1-1 Reading 1
My friend Eric and I made some interesting changes during the vacation. P
We emailed each other and talked about our changes. P
It's a beautiful spring in Seoul. P
The last winter vacation was a great time for me. P
I made two personal changes during the vacation. P
One is my new hobby. It's making cupcakes. P
Making my own cupcakes is a lot of fun. P
The other change is breaking one of my bad habits. P
In the past, I often bite my nails. P
Now I don't anymore. I feel great about the changes I made. P
If you try to make some changes, I'm sure you'll feel great like me. P
I hope to hear from you soon. P
1-2 Reading 2
In Sydney, it's fall in March. P
You talked about your changes in your email. P
Now, it's time to talk about my new changes. P
These days, I'm into 3D printing. P
I printed two things with a 3D printer. P
One is a model of my dream car. P
If the traffic is heavy, it will change into a flying car. P
The other is a special cup for my grandfather. P
He can't hold his cup well because he's sick. P
My special cup has three handles, so it is easy to hold. P
My grandfather is very happy. P
By the way, I want to try your cupcakes some day, Junho. P
1-3 Listen & Speak 1
Julia, how was your winter vacation? P
It was great. You know what? I took muay thai lessons during the vacation. P
That's amazing. I didn't know that you were interested in muay thai. P
Yes. It was really fun. P
Really? I want to try it. P
You know what, Tim? Mr. Smith is my homeroom teacher this year. P
That's great, Jimin. His science class last year was a lot of fun. P
Who's your homeroom teacher this year? P
It's Ms. Kim. She's a new teacher. P
What does she teach? She teaches art. P
1-4 Listen & Speak 2
I are thinking of starting a club. P
Really? What kind of club? P
We want to learn about stars and planets. P
So, we're thinking of starting a space science club. P
Sounds good. How often are you going to meet? P
Maybe once a week. P
I see. Where will you meet? P
In Room 101. Minsu, do you want to join our club? P
Yes, I'm interested in space, too. P
Mom, I made bulgogi at school today. I'm thinking of cooking bulgogi for dinner. P
That sounds great, Alex. P
Do we have any vegetables at home, Mom? What about beef? P
We have some vegetables, but we don't have beef. P
I'll buy some for you on my way home. P
1-5 Real Life Communication
You know what, Junsu? I’m thinking of taking a painting class. P
Really? Why did you decide to take a painting class, Emily? P
Because I want to go to an art high school. P
Are you thinking of becoming an artist in the future? P
I hope so. I'm interested in painting pictures. P
That's great. I hope your wish comes true. P
Thanks. I'll do my best. P
1-6 Let’s Check
You know what? Jenny's family is going to move to Japan. P
Is that right? Jenny didn't tell me about it. P
She learned about it just last week and she's very upset now. P
I can understand her feelings. I am going to miss her so much. P
Me, too. She said she would keep in touch with us. P
2-1 Reading 1
Do you know what to do when an earthquake strikes? P
Take this quiz and think about how to be safe during this kind of natural disaster. P
When things start to shake, run outside quickly. P
Stay away from windows. P
Use the stairs to get out of buildings. P
When you are outside, hold on to a pole or a tree. P
2-2 Reading 2
How did you do on the quiz? P
Can you survive an earthquake safely? P
Here are some safety tips which can be helpful in an earthquake. P
Let's check them one by one and learn what to do. P
Don't run outside when things are shaking. P
Find a table or a desk and take cover under it. P
You can hold on to the legs to protect yourself. P
Also, stay away from windows. P
They can break during an earthquake and hurt you. P
2-3 Reading 3
You can go outside when the shaking stops. P
To get out of buildings, don't use the elevator. P
Take the stairs. It's much safer. P
Once you are outside, find an empty space that is far from buildings. P
There may be people who want to hold on to a pole or a tree, but think again. P
That's a bad idea because it can fall on you. P
Earthquakes can strike anytime. P
They can be scary experiences for everyone. P
So learn how to be safe in an earthquake. P
You can avoid injuries and protect yourself. P
Follow these tips and be safe! P
2-4 Listen & Speak 1
Yujin, what's wrong? P
I'm worried about my leg. It hurts a lot. P
Why don't you go see a doctor? P
I'm going to go after school today. P
I hope you feel better soon. P
I hope so, too. P
What are you watching? P
It's a program about earthquakes. P
Sounds interesting. I'm worried about earthquakes these days. P
Me, too. This program has some helpful tips. P
Really? What does it say? P
When things start to shake, you need to take cover under a table. P
Oh, I didn't know that. P
2-5 Listen & Speak 2
Dad, I’m going out to play basketball with Minu. P
Did you finish cleaning your room? P
No, not yet. Can I do it later? P
No. You should clean your room first. P
Okay. I'll clean my room and then play basketball. P
Good. Don't forget to be home by six o'clock. P
What time is the movie? P
It starts at 4:30. P
Oh, no. We only have 20 minutes left. Let's run! P
No! You might fall and hurt yourself. You should walk on the stairs. P
You're right. We can be a little late. P
Yes. Better safe than sorry. P
2-6 Real Life Communication
There was a big fire at the city library yesterday. P
Yes, I heard about it. I was worried about the people there. P
Don't worry. Everybody was okay. They all followed the safety rules. P
Really? What are the rules? P
You need to cover your nose and mouth with a wet towel. Then stay low and escape. P
Oh, I didn't know that. P
You should keep that in mind. It might be helpful some day. P
2-7 Let’s Check
It's raining. I'm worried about our picnic in the afternoon. P
It is going to rain until late afternoon today. You should go another day. P
I'll call my friend and choose another day. P
Don't run outside when things are shaking. P
Find a table or a desk and take cover under it. P
You can hold on to the legs to protect yourself. P
Also, stay away from windows. P
They can break during an earthquake and hurt you. P
You can go outside when the shaking stops. P
To get out of buildings, don't use the elevator. P
Take the stairs. It's much safer. P
Once you are outside, find an empty space that is far from buildings. P
2-8 Culture & Life
Wang Youqiong, a 60-year-old woman, survived the earthquake that hit China in 2008. P
People found her about 8 days after the earthquake struck. P
She drank rain water and tried very hard to survive. P
Darlene Etienne, a 16-year-old girl, survived the earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010. P
People found her 15 days after the earthquake struck. P
They think that she possibly survived by drinking bath water. P
When an earthquake struck in Italy in 2016, people found Georgia thanks to Leo, a dog. P
Leo found the eight-year-old girl 16 hours after the earthquake struck. P
3-1 Reading 1
Here are two stories which I read yesterday. P
Do you want to hear about them? P
New York had many pay phones on its streets. P
However, nobody really used them. P
One day, a man came up with an idea. P
He stuck coins to one of the phones. P
He also put up a sign that said, "Call Someone You Love." P
Soon, many people were using the phone. P
When they were talking to someone whom they loved, they didn't stop smiling. P
His idea became a big success. P
During the day, all the coins disappeared. P
The man was very happy because his small idea gave happiness to many people. P
3-2 Reading 2
A few years ago, the maps at bus stops in Seoul were very confusing. P
They didn't have enough information. P
People had to ask others to explain the maps. P
"Where is this bus stop on the map? Does this bus go to Gwanghwamun?" P
Many people often took the wrong bus and wasted their time. P
One day, a young man decided to solve this problem. P
He bought lots of red arrow stickers. P
Every day he rode his bicycle around the city and stuck the stickers on the bus maps. P
Nobody asked him to do this. He just wanted to help others. P
Thanks to his effort, people could understand the maps easily and save time. P
3-3 Listen & Speak 1
Hojun and I planned to give out free stickers today, but I think he forgot. P
Really? Let me help you then. Why are you going to give out stickers? P
It's part of our volunteer club activity. P
I see. What does this sticker mean? P
It means that when we smile at each other, the world will become a better place. P
That's a wonderful idea. P
3-5 Listen & Speak 2
Mom, this is for you. I made it with plastic bags. P
That's very cute, Alex. How did you know that I needed a new basket? P
You talked about it when we were having dinner the other day. P
How nice! I really like this basket. It has many different colors. P
I'm glad you like it. P
4-1 Reading 1
It was a hot summer evening. P
Seojun went for a walk in the park. Soon, he was sweating. P
I'm thirsty. I want something cold to drink. P
(BUZZ) At that moment, something tiny flew at him and bit his arm. P
Hey, catch me if you can. P
Who are you? What have you done to me? P
I'm a mosquito. I've just finished my dinner. P
4-2 Reading 2
Where are you from? How did you find me? P
I'm from a nearby river. I was looking for some blood to drink there. P
Then I smelled something sweaty and found you here. P
How could you smell me from the river? P
Mosquitoes can sense heat and smell very well. P
That's why we have survived for millions of years. P
Do all mosquitoes drink blood like you? P
No. Only female mosquitoes like me drink blood. P
Male mosquitoes only feed on fruit and plant juice. P
That's interesting. So why do you drink blood? P
I need the protein in blood to lay my eggs. P
How do you drink blood? Do you have sharp teeth? P
No, I don't have teeth. But I have a long and pointed mouth. P
So I can drink your blood easily. P
4-3 Reading 3
After you bit me, I got a bump. It itches. P
I'm sorry to hear that. Make sure you don't scratch it. P
Also, clean it with alcohol wipes. P
Alcohol wipes? I've never tried that before. P
It will reduce the itchiness. P
Okay, I'll try that at home. Thanks. P
I have to go. See you soon. P
Where are you going? P
I'm going back to the river. P
Wait! A lot of people have suffered from your bites. P
How can we prevent them? P
Stay cool and wear long sleeves. P
Thanks. I'll keep your advice in mind. P
4-4 Listen & Speak 1
You look worried, Jimin. What's wrong? P
I'm worried because my cat is sick. P
I'm sorry to hear that. Why don't you take her to an animal doctor? P
How was the soccer game with Minsu's class, Alex? P
We lost by three goals. P
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you do better next time. P
4-5 Listen and Talk
Let's go swimming this weekend, Yujin. P
I'd love to, but I can't. P
I have an eye problem. The doctor told me to stop swimming for a while. P
I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe we can go next weekend. P
I really hope so. P
My stomach hurts! I think I have food poisoning. P
I’m sorry to hear that. How about going to see a doctor? P
4-6 Listen & Speak 2
Tim, look at your face! You got sunburn. P
Yes, it hurts a lot. I went swimming at the beach without sunscreen. P
Oh dear! Make sure you wear sunscreen next time. P
Hojun, do you want to go shopping with me? P
Sorry, Mom. I'm going to play baseball with Alex this afternoon. P
Okay. No problem. Just make sure you wear a hat. P
It's going to be very hot this afternoon. P
Did you pack for the school trip tomorrow, Sue? P
Yes. Now I'm checking my list again. I don't want to miss anything. P
Make sure you take an umbrella with you. It might rain tomorrow. P
4-7 Listen and Write
Dad, do we have any bug spray? P
Yes, it's under the sink. Why? P
There are a lot of fruit flies around the trash. P
Oh no! What did you put in the trash? P
Some fruit waste. Fruit flies love sweet things. P
Make sure you don't put fruit waste in the trash can. P
I'll keep that in mind. P
I think we should also empty our trash can more often. P
That's a good idea. P
5-1 Listen & Speak 1
Do you want to play the new game that I bought? P
Sure, what is it, Jimin? P
It's like a soccer game but the players are dragons and seahorses. P
You need to use these buttons to play. P
That sounds fun. Can you explain how to use the buttons? P
Kelly, here's a riddle. You can see this twice in a week, once in a year, but never in a day. What is this? P
I have no idea. P
It's the letter "E." P
I don't get it. Can you explain why? P
Well, there are two "E"s in the word "week," one "E" in the word "year" but no "E"s in the word "day." P
Now I get it. P
5-2 Listen & Speak 2
Yujin, look at my paper fox. P
That's cute. How did you make it? P
First, fold a paper in half to make a triangle. P
Second, fold the top of the triangle to the bottom line. P
Third, fold both ends of the bottom line to the top to make ears. P
Then, turn it over and draw a face. P
That sounds easy. P
Minsu, do you know the TV show about the student detective? P
Yes. I love that show, but I didn't see it this week. What was it about? P
Well, all of the bikes at school disappeared. P
So, what did he do? P
First, he looked around the school. P
Then, he met some suspects and asked questions. P
Finally, he found the thief. The thief was... . P
No, don't tell me! I'll watch it later. P
5-3 Real Life Communication
Junsu, do you want to solve a riddle? P
Sure, what is it? P
There is a farmer. First, the farmer buys a fox, a duck, and a bag of beans. P
Then, the farmer needs to cross a river. P
What's the problem? P
The boat can only hold the farmer and one more thing. P
Are you saying that the farmer can take only one thing at a time? P
Yes. Also, the fox will eat the duck or the duck will eat the beans if the farmer isn't there. P
Can you explain how to move everything across the river safely? P
5-4 Reading 1
Welcome to the Escape Tower. P
You will enter the first room in our tower. P
You need to solve some riddles to escape. P
Clues can be found somewhere inside the room. P
So, are you ready to think like Sherlock Holmes? P
Mr.Doodle was hit by a car on Sunday afternoon. P
Luckily, he wasn't badly hurt, but he didn't see the driver. P
Three suspects were questioned by a police officer. P
Ms.A said she was reading a book at the time of the accident. P
Mr.B said he was walking his dog. P
Ms.C said she was making breakfast. P
Who hit Mr.Doodle? Can you explain why? P
Do you have the answer? Write it down. P
Then you can move to the next room. P
The accident happened in the afternoon. P
5-5 Reading 2
Congratulations! You made it to the second room. P
However, the second room is much harder to escape than the first one. P
Jay gets an email from his favorite clothing store. P
The title reads "You won our Lucky Day event!" P
Jay is surprised. He quickly opens it. P
You won our ‘Lucky day’ event! P
Congratulations! You have won a special prize. P
During our Lucky Day event, you can choose any seven items from our store for free! P
Come to our store on November 31. We can't wait to see you. P
However, Jay thinks that the event isn't real and deletes the email. P
Can you explain why? Do you have the answer? P
Write it down and then you are free to go! P
There are usually 30 or 31 days in a month. P
6-1 Listen & Speak 1
Minsu, what do you think about that painting? P
The people look like they're having fun. P
I agree. In my opinion, the dancing boy really enjoys dancing. P
Jimin, what do you think about this painting? P
In my opinion, it's interesting. I smiled when I first saw it. P
Me, too. The dancers in the painting look happy. P
Hojun, did you know that some male birds dance? P
No. Why do they dance? P
They dance to show their love to female birds. P
That's interesting. Do you know any other animals that can dance? P
Yes, some bees dance to show where to find food. P
That's cool! In my opinion, dancing is a great way to communicate. P
I totally agree with you. P
6-2 Listen & Speak 2
I use my voice to make music. Listen to my music. P
My voice is soft and cool. I'm sure you will like it. P
I move my body to express my feelings. Look at my movements. P
Why don't you jump like me? I'm sure you'll feel great. P
I use my hands to make sounds. Come and listen to my music. P
I'm sure you'll want to dance when you listen to it. P
What are you reading, Kelly? P
I'm reading a story about Michaela DePrince. P
Michaela DePrince? Can you tell me more about her? P
Sure. Michaela lost her parents when she was three. P
After that, she had a lot of difficulties. P
But she never gave up on her dream of becoming a dancer. P
Wow, she worked very hard to be a good dancer. P
Kelly, you also have a dream to be a dancer, right? P
Yes. I will try my best to be a great dancer like her. P
Keep up the good work. I'm sure you can make it. P
6-3 Real Life Communication
You know what? The school dance contest will be held soon. P
That's right. I heard Jimin's class is going to perform a taekwondo dance P
and Tim's class is going to do a K-pop dance. P
We should also decide what to do. P
How about a Buchaechum? P
In my opinion, it is easy to learn, and it's also beautiful. P
That sounds like a good idea. But who will teach us? P
Mina is good at traditional dances. Can you help us, Mina? P
Of course, I will. I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun. P
Great. Let's give it a try. P
6-4 Reading 1
Why do people dance? P
They dance to express feelings, give happiness to others, or enjoy themselves. P
Let's take a look at different kinds of dance around the world. P
Kathakali tells a story. P
The dancers tell stories through their body movements. P
These stories are usually about a fight between good and evil. P
Dancers who are playing good characters paint their faces green. P
Those who are playing evil characters wear black make-up. P
Interestingly, in Kathakali, only men are allowed to dance. P
The body movements are so powerful that the dancers need to train for many years. P
6-5 Reading 2
When people visit New Zealand, they may meet a group of haka dancers. P
The dancers perform this traditional dance with scary faces. P
This dance was originally performed by the Maori before a fight. P
They wanted to show their strength to the enemy. P
The dancers looked as scary as wild animals before fighting. P
Nowadays, in New Zealand, rugby players usually perform a haka before a game to show their strength to the other team. P
6-6 Reading 3
Buchaechum is a traditional Korean fan dance. P
The dancers wear colorful hanbok. P
They dance with large fans that are painted in bright colors. P
The dancers move the fans gracefully to show different kinds of beauty. P
Their movements look as beautiful as flowers or flying birds. P
In Korea, Buchaechum is so popular that people can see it in many traditional festivals. P
6-8 Culture & Life
In the past, people danced the tarantella for sick people. P
Nowadays, it is a couple's dance. P
People dance the tarantella on happy days such as weddings. P
This dance is performed before a fight. P
It is also called a jumping dance. P
Dancers jump high in the air. P
When a dancer jumps, other dancers cheer him on with loud noises. P
Nongakmu is performed by farmers. P
They dance it to thank each other for their hard work in the fields. P
They wear special hats and move their heads to the music they play. P
7-1 Listen & Speak 1
Today we'll make ice cream. P
Which flavor do you want to make? How about strawberry? P
First, mix two cups of milk, two cups of heavy cream, and half a cup of sugar. P
Next, cut five strawberries into small pieces. P
Then, mix everything together and put it in the freezer. P
It's easy to make, isn't it? Why don't you try making it at home? P
Yujin, why did you put the eggs in water? P
I'm picking out the bad eggs. P
Which eggs are fresh, and which ones are not? P
Eggs that sink in water are fresh. P
When eggs float in water, they're not fresh. You shouldn't eat them. P
That's interesting. Why do the bad eggs float? P
Because they have gas inside. The gas acts like the air in a balloon. P
7-2 Listen & Speak 2
Ms. Jeong, does a glass of water weigh more when there's a fish in it? P
Yes, it does. We can test it now. P
But how? We don't have a fish. P
We can use a finger instead of a fish. P
How will that work? P
I'll weigh a glass of water first. Then I will put my finger in the water and weigh it to compare. P
Oh, I can't wait to see the difference. P
It hasn't rained for a long time. P
Yes. The dry season is lasting too long. The farmers are very worried. P
We should do something to help them. P
How about making a special clock? P
A clock? How will that help? P
The clock will show the time and the seasons. P
We can use it to prepare for the dry season. P
That sounds like a good idea. But who's going to make it? P
I'll give it a try. I know a lot about time and the seasons. P
Okay, I can't wait to see your clock. P
7-3 Real Life Communication
Mina, will you join our tennis club? P
It sounds interesting, but I signed up for a special class this fall. P
Which class did you sign up for? P
I signed up for a magic class. I can't wait to learn new magic tricks there. P
That sounds cool! Have you learned magic tricks before? P
Yes, I learned some before, but I need more practice. P
I hope I can see your magic tricks some day. P
Which class do you want to sign up for? P
I want to take the badminton class. I like playing badminton. How about you? P
I want to take the computer class. I can’t wait to make a computer program there. P
That sounds cool! P
7-4 Reading 1
Welcome to the Super Science Magic Show! It's always exciting to see magic tricks. P
And it's more exciting to find out the secrets behind them. P
Some people think the secret of magic is science. P
Today, Ken, a member of the School Magic Club, will use science to perform his tricks. P
Which tricks will he show us? I can't wait to see them. P
7-5 Reading 2
Today, I'm going to show you something amazing. P
Here's a dish with water in it. P
Now, I'll put a candle in the middle of the dish. P
Next, I'll light the candle and cover it with a glass. P
Look at the water! How come it rose into the glass? P
Air expands when it gets hot and creates higher pressure. P
When it gets cold, air contracts and creates lower pressure. P
When the flame burnt out, the air inside the glass cooled down. P
As the air cooled down, the air pressure dropped. P
So the air outside the glass was at a higher pressure. P
It pushed the water into the glass. P
7-6 Reading 3
Now, I'm going to fill one of these cups with water. P
I will move them around to confuse you. P
Jina, which cup has the water in it? P
That's easy! It's the middle one. P
Okay, let's check. See? No water. P
Show me the other cups. P
See? There's no water. P
Wow! How come the water disappeared? P
Before the trick, I put a special material into one of the cups. P
The material absorbed the water and turned it into jelly. P
Then the jelly stuck to the bottom. P
If you want to try this trick, it's necessary to use cups that you can't see through. P
Thank you for your great performance. It was really amazing! P
7-7 Let’s Check
What are you reading, Jiwon? P
I'm reading a book about magic and science. P
That sounds interesting. P
Yes. This book introduces 100 magic tricks that use science. I've learned about half of them. P
That's cool. Can you show me some of the tricks? P
Sure. I can show you a balloon trick now. P
Great! I can't wait to see it. P
8-1 Listen & Speak 1
Tim, have you heard of the Gobi Desert? P
Yes, I have. Isn't it in Mongolia and China? P
Yes, it is. Yesterday, I saw a TV show about people who crossed the desert on foot. P
Only on foot? P
Yes, it took them about 51 days. P
Wow, that's amazing. I want to experience life in the desert but I don't want to cross it on foot. P
Well, I want to try and cross the Gobi Desert in 50 days. P
Alex, have you heard about this year's "Ugly Sweater Party?" P
Of course, I have. It's on December 5th, right? P
That's right. Are you going to go? P
I want to, but I don't have an ugly sweater. P
I have one that I don't wear at home. You can have it if you want. P
Thanks. That would be great. P
Let's meet in front of the Student Center and go inside together. P
8-2 Listen & Speak 2
What can you do to be healthy? First, try to exercise every day. P
Second, try to eat healthy food. P
Don't eat too much fast food. P
Third, wash your hands before meals. P
Do these tips sound hard to do? P
Well, take one step at a time and don't give up. P
Then you'll live a healthy life. P
Hojun, are you going to try out for the school ice hockey team? The new season is about to start. P
I heard that Tony and Brad are also trying out for the team. They're so good. P
Well, you're also good at ice hockey, so don't give up! P
Okay, I'll try my best. Thanks a lot. P
8-3 Real Life Communication
Emily, are you excited about your match on Saturday? P
Not really. We're playing against a strong team. I think we'll lose. P
Don't say that. Have you heard about the Greek team in the 2004 Euro Cup? P
No, I haven't. What about them? P
They were a weak team, so everyone thought that they would lose. P
What happened? P
They played as a team and worked hard. Finally, they won the Euro Cup. So, don't give up. P
Thanks, Dad. We'll try our best. P
8-4 Reading 1
Koh Panyee was a small floating village in the middle of the sea. P
Although the boys in the village never played soccer before, they loved watching it on TV. P
One day, the boys decided to make their own soccer team. P
However, people laughed at their idea. P
“That's impossible.” “What makes you say so?” P
“Look around. Where are you going to play soccer?” P
The villagers were right. The boys had no place to play soccer. They were discouraged. P
“Don't give up! We can still play soccer.” P
“Let's make our own soccer field.” P
8-5 Reading 2
The boys gathered old boats and pieces of wood. P
They put the boats together and nailed the wood to them. P
After much hard work, they finally had a floating field. P
It was shaky and had nails everywhere. P
The ball and the boys would often fall into the sea, so the field was always wet and slippery. P
They had no shoes so they had to play in bare feet. P
Still, they didn't care. P
In fact, they built excellent skills and enjoyed playing soccer more. P
One day, a boy brought a poster about a soccer tournament. P
They decided to give it a try. P
When they were about to leave, the villagers gave them new shoes and uniforms. P
Some even came to watch the game. P
This made the boys feel better. P
At first, people saw them as the weakest team. P
However, when the tournament started, the soccer team surprised everyone. P
8-6 Reading 3
On the day of the semi-final, it was raining hard. P
They were losing by two goals and it looked impossible to win. P
“The other team is so strong,” they thought. P
But the boys didn't give up. P
They took off their shoes during the second half and the game changed completely. P
They played better in the rain thanks to the slippery field at home. P
Although they lost by a score of three to two, still, they felt proud of themselves. P
They didn't give up when they were losing. P
They tried their best until the end. P
8-7 Culture & Life
The women's field hockey team from Zimbabwe surprised the whole world. P
Although they had only a month to prepare, they won the gold medal at the 1980 Olympic Games. P
The Greek team entered the 2004 Euro Cup without much hope. P
They were back in the tournament for the first time in 24 years. P
They met a strong team from Portugal in the final. P
Still, they won the game and it was a historic moment. P
The women's handball team from South Korea won a medal in the 2004 Olympic Games. P
Although people saw them as a weak team, they fought hard against the team from Denmark. P