1-1 Reading 1

Many young people are making the world a better place. P

For example, Carter and Olivia Ries have become leaders in saving animals. P

Although they are only teenagers, they have actually made a difference in the world. P

How were they able to do that? Let's hear from Carter. P

1-2 Reading 2

When I was five, my little sister Olivia and I each adopted a cheetah. P

Did we raise cheetahs at home? No, we donated to a charity that protects wild cheetahs in South Africa. P

Our parents told us that if we did not protect them, we might not be able to see cheetahs in the near future. P

We soon became interested in helping other endangered animals. P

A few years later, with help from our parents, we created a non-profit organization to protect them. P

We wanted the next generation to be able to see these animals, so we named our organization One More Generation. P

We also studied endangered animals and educated our friends about them. P

1-3 Reading 3

Then one day, a terrible oil spill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. P

A lot of sea animals were completely covered with oil, and they were dying. P

We had to do something. P

We started collecting animal rescue supplies such as pet carrying cages and rubber gloves from everyone in our neighborhood. P

Four months later, our family drove to the Gulf of Mexico to deliver what we collected and helped to save the animals. P

While we were working there, we learned something very useful. P

When we put mayonnaise into a turtle's throat, the turtle threw up. P

That way, we were able to get oil out of turtles. P

I never knew mayonnaise could be used to save animals! P

1-4 Reading 4

On our last day, we met a marine life specialist. P

She told us that plastic waste is more dangerous to sea animals than oil spills are. P

A lot of sea animals and sea birds die from eating plastic waste. P

After we came home, we created an educational project about how to reduce plastic waste. P

In addition to this, our organization continues to do various projects to save animals. P

Although we started small, we are making a big difference. P

What you do today can change the world, so take that first step! P

2-1 Reading 1

Odin, who is the highest god, gave up his eye for wisdom. P

Thor is Odin's son and the strongest god of all. P

Frey, who is the god of the harvest, controls the weather. P

Loki is a god who plays tricks on others. P

Thor woke and knew immediately something was wrong. P

His wife's beautiful golden hair was gone. He knew only Loki could do such a terrible thing. P

Thor soon found Loki, who was drinking at home. P

"You'd better undo what you did, or you'll be sorry," Thor said angrily to Loki. P

Loki was scared. He promised that he would get golden hair for Thor's wife. P

2-2 Reading 2

Loki knew only the sons of Ivaldi could make fine golden hair. P

He went to them and said, "I heard Brokk and his brother are the finest smiths. Is that true?" P

"No, it is we who are the finest smiths," the sons of Ivaldi replied. P

"They're making three treasures for Odin, Thor, and Frey," said Loki. P

"Do you think you can make treasures better than theirs?" P

"Of course we can," they answered. P

"O.K., then you should also make three treasures for them," said Loki. "The gods will decide on the best treasure." P

Loki also told them that one of the treasures had to be golden hair. They went to work immediately. P

Loki then went to see Brokk and his brother. P

"Ivaldi's sons are making three treasures for Odin, Thor, and Frey," said Loki. P

"I bet that you can never make treasures as fine as theirs." P

Brokk became angry and accepted the challenge. He and his brother produced three treasures of their own. P

2-3 Reading 3

Loki went to see the three gods with all the treasures. Brokk came along. P

Loki showed them the treasures from Ivaldi's sons. P

The first treasure was for Odin, who had only one eye. P

It was a spear that never missed its target. P

The second treasure was a big ship that could turn into a piece of cloth. It was for Frey. P

The third treasure was for Thor. P

Loki showed Thor the flowing golden hair for his wife. P

Thor put the hair on his wife's head, and it took root and became real hair. P

It was now Brokk's turn to show the gods his gifts. P

He gave Odin a gold arm ring that produced eight more gold rings every ninth night. P

Brokk then gave Frey a pig. P

It could pull his carriage faster than any horse. P

"My third treasure is for you, Thor," said Brokk. P

"This is the hammer Mjolnir, which you'll love. P

If you throw it, it'll always come back to you. P

Moreover, nothing can ever break it.” P

It was an easy decision to choose the greatest treasure. P

It was Mjolnir that the three gods liked most. P

They thought the hammer would protect the gods from their enemies. P

"Brokk and his brother,' said Odin, "are the better smiths. P

Brokk proved that Loki was wrong, and the three gods now had precious treasures. P

3-1 Reading 1

Popeye and the Great Spinach P

Popeye is a world-famous cartoon character. P

He gets his super power by eating spinach. P

When Popeye became popular in the 1930s in the United States, a lot of children began to eat spinach. P

Crystal City in Texas, which is called the spinach capital of the world, even built a statue of Popeye. P

Although eating spinach will not give us super powers, spinach does have a lot of nutrients. P

It is actually considered one of the ten healthiest foods on the planet. P

3-2 Reading 2

Spinach can be used in a surprising way. P

When it absorbs water, spinach also absorbs many other things from the soil. P

Some scientists have used this characteristic of spinach to find bombs hidden in the ground. P

They make special spinach plants with sensors on their leaves. P

When these plants soak up traces from bombs, the sensors light up. P

3-3 Reading 3

In 1940, the Royal Air Force defeated German fighters during World War II by using a radar system. P

The British government wanted to keep this technology a secret, so it published an article in the newspaper. P

It said that British pilots improved their night vision because they ate a lot of carrots. P

Everybody believed the story and began to eat a lot more carrots than before. P

Can we really improve night vision by eating lots of carrots? P

Not really, but carrots contain a lot of vitamin A, which does keep our eyes healthy. P

In the future, carrots may actually be used in wars. P

Scottish researchers have discovered a way to turn carrots into a very strong and light material. P

It can even be used to make battleships. P

This new material has already been used to make snowboards and bicycles. P

3-4 Reading 4

Tomatoes, the Scariest Vegetables P

We all know that tomatoes are good for our health. P

Up until the 1800s, however, most Americans thought that tomatoes were poisonous. P

In 1820, a man named Robert Johnson wanted to prove that tomatoes were safe to eat. P

So, he ate a basket of tomatoes in front of many people watching him. P

They all expected him to die, but nothing happened to him. P

Ever since then, Americans have enjoyed eating tomatoes. P

We are no longer afraid of tomatoes, but some insects are still scared of them. P

If you want to keep insects away from your room, place a bowl of crushed tomatoes in a corner of your room. P

Insects will not come near the tomatoes. P

4-1 Reading 1

For the past several years, the underwater photographer Zin Kim has promoted the culture of Jeju haenyeo worldwide. P

Haenyeo are Korean female divers who harvest seafood without any breathing devices. P

Their culture made UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list in 2016. P

At her studio last week, Zin Kim was interviewed about her experience of taking pictures of haenyeo. P

4-2 Reading 2

How did you become interested in taking photos of haenyeo? P

One day, I happened to take pictures of a haenyeo. P

I was surprised to find that she was enjoying her job. P

Until then, I had only seen black-and-white photos of haenyeo who looked very tired. P

However, she kept laughing even after she had been in the water for over five hours. P

I realized then that I should take pictures of haenyeo. P

You take beautiful pictures of them, but isn’t it difficult to take pictures of haenyeo? P

At first, they didn’t understand why I wanted to take their pictures. P

They didn’t think they looked pretty in their wetsuits. P

I said to them, “You’re very special. P

I want to show your culture to the world." P

They opened up to me then. P

Of course, I also promised them that I would make them look beautiful in my pictures. P

4-3 Reading 3

Could you tell us more about haenyeo? What’s so special about them? P

I can tell you three things. P

First, haenyeo are a symbol of strong women. P

Jejudo, which is a volcanic island, is not suitable for farming, so many haenyeo have become the breadwinners for their families. P

Second, haenyeo form their own communities and help each other. P

For example, more-experienced haenyeo train less-experienced haenyeo. P

Third, because they stay in the water without any breathing devices, haenyeo can't catch a lot of seafood. P

This is good for the underwater environment. P

Catching too much marine life at one time in one place can destroy the ocean. P

4-4 Reading 4

Lastly, please tell us what you’re planning to do in the future. P

I once attended an overseas exhibition with a couple of haenyeo to give a talk about their lives. P

When I finished my talk, one of the haenyeo held my hand tightly. P

She said to me, “Thank you so much. P

I’ve never known in my whole life that I was such a special person. P

She was crying with happiness. P

Everyone in the audience was deeply moved. P

I can never forget that moment, so I’ll continue to take pictures of haenyeo. P

I want to tell more beautiful stories about them to many more people in the world. P

5-1 Reading 1

Do you think you have a unique problem? P

Chances are that many other people have the same problem. P

Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior, P

so it can help you find a solution to your problem. P

5-2 Reading 2

How do I become less nervous? P

It was five minutes before Jisu’s big presentation in front of the whole class. P

Feeling nervous, Jisu was carefully studying her notes in her chair. P

Then, her teacher came over and told her to stand tall like Wonder Woman. P

After standing tall for a few minutes, Jisu did not feel nervous anymore. P

In fact, she was confident that she would make a great presentation. P

According to Amy Cuddy, a famous psychologist, P

we can become more confident just by standing tall for two minutes before stressful events. P

Our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior. P

Do you want to feel confident? Stand with your feet apart, and place your hands on your hips. P

You will not only feel sure about yourself but also look confident to other people. P

5-3 Reading 3

Who can help me feel better? P

When he graduates from high school next year, Taeho wants to become a professional farmer. P

However, he has never told anyone about it. P

He is worried that his parents or his friends will not understand. P

Wanting to clear his mind, Taeho decided to take a day trip on a train by himself. P

On the train, he told a complete stranger sitting beside him about his problem. P

He had no idea why he did it. P

However, he felt much better when he got off the train. P

Strangely enough, we often tell strangers about our problems just like Taeho. P

That is because we do not have to worry about being judged or seeing them again. P

If you have a problem that you cannot share with your family or friends, try talking to a stranger. P

You will feel much better. P

5-4 Reading 4

How do I turn a rival into a friend? P

Benjamin Franklin once had a political rival who did not like him at all. P

Franklin wanted to become friends with him, so he came up with a plan. P

His rival had a rare book. P

Franklin asked his rival to lend him the book for a few days. P

When Franklin returned the book, he thanked him deeply. P

Since that day, his rival became not only a political supporter but also a good friend. P

Franklin famously said, “Enemies who do you one favor will want to do more." P

If you want to turn a rival into a friend, don’t do your rival a favor. P

Instead, ask your rival to do you a favor. P

6-1 Reading 1

Leonardo da Vinci is known as one of the greatest painters of all time. P

He was also a great inventor, scientist, and musician. P

Very few people, however, know that da Vinci was also a creative cook. P

6-2 Reading 2

In 1473, twenty-year-old da Vinci worked as a cook at a restaurant in Florence, Italy. P

When he took charge of the kitchen, da Vinci changed the menu completely. P

He made simple but artistic dishes like fish with a few carrot slices. P

Some dishes were even decorated with flowers. P

Customers, however, were unhappy because they were used to dishes with big servings of meat. P

As a result, da Vinci lost his job. P

A few years later, da Vinci opened a restaurant with his friend Sandro Botticelli. P

He wanted to create a place where people could try his innovative food. P

They put up a beautifully painted sign and made a uniquely written menu. P

Da Vinci believed that people would soon appreciate his creative cooking. P

Unfortunately, that never happened. P

6-3 Reading 3

In the early 1480s, da Vinci began to work for Ludovico Sforza in Milan. P

He was given many different roles, such as a musician, a painter, and an engineer. P

He was also put in charge of the kitchen. P

He was happy to be given another chance to pursue his passion for cooking. P

Da Vinci did not stop at cooking creative dishes. P

He wanted to cook much more quickly and easily. P

Thus, he invented new machines for his kitchen. P

He created machines that could crush vegetables and pull spaghetti. P

He even made a device that could scare frogs away from the water tank. P

Surely, they were all very innovative, but most of them were too big or too difficult to use. P

6-4 Reading 4

In 1495, Sforza asked da Vinci to make a grand painting, which was based on the last supper of Jesus, on the wall of a church in Milan. P

Da Vinci gladly took on the project because he had always been interested in food. P

He spent a lot of time cooking all kinds of food to decide what to put on the table in his picture. P

“Da Vinci has wasted his time in the kitchen for over a year. P

That's the reason why he hasn't finished the painting yet," complained the people from the church to Sforza. P

Although da Vinci never became a successful cook, he showed great interest in cooking throughout his life. P

He was not only a great painter but also a creative cook. P

Now that you know all about his secret passion for cooking, you will never look at The Last Supper the same way. P

7-1 Reading 1

Akbar, the third Mogul emperor, had a number of wise officials at his court. P

Among them was a man whose name was Raja Birbal. P

He was famous for his quick wit and was very wise with his words. P

Thus, the emperor always liked to have Birbal near him. P

7-2 Reading 2

Sweet Punishment. P

To test his officials' wisdom, Akbar often asked them strange questions. P

One day, he came up with an interesting question. P

Akbar: Someone pulled a hair from my head today. P

What should I do to him? P

Official 1: He should be punished, of course. P

Official 2: Yes, punish him! P

7-3 Reading 3

Akbar turned to Birbal. P

Akbar: What would you do if you were in my place, Birbal? P

Birbal: If I were you, I would give him sweets. P

Official 3: What's he talking about? P

Official 4: Birbal's crazy! P

Akbar: What made you say so? P

Birbal: The person who pulled your hair must be your grandson. P

No one else could do such a thing. P

Akbar: You are indeed correct, Birbal. P

I'm so glad to have someone as wise as you near me. P

7-4 Reading 4

A Potful of Wisdom. P

One day, the king of Persia sent an official with a strange favor. P

Persian official: I hear you have a lot of wise men in your country. P

I've been asked by my king to bring him a potful of wisdom. P

Official 5: That makes no sense! How can we put wisdom in a pot? P

Akbar: Can you bring him a potful of wisdom, Birbal? P

Birbal: It won't be a problem. P

Birbal: Could you please wait a few weeks? P

Persian official: Of course! Take as much time as you need. P

7-5 Reading 5

A few weeks later, Birbal came back with two pots whose necks were really narrow. P

He offered one to the Persian official. P

Birbal: You can take this pot of wisdom to your king. P

Please ask him to return the pot to us after he takes the wisdom out of it. P

Birbal: The pot is very precious, so please be careful not to break it. P

We only have two pots of wisdom. P

The Persian official looked inside the pot and became speechless. P

He thanked Birbal and left for his country. P

Persian official: It would be great if there were a man as wise as Birbal in our country. P

7-6 Reading 6

After the Persian official left, Akbar asked Birbal what was Inside the pot. P

Birbal: Here is the other pot. P

You can see for yourself. P

Akbar looked inside the other pot and found a pumpkin just as big as the pot. P

Akbar: I see! The pumpkin can't be taken out without breaking the pot. P

How did you do it? P

Birbal: I put the pots over pumpkin flowers and waited until the pumpkins grew as big as the pots. P

Akbar: Hahaha! This certainly is a potful of wisdom! P