4-1 Meals Part A

Did you eat breakfast this morning? P

Yes, I ate a couple eggs and a slice of toast. P

Are you hungry now? Do you want supper? P

No, I'm not hungry. I had a late lunch this afternoon. P

What did you have? P

I had noodles. P

Well, what do you want for dinner tonight? P

For dinner, let's go out to eat. P

4-2 Meals Part B

What kind of breakfast do you like to eat? P

I like the Asian-style breakfast, rice porridge. P

Do you usually buy lunch? P

No, I pack it from home. P

Will you eat Thanksgiving dinner with us? P

I wouldn't miss it for the world. P

I'm not too hungry, do you have anything for a snack? P

How do nachos and salsa sound? P

4-3 Days Part A

What day is it today? P

It's Tuesday. P

Do you know if it's going to rain? P

No, it isn't going to rain until the day after tomorrow. P

It's good that your track and field meet is tomorrow. P

No, the date was changed. It's on Friday. P

Then I hope it doesn't rain on Friday. P

Yeah, they said if it rains, the competition will be cancelled. P

4-4 Days Part B

Did you see the rain two days ago? P

Yes, I was at the park having a picnic when it started pouring. P

My whole body is still sore from that track meet. P

But that was two Saturdays ago! P

You have been studying so hard for the past few days. P

Yeah, I have a test coming up in three days. P

Marty, why did it take so long for you to get home today? P

Because I got a traffic ticket on the way home; I was speeding. P

4-5 Months Part A

When is your anniversary? P

It is in August. P

Is that next month? P

It will be in a month and a half. P

Oh, I see. What are you going to do? P

I don't know. I didn't decide it yet. P

Then, what did you do last anniversary? P

Well, it was our tenth anniversary, so we went on a cruise with the kids. P

4-6 Months Part B

I really don't like peeling kiwis, the skin is so tough. P

No, no. First, cut it in half, and then scoop it out with a spoon. P

When did you get back from your cruise? P

We got back a week ago, but I have another cruise planned for next month. P

Here you are, Happy Valentine's Day. P

Valentine's is in February. It's January now. P

Do you remember the fireworks last month? P

Of course, I remember them, they lit up the sky. P

4-7 Seasons Part A

Which season do you like best? P

My favorite season is winter. P

Really? Winter? Do you like the snow and slush? P

Not the slush, but I like the snow. Then I get to go skiing. P

My favorite is late summer, or early fall. P

Ah, when it's just starting to cool down? P

Yeah, that's the best. Especially when there's a breeze. P

Very true, the weather is nice at that time. P

4-8 Seasons Part B

My tulips are about to sprout. P

Yeah, that's right. It's Spring! P

Do you want to have a pool party this summer? P

Sure! Your house or mine? P

What's your favorite thing about autumn? P

That's easy, the changing colors of the leaves. P

What's your favorite winter sport? P

I like sledding. What's yours? P

4-9 When? Part A

Henry, are you free now? P

No, sorry, I'm really busy right now. Why? P

I need your help with something. P

What is it? I helped you earlier. P

Yeah. How about later? Before dinner? P

I think I'll be busy until dinnertime. P

Okay then, can we do it after supper? P

Fine, I'll help you out after supper. P

4-10 When? Part B

Hey, Sarah, could you move out of the way? I'm really busy. P

That's too bad. There's a big party tonight that you'll miss! P

What do you do after a long hard day? P

I take a nice, long, and warm bubble bath. P

Your tie was a real mess! P

Yeah, thanks for helping me out. P

Do you need to go to the bank machine? P

Nope, I got cash before I came. P

4-11 Telling Time Part A

Do you have the time? P

It's almost ten o'clock now. Ten to ten. P

Is it time for the movie? P

No, not yet. The movie starts at eleven fifteen. P

Okay. Then, what should we do now? P

We should eat, but the food court closes at ten. P

In 10 minutes? That's not enough time. P

It's fine, let's hurry and order our food. P

4-12 Telling Time Part B

What's in the box? P

Wow, there is a clock. It says it's five-thirty. P

What time do you wake up in the mornings? P

I usually get up around 7, but today I woke up at five o'clock. P

Danny, I can't see the clock, can you? P

Yeah, it's right here, it's twenty-five past two. P

Take a look at this sundial! P

Oh, neat, it says it's quarter-to three right now. P

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