1-2 Reading 2
This is my bucket list for this year. P
First, I want to go on a bike tour of Jejudo this summer. P
I've been there before, but I want to experience the island more freely on my bike this time. P
My second goal is to learn how to play the guitar. P
I think the guitar has the most beautiful sound of all musical instruments. P
I hope I can play my favorite song on my guitar by the end of this year. P
Finally, I want to get a good grade in math. P
Math is my weakest subject. P
This year, I'll put more effort into studying math to overcome my weakness. P
1-3 Reading 3
I want to see a concert of my favorite band right in front of the stage. P
I'm willing to stand in line all night to enter the front area. P
Second, I want to adopt a puppy. P
I've always wanted a puppy. P
I think I'm fully ready to take care of a pet now. P
My last goal is a little more challenging. P
I'd like to read all of the Sherlock Holmes stories. P
I became a big fan of this detective series last year, so I don't want to miss a single one. P
1-4 Listen & Speak 1
Hana, it's your birthday today. Happy birthday! P
What do you want for your birthday? P
I hope I get a new computer. P
What are you doing? P
I'm making my wish list for the new school year. P
That sounds cool! What's the first thing on your list? P
I hope I make a lot of new friends. P
How was your English class? P
It was fun! We wrote down our dreams for the future. P
Oh, did you? So tell me. What's yours? P
Well, first, I hope I become a rock star someday. P
1-5 Listen & Speak 2
Amy, what are you going to do tomorrow? P
I'm planning to go to the book fair with Jimmy. Would you like to join us? P
Sure. What time are you going to meet? P
At 3:00 in front of the school cafeteria. P
What are you planning to do tomorrow? P
Then how about going to a movie with me? P
That sounds wonderful. P
Jack! Can you do me a favor? P
I'm planning to buy a new bike tomorrow. Can you help me choose one? P
Sure, I'd love to. P
1-6 Real-Life Zone
Kate, do you have any special plans for the new school year? P
I'm planning to study one new Chinese word every day. P
I didn't know you were interested in Chinese. When did you start studying Chinese? P
Only last month. But now I can introduce myself in Chinese. P
That's amazing! How did you get so into Chinese? P
It's because I'm a big fan of Chinese dramas. I hope I can soon watch them in Chinese and understand what they're saying. P
Well, keep studying hard, and I'm sure you'll be able to do it someday. P
I hope so. What about you? What are your plans for this year? P
Let me think. Getting a good grade in every subject? As usual. P
1-7 Writing Workshop
Here is my bucket list. P
First, I want to learn how to make cookies. P
I want to make them to surprise my mom. P
Second, I want to live a simple life. P
I will throw away things that I do not need. P
The last thing is to study online English lessons every day. P
At the end of this year, I will overcome my problems with my weakest subject, English. P
1-9 Wrap Up 2
First, I want to see a concert of my favorite band right in front of the stage. P
I'm willing to stand in line all night enter the front area. P
Second, I want to adopt a puppy. I've always wanted a puppy. P
I think I'm fully ready to take care of a pet now. P
My last goal is a little more challenging. P
I'd like to read all of the Sherlock Holmes stories. P
I became a big fan of this detective series last year, so I don't want to miss a single one. P
2-2 Reading 2
Seongmin cannot take his hands off his smartphone all day long. P
He does not know that using a smartphone too much can cause health problems. P
Are you a heavy user of your smartphone like Seongmin? If so, here are some tips to protect your health. P
Watch your neck and back. P
When you read on your smartphone, you usually bend your neck. P
This "text neck" pose increases the pressure on your neck and back. P
The best way to prevent this pressure is to bring the phone up to the level of your eyes. P
Another way is to lower your eyes instead of bending your neck. P
2-3 Reading 3
Give your eyes a break. P
It makes your eyes feel tired and dry to read small letters on a smartphone for a long time. P
Using a smartphone in the dark or in a moving car makes this problem worse. P
To avoid this, give your eyes a break from time to time. P
Follow the 20-20-20 rule. P
Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something at least 20 feet away. P
Also, blink your eyes often. This will keep your eyes from becoming dry. P
Do you text a lot on your smartphone? P
Texting for a long time can hurt your fingers and wrists. P
Try these exercises. They will help reduce the pain in your fingers and wrists. P
Pull on each finger of each hand. P
Put the backs of your hands together with your arms out in front of you. P
But remember. The best tip to prevent these health problems is to use your smartphone less. P
Give yourself some rest from your smartphone. P
2-4 Listen & Speak 1
I have dark circles under my eyes. P
You should get more sleep. P
I forgot Jenny's birthday! P
Isn't she your best friend? P
Yes, she is. What should I do? P
I think you should tell her you're very sorry. P
I feel down. P
Why? What's the matter? P
I put on 5 kg this winter. What should I do? P
I think you should cut down on snacks. P
2-5 Listen & Speak 2
Mom, may I sleep over at Jinsu's house? P
Did Jinsu's mom say it was okay? P
Yes. Jinsu said she would make pizza for us. P
Make sure you text me when you get to Jinsu's house. P
Daniel, what are you doing? P
I'm reading a novel on my smartphone. P
Make sure you don't read in the dark. It's not good for your eyes. P
I'll turn the light on. P
Oh, no! I didn't bring my science book! P
Ms. Lee won't be happy about that. P
Can I borrow your science book? P
Just make sure you give it back when you're done. P
2-6 Real-Life Zone
What does your shirt say? P
Oh, this? It says "No Cellphone for 24 Hours.” P
No cellphone? Why? P
We depend on our phones too much these days. P
That's true. How often will you do this? P
I'm planning on doing it once a month, but I'm not sure. P
Try it first. Then, decide how often you should do it. P
Okay. I'm going to keep a diary of what I did without my phone for 24 hours. You should try it, too. P
I'll think about it. Make sure you keep up with it. P
I plan to. After I do it, I'll talk about my experience in class. P
2-7 Writing Workshop
There are both good things and bad things about using a smartphone. P
First, I can get in touch with my friends right away. P
Also, I can easily get information I need. P
That is useful when I have a lot of homework to do. P
On the other hand, using a smartphone too much makes my eyes feel dry and tired. P
Also, text messages and ads keep me from paying attention to my studies. P
So I need to use my smartphone intelligently. P
3-2 Reading 2
Hi! I am Sora Kang from the Picasso Art Club. P
As you can guess from the name of our club, we paint. P
We also do volunteer work from time to time. P
Last summer, our club members participated in the “Change Our Neighborhood” project. P
On the dirty old walls of the buildings in our neighborhood, P
we painted birds flying high in the sky and dolphins jumping over blue waves. P
As a result, the old neighborhood changed into a bright and beautiful place. P
The neighbors were happy to see our work and thanked us. P
You don’t have to be a good painter. P
Anyone who likes to paint can join. P
Come and be a member of the Picasso Art Club. P
3-3 Reading 3
Hi! I am Minsu Jang, the leader of the Boram Orchestra. P
Did you see several students playing music at the main gate when you came to school today? P
We were those students. P
We play music for our friends every morning. P
You need to know how to play an instrument a little bit to join our club. P
But don’t worry if you don’t play well. P
We will practice hard and get better together. P
3-4 Reading 4
We also teach children how to play musical instruments as a service to our community. P
I am teaching an eleven-year-old boy to play the violin. P
At first, he did not know how to read a note. P
Now he can play a simple song. P
Hearing him play the violin makes me very happy. P
By joining our club, you can have an opportunity to help others. P
Come and join our club. We are waiting for you. P
3-5 Listen and Choose
I heard you went to Yuna's violin concert yesterday. How was it? P
It was great. I hope I can play the violin like her someday. P
I didn't know you knew how to play the violin. P
I can, but I'm not good at it yet. P
Look at these pictures. I grew these vegetables myself. I have my own garden. P
Cool! Do you know how to cook the vegetables you grow, too? P
Yes, my grandmother taught me. P
3-6 Listen and Match
Do you enjoy reading books, Yumi? P
Yes, I love reading science books. How about you? P
I love reading books, too. P
Then, let's go to the library after school today. P
What did you do on the weekend, Minsu? P
I made breakfast for my family. P
Do you enjoy cooking? P
Yes, I'm a good cook! My family loves my cooking. P
Jiyun, that's a pretty backpack! Where did you get it? P
My sister made it for me. P
Wow! She's a really good designer. P
Yes, she is. And she enjoys making clothes, too. P
3-7 Real-Life Zone
Hello, Kate. I'm Hamin, the leader of the Nanum Orchestra. P
Thank you for your interest in our club. P
Hi. Nice to meet you. P
You play the violin? When did you start playing the violin? P
I started learning how to play the violin when I was ten. P
Do you have any experience playing in a group? P
Yes. Actually, I was a member of an orchestra when I was in elementary school. P
Great. We also volunteer to teach children. Do you enjoy teaching others? P
I have no experience teaching others. P
But I enjoy working with people, so I'd like to try. P
Good. I think we'll have a great time playing together. P
Welcome to the Nanum Orchestra. P
3-8 Wrap Up
These cookies look so delicious. Did you make them? P
Yes. I made them myself yesterday. I enjoy baking. P
I'm going to make doughnuts this Saturday. P
Oh, I want to learn how to make doughnuts. Is it difficult? P
Not at all. You can come to my house and join me if you want. P
Thanks, Bora. What time should I come? P
Sounds good. See you then. P
Did you buy that drone? P
No. I got it as a present from my parents, but I don't know how to use it. P
Do you know how to? P
No, maybe Jina knows how to do it. She enjoys flying drones. P
Then, I will ask her for help. P
4-2 Reading 2
The younger brother said, “Let’s go and find happiness together.” P
“No,” said the older brother, P
“How can we know this is true? What if the river is too wide? P
Besides, will it be easy to take the cubs away from their mother? P
Instead of finding happiness, we can be killed!” The younger brother replied, P
“How can we know if we don’t try?” P
They separated, and they both went their own way. P
The younger brother went into the forest and swam across the river. P
There was the bear. She was sleeping. P
He took her cubs and ran up the mountain. P
4-3 Reading 3
When he reached the top, some people took him to their city and made him their king. P
There he lived as a king for five years. P
Then a war broke out, and he lost his throne. P
He was on the road again. P
One day, the two brothers met again and talked about their lives for the last five years. P
The older brother said, “I was right. I have lived quietly and well. P
You were once a king, but you have had a lot of trouble.” P
The younger brother answered, “I don’t regret my choice. P
I may have nothing now, but I will always have something to remember. P
4-4 Listen and Check
Do you have any special plans for tomorrow? P
I'm going to Jejudo in the morning. P
But I'm worried about the weather. P
Don't worry. It won't rain on Jejudo tomorrow. P
Oh, that's good to hear. P
Jina, can you go into your house first? P
Why? What's wrong? P
I'm scared of your dog. P
Don't worry. He's a friendly dog. P
He just looks scary because he's so big. P
4-5 Listen and Number
Did you watch the movie, The Daughter? P
Yes, I saw it last Saturday. P
What did you think of it? P
I was disappointed. It wasn't very good. P
What do you think of our school cafeteria food? P
I think the cafeteria food is delicious. P
What do you think is the best item P
I like the Gimbap the best. P
What do you think of this painting P
It looks great. I like the colors. P
I’m happy that you like it. I painted it myself. P
4-6 Real-Life Zone
I saw you with someone who looked like a foreigner yesterday. P
Yes. We had lunch together. P
You looked like you were having a good time. P
We were. We try to meet twice a month for lunch. P
I wish I could feel more comfortable talking with a foreigner. P
I was worried about speaking in English before, but not anymore. P
I get really nervous when I try to speak in English. P
Well, the first time is the hardest. After that, it gets easier and easier. P
What do you think about me joining both of you for lunch? P
That's a great idea. P
4-7 Wrap Up
Jimin, you look worried. What's wrong? P
Mom, I can't find the book that I borrowed from the library. P
Have you seen it? P
What book are you looking for? Jonathan Livingston Seagull? P
I think I saw it in the living room. P
Yes, that's it. Thank you, Mom. P
By the way, have you read the book? What did you think of it? P
I've read it two times already. It was really interesting. P
I loved the character of Jonathan a lot. P
5-1 Listen & Speak 1
What are you doing? P
I'm looking at a world map. P
You checked two countries. Which country would you like to visit first? The U.S. or Mexico? P
I want to visit the U.S. I'd like to see a basketball game there. P
I'm thinking about getting a pet. Do you have a pet? P
Yes, I do. I have a dog and a cat. P
What do you think? Which pet is better for me? A cat or a dog? P
Why don't you come to my house someday and play with my pets? P
Then you can decide. P
5-2 Listen & Speak 2
Do you want to see my new mountain bike? P
Sure. When did you get it? P
Yesterday my father bought it for me. Can you come to my house this afternoon? P
Of course. I can't wait to see it. P
Don't forget that we're going rock climbing this weekend! P
Don't worry. I won't forget. P
I'm excited about going. I can't wait. P
Did you hear about Jisu? P
What about her? She lives in Canada. P
She came back to Korea last month. She wants to see you. P
Oh, I can't wait to see her. P
5-3 Real-Life Zone
Jiho, why are you in such a hurry? P
I have to be home before 6:00. P
The game between the Thunders and the Cobras starts at 6:00. P
Oh, are you a baseball fan? Which team do you support? The Cobras or the Thunders? P
Me, too! I don't want to miss the game either. P
Hurry up! We only have thirty minutes left. P
Okay. Maybe we can watch a game together sometime. P
That's a great idea! How about going to the next Cobras home game together? P
They have a game next Saturday. We can eat fried chicken while watching the game! P
That sounds great. I can't wait! P
5-4 Reading 1
Today the Thunders and the Cobras have a game. Jihun’s family is at the baseball stadium. P
Jian, this is your first time to come to the baseball stadium, isn’t it? P
Yes, I’m so excited. I can’t wait for the game to start. P
Look, the players are coming out now! P
Which team is the Thunders? P
Over there, behind third base. P
They are wearing dark gray uniforms because they are the visiting team. P
5-5 Reading 2
Does the visiting team always wear a dark color? P
Yes, that’s the rule. Home teams have bright uniforms and visiting teams have dark uniforms. P
Why is that? P
There is an interesting story about that. P
In the past, visiting teams could not wash their uniforms after every game. P
So they started wearing dark colors to hide the dirt. P
That was a good idea! P
The players are warming up. P
Who’s your favorite player? P
What does the number mean? P
Players choose a number they like. P
You know what? In the past, the numbers were determined by the players’ batting order. P
That means there were no players with number 77! P
5-6 Reading 3
Now, Jihun’s favorite player is about to bat. Jihun looks anxious. P
Your favorite player is at bat. P
Yes. He has hit 21 home runs already this year. P
If he hits one more today, he will be the home run leader this season. P
The batter misses several balls. P
Now he has a full count. He is waiting for the next pitch. P
The ball flies fast. It is going, gone! P
5-7 Work Together
On today's show we are going to talk about fun facts in sports! P
We have here with us, sports reporter Dasom. P
Hi, I'm going to talk about baseball. P
Do you think catchers in the old days played the same role as catchers do these days? P
What do you think? P
In the past, catchers stood about one meter behind home base and stopped the ball. P
5-8 Wrap Up
Jimin, which sport do you like? Soccer or table tennis? P
I love table tennis. How about you, Yunho? P
I like soccer. I'm a big fan of James Hood. He's a great soccer player. P
There's a soccer match this weekend between Korea and Turkey. Have you heard about it? P
Of course. I already have a ticket. I'm going to see the game on Saturday. I can't wait. P
That's fantastic. P
6-1 Listen & Speak 1
You look excited, Inho. What's up? P
I'm going to Jejudo with my family this weekend. Have you ever been there? P
Yes, many times. I love the coastline. How about you? P
It'll be my first visit to Jejudo. I can't wait for this weekend! P
Have you ever watched the sun rise over the ocean? P
No. How about you? P
I watched the sun rise in Gangneung on New Year's Day. It was great. P
I tried several times, but I just couldn't wake up early enough. P
6-2 Listen & Speak 2
How was your vacation? P
Great. I went to Dokdo with my family. P
How did you like it? P
It was amazing. I want to visit there again. P
Have you been to the new Chinese restaurant? P
Yes. I had dinner there last Sunday. P
How did you like it? P
The service was bad. I won't go back there again. P
6-3 Real-Life Zone
Have you ever traveled abroad, Sujin? P
Yes, I went to Cambodia last summer. P
How did you like it? P
It was really hot, but I enjoyed the trip. P
Tell me some interesting experiences you had during the trip. P
let me think. I ate fried spiders! P
What? You're kidding. How did you like them? P
They were really big, so was a little scared at first. But the taste was okay. P
Really? I cannot imagine eating spiders. P
6-4 Reading 1
This year, I had a special summer because I visited Mongolia for the first time. P
My friend Altan is from Mongolia. P
His grandmother invited me to Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. P
After a four-hour flight from Seoul, Altan and I arrived at Chinggis Khaan International Airport in Ulaanbaatar. P
It took thirty minutes by taxi from the airport to Altan’s grandmother’s house. P
6-5 Reading 2
Her house is a ger, a traditional Mongolian house. P
It is a big tent, but it is cozy inside. P
When we entered, something smelled wonderful. P
It was from the khorkhog that she was cooking for us. P
Khorkhog is a Mongolian barbecue. P
It is made of lamb and cooked with hot stones. P
I was moved when Altan said Mongolians serve khorkhog to special guests. P
It was so delicious that I asked for more. P
After dinner, Altan and I went outside to see the night sky. P
The sky was full of bright stars. P
I felt like I was in a magical place. P
6-6 Reading 3
During the next three days, Altan showed me around and helped me experience Mongolian culture. P
Every moment was fun and exciting, but I had the most fun when I rode a camel in the Gobi Desert. P
At first, I was scared because the camel was taller than I expected. P
But once I sat on its back, I soon got used to its movement. P
From the camel’s back, the view of the desert was truly amazing. P
My visit to Mongolia was a special experience in many ways. P
It gave me a great chance to get to know my friend’s country and culture. P
I want to visit Mongolia again someday! P
6-7 Wrap Up
How was your weekend, Tony? P
It was great. I went to the International Food Festival with my parents. P
What food did you try? P
I had a traditional Chinese dessert, tangyuan. P
How did you like it? P
I enjoyed it. It's made with sweet rice balls. P
Chinese people usually serve it to guests at a wedding. P
7-1 Listen & Speak 1
Do you have any ideas for our group project? P
No. What about you? P
I'm thinking we should talk about future jobs. What do you think? P
That sounds perfect for our project. Let's look for some information on the Internet. P
The Robot Expo begins next week. Why don't you go with me? P
Yes, I'd love to. That sounds interesting. P
We'll have a chance to meet robotics engineers. P
That'll be great. P
7-2 Listen & Speak 2
This computer looks nice. How much is it? P
It's 500 dollars. It's the newest one. P
Is it possible to use this coupon? P
Let me check. Yes, you can. So, you'll get 30 dollars off. P
Perfect. I'll take it. P
We took lots of pictures during our trip. P
We sure did. We have more than 500 pictures. P
Is it possible to make an animated photo album out of them? P
Yes, it's possible. I have an app for that. P
7-3 Real-Life Zone
Look at those words on the board. P
What do they mean? Let's look them up in the dictionary. P
What about using the AI translator? P
How do I use it? P
You point your smartphone camera at the words and ask AI to translate. P
You will get an answer. P
Is it possible for AI to read those words? P
Sure. I can read any language and translate it. P
Wow, that sounds unbelievable. P
So, AI, what do those words mean? P
They mean "Dreams come true!" P
7-4 Reading 1
Jina and Suhan are at the World AI Expo. They are entering the AI home. P
Look at this! It's a house of the future. P
Let's go into the bedroom first. Look, there's a smart closet. P
I'm standing in front of this screen on the closet door and my clothes keep changing. P
The screen suggests clothes that suit the weather. P
That's amazing. We no longer have to worry about dressing for the weather. P
Right! Let's move on to the living room. P
Oh, I like this music speaker. P
I'm not just a music speaker. I can do more than you can imagine. P
It's hard to believe that you can understand us. What can you do? P
7-5 Reading 2
How about watching a movie? I'll play one for you. P
Look, those smart windows are getting darker. I feel like I'm in a movie theater. P
What else can you do? P
I can beatbox, too. Here comes, "cats and boots and cats and boots." P
You're funny. Good job! P
Hurry! There's a smart car station outside. Let's go and ride in that red car. P
This car is so cool. Let's get in. P
Welcome. Are you ready to go? P
Yes, what should we do now? It's my first time to ride in a smart car. P
You don't need to do anything. I will drive and take you to the next station. P
7-6 Reading 3
Watch out! I see a cat crossing the street. P
Don't worry. I have just sensed it. When I sense dangerous situations, I slow down or stop. P
How can you do that? P
I'm a very intelligent robotic car. I know all about driving. P
I can predict danger based on knowledge and experience. P
How smart! You think and act like a person. You are really like a human. P
7-7 Wrap Up
Minseok, there is a smart food-ordering machine over there. Why don't we try it? P
That sounds interesting. We'll be able to order easily and fast by using it. P
I hope so. By the way, do you think maybe it will be possible for robots to replace humans someday? P
I'm not sure. But we will be free from danger because of robots. P
What do you mean? P
Robots can help people in danger. Robots can do the dangerous work so humans don't have to. P
You're right. We should always try to look on the bright side. P
8-1 Listen & Speak 1
Do you know anything about Korean history? P
I don't know much about it, but I'm interested in it. P
Can you help me with my history homework? P
Sure. No problem. P
Do you know anything about Changdeokgung? P
Yes, a little. It's famous for its beautiful garden. P
I'm going to go there with my Chinese friend. P
I think you'll like it. P
Do you know anything about this writer? P
Yes. I've read some of his novels. Why? P
How were they? I'm thinking of buying his books. P
You shouldn't. I didn't enjoy his books that much. P
8-2 Listen & Speak 2
Can you explain this poem? P
Sure. It was written by Yun Dongju. P
What's it about? P
It's about him missing his hometown. P
Could you explain what Helping Hands is? P
It's a volunteer group in our community. P
Could you tell me more about it? P
Well, they take care of children in need. P
What are hanoks? Do you know anything about them? P
Hanoks are traditional Korean houses. They are designed to be in harmony with nature. P
Could you explain a little more about them? P
Hanoks are cool in the summer and warm in the winter. P
That sounds interesting. Where can I see these traditional houses? P
There's a hanok village near here. P
How about going there and seeing the hanoks? P
Good idea! How can we get there? P
You can take Bus Number 5 over there at the bus stop. P
8-3 Reading 1
Have you been to Bukchon? There is a beautiful hanok village in Bukchon. P
It is popular with tourists who want to see Korea's past. P
However, not many people know that Bukchon was created through one man's efforts. P
That man was Jeong Segwon, known as the King of Architecture in Gyeongseong. P
Jeong Segwon was a businessman who founded Geonyangsa in 1920. P
At that time, Korea was ruled by Japan, and the Japanese were changing Gyeongseong to fit their taste. P
8-4 Reading 2
Many Japanese moving into Gyeongseong were building Japanese or Western houses. P
Jeong Segwon wanted to protect the hanok and help the suffering people. P
He said, "People are power. P
We Joseon people should keep Jongno and not let the Japanese set foot here." P
He bought the land between Gyeongbokgung and Changdeokgung. P
There he built small, modern hanoks for the people. P
Through his efforts, we now have Bukchon filled with its beautiful hanoks. P
8-5 Reading 3
Jeong Segwon helped the independence movement in many ways. P
For example, he built the office building for the Joseon Language Society and supported its efforts to keep the Joseon language alive. P
When the Joseon Language Affair happened, he was caught by the police and suffered a lot. P
Japanese officials pressed him to build Japanese houses. P
He said, "I don't know how to build Japanese houses." P
An official said, "You know how to build hanoks, so you can build Japanese houses, too." P
But he did not do what the Japanese told him to do. P
The cost was high. P
His business fell off, and he lost his property. P
However, in part, thanks to Jeong Segwon, the traditions of Korea still live with us today. P
8-6 Writing Workshop
He lived during the Joseon Dynasty, and his job was catching fish. P
When he was fishing, he saw the Japanese people fishing near Ulleungdo. P
He visited Japan twice and said that Ulleungdo and Dokdo were part of Korea. P
In 1696, the Japanese ruler officially told the Japanese people not to fish near Ulleungdo and Dokdo. P
He did his best to protect Ulleungdo and Dokdo. P
9-1 Listen & Speak 1
Are you interested in going to an opera? I have two tickets. P
Yes, I love opera. When is it? P
It's this Saturday at 5:00. Can you make it? P
Yes, thanks so much for asking me. P
Why don't we go to the new shoe shop this weekend? P
Okay. What about at 2:00 on Saturday? P
Can you make it at 1:00? I have to take care of my sister at 3:00. P
Sure. See you then. P
9-2 Listen & Speak 2
We're going to Hangang this weekend. Do you remember? P
Of course. Don't forget to bring your camera. P
Okay, I won't. I'll bring some snacks, too. P
You look healthy. What's your secret? P
Thanks. Well, I go swimming every day. You should go with me sometime. P
That sounds like fun. Any other things I should do? P
Don't forget to eat many kinds of fruits and vegetables, too. P
9-3 Real-Life Zone
What are you listening to? P
Classical music. I'm going to a concert tomorrow and I'd like to know about the music before I go. P
I guess it's more enjoyable if you know the music. P
Actually, I don't want to clap at the wrong time. P
Don't you just clap when the music stops? P
No. In classical music, one piece of music may have several pauses. P
You should wait and clap at the very end. P
I see. Make sure you don't forget to clap at the real ending. P
By the way, can you make it to our soccer practice tomorrow at 4? P
Sure. I'll come to the practice after the concert finishes. P
Okay. See you then. P
9-4 Reading 1
Imagine yourself at a classical music concert. P
The orchestra starts to play one of Mozart's piano concertos. P
The concert hall is dark and silent. P
Nobody makes a sound. Everybody looks serious. P
The audiences only clap after the concerto finishes. P
This is a familiar scene at concerts today. P
Let's go back in time and take a look at one of Mozart's concerts in the 18th century. P
You are in a bright hall inside a nobleman's house. P
Mozart is playing the piano. P
Surprisingly, however, the audiences are eating, drinking, and talking freely. P
They whistle and clap at any time. P
You are shocked by their bad manners, but Mozart himself would be surprised by today's quiet audiences. P
Concerts in Mozart's time were mostly social events. P
They were good places to meet people. P
Noise was just part of the concert. P
9-5 Reading 2
Today's quiet concerts began in the 19th century when many big concert halls were built. P
More people, not just noblemen, went to concerts. P
Artists were no longer dependent on noblemen for money. P
The artists had more power over their works and started to use their increased power. P
For example, Wagner blamed the audience for making noise. P
After some time, a no clapping-between-movements rule appeared. P
As a result, here we are today, very quiet and serious. P
We do not know what concerts will look like in the future because manners change with time. P
For now, however, if you want to enjoy classical music concerts, just remember this: P
Enjoy the music, but do not disturb those around you. P
9-6 Wrap Up
Have you heard about the Christmas concert at the city hall? P
I heard that a famous opera singer will be on the stage. P
Oh, then why don't we go on Christmas Day? Can you make it? P
Sure. Do you know what time the concert starts? P
It starts at 5:30. Let's meet at the bus stop at 4. P
Good. Don't forget to dress up. P
10-1 Reading 1
Charlotte's Web is a story of friendship between Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider. P
They lived on Mr. and Mrs. Allen's farm with Old Sheep, Duck, and Rat. P
One day, Mr. and Mrs. Allen were talking outside the barn. P
Wilbur looks very good. P
He'll make good bacon for Christmas. P
They are fattening Wilbur up for Christmas! P
No! I'm too young to die! P
You won't, Wilbur. I'll save you. P
I don't know yet, but remember? P
You saved me when Mr. Allen tried to clean my web off. P
Now it's my turn to save you. P
10-2 Reading 2
How can I save Wilbur?I have an idea! P
That night, Charlotte started to weave something above Wilbur's pen. P
She worked hard all night without sleeping. P
The next morning, Mr. and Mrs. Allen came to feed Wilbur. P
Look! There are words in the web. "Some Pig"! P
Soon, a large crowd came to see Wilbur. P
As time passed, only a few people came. Charlotte called a meeting. P
As we saw, human attention does not last long. P
If nobody cares for Wilbur, he will be dead before Christmas. P
We must write another word soon. P
I have an idea! How about "Terrific"? P
10-3 Reading 3
Again, Charlotte worked hard all night. Two days later, a bigger crowd came. P
This also will be forgotten soon. We have to prepare the next word right away. P
Uh, oh. I have run out of ideas. P
What's all the excitement? P
Why don't you help us? Will you bring some ads from the dump? P
We're trying to find new words. P
We're trying to save Wilbur's life. P
Okay, if Wilbur shares his meal with me. P