1 Lesson 1 - Reading
Yesterday, I saw Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey's Circus! P
They were all incredible! P
Some of the performers used long ropes to swing back and forth in the air, P
and this one lady hung onto the trapeze with just her legs! P
It must take a lot of strength and courage to do something so dangerous. P
I wished that I could try something cool like that, P
but the performers all warned us not to imitate them when we're at home. P
Bummer! P
1 Lesson 2 - Conversation
Did you get to watch the circus when you were in New York? P
Yeah, it was awesome! P
I'm so jealous. I wish I could have gone. P
There were so many spectators and all of their shows were fantastic. P
What was your favorite show? P
I enjoyed the tiger show. P
There was tiger show? P
Yes, it was amazing. The tigers did tricks. They jumped through hoops. P
Wow, it sounds cool. P
It is! I want to go back again! P
1 Lesson 3 - Reading
Tennis is definitely my mom's favorite sport. P
She gets so excited about every Wimbledon championship. P
She's a huge fan of the Gentleman's Singles and her favorite player is Andre Agassi. P
Wimbledon is held every June and July in London. P
It's a tournament, so whoever loses a single match is eliminated. P
My mom is planning on actually going to next year's championship. P
1 Lesson 4 - Conversation
Are you going to watch "Breakfast at Wimbledon" tomorrow? P
What's that? P
It's a show that introduces all the tennis players for Wimbledon. P
Not really, I'm not really into tennis. P
Why not? It's such an exciting game. You should really watch it. P
Maybe some other time. P
I'll buy you dinner if you come with me. P
Really? I'll consider going then. P
Great! Meet me in front of the classroom in 30 minutes. P
Sure. I'll see you later. P
1 Lesson 6 - Reading
Every four years, the entire world participates in the summer Olympic Games. It's a huge event! P
Almost every country in the world sends its finest athletes to compete in these games. P
There are two types of Olympics: the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. P
The last Olympics were held in Athens, Greece. That is where it all began! P
My parents told me that the next games will be held in Beijing, China. P
I think that it'd be great if I could actually attend the opening ceremony! P
1 Lesson 7 - Conversation
I can't believe I'll actually get to go to the Olympics in a few years. P
You're kidding! I thought they were being held in Beijing. P
My mom has relatives in China, so we're going to visit them during the summer for the Olympics. P
You're super lucky. I wish I could go, too. P
You should come visit me. P
I wish I could, but it's too far away. P
I know, it's 15 hour flight. P
Also, I can't afford it either. P
Yeah, the airline tickets cost $1500 for round trip. P
That's way too expensive. P
1 Lesson 8 - Reading
I used to think that it would be very hard to do gymnastics if you were a boy. But, not so! P
My mom and I met this one high school gymnast, and he was a very muscular guy! P
I thought that only girls would do something like gymnastics. P
But after watching the guy twirl in the air and do all sorts of neat moves on the pole, I was amazed. P
He's one of the youngest and most talented gymnasts in his entire high school. P
I heard that he even won a scholarship to a fine college and that he's going to compete in the next World Championship as a U.S athlete! P
1 Lesson 9 - Conversation
They made me do gymnastics at school today. P
That must have been so boring. I thought only girls did gymnastics. P
Apparently, not so! Some of those moves were really hard! P
Like which moves? P
The floor exercises where you have to do spins in the air? Those moves are amazing! P
It'll take you years to learn such moves. P
I don't think gymnastic is for me though. P
Why do you say that? P
I'm not very flexible. P
Me too. P
1 Lesson 11 - Reading
For my computer class, I need to write an essay on how computers benefit our world. P
My teacher says that whoever fails to turn in this essay will not be able to go on the field trip to the kids' software convention next month. P
I've been looking forward to that convention for months! P
My mom's program will be on display, and I'm going to tell my friends all about it. P
This convention is held every year and all the kids receive a bag full of goodies. P
Last year, I received more than 10 free games and educational DVDs and CDs. P
I hope that my mom's program gets great reviews this year! P
1 Lesson 12 - Conversation
Mom says we have to go to bed now. P
I guess she wants us to get our rest before we go to the convention tomorrow. P
Yeah. Mom reminded me that we promised to go to bed on time if you were allowed to spend the night. P
I remember, and I sure don't want to break our promise. It is so nice of her to take us to the software convention tomorrow. P
I know. I can't wait to go. It is hard to feel sleepy. P
Yeah. I don't feel sleepy at all. What should we do? P
I'll go ask my Mom if we can have some milk and cookies. Sometimes that makes me feel more like sleeping. P
Good. And while you're gone I'll look for a book we can take turns reading to each other. P
Sure, the books are in my closet. P
What book should we read? P
Let's read a mystery book. P
Sounds great. I'll start looking for the book. P
1 Lesson 13 - Reading
During our PE class, we had to take all sorts of body measurements. P
First, our teacher told us that we had to measure our height. P
I found out today that I was actually the tallest person in my class! P
I'm almost 5 feet tall! We also had to measure our weight and our body mass. P
The body mass tells you how much fat you have in your body. P
According to the machine, I have 14% fat in my body. P
My teacher tells me that this is normal, but she also warned us not to eat too much junk food! P
1 Lesson 14 - Conversation
Tony, are you serious about going on a diet? You're not even fat! P
I don't look fat, but according to my body mass, I have more than 30 % fat in my body! P
Whoa! That's even more than me, and I'm a girl! P
Exactly. From now on, I'm going to drink more juice and try to eat more vegetables. P
You should also exercise. P
I am. I'm going to the gym tonight. P
I should lose weight too. P
You're fine. You don't need to go on a diet. P
I want to live a healthy life style. I need to diet and exercise. P
That's a good choice. P
1 Lesson 16 - Reading
Once I'm done with my homework, I usually spend the rest of my time playing games online. P
Of course, this means I only get to play for about an hour since my parents don't let me use the computer past 8. P
Right now, I'm playing a game in which I have to collect all these different artifacts from wizards that live in different villages. P
My character is a young student who dreams about becoming a famous wizard. P
In order to level up my character, I need to obtain more artifacts. P
The last artifact I found was an ancient scroll with magic spells written on it. P
I wonder what the next artifact will be. P
If my school homework were playing a game online, I would be getting straight A's by now. P
1 Lesson 17 - Conversation
Good morning. Did you do your math homework? P
Hi. Yes, I did it, but I sure didn't enjoy it. P
Yeah, I finished it too, but it took me forever. I kept dragging my feet. P
I worked really hard and finished in half an hour. P
Wow. You were being a really good student. P
Hardly. My parents told me I could play online after I finished my homework. P
Gosh, that would have made me work faster too. There are some pretty fun games online. P
Yes, there are. The one I was playing last night was a lot of fun. P
I am going to see if I can get my parents to consider giving me the same reward. P
Good. I think you'll like it. Maybe we can play together. P
1 Lesson 18 - Reading
My teacher gave me extra credit on my homework for helping her out in the new computer lab. P
I stayed behind and volunteered to help her set up all the new computers in our lab. P
Recently, our school went under a complete renovation. P
Everything is new! I hope that our new computer teacher will let us do more fun things online instead of giving us tons of typing quizzes like our last teacher. P
Some of the kids in my class don't know how to type yet. P
They're such babies. I can type at least 30 words per minute. P
I'm one of the fastest typists in my class! P
Finally! My skills have been recognized and rewarded at school. P
1 Lesson 19 - Conversation
I waited for you after school yesterday. Where were you? P
I'm sorry. I forgot we were going to meet at the park. P
Oh that's okay. Tom came by and we played some hoops. But what were you up to? P
I stayed after school and helped the new computer teacher set up the lab. P
Were you in trouble? P
No, man. I wasn't in trouble. I was honored she asked me. P
Are you sure? P
Absolutely. She offered me extra credit on my homework to stay after class and help her set up the new lab. P
I guess that is pretty cool, but I would still rather play basketball. P
Maybe that is why she asked me. P