you, Mom. P
The next day, Diana gives the dress to Anne. P
She likes it very much. P
6-1 Look and Listen
Look! He’s my uncle. P
What does he do? P
He’s nurse. He cares for sick people. P
Let’s go and see him. P
Hello! This is my friend, Dave. P
Hi, Dave. Nice to meet you. Let’s try this. P
What do they do? P
They’re farmers. They grow plants. P
Welcome! We’re here for rice planting. P
Where are the rice plants? P
Here they are. Watch me carefully. P
This is fun. P
7-1 Look and Listen
Do you have any questions? P
Yes, I do. What time do you get up? P
I get up at five thirty. P
You’re an early bird. P
I start work at 7 o’clock. P
They have breakfast at seven thirty. P
I have breakfast at seven thirty, too. P
What time do you go home? P
I go home at 8 o’clock. P
That’s so late. P
It’s okay. I go to bed at ten thirty. P
Thank you. Children, let’s go inside. P
Take a look around. Have a great time. P
Okay. Thank you. P
7-2 Listen and Say
Let’s play basketball, Yena. P
Well done! P
You are a good basketball player. P
Thank you. I play basketball every morning. P
Every morning? What time do you ge up? P
I get up at six thirty. I like the fresh air. P
Wow! You’re an early bird. P
Can I play with you? P
sure. Go ahead. P
It’s okay. Try again. P
Are you ready? P
8-1 Look and Listen
Who is he? P
He's my cousin, Rahul. P
Rahul, this is my friend, Emma. P
Where are you from? P
I'm from the U.S. P
How about you? P
I'm from India. P
Look at her beautiful dress. P
Hello! Where are you from? P
I'm from France. P
Do you like this dress? P
Yes, I do. I like it. P
What do you like? P
I like this jacket. P
Good choice. P
8-2 Listen and Say
Thank you. Where are you from? P
I'm from Australia. Let's take a picture together. P
Thank you very much. Have a good day. P
Drink some tea, please. P
Thank. It's good. P
Where are you from? P
We're from India. How about you? P
I'm from Canada, but I live in Seoul. P
Seoul is a beautiful city. P
Have a good day. P
9-2 Listen and Say
It's nice painting. P
What did you do yesterday? P
I went to Andong Hahoemaeul. P
I saw many beautiful houses. P
That's great. P
I played tuho, too. I had a great time. P
Yena, what did you yesterday? P
I visited my grandma. P
What did you do there? P
Grandma and I watered the flowers. P
I ate samgyetang, too. I had a great time. P
10-1 Look and Listen
I can't find my friend. Can you help me, Lisa? P
Sure. What does he look like? P
He has short hair and he's very tall. P
Look, Dad! Is that your friend? P
No, He has brown hair. P
He has a daughter, Sally. P
What does she look like? P
She has blue eyes and long curly hair. P
Are they dad's friend and his daughter? P
Yes, they are. P
Nice to meet you, Sally. P
Nice to meet you, too. P
10-2 Listen and Say
Oh, no! Mina. Where are you? P
Help me, please. I'm looking for my sister, Mina. P
She's six years old. P
What does she look like? P
She has short straight hair. P
She's wearing a yellow shirt. P
Is she your sister? P
No, that's not her. She's wearing green pants. P
This puppy is so cute. P
Are you okay? P
Yes, I am. I had a great time. P
10-3 Read Aloud
The little prince lives on a small star. P
He has short curly hair. P
He's wearing a long coat and green pants. P
He waters the flowers every day. P
The little prince has a friend, Charlie. P
He has big ears and short legs. P
He has black eyes and a long tail, too. P
Charlie and the little prince are good friends. P
12-2 Listen and Say
Look! You can put your name. P
Cool. May I try on this band? P
It's pretty. How much are these? P
They're three thousand won. P
Put our names here, please. P
Now, let's try on this band. P
I like this. May I try on this hat? P
It's very small. P
How do I look? P
Turn around, please. P
Great! Let's take a picture. P
12-3 Read Aloud
My brother and I had a plan. It's for Mom's birthday. P
How much are these oranges? P
They're one dollar for tow oranges. P
We bought sixty oranges. P
My brother and I made an orange juice stand. P
We made thirty cups. One cup was two dollars. P
people liked our juice. P
They bought them all. P
Now, We can buy a gift for our mom. P
13-1 Look and Listen
Hello. Can I help you? P
Yes, please. Where is the gift shop? P
I'm sorry. I have no idea. P
Here's a map. Let's look at it. P
It's next to the cookie shop. P
You're welcome. Have a good time. P
I'm hungry. P
What do you want for lunch? P
I want an egg sandwich. P
Where is the restaurant? P
It's behind the ice cream stand. P
13-2 Listen and say
Where is the art room? P
It's between the science room and the music room. P
Where is the music room? P
I can walk with you. P
This is the art room. P
This is my painting. P
Oh, it's our town. It's beautiful. P
Great! Can you take a picture, please? P
No problem. Have a good time. P
14-1 Look and Listen
They're skiing. P
What do you do in your free time? P
I play with my dog. How about you? P
I take pictures. Let's take a picture together. P
Hello. I'm Bak Sanghun. Nice to meet you. P
Hello. I'm Yena. Nice to meet you, too. P
I'm Dave. What are you doing? P
I'm studying this area. P
What do you do in your free time? P
I exercise and grow vegetables. P
14-2 Listen and say
Students, let's talk about your free time. P
What do you do in your free time? P
I listen to music. I like Mozart. P
Good for you! P
I read books about bears. I like bears. P
I bake bread. My mom and dad like it. P
Can I try your bread Iater? P
How about you, Yena? P
I draw pictures. I drew you and our class yesterday. P
14-3 Read Aloud
I'm Emily. I live in Alaska. I love bears. P
I read books about them in my free time. P
I look for bears with my dad and take pictures. P
But we can't see many bears these days. P
It's getting warm and the snow is melting. P
The bears can't find food. So they can't live here. P
How can we help them? P