1-1 Reading 1
Mrs. Choi, my social studies teacher, made an important announcement. P
"You will create a newspaper in groups. P
Check out your new group members." P
Mrs.Choi started calling out the names of the students in each group. After a while, my name was called. P
"Who will be in my group?" I wondered. P
Mrs. Choi continued, "Lina, Inho, and Min." P
I couldn't believe my ears. I didn't know anyone in that group. P
I felt like crying when I sat with my group members." P
1-2 Reading 2
We didn't have anything in common. P
Lina was always drawing something by herself. P
Inho never said anything, and his only interest seemed to be soccer. P
Min was smart, but he always had his nose in a book. P
I couldn't help thinking how unlucky I was. P
I decided to convince Mrs.Choi that I should be with my friends. P
"Maybe she would let me change the group," I thought. P
But before I could say anything, she gently placed her hand on my shoulder. P
"I know what you want, Jisu," she said, "but I'm sure you will get to like your group members. P
Don't you think it's worth trying?" P
I didn't really believe her, but I said, "Okay," and walked away. P
1-3 Reading 3
The project wasn't easy from the start. P
We couldn't decide on the topic for our newspaper. P
I felt like giving up on the project, so I asked my friend Ryan for some advice. P
"Try to understand your group members first," he said. P
So I carefully watched my group members. P
And I came across some amazing facts about them. P
Lina read a lot of Japanese comic books, so she was an expert on Japanese culture. P
Inho's Korean sounded a bit different, but that was because he lived in Argentina when he was young. P
He knew a lot about Argentina and its soccer. P
Min's mom was Vietnamese, and Min used to spend some time in Vietnam. P
He read a lot of history books and loved to talk about Vietnam and its history. P
1-4 Reading 4
I thought of the perfect topic for our group. P
We decided to write about world culture. P
I had Lina introduce Japanese culture. P
Inho wrote about Argentina and its soccer, and Min covered Vietnamese culture and its history. P
I was in charge of editing the whole newspaper. P
Our newspaper project was a great success. P
We received an A+ and my group members became my best friends. P
I will end my story with this saying. P
Don't judge a book by its cover. Read it. P
It might turn into your favorite book. P
2-1 Reading 1
Welcome to the Energy-Saving Conference. P
The Earth is in danger. P
The air is getting dirtier every day. P
More and more animals are dying. P
This is because we are wasting a lot of energy. P
So how can we save energy? P
Three different environmental clubs are here to share their activities. P
The more ideas we share, the more energy we can save! P
2-2 Reading 2
Hello, friends. A few months ago, I was surprised to see some empty classrooms with the lights on. P
That's not right at all. P
It is essential for all students to use fewer resources at school. P
So we have designed some resource saving stickers and put them on the switches. P
They tell us which light should be turned on, so that we can waste less electricity. P
They also tell the last student who leaves the classroom to turn off the lights. P
We also put some stickers on the mirrors in the restrooms. P
They help students not to waste water. P
The more stickers we put up, the more resources we can save at school. P
2-3 Reading 3
Hi, everyone. A lot of energy is used to heat and cool our school. P
It is important for students to reduce the amount of energy we use. P
We did an experiment last winter and found that bubble wrap can help to save energy. P
Look at this chart. P
In Classroom A we put bubble wrap on the windows and in Classroom B we didn't. P
When we turned off the heater, the temperature was 16 ℃ in both classrooms. P
Sixty minutes later, the temperature in Classroom B went down to 7 ℃. P
But it was 9 ℃ in Classroom A! We learned that bubble wrap only lets a little heat escape from the building. P
So we started putting bubble wrap on the school windows. P
This will also prevent heat from getting into the classroom in the summer. P
The more bubble wrap we put on the windows, the cooler our summer will become! P
2-4 Reading 4
Hello, friends. We decided to make a garden on the rooftop of the school to save energy. P
Only a few people know how it works. P
It's just like bubble wrap. P
It prevents heat from getting in and out of the buildings. P
So when we have rooftop gardens on our buildings, P
we can save some of the energy we use to cool the buildings in the summer. P
Also, the fresh air from the rooftop garden helps to cool the whole city. P
So it is necessary for us students to make more rooftop gardens at our school! P
The more beautiful our rooftops become, the less energy our school will use! P
It's very clever of you to come up with such great ideas! P
These are all worth trying at school or at home. P
Thank you for your unique ideas and activities! P
3-1 Reading 1
On October 16th, 2010, Eunchong and his dad participated in their first triathlon. P
It was held in Misari, Hanam. P
They swam 1.5 km, cycled 40 km, and then ran 10 km. P
This challenge was especially difficult for Eunchong’s dad because he had to push or pull Eunchong during the race. P
Eunchong couldn’t talk or walk because he was born with six different diseases. P
His skin was dark red and his brain was becoming hard. P
The doctor said he would not live for long. P
But Eunchong not only is still alive but also got first place in his first triathlon. P
3-2 Reading 2
I thank you not only for being my son but also for teaching me an important life lesson. P
When you were a baby, people avoided you because of your skin color. P
I felt sad and wanted to hide you from them. P
Your mom hoped that you would be born with no disabilities. P
She blamed herself for your sickness. P
But you always smiled at us and held our hands. P
You gave us courage as well as hope. P
So, I promised myself that I would face the world and show you the bright side of things. P
Since then we have begun our journey. P
3-3 Reading 3
Do you remember our first triathlon? P
When we began to swim, the other participants made way for us and let us go first. P
I was very touched and thankful. P
Some participants even cried when we passed them by. P
When we started cycling, many people cheered for us. P
But you had to endure some strong winds and tiredness. P
So I cycled very fast to give you a break. P
When we began running, your mom seemed to say, “I wish I could run with you. P
”I wanted to finish the race quickly so I could see her and let you rest. P
So, I ran fast. P
When we were almost at the finishing line, the other participants stopped and let us go first. P
Eunchong, you were the winner! P
I hope you could tell how much everyone at those races loved you. P
3-4 Reading 4
Thanks to you, your mom and I learned an important lesson. P
“Love is all we need. P
”We don’t ever think, “We wish Eunchong had no disabilities” anymore. P
Instead, we are just thankful for having you. P
We are also happy about many other little things. P
Even when we face difficulties, we are happy. P
That’s because we know that we can overcome any hardships when we are together and love each other. P
Let’s continue to live happily and bravely. P
We will always love you and stand by you. P
4-1 Reading 1
If you are searching for a place as grand as the Taj Mahal, and as mysterious as the pyramids, P
visit Angkor Wat in Cambodia. P
It was once the capital of the Angkor Empire. P
But after the Empire fell, Angkor Wat was not seen by anyone. P
No one had seen the buildings until someone from France rediscovered them in 1861. P
After that, however, many of the sculptures and paintings were destroyed in a war. P
What you can see in Angkor Wat today is only 30 percent of the original place. P
The rest was ruined and could not be restored. P
Still, you will be struck by the grandness and beauty of Angkor Wat. P
4-2 Reading 2
How could such a large place be filled with great sculptures and paintings? P
How could people build such a wonderful place without any machines? P
These mysteries are attracting tourists from all around the world. P
You need to buy a ticket to look around the temples in the city. P
If you don't have enough time, buy a 1-day ticket and take the Small Tour. P
But it is better if you can buy a 3-day ticket and make time for the Grand Tour. P
4-3 Reading 3
Festival Fringe, Not So Fringe! P
Edinburgh in Scotland is crowded with many people every summer. P
Like many other famous tourist sites, the city has many places to see, P
but a lot of people gather here especially to enjoy the Festival Fringe. P
The word “fringe” means somewhere far from the center, or something not important. P
So how did a festival that was on the “fringe” become so big? P
In 1947, the Edinburgh International Festival was held for various art performers. P
But not all performers were invited. P
Although the uninvited performers were not happy, they didn’t give up. P
Eight uninvited theater groups turned up and started to perform on the edges of the festival. P
4-4 Reading 4
These performances had not been planned at all, but were unique and fresh. P
They were as good as those of the invited acts, and attracted much audience attention. P
As the event was not held in the main theaters, or on the main stages, P
it was named the "Festival Fringe." P
As time went by, more and more people started to gather to enjoy the Festival Fringe. P
Now, you can see over 50,000 performances on about 300 stages. P
No one needs any special qualifications to perform. P
Various artists who want to try out their experimental performance genres come and see how successful they will be. P
If you want to experience something new. P
the Festival Fringe is something you shouldn't miss. P
5-1 Reading 1
I'm a 16-year-old girl. P
These days, I am so tired. P
It's because I'm so worried that I can't sleep at night. P
When I look around, I see all of my friends getting good grades. P
So I keep thinking, "What if I study hard but my grades are still not good? P
What if my grades are so bad that I can't get into the university that I want to go to?" P
The more I worry, the less I am able to concentrate on my studies. P
Now, I am starting to lose my self-confidence. P
I wish I could stop worrying and just concentrate on my studies, P
but I don't know how to make my worries go away. P
Do you have any advice? P
Best wishes, P
5-2 Reading 2
Thank you very much for your email. P
It seems to me that you're too worried about your future. P
But if you keep looking on the dark side of things, your situation will not get any better. P
Scientists have found that positive words can help the brain to function better. P
That is, the more you try to have positive thoughts, the easier it will be for you to concentrate. P
However, negative thoughts are so harmful that they can damage your brain. P
You should train your brain to have more positive thoughts. P
Stop comparing yourself with your friends. P
Focus on the achievements you have made. P
Write those achievements down in a diary and look at that diary when you feel down. P
Having a happy brain will bring you happy results. P
5-3 Reading 3
I'm a 16-year-old boy. P
I always want to get along with my friends. P
These days, I see many of my friends wearing clothes of the same brand. P
I have heard them say that people who do not wear clothes from that brand are "not cool." P
So, I wanted to buy the same clothes as theirs. P
However, the clothes were so expensive that I couldn't ask my parents to buy them for me. P
I am worried that my friends won't hang out with me anymore because my clothes are different from theirs. P
I wish I had the same clothes as my friends' so that I could fit in with them better. P
What should I do? P
Best regards, P
5-4 Reading 4
Everyone wants attention from others, and there are many ways to get attention. P
Wearing nice clothes and shoes is just one way. P
I understand that your friends want to stand out from the crowd through what they wear. P
But I think we should put more focus on inner beauty rather than outward appearance. P
Inner beauty is so valuable that you should pay more attention to it than to your appearance. P
If you care for your friends and treat them kindly, they will welcome you as a good friend. P
So why not get your friends to see your inner beauty? P
6-1 Reading 1
How interested are you in science? P
These days, it is easy to get all kinds of scientific information through the Internet. P
However, there may still be some scientific facts that you didn’t know at all or are wrong about. P
Gathering many surprising scientific questions, we have explained them in this book. P
Join us to find out more about these scientific mysteries. P
6-2 Reading 2
Nemo’s Father Could Be a Mother P
Have you seen the movie Finding Nemo? P
It is the story of a clownfish who goes on a trip to find his lost son, Nemo. P
However, most people don’t seem to know that Nemo’s father could turn into his mother. P
How is this possible? P
It is size and power that determine the gender of a clownfish. P
In the beginning, clownfish are all born male. P
They live in schools made up of all males and just one female. P
The female fish is usually the most powerful and largest fish in the group. P
When the female clownfish dies, the most powerful male in the group turns into the next female. P
So, Nemo’s father wasn’t powerful enough to become a mother! P
6-3 Reading 3
More People Can Die from Too Much Water in Deserts P
In most people’s minds, a desert is a hot and lifeless place with no water at all. P
It is true that deserts have very little rain and only a small amount of surface water. P
As a result, you may think that the number one cause of death in deserts is thirst. P
Surprisingly, that is not true. P
In fact, it is too much water during floods that kills more people in deserts. P
Although it only rains once or twice a year in deserts, if there is a flood. P
the water can flow very quickly. P
Since people who live in deserts are not usually prepared for large amounts of rain. P
many people get killed during the floods. P
For example, in 2006, nearly 130 people in India died because of the floods in the Thar Desert. P
6-4 Reading 4
There Are Highways in Space, Too. P
Did you know that there are highways in space, too? P
You may think that space is simply empty, but that’s not true. P
There are lots of things in space. P
For example, there is gravity. P
The gravity from each star and planet interacts with each other, P
creating a mixed flow of interaction power. P
It is gravity that helps or interferes with the flight of spaceships. P
After lots of research, scientists at NASA announced that there are “zero gravity paths” in space. P
Having no interference from the gravity from any stars or planets, P
spaceships will be able to fly along these paths at their maximum speed. P
This will allow them to fly not only faster but also more efficiently. P
So, in the future, we may be able to travel further into space by following these highways. P
7-1 Reading 1
Welcome to our Careers Day! These days, jobs are hard to come by. P
But if you keep on trying your best, you will succeed in your career. P
Today, we will welcome back some of the graduates of our school, P
and listen to them talk about their jobs. P
Are you excited about meeting them? So am I. P
As you listen to their talks, think about what you would like to do in the future. P
Please welcome our first speaker, Ilkem, the weather controller. P
7-2 Reading 2
Hello, everyone. I’m Ilkem. P
I’m a scientist studying the weather. P
Just a few years ago, people thought the weather was impossible to control. So did I. P
Thanks to modern technology, however, my fellow scientists and I can change the weather as we want. P
For example, we can control the rain, using a cloud seeding system. P
We spray dry ice into clouds to make them rain. P
In China, they made rain in another city instead of Beijing during the opening event of the Olympics and its closing event as well. P
We can also reduce the side effects of global warming by controlling the climate. P
We can’t control the weather perfectly yet, but may be able to do so soon. P
Then, we could prevent many kinds of natural disasters like floods and storms. P
So you will be able to live in a better and safer environment. P
Why don’t you join us in making a better environment by controlling the weather? P
7-3 Reading 3
Hi, I’m Eva. I’m an architect, and I design net-zero energy houses. P
Many people are worried about using too much energy at home. P
So were my parents. When I was young, my parents often said, P
“Eva! How many times do I have to tell you? P
Turn off the TV when you’re not watching it!” P
Since then, I have wanted to design energy-saving houses. P
I studied architecture and environmental engineering to make my dream come true. P
Now, I design houses that use wind power or other alternative energy sources. P
The houses make more energy than they use. P
You don’t need to worry about wasting energy anymore. P
If you are interested in designing net-zero energy houses, please come and talk to me. P
8-1 Reading 1
It’s winter. A poor shoe maker, Simon, fails to buy a warm coat. P
On his way back home, he finds a man, Michael, lying in the street without any clothes. P
I’m not sure whether he is dead or not. P
But I don’t think I can save him because I’m drunk and have little money. P
(walking away from Michael at first, but coming back again) Poor man. P
Are you okay? Why are you lying here? P
I can’t tell you everything. P
Put simply, I am being punished. P
But it’s cold outside. Let’s go home together. P
8-2 Reading 2
Simon comes home and greets Matrena, his wife. She finds he has brought nothing. P
(surprised and angry) Simon, you were supposed to buy a coat for our family. P
But there’s nothing. And who is this man? P
I did not have enough money to buy the coat. I’m sorry. P
And I know nothing about this man. P
But it wasn’t my fault. P
I had to bring him home. I mean just look at him. P
Don’t you think he needs help? P
(looking at Michael with pity) Okay, Simon. (Michael smiles for the first time.) P
For a week, Michael does no work to support himself. P
(looking at Michael) Michael, I’m afraid you’ve been doing nothing since you came here. P
It’s time you started to earn a living for yourself. P
If you work for me, I will give you food. P
Would you like to work with me? P
(with a blank face) Yes, I would. P
8-3 Reading 3
A year later, Simon has become famous, thanks to Michael’s great skills in making shoes. P
One day, a nobleman comes to order his boots. P
I’d like to order fine leather boots that have to last for a year. P
I’m not sure whether you can make them. P
Can you do that? P
(Michael watches the man carefully and smiles for the second time.) P
Yes, sir. Don’t worry. (The nobleman leaves the shop.) P
Michael, please make some thick leather boots. P
(However, Michael makes soft slippers instead of boots.) P
(finding the slippers) Michael! I told you there should be no mistakes. P
What do you think you are doing? P
(running into the shop) Please stop making boots and start making soft slippers for a dead body instead. P
My master has died of a heart attack. P
(looking at Michael in surprise) How did you know? P
8-4 Reading 4
A few years later, a woman customer visits the shoe shop with twin girls. P
I’m here to buy some leather shoes for these twin girls. P
(seeing that one of the girls has a disability) I’m sorry about your daughter’s foot. P
May I ask you if she was born with a disability? P
Oh, I’m not her real mother. P
Her mother hurt this girl’s leg while she was giving birth to her. P
Their parents are both dead now. P
I felt sorry for them. P
I loved these twins so much that I decided to adopt them. P
(Michael smiles for the third time. P
8-5 Reading 5
Suddenly, a mysterious light shines from Michael. P
What’s this light shining from you? P
It’s about time I left here. P
What do you mean? And why did you just smile? P
Let me explain. I am an angel. P
I was sent here as a punishment, and I was supposed to learn three truths. P
Every time I learned one of them, I smiled. P
Now that I have learned all three of them, I am ready to go back. P
I see. What truths have you learned? P
8-6 Reading 6
Michael thinks back to each time that he smiled. P
Simon and Matrena listen carefully to him. P
First, I learned that love dwells in human beings when Matrena pitied me. P
This was the answer to the first lesson: Learn what dwells in human beings. P
I smiled because I learned the truth. P
But I still had two more to figure out. P
What were they? P
The second was, “Learn what is not given to people.” P
When the nobleman ordered that his boots were to last for a year, I knew he would die soon. P
Then I realized people know little about their own future needs. P
What was the last truth? P
It was from the story of the woman and the twin girls. P
After the death of their mother, the woman brought them up with her love. P
Then, I learned people live by having true love for each other. P
That was the third lesson: What people live by. P