1-1 Reading 1

Welcome to "All about Teens. "I'm Dr.Carter. P

Today, we're going to talk about using good communication skills to express ourselves more effectively. P

Let's start with our first clip about Brian. P

When he tries to talk to his brother, he always ends up arguing with his brother. P

Let's find out the reason why he has this problem. P

"You lost my earphones again. P

Why are you so careless?” P

Brian is starting a sentence with "you" to express his feelings. P

Instead, he should use the "I-message." P

”" Starting with "I" can help him focus on what he feels or thinks rather than point the finger at his brother. P

"I'm really upset because my favorite earphones are lost. P

1-2 Reading 2

Next is Calli. She is trying to talk to her mother, but she is busy preparing to go to work. Let's have a look. P

"Hey, Mom. Could I talk to you about something?" P

Calli needs to find the right time to talk to her mom. P

Maybe Calli's mom wanted to listen to what Calli was going to say. P

But she didn't have enough time to talk with her daughter. P

Calli should pick a time when her mom is ready to listen. P

"Hey, Mom. Could I talk to you about something?" P

1-3 Reading 3

Now, let's take a look at our last clip. P

Anna and Julie are best friends, but Anna often hurts Julie's feelings. P

"Don't put your bag on my desk!" P

Julie probably felt uncomfortable because Anna made a demand using the word "don't." P

People simply don't like taking orders. P

Anna should try to use words such as "can," "could," or "please." P

Then, what she says will sound like a request rather than a demand. P

"Could you put your bag on your desk?" P

As we saw in the video clips, a small change in the way we express ourselves can solve or even prevent communication problems. P

Let's keep these tips in mind! P

2-1 Reading 1

The beauty of nature inspires us all. P

Let's find out how people from different fields of work get inspired by nature. P

I've been visiting the stone forest of Madagascar to study plants and animals for over 20 years. P

The spiky stones of this place are true miracles of nature. P

This amazing shape has been created by rainfall. P

Rain has cut down the stones and made them sharp and spiky over a long period of time. P

The environment is harsh for animals to live in, but they have found ways to survive. P

For example, lemurs, which only live in Madagascar, have frog-like legs that help them jump from one stone tower to another. P

For me, the stone forest is like a jack-in-the-box. P

It always surprises me and keeps me on my toes! P

2-2 Reading 2

The world is filled with millions of different colors. P

It is my job to mix, develop, and create colors for clothing. P

Over the years, I've been gaining insights from the beautiful colors of Cano Cristales. P

You cannot see the wonderful mixed colors of this river anywhere else in the world. P

The combination of colorful plants under the water and sunlight makes the colors more alive and bright. P

Whenever I visit the Cano Cristales, it makes me think that maybe there are still countless colors that are waiting to be created. P

2-3 Reading 3

I'm a location scout and my job is finding perfect places to shoot movies. P

Iceland is the best place for many location scouts to visit due to its unusual beauty. P

My personal favorite is the Vatnajokull National Park. P

The sharp cliffs, blue glacier caves, and long mountain ranges can stand in for any place in the world or the universe. P

In fact, the recent sci-fi movie we shot here was produced without using computer graphics! P

Iceland can help make our wildest dreams come true on the movie screen. P

3-1 Reading 1

In 1946, a strange man visited me and asked, P

"Are you Mr.Kim Yonghwan's daughter?" P

For me, this was an odd question because I was more used to being called the daughter of a parakho. P

"I'm your father's friend. P

You may wonder if it is true, but your father." the man said. P

At that moment, I was expecting disappointing news since I did not have good memories of my father..," the man said. P

3-2 Reading 2

Back in the 1920's, whenever people saw me in the village, they would say, P

"There goes the parakho's daughter. " P

My father was a son from a very rich family. P

Instead of living the life of a seonbi, he was always at the gambling house. P

That is why he was called a parakho, which means someone who ruins his family's fortune. P

"Your father has gambled away all of the money, and now he's asking for more. P

Go and tell him that we have no more money left," P

my mother would tell me whenever she sent me to the gambling house. P

Then, my father would yell at me angrily, P

"Why did you come empty-handed? Bring me more money!" P

3-3 Reading 3

When I was sixteen years old, my family had already made an arrangement for me to marry Mr.Seo. P

As part of the wedding tradition, Mr.Seo's family sent my family some money to buy a new chest for clothes. P

Right before the wedding day, my mother came into my room and said, P

"Your father has taken the money for the chest." P

I asked angrily, "How could he do such a horrible thing? P

What should we do now?" P

3-4 Reading 4

"We have no choice. You'll have to take your aunt's old chest," my mother said. P

"How embarrassing for the family," people would whisper behind my back. P

Since the first day of marriage, life at my husband's house had been difficult for me. P

3-5 Reading 5

"Your father, my dear friend. ..," my father's friend continued his story. P

"He was not a gambler. Your father sent the family money to the independence fighters in Manchuria. P

He made himself look like a gambler to keep this a secret from the Japanese officers." P

At first, I was not sure if he was telling the truth. P

But afterwards, I found out the truth about my father and I realized that I had been wrong about him. P

Ever since that moment, I have been proud to be the daughter of a parakho who had devoted his life to the independence movement. P

4-1 Reading 1

"The world sends us garbage, we send back music." P

This was written on the back of a concert ticket I was given. P

The musical group was called "The Junk Orchestra." P

They played instruments made entirely out of garbage. P

I could not imagine what kind of sound these instruments would make, so I was eager to find out. P

4-2 Reading 2

Before the concert, I thought that the instruments might sound strange. P

After a few minutes, a group of young people began to walk on the stage. P

The first thing I noticed was their instruments. P

a cello made out of a shiny oil tank, a violin made with forks. P

and a flute made with a water pipe and buttons. P

The concert began with a girl playing Bach's Cello Suite No.1 on her shiny cello. P

I was shocked by the deep sound. P

I was so into the music that I forgot that they were playing with instruments made from recycled materials. P

4-3 Reading 3

After the concert, I was eager to write a story about the orchestra. P

I met Favio Chavez, the conductor, and asked him about the orchestra. P

Why did you start The Junk Orchestra? P

When I went to a small town called Cateura in Paraguay to work on a recycling program in 2005. P

I saw children living in a town that was mostly filled with garbage. P

I wanted to add something positive to their lives. P

so I decided to share my love of music with them. P

4-4 Reading 4

Why did you use garbage to make instruments? P

One person's garbage is another person's treasure. P

Nicolas Gomez, a local garbage picker, helped me a lot. P

He made it possible for children to play music by making instruments out of garbage. P

The wonderful thing about these instruments was that the children didn't have to worry about spending a lot of money on them. P

What do you want people to learn through your music? P

I want people to know that even something worthless can make inspiring music. P

After interviewing Chavez. P

I realized that it really doesn't matter what instrument you play with as long as you put your heart into playing it. P

The children of Cateura showed me that an orchestra is formed by people, not by instruments. P

5-1 Reading 1

Every day we watch, hear, or read interesting news. P

However, have you ever seriously considered whether an article is really true? P

Everyone likes an interesting news story but what if it is completely made up? P

Fake news can be very harmful in that it can make people less informed or even misled. P

Nevertheless, there have been various fake news reports throughout history. P

Why have some people written such false information? P

Let’s look into some articles thinking about the hidden motives behind them. P

5-2 Reading 2

Last night, an angry group of rhinoceroses broke down the walls of the cage at the zoo and escaped. P

They also broke down the walls of the other wild animals’ cages. P

These animals ran down the streets and injured hundreds of people. P

Twelve of the animals are still on the loose. P

Citizens should stay indoors until further notice. P

Not a single act or incident described above has taken place. P

At that time, those who read the article carefully laughed out loud. P

Those who didn’t read it to the end got really worried. P

Not knowing the news was false, many people panicked. P

Some tried to escape the city while others went into the parks with guns to hunt the animals. P

So why did The Herald make up such news? P

Later, they confessed that they made it up so that they could draw the readers’ attention to the unsafe conditions at the zoo. P

5-3 Reading 3


Mejk Swenekafew, a Slav worker at the Columbia Coal Mine, P

was shot and seriously wounded by John Pecitello near the mining camp Thursday evening. P

The two men had an argument during a meeting. P

The argument led to a fight, and Pecitello shot Swenekafew twice, in the chest and leg. P

He is now at the hospital in critical condition. P

Pecitello ran away after the shooting. P

The police are searching for him now and are warning citizens that he is extremely dangerous. P

5-4 Reading 4

Is there anything strange about the article? Read the Slav’s name backwards; P

it spells “we-fake-news.” P

Who wrote this and why? P

The Daily Telegram published this fake article so that they could prove if The Daily News, their competitor, was stealing their articles. P

The Daily News published the same article about “Swenekafew” the next day and thus got caught stealing. P

The people at The Daily News had to admit their act and were harshly criticized by the public. P

5-5 Reading 5

The two articles were special cases, but there are many “fake” news articles published every day. P

As readers, we need to read critically and judge whether the news is real or fake. P

How to spot fake news! P

CONSIDER the Source P

Is it from a reliable source? Can we trust the writer? P

CHECK the Date P

Is it a new or an old story? Is it related to current events? P

READ BEYOND the Headlines P

Does the headline match the content? P

FIND Supporting Sources P

Do other related stories provide similar content? P

6-1 Reading 1

A rich and wise father had two sons, Puru and Puneet. P

Before he passed away, he called his two sons to give them some last words of advice. P

“Listen carefully, my dear sons. P

Live by these words throughout your life, and you will be happy,” he said. P

Build a house in every city. P

Sleep comfortably. P

Enjoy your food. P

Lastly, spend money like a rich man. P

Before he could explain himself, he passed away. P

6-2 Reading 2

After his death, the two sons took their share of the father’s wealth and settled in different cities. P

Five years passed. P

Puru, who had been following his father’s words carefully, had no money left. P

But his brother was richer than ever. P

Puru was puzzled about where he had gone wrong. P

so he visited Puneet to find out. P

6-3 Reading 3

Puneet welcomed Puru with open arms. P

That night, when the brothers sat down to chat after dinner, P

Puru asked the question that had been on his mind for days. P

“It was our father’s advice that I followed, but I am not happy. P

I built a house in every city. P

But because I could not always stay there, I hired people and had the house looked after. P

Father said we should sleep comfortably and enjoy our food. P

so I had my bed designed by experts and my meals prepared by a great chef. P

He told us to spend like a rich man, so I bought what I wanted without worrying about money. P

But look at me now! I am empty-handed. P

Did you not follow our father’s wisdom? P

Tell me, brother, how did you get so rich?” P

6-4 Reading 4

Puneet smiled and said, “My dear brother, I also followed our father’s wisdom. P

But I understood it a bit differently. P

When he said ‘build a house in every city,’ P

I took it as having a place to stay all around the world. P

So I made friends in every city and I stayed at their houses when I visited those cities. P

Also, I slept comfortably each night because I would be tired after a hard day’s work, P

and it did not matter if I was sleeping on a bed or on the hard floor. P

I ate only when I was hungry, so even a simple meal tasted great. P

6-5 Reading 5

“Spend money like a rich man?” continued Puneet. P

A rich man knows how to make money grow. P

So, I tried to spend money on something that would bring me back more money rather than on luxurious things. P

For me, it was this wisdom that our father tried to explain. P

Now Puru realized how foolish he had been. P

With this wisdom in mind, Puru started a new life. P

7-1 Reading 1

Why We Buy What We Buy. P

Have you ever wondered why you’ve bought things that you don’t even want or need? P

Let’s consider what affects us when it comes to buying things. P

7-2 Reading 2

Why do I want to buy what my friends bought? P

Jeff goes to the shopping center and sees a pair of soccer shoes on display. P

He recognizes the shoes at a glance because more than half of the boys on his soccer team wear them. P

Although he already has many pairs of soccer shoes, he ends up buying another new pair. P

We can use the “bandwagon effect” to explain Jeff’s behavior. P

A bandwagon is a wagon in a parade that encourages people to jump aboard and enjoy the music. P

As more and more people get on the bandwagon, others are more likely to get on or follow it. P

In this way, people tend to buy something just because other people have bought it. P

7-3 Reading 3

Why do I buy a pair of pants and a bag after I have bought a new coat? P

Lisa buys a coat that she really loves. P

Immediately, she realizes that her pants do not match her new coat. P

So, she buys new pants that go perfectly with her new coat. P

But she sees that none of her bags match her new clothes. P

So, she buys a new bag. P

Most of her money is spent on buying the new items to complete her new look. P

What made Lisa search for new items immediately after buying a new coat? P

The “Diderot effect” may explain it. P

Denis Diderot, a French writer, received a new gown as a gift. P

Soon after receiving the gift, he noticed that all of his furniture did not go well with his new gown. P

So, he ended up replacing most of it. P

The Diderot effect, therefore, is the concept that purchasing a new item often leads to more unplanned purchases. P

7-4 Reading 4

Why do I buy things just because they are on sale? P

Nathan goes window shopping and sees a pair of headphones. P

He checks the price and finds out that they are $200. P

He thinks that the headphones are too expensive. P

The sales person approaches him and says, P

“You can get a 20 percent discount on those headphones. P

” Even though the discounted price is still not very low, Nathan decides to buy the headphones. P

The situation described above is an example of the “anchoring effect. P

” The price mentioned first affects our opinion of prices mentioned afterwards. P

For example, if we start with $200, then $160 will seem cheap in comparison. P

Furthermore, as the difference of the two prices becomes bigger, the effect will be more powerful. P

As such, the price mentioned first acts as an “anchor” that fixes our thoughts about the price of an item. P

7-5 Reading 5

Just like Jeff and his friends, we tend to buy things without seriously considering why we are buying them. P

As these effects have shown, many things influence our purchases. P

The next time you decide to buy something, think for a moment about why you are buying it. P

8-1 Reading 1

Hi, science fans. P

Today, we’re going to talk about space travel. P

As we all know, there is nothing faster than light in the universe. P

So, if we travel at the speed of light. P

we should be able to get to another planet in the blink of an eye, right? P

That would be nice, but space is so vast that it is not possible. P

In the movie, Passengers, a spaceship headed to a different planet travels at one-half the speed of light. P

So it should get to another planet very quickly, right? P

But, the passengers sleep for 120 years because it is expected to take that much time to get to a different planet. P

8-2 Reading 2

120 years? Wow, that’s a long time! Is there a faster way to travel through space? P

Well, in order to answer that question, I’d like you to think about this apple for a second. P

Imagine a worm is on this apple. P

It detects something sweet at the bottom and wants to move from the top to the bottom. P

For the worm, the apple’s surface is as vast as our universe. P

Now the worm can either move around the outer layer or down a wormhole. P

Which do you think it will choose? P

Well, it would choose the wormhole because it is a shortcut. P

8-3 Reading 3

Is there such a shortcut in the universe? P

According to some researchers, yes. P

Einstein figured out that space and time are connected, and he called it space-time. P

He thought that space-time could actually be bent. P

When it is bent, parts that are far away from each other are suddenly closer. P

To understand this, take a sheet of paper and make a small dot at the top of the paper and another at the bottom of the paper. P

On a flat sheet of paper, the dots are far away from one another. P

Now, take the paper and fold it with the dots matched up. P

Punch a hole in the paper and the dots will be instantly connected. P

Like this, wormholes in space may contain two mouths, with a throat connecting the two. P

8-4 Reading 4

Just like a wormhole in the apple, right? P

If such wormholes existed in space, we could get to places billions of light-years away quickly! P

Yes, but it’s too early to celebrate. P

Wormholes exist in theory only. P

So all we need to do is find one, right? P

Even if we find one, there are many things to consider before actually going through one. P

A wormhole would be very unstable. P

If a spaceship flew into one, it might be crushed or broken into pieces. P

8-5 Reading 5

Ouch! That’s not a pretty picture. P

So, are we hopeless? Is traveling in space through a wormhole simply an idea that only exists in theory? P

I wouldn’t say so. P

The debate about wormholes is still ongoing, P

but with persistent exploration and research, I believe we will eventually find one and learn how to travel through it. P

Look back at our history. P

We’ve achieved so many things that seemed impossible at first. P

Who knows? Maybe you can be the one to find the answer! P