1-1 Reading 1

Many students learn new languages because of school requirements. P

Many others learn them for fun. P

In any case, students everywhere have found interesting ways to study new languages. P

Let's meet these students and listen to their ideas. P

I'm a big fan of a Spanish soccer team. P

I want to understand interviews with my favorite players. P

However, it's not easy because I don't know Spanish that well. P

How can I improve my Spanish? P

1-2 Reading 2

The best way to learn a new language is to practice it every day. P

I have changed the language of my phone to Spanish, and I have been writing my shopping lists in Spanish! P

What's most important is to become familiar with the language first. P

I suggest watching Spanish movies often. P

It will help you get used to the sound of the language. P

If the people talk too fast, try watching Spanish children's movies first. P

Some words are used only in soccer, not in everyday life. P

Learn some soccer vocabulary and memorize it. P

Also, why don't you try writing a review of a match in Spanish? P

It will help you improve your writing skills. P

1-3 Reading 3

DREAM4 is back! I'm so excited to see my favorite Korean boy band perform. P

Their singing and their dancing are just perfect. P

I want to understand their songs without subtitles or translations though. P

You should find friends who are interested in DREAM4 and start a club. P

In my club, we motivate one another. P

We translate songs and sing together. P

Doing these things is fun and really improves our Korean! P

1-4 Reading 4

Follow DREAM4 on social media. P

They often post short messages in Korean about how they are doing. P

They also post pictures with the messages, so you can understand the posts more easily. P

I recommend watching Korean dramas. P

I've been watching Korean dramas for a year, and they're really interesting! P

You can use Korean subtitles for help with listening. P

It's also a good idea to print out the subtitles and read them first. P

There are hundreds of good tips out there, but everyone has their own way of learning. P

Find what keeps you motivated; then you will enjoy learning more. P

Remember, every language is hard at first, but a new language can make your world much bigger! P

2-1 Reading 1

We all know that a diet containing a variety of foods keeps our bodies healthy. P

But sometimes we are not sure which foods are good for which body parts. P

Nature, however, gives us a big clue. P

Look at the following examples. P

Each of these foods not only looks like a certain body part but is also good for that body part. P

2-2 Reading 2

Slice open a tomato and compare it with the human heart. P

You will see that they look similar. P

They both have multiple hollow spaces and are red. P

Researchers say that the chemicals that make tomatoes red are good for your heart and blood. P

In addition, eating tomatoes can lower your risk of heart disease. P

Look at the shape of a walnut. P

Do you notice anything? Yes, it's very similar to the shape of the human brain! P

A walnut is divided into two parts, just like the brain. P

Walnuts also have wrinkles, which the brain has too. P

Studies show that walnuts help our brains stay healthy and active. P

They are also good for preventing Alzheimer's disease. P

2-3 Reading 3

A slice of carrot looks like the human eye. P

Carrots have some chemicals that can make vitamin A, which improves your vision. P

It helps your eyes process light and send a clear image to the brain. P

So if you want healthy eyes, eat carrots. P

Cutting onions is not fun because it makes you cry. P

But try slicing one anyway. P

You can see that the inside looks a little like a human cell. P

Scientists say that onions contain vitamin B, which helps make new, healthy cells. P

2-4 Reading 4

Now, let's move on to ginger. P

What body part comes to mind when you see it? Doesn't it look like a stomach? P

You may not like ginger's strong taste or smell, P

but these come from a special chemical that prevents you from feeling sick and throwing up. P

For this reason, ginger can be good for your stomach. P

Isn't it amazing that some foods mirror the body parts that they are good for? P

Interestingly, there are many other such foods. P

Find as many as you can and try to eat a variety of them. P

3-1 Reading 1

One night in February, after I had gone to bed, an earthquake hit. P

I woke up suddenly because my bed was shaking. P

I thought my brother was shaking my bed as a joke. P

But then I heard the mirror on my desk fall to the floor and break into pieces. P

I knew it wasn’t my brother then, but I still didn’t know what exactly was happening. P

Soon the whole room began to shake violently, and my confusion turned to panic. P

My mom shouted that it was an earthquake and ran into my room. P

Since it was my first time experiencing an earthquake, I didn’t know how to react. P

I just kept saying, “What should I do?” P

3-2 Reading 2

My mom pulled me and my brother out of bed. P

We ran to the kitchen and crawled under the table. P

I could see the light swinging violently and books falling to the floor. P

Our family picture dropped from the wall and the glass covering it broke. P

A cup tipped over and rolled off the kitchen table. P

Every second, I could hear something else in the apartment break. P

I started to worry that the building would collapse. P

3-3 Reading 3

Then the shaking seemed to stop. P

We started crawling toward the door. P

At that moment, my mom’s cell phone rang. P

It was my dad, who was coming home from work. P

He shouted, “It stopped! Get out of the building! Take the stairs! P

Don’t take the elevator! Hurry!” “Where are you? Are you okay?” my mom asked urgently. P

My dad answered, “Don’t worry. I’m okay. P

I was driving home when the shaking started. P

But I pulled over immediately. P

I’m listening to the radio right now to find out what’s going on. P

3-4 Reading 4

We nervously made our way down the stairs and outside. P

I looked around. P

Parts of buildings had fallen and had smashed several cars. P

We went to an open space to avoid more falling pieces. P

How could all this have happened in a few minutes? P

Although I had done many earthquake drills in school, P

I had never thought I’d experience a real earthquake. P

I still get scared when I remember that night. P

I can’t forget the panic I felt when the furniture was shaking and things were falling to the floor. P

After that night, I began to take earthquake drills seriously. P

I realized that I should be prepared for the next earthquake, which can occur at any time. P

4-1 Reading 1

The election is coming up. P

Why don't you run for class representative, Yumi? P

No way. I'm not the right person for that position. P

I've never thought about running. P

Come on, Brian. Leaders have special qualities. P

I don't think a person like me can be called a leader. P

What do you mean? I think you have very good leadership qualities. P

You're really friendly and outgoing. P

You also help people get along. P

I have no doubt that you will be elected if you run. P

4-2 Reading 2

Brian told me this afternoon that I have good leadership qualities. P

No one has ever told me that before. P

Why does he think so? Maybe he was just trying to be nice. P

When he said that to me, however, I started to think. P

Can I really become a leader? I don't know. P

I think leaders should have a vision, clear goals, and the ability to motivate others. P

I don't have any of those things. P

Then I suddenly started to wonder if these are the only qualities that make a good leader. P

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there are other leadership qualities. P

So I decided to do some research online. P

4-3 Reading 3

Here's what I found! P

GREEN LEADERS. “Team Builders” P

Ensure that the team feels valued. P

Create a positive environment. P

Are friendly and easy to talk to. P

RED LEADERS. “Logical Analysts” P

Have good reasoning skills. P

Analyze problems and situations. P

Think of the most effective ways to achieve the team’s goals. P

PURPLE LEADERS. “Hands-Off Managers” P

Allow others to work on their own. P

Do not try to control people. P

Give advice only when it is needed. P

ORANGE LEADERS. “Strict Directors” P

Make everyone’s role clear. P

Make sure everything is finished on time. P

Ensure each step is done properly. P

YELLOW LEADERS. “Quiet Supporters” P

Lead by example. P

Let the team members shine instead. P

Meet the team members’ needs. P

BLUE LEADERS. “Creative Thinkers” P

Approach problems in new ways. P

Come up with fresh ideas. P

Deal with tasks differently from others. P

4-4 Reading 4

I was surprised that there are actually many different leadership styles, but soon I realized the reason. P

We belong to many different groups, and many different situations can come up in our lives. P

They all call for different leadership styles. P

Each group's unique situation determines the best leadership style. P

“I am a part of many different groups, and I have different responsibilities in each group.” P

After reading everything, I became more confident. P

I discovered that I have some of the qualities of a “green leader." P

If my classmates think a green leader would make our class better, they might pick me to be class representative! Okay, let's try it! P

5-1 Reading 1

It is important for us to find ways to protect the environment. P

Some people have found creative ways to save the earth. P

One example is an underwater museum in Cancun, Mexico. P

Let’s meet Dr. Rosa Allison, an art professor, and listen to her explanation about the special museum. P

Cancun is a city where 4.8 million tourists travel every year. P

One of the most popular activities to do there is looking at the area’s beautiful sea life underwater. P

However, tourist activities are seriously damaging parts of the sea near Cancun. P

Dr. Rosa Allison Art professor. P

5-2 Reading 2

To prevent this, artists did something interesting. P

They thought if they attracted tourists to a different part of the sea, the dying areas could have time to get better. P

They made an underwater museum away from the places where sea life was dying. P

It’s about 14 meters below the surface and contains 500 statues. P

The statues are made from materials that support sea life. P

They provide additional places for plants and animals to live on. P

Over time, many types of sea life will grow on the statues, which will make the artwork unique. P

The artists want people to see a variety of sea life on the statues. P

If people realize how rich sea life is, they will understand how important it is to save the sea. P

5-3 Reading 3

In Singapore, people are using architecture to protect the environment on land. P

Let’s hear what Rajesh Khan, an architect, says about eco-friendly buildings. P

Singapore is hot throughout the year. P

Most buildings need air conditioning, which uses a lot of energy and contributes to climate change. P

That’s why architects in Singapore have begun to design eco-friendly buildings that use less air conditioning but are still cool inside. P

For example, many buildings in Singapore are designed to have an open structure. P

This structure makes it possible for outside air to move throughout a building. P

This natural air flow is how these buildings stay cool. P

Rajesh Khan Architect P

5-4 Reading 4

In addition to making open structures, architects add large gardens. P

This greenery provides shade and protects parts of the building from direct sunlight, which keeps the building cooler. P

Eco-friendly buildings like these not only help protect the environment, but also provide people with a good quality of life. P

Those are the goals of this new style of architecture. P

Hopefully, architects will keep coming up with new eco-friendly ideas. P

Every field has different ways of protecting the environment. P

With more innovation, humans and nature will be able to live together in harmony far into the future. P

6-1 Reading 1

What should we do this weekend, Dad? P

Why don’t we go camping? P

But we don’t have a tent. P

Should we buy one? Also, who will take care of our dog? P

Don’t worry. I know some apps that can help us. P

6-2 Reading 2

Borrow from your neighbors! P

Ask Your Neighbors helps people easily find items that they can borrow from others. P

First, users download the app and search for another user that has the item they need. P

Then they pick up the item and return it later. P

Jasmine December 12, 2019. P

I asked for a board game and got one in less than 30 minutes. P

I love saving money by borrowing things that I don’t often need. P

Also, I think it’s environmentally friendly. P

The fewer products we buy, the more resources we save. P

Cassandra March 7, 2020. P

Seeing a lot of positive reviews, I decided to borrow a bike helmet. P

When I got it, however, it was broken. P

I was so upset! P

Ask Your Neighbors March 9, 2020. P

We’re sorry that you had such a negative experience. P

To fix this issue, we are asking lenders to update the pictures of their items regularly. P

This will let other users know the exact condition of the product. P

6-3 Reading 3

I can look after your pet! P

Pet Sitter Finder is the perfect app for pet lovers and pet owners. P

It helps pet owners find reliable people to look after their pets. P

When a pet owner is looking for pet sitters, he or she uploads a post. P

Pet sitters or dog walkers can then send messages to the owner. P

The owner checks their reviews and chooses the best person. P

George November 12, 2019. P

I use this app whenever I’m going out of town. P

I have some concerns about my personal information though. P

What if people use my phone number for other purposes? P

Pet Sitter Finder November 14, 2019. P

We’re aware of this issue. P

We’re now developing a system that allows users to communicate freely without showing their personal information. P

Samantha February 22, 2020. P

Animals aren’t allowed in my apartment, so I don’t have any pets. P

However, by using Pet Sitter Finder, I can experience the joy of walking a dog. P

6-4 Reading 4

What great apps! We can borrow a tent and find someone to take care of our dog. P

That’s right. These kinds of services are part of the “sharing economy.” P

People can share their items with others and provide services to them at a small fee or for free. P

But these services do have some weaknesses. P

Some people left negative reviews about the services. P

Well, I think the more people use the services, the more they will improve. P

7-1 Reading 1

Where Do We See Robots? P

Robots are not only in movies and books anymore. P

Around the world, robots are doing a variety of tasks. P

There are delivery robots flying in the sky, robot arms in factories, and service robots in public places. P

A delivery robot in the sky. P

Robot arms in a factory. P

A service robot at the PyeongChang Olympics. P

7-2 Reading 2

Robots Are Becoming Smart. P

In the past, robots performed only easy tasks that humans programmed them to do. P

However, robots are now getting "smarter," and soon they might be able to think like humans. P

What makes this possible is artificial intelligence (AI). P

Robots that have AI can perceive environments and make decisions. P

They can also recognize speech, tell jokes, and play games with humans. P

AI Speakers,They can answer your questions, control machines in your home, and play music for you. P

AI Pets. They act just like real dogs. P

They walk and play with their owners and recognize praise. P

7-3 Reading 3

Robots around Us - Present and Future P

Robots are making things faster and easier. P

They can help us anywhere in our homes, on roads, or in disaster areas. P

Home Helper Robot P

This robot helps your family throughout the day. P

Cooking and cleaning would be easier if you had one. P

It also talks with family members and can sense emotions. P

Self-Driving Car. P

A self-driving car doesn't need a driver. P

With cameras, sensors, and software, it can navigate roads for you so that you can relax and enjoy the ride. P

Robot Swarm. P

A robot swarm is a large group of robots that can communicate with one another, like ants or bees. P

They can be used in a variety of places, including farms or building sites. P

They work on tasks and find solutions as a group. P

7-4 Reading 4

Search-and-Rescue Robot. P

Search-and-rescue robots can go into disaster areas that are dangerous for humans. P

They find survivors, deal with dangers, and clear routes so that people can escape to safety. P

Looking toward the Future. P

Our future with robots looks bright but not perfect. P

Some people expect life to become more convenient with the help of robots. P

However, other people worry about problems they might cause, such as threats to our jobs and safety. P

The important thing is to find possible solutions and to ensure that robots are only used for good. P

8-1 Reading 1

One day, five wise men met on the road. P

They agreed to travel together. P

On the way, however, they became lost in a thick forest. P

Before walking any further, they decided to stop and find the best way out. P

8-2 Reading 2

After thinking for a while, the first man said, P

“I strongly feel that we should go left.” P

The second man said, “We should go right, because right also means ‘correct.’” P

Then the third man said, “Let’s walk back. P

We came that way, so we can leave that way. P

Then we can walk around the forest.” P

The fourth man disagreed and said, “I think we should keep walking straight. P

The forest cannot go on forever. A new path will open.” P

Looking at them all, the fifth man shook his head and said, "I know how to solve this. Just wait. P

8-3 Reading 3

He started to climb the tallest tree he could find. P

As he climbed, everyone else decided to go their separate ways. P

When the fifth man reached the top, he could see the whole forest. P

Looking at all the paths, he found the shortest way out. P

He hurried down to tell the others. P

However, when he got to the bottom, everyone was gone. P

He thought to himself, Where did they go? I found the best way out. P

He thought they were all wrong and he was the only wise man. P

8-4 Reading 4

However, he was wrong. Everyone was wise. P

Each man had chosen his path and created his future. P

The man who went to the left walked deeper into the forest. P

He was attacked by wild animals and almost died of hunger. P

Soon he learned how to protect himself and find food. P

In the end, he made his way out of the forest and taught others survival skills. P

The man who went to the right met a group of thieves. P

They took everything from him and made him join them. P

While he was with them, he showed them great kindness. P

The thieves were moved by his kindness and learned from his wisdom. P

Later, they also became wise men. P

The man who walked back created a safe path around the forest. P

Using this path, people could get where they were going without getting lost, P

even though the trip took a little longer. P

8-5 Reading 5

The man who went straight became a pioneer. P

He left the forest and discovered places no one else had been before. P

Thanks to him, people could enjoy these new beautiful lands. P

The man who climbed the tree became a guide. P

Since he had found many different paths. P

he was able to teach people how to find the quickest ways to their destinations. P

This is how the five men found their own paths. P

Like them, we are each on our own journey in life, and we cannot compare one journey to another. P

You have to create your own path. P

Listen to yourself, make a decision, and act on it. P

Then, someday, you will realize that you have been living the life that is right for you. P