1-2 Reading 2
Someone shouted, "Look! There comes another runner!" P
A runner was just entering the stadium, but there was something wrong with his legs. P
Still, he kept going toward the finish line. P
The band and the volunteers stopped their preparations for the closing ceremony. P
All eyes were on the runner. P
Suddenly, the band started playing celebration music, and the volunteers cheered. P
"Go! Go! Go for it!" Two volunteers ran to the finish line with a tape. P
Finally, the runner ran through the tape and then fell to the ground. P
His name was Abdul Baser Wasiqi. He was from Afghanistan. P
1-3 Reading 3
Reporters came up to Wasiqi and started asking him questions. P
What happened to you? P
I injured my leg during a practice run. The injury got worse during the race, but I couldn't give up. P
Why not? You knew that you were too far behind to win a medal. P
I'm the only athlete here representing Afghanistan. There was no way I could give up. P
Afghanistan is still at war, isn't it? P
Yes, we have been at war for 16 years. P
That's why we were not able to send athletes to the Barcelona Olympics four years ago. P
I was sad for my country back then when I could see no Afghan athletes in the opening ceremony. P
1-4 Reading 4
Were you running marathons then? P
I started running after Barcelona. P
I ran in lots of races. P
Finally I won a marathon in Germany. P
As a result, I was able to come to Atlanta. P
How do you feel now? P
I'm proud of myself and proud to be from Afghanistan. P
For me and my country, it was important not to give up. P
I didn't come here to win. P
For me, it was enough to be here and to finish the race. P
2-2 Reading 2
Sohui thought Hayeon was her best friend, but now, Sohui feels that Hayeon has changed and she is avoiding her. P
You know my friend Hayeon, don't you? P
Yeah. Why? What about her? P
I feel she's avoiding me. When I see her at school, she turns around and walks away from me. P
I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have any idea why she does that? P
No. I don't think I've done anything wrong. It just feels like she doesn't like me anymore. P
Maybe you should just ask her if there is something wrong. P
Maybe I should. I still want to be friends with her. P
2-3 Reading 3
Daeho, thinking that new things will make him more popular, often wants new things just because his friends have them. P
Seongjin, look at my new sneakers. What do you think? P
They're nice, but didn't you just buy new sneakers a couple of months ago? P
Yeah, but they're no longer in style. I look cooler in these, right? P
Daeho, wearing the latest fashion doesn't make you cooler or more popular. P
People like you because you're you, not because of your clothes. P
Listen, you're a great guy. You don't need new sneakers to prove it. P
2-4 Reading 4
Recently, Minkyeong was asked out by a boy in her class. P
She wants to say no but does not want to hurt his feelings. P
I need your advice. A boy in my class asked me out. P
I like him, but for now I don't want to go out with him. P
I need to focus on my studies. What should I do? P
Why don't you tell him why you can't go? P
I'm afraid I might hurt his feelings. P
If you don't tell him soon, he will misunderstand your feelings, and you may end up hurting him even more. P
Maybe you're right. Thanks for the advice. P
3-2 Reading 2
Everyone feels happier when the sun shines. P
This is because of serotonin, the body's happy hormone. P
The more sun you get, the more "happy hormone" the brain produces. P
When your serotonin level goes up, you feel happier and stronger. P
This helps you fight everyday stress. P
Serotonin also has a calming effect, helping you focus better on what you are doing. P
Moreover, serotonin helps you get a good night's sleep because it helps the brain produce a sleep hormone. P
3-3 Reading 3
Sunshine does not just make you feel and sleep better. P
It also helps build strong bones. P
As you all know, it is calcium that builds strong bones and teeth. P
However, for the body to use calcium properly, it needs vitamin D. P
Interestingly, the skin creates vitamin D when sunlight shines on it. P
The easiest way to make strong bones is to go outside and enjoy the sun. P
3-4 Reading 4
As you can see, sunshine has many benefits, P
but how can you enjoy its benefits safely? P
Fortunately, getting direct sunlight on your skin for 10 to 20 minutes a day is enough to benefit from it. P
Try to go out into the sun between classes or during lunch breaks and get sunshine on your arms and hands. P
A walk in the sun, for just a few minutes every day, is good for both your mind and your body. P
However, avoid the sun during peak summer hours, between 11 and 3, and use sunscreen to protect your face and neck. P
Enjoy the sun safely and see how a little sunshine can make a world of difference in your health and your mood. P
4-1 Reading 1
Although camping trips can create sweet memories for many people. P
they can also be occasions when bad things happen. P
If you plan to go camping with family or friends this summer. P
You need to keep several things in mind for your safety. P
Listen to Yumin's family talk about their camping trip. P
They seem to know what to do to make their camping trip safe and fun. P
4-2 Reading 2
Dad, why don't we put up our tent over here by this river? P
I don't think that's a good idea. P
If it starts to rain, the river might overflow. P
I know, but the sky is clear. P
I really like the sound of the water! P
The weather can change quickly in the mountains. P
You never know when it might start to rain. P
Safety first! Let's find another place. P
When you set up a tent, choose a flat, sunny area. P
Avoid places too close to big trees that might be struck by lightning. P
4-3 Reading 3
Mom, I'm hungry. What's for lunch? P
I'm cooking Samgyeopsal. P
Mom, that's not enough for all of us. P
Can we cook more in a bigger pan? P
I'm going to cook more, but we have to use this small pan. P
Why do we have to use a small pan? P
Because the pan should not be bigger than the burner. P
If you use a big pan, it sends the heat back to the burner, and the gas can explode! P
I didn't know that. P
Here is one more tip about fire when you go camping. P
Never use a gas heater or burner inside a tent. P
Your tent may catch fire, or you might pass out because the fire will use up the oxygen in the tent as it burns. P
4-4 Reading 4
Ouch! Mosquitoes! P
I forgot to tell you to apply some bug spray. Here. P
You know what? We can rub orange peels on our skin instead of applying bug spray. P
It is a nature-friendly way to keep mosquitoes away. P
That's interesting! P
Garlic can also keep bugs away. P
You can place pieces of garlic at the entrance to the tent, and bugs will not come inside. P
5-1 Reading 1
Everything you do says something about you. P
The language you use, the clothes you wear, and even the pets you raise somehow show what kind of person you are. P
The things you draw are not much different. P
What you draw and how you draw it are related to your personality. P
Doctors have been using various drawing tests to better understand people. P
5-2 Reading 2
One of those tests is the Draw-a-Person-in-the-Rain (DAPR) test. P
Study the pictures below. P
The person in Drawing A is holding an umbrella in a light rain. P
On the other hand, the person in Drawing B is in a heavy rain and has no umbrella. P
Also, there are dark clouds above the person in Drawing B. P
What can these differences mean? P
5-3 Reading 3
First, the rain shows the stress the person who drew the picture is under. P
The bigger the drops are or the more heavily the rain is falling, the bigger the stress is. P
The clouds mean problems waiting to happen, so a big cloud shows the drawer is not very hopeful about the future. P
Second, the umbrella means the protection the person has in a stressful situation. P
A big umbrella shows that the drawer has a lot of plans or protection. P
If there’s no umbrella in the drawing, the drawer does not have any means to deal with difficult situations. P
5-4 Reading 4
Third, the details in the drawing of the person have to do with the drawer’s attitude under stress. P
For example, someone who draws a person without a face does not want to draw people’s attention to himself or herself. P
Someone who draws the person on the right side of the paper is ready to meet the future. P
On the other hand, someone who draws the person on the left side may be worried about things that have happened in the past. P
These are some of the possible meanings of each part of the drawings. P
Now, go back and look at the two drawings. P
Try reading them yourself. P
Can you understand what kind of person drew each one? What’s your opinion? P
6-1 Reading 1
Seyun rides his bike to school every day. P
He likes his bike, but he is taller and stronger this year. P
His bike has become too small for him, so he wants to buy a bigger, faster one. P
However, he does not have enough money in his savings account. P
What can he do? P
Suddenly, Seyun had an idea. P
“My old bike is almost as good as a new one. P
Maybe I can sell it and add the money to buy a new one. P
6-2 Reading 2
He acted fast. P
He took a photo of his bike with his smartphone and posted the picture, P
with a short comment, on an online market: P
“Used bike in excellent condition. Only 100,000 won. Please text me.” P
He was excited, thinking about the bike he planned to buy. P
He could see himself riding the shiny new bike. P
He could not wait to get a reply to his online advertisement. P
Every few minutes he checked the number of hits. P
As the number of hits went up, his expectations went up too. P
One hour passed, then two, and finally a whole day, but he received no texts. P
Nobody seemed to want his bike. P
New postings by other people pushed his post down the list. P
His heart began to sink. P
6-3 Reading 3
“What’s wrong with my posting? Is my bike not attractive enough?” P
He searched on the Internet for tips on how to sell online. P
Then he realized what he had done wrong. P
He had been too hasty and too greedy. P
He had not given enough information to the possible buyers. P
Also, when compared to other bicycles, his price was too high. P
He wrote a new posting with a longer description of the bike. P
He added more photos to show his bike from different angles. P
“Twenty-four inch bicycle. Excellent condition. P
Always kept indoors. Rides just like new. P
Very few scratches. Good for someone 12-14 years old. 80,000 won. P
6-4 Reading 4
This time he got several texts. P
Sadly, they all asked for a lower price. P
It was hard to accept at first, but finally he sold his bike for 70,000 won. P
He met the buyer, handed over his bike, and got the money he needed. P
Now he could get a new bike. P
He felt both happy and sad. P
He was sad to see his old bike go. P
but he was happy with himself because he had learned a lot and grown up a bit through the experience. P
7-1 Reading 1
Think about a hole that you have seen recently. P
Was it a good hole or a bad hole? P
If it was a hole in your sock, it was bad. P
If it was a hole in your shirt for a button, it was good. P
There are holes everywhere. P
Some are so small you may not even notice them. P
They are well hidden, but many of these small holes are very important and make your life safe. P
7-2 Reading 2
Take a pen. Look at it carefully. P
Do you see a small hole in the cap? Do you know why it is there? P
The hole in a pen cap can help save lives. P
People, especially children, often put small things like pen caps in their mouths. P
Sometimes they even swallow them. P
This can stop their breathing and cause death. P
A famous pen company started putting a small hole in their pen caps. P
The hole in the cap lets air pass through and has saved lives. P
7-3 Reading 3
If you look around, you will see other holes that play a helpful role in your life. P
If you have ever cooked anything in a pot with a lid, perhaps you noticed a small hole in the lid. P
This hole, too, is there for safety. P
When cooking something in a pot with a lid, the pressure inside the pot builds up. P
The water inside would quickly boil over if the lid did not have that hole. P
The hole lets steam out and keeps the water from coming out. P
7-4 Reading 4
Have you ever been on an airplane? P
Wasn’t it exciting to look out the window and see the world below? P
Surprisingly, there was a small hole in your window. P
Airplane windows are made up of three panes. P
There is a hole in the middle pane. P
It balances the air pressure. P
Without this little hole, airplane windows might break in an emergency. P
The hole also prevents the window from fogging up so that you can enjoy that fantastic view. P
There are many more products that have small hidden holes. P
In the future, when you see a little hole in something, ask yourself why it is there. P
Maybe it is the result of a careful design to make your life safer. P
8-1 Reading 1
What do you do when you catch a cold? P
Of course, you want to stay warm, P
so maybe you put on more clothes. P
Some people like to drink hot tea. P
Ginger tea is something people in Korea often drink. P
With its special taste, it warms your body and helps reduce the pain in your throat. P
What do people drink or eat in other countries when they catch a cold? Let’s find out. P
8-2 Reading 2
In Finland, where it is very cold in winter, people have a special drink when they catch a cold. P
It is a cup of onion milk. P
They put chopped onion in milk and boil it over low heat for half an hour. P
This simple drink is said to be good for a cold. P
While people in Korea and Finland look for drinks when sick. P
many people in America want a bowl of chicken soup. P
It is usually made with chicken and vegetables, but the recipe is different from one family to another. P
Salt and pepper can be added before eating. P
People in America believe that a bowl of warm chicken soup is great for a sore throat and a stuffy nose. P
8-3 Reading 3
In Russia and in Eastern Europe, when people get sick, they eat a dessert called gogol-mogol. P
It is made with eggs and honey. P
Some people add chocolate, butter, lemon juice, or milk to make it taste better. P
It looks like thick yogurt. P
People often drink a cup of warm gogol-mogol when they have a sore throat. P
Gogol-mogol is not only good for people with a cold but also popular as a dessert for healthy people. P
When served as a dessert, it is usually served cold or at room temperature. P
8-4 Reading 4
Why not try making one of the foods you have found out about? P
It will be fun and good for your health. P
How to Make Gogol-mogol (Serves one) P
You need: 1 egg, 1/2 cup of milk, honey (5g), butter (15g) P
Put the egg and the honey in a large cup and mix them. P
Pour half a cup of milk in a pan. P
Add the butter. P
Warm it until the butter melts. P
Pour the hot milk and butter into the cup with the egg and the honey. P
Stir as you pour. P
Drink while it is hot. P