1-1 Reading 1

Welcome to the new school year. P

In the second grade, you will have more work to do. P

You need to manage your time well. P

How do you do that? I set small goals and achieve them every day. P

I do not say, "I will master English." P

With such a big goal, I will probably put off working on it until tomorrow, next week, or next month. P

Instead, I say, "I will learn three new English words every day." P

I will achieve my big goal, one step at a time. P

1-2 Reading 2

When I do something, I give it my full attention. P

I used to read SNS postings while I was doing my homework. P

It slowed me down because I couldn't focus. P

Now, I put aside my smartphone when I do my homework. P

It saves me a lot of time. P

These days, I finish my homework quickly and enjoy my free time. P

I regularly spend time working toward my dream. P

I want to become a chef. P

Every Saturday morning, I go to cooking classes or search for recipes. P

I think that using my time to prepare for my future is important. P

Time is a present. Everyone has the same present to spend every day. P

Manage your time well, and you will be happier in the new school year! P

1-3 Listen & Speak 1

You look worried, Sam. What's the matter? P

I don't hear my alarm in the morning these days. P

Why don't you set the alarm on your clock and on your smartphone? P

That's a good idea. P

Phew, what should I do? P

What's the matter, Julie? P

I spend money too fast. P

Well, I always make a plan before I buy things. P

Maybe I should do the same. P

1-4 Listen & Speak 2

Jason, are you okay? You don't look good today. P

I have a cold. P

That's too bad. I think you should see a doctor. P

You're right. Thank you. P

You look worried. What's going on? P

I'm worried about tomorrow's history quiz. What should I do? P

I think you should read your textbook again. P

That's a good idea. P

I don't sleep well these days. P

I think you should drink a glass of warm milk before you sleep. It will help. P

1-5 Conversation

This is a type of book. P

I write my daily, weekly, and monthly plans here. P

I also write important dates like my friends' birthdays and homework due dates here. P

Every night, I check this for the next day. P

Do you want to remember things easily? P

Then I think you should use this. P

1-6 Cartoon Time

I didn't bring my uniform. I forgot I have soccer practice today. P

My second year in middle school is busier than my first year, and I often forget things. P

I think you should use a planner. Here's mine. P

Sure. I write my class schedule and appointments in my planner. P

That's great. Maybe I should buy one. P

1-7 Wrap Up

What's the matter, Sam? Are you sick? P

Ms. Green, I think I have a cold. P

Did you go to the school nurse? P

Yes. She said I need to go to the hospital. Can I leave school now? P

Okay, Sam. I'll call your mom and tell her about it. P

Why? Is it because of the dance contest? P

Yes. I practiced for many days, but I'm still nervous. What should I do? P

I think you should practice in front of your family. It will be very helpful. P

2-1 Reading 1

Yesterday, a teenager saved the life of an old man. P

The brave student is in the studio with us today. P

Please introduce yourself. P

I'm in the second grade at Hanguk Middle School. P

Could you tell us your experience? P

I was waiting for the bus with my friend, Jinho. P

A man suddenly fell in front of us. P

Nobody knew what to do. P

I was as scared as the others at first. P

Then, I ran to him and tapped him on the shoulder. P

He wasn't moving or breathing. P

I said to Jinho, "Call 119," and started CPR. P

2-2 Reading 2

That's impressive. P

When did you learn such an important skill? P

We had Safety Training Day at school last week. P

I learned how to do CPR and had a chance to practice. P

Can you show the audience how to perform CPR? P

Keep your arms straight. P

Your arms and the other person's chest must be at a 90 degree angle. P

Push down in the center of the chest hard and fast until an ambulance comes. P

Are there any other things to remember? P

You need to remember the four minutes of "Golden Time." P

It means that you should start CPR within four minutes after someone's heart stops. P

To begin CPR later than that will greatly lower the chances of saving someone's life. P

Timing is as important as doing CPR. P

2-3 Listen & Speak 1

Mom, can I buy some apple juice? P

Sure, Chris. Don't forget to check the food label. P

The food label? P

Yes. Too much sugar is not good for you. P

You need to wear this, Julie. There is a lot of fine dust in the air today. P

It will be bad for your health. So don't forget to wear this mask. P

2-4 Listen & Speak 2

I'm here to buy a shirt. What about you? P

I have a lunch meeting in this shopping center. Oh, I should go now. I'm late. P

Okay, but you'd better not run. The sign says the floor is wet. P

What does the sign mean? P

It means that you'd better not look at your smartphone while you are walking. P

That's interesting, but why? P

You can bump into people and there are many cars around here. It's so dangerous. P

2-5 Conversation

I was having a good time with my family last night. P

Suddenly everything started to shake. P

I couldn't stand still and almost fell down. P

Dad shouted, "Get under the table. Don't forget to protect your head." P

Luckily, the shaking soon stopped. P

It was a scary experience. P

2-6 Cartoon Time

I told you a few safety rules for earthquakes today. Now, let's practice. Are you ready? P

Everything is shaking. Don't forget to get under the desk and protect your body first. P

You're doing fine, Jiho. Hold on to the leg of the desk. P

Oh, the shaking stopped for now. Let's get out! P

Remember! You'd better not use the elevator. Use the stairs. P

Where should we go now? P

You need to find an open area with no buildings. P

Then, let's go to the park. P

2-7 Wrap Up

Many people use this almost every day. P

People stand in line to enter this. P

They wait for others to get off before they enter. P

They use this to move up and down floors in a building. P

You'd better not use this in case of a fire. P

I'm going to go to Jiri Mountain with my dad tomorrow. P

I'm excited because we are going to stay there for two days and one night. P

That'll be great, but don't forget to check the weather. P

3-1 Reading 1

At school you sit for many hours. P

Do you get tired? Why don’t you massage yourself and stretch? P

Let’s begin with the eyes. P

Close your eyes and massage them softly with your fingers. P

It will relax your eyes. P

When you finish, cover your eyes with your hands to block out the light. P

It will make your eyes feel more comfortable. P

3-2 Reading 2

Next, massage your neck. Put your fingers on the back of your neck. P

Draw small circles with your fingers to massage your neck. P

Massage from top to bottom. The massage will help you feel better. P

Let’s work on your waist. Team up with a friend. P

Stand close to each other and face your partner. P

Hold each other’s wrists. Slowly stretch your head and body backward. P

Hold that position for three seconds. P

Then, slowly pull each other to a standing position. P

You and your partner should move at the same speed. P

If you don’t, both of you will fall! P

3-3 Reading 3

Place the top of your right foot on the desk behind you. P

Then, slowly bend your left leg and lower yourself. P

Hold it for a few seconds and slowly straighten up. P

This position will loosen up your right leg. P

Switch your legs and repeat the exercise. P

How do you feel now? P

If you massage yourself and stretch every day, you will feel healthier. P

Also, you can focus on your studies better. P

3-4 Listen & Speak 1

I want to eat something healthy. Do you have any advice? P

I often eat fresh salad. It makes me feel good. P

Really? Do you know how to make it? P

Yes, it's quite simple. First, cut many vegetables into small pieces. P

Next, put them into a bowl. Then, pour some lemon juice on them. P

Finally, mix everything together. P

That's it? I should try it. P

3-5 Listen & Speak 1-2

People say that we should walk more than 10,000 steps every day to be healthy. P

I can't count the number of my steps easily. P

You can use this smartphone app. Do you know how to use it? P

No. Can you show me? P

Sure. First, download the app. Then, walk with your smartphone. P

Later, you can check the number of steps you took. P

Thank you. I will start using it today. P

3-6 Listen & Speak 2

What do you enjoy doing after school? P

I enjoy cooking healthy food. P

Sounds cool. What can you make? P

I can make salad, Bibimbap, and vegetable juice. P

What do you do on weekends? P

What kind of pictures do you usually take? P

I enjoy taking pictures of nature, like trees and flowers. P

The beautiful pictures reduce my stress. P

Yes. Her name is Coco. I really like her. P

What do you do with her? P

I enjoy taking a walk with her. It makes me healthy. P

3-7 Cartoon Time

Hana, what's the matter? P

Well, I'm stressed about the test next week. P

I understand. I ride my longboard when I'm stressed. P

Do you know how to ride a longboard? P

Let's go out! I can teach you. P

Put one foot on the board and push hard with the other. P

Like this? Wow! This is fun. I feel better already. P

I enjoy riding my longboard because it reduces my stress. P

3-8 Communication Task

I enjoy foods in the yellow most. I should eat more foods in the red. P

I think I eat foods in the red too much. I should eat more vegetables. P

I don’t eat any of the foods in the yellow. I should have more milk products. P

I don’t eat any fruit, but I eat too much meat. I should eat less meat. P

3-9 Wrap Up

You look sick. What's the matter? P

Well, I have a cold. P

Did you see a doctor? P

Not yet. Do you know how to get over a cold? P

Well, I usually drink warm water when I have a cold. It makes me feel better. P

Sounds good. I'll try it. P

My family enjoy many activities. My dad enjoys fishing. P

Early in the morning, he goes to the lake and comes back with some fish. P

My mom enjoys drawing pictures. P

She likes to draw beautiful mountains and lakes. P

My brother and I enjoy playing soccer. P

4-1 Reading 1

This is the Global Citizenship Education site. P

Global Citizenship Education helps us grow as global citizens. P

Global citizens are people who try to understand different cultures. P

They also care for people in need and work for a better world. P

Please share your global citizenship education experiences here. P

4-2 Reading 2

I am a member of the Global Community Club. P

My club aims to communicate with people from around the world. P

A week ago we produced a video about the lantern festival in our village. P

We uploaded it to the Internet and amazingly, we got nearly 5,000 hits. P

Click here for our video. P

Wow, your lantern festival looks fantastic! P

We have a water festival in our village. P

I’d like to make a video like yours. P

4-3 Reading 3

A few weeks ago, my teacher showed us pictures of students in Kenya. P

Sadly, they were all using plastic bags to carry their books. P

My class decided to raise money to send them new school bags. P

We sold cookies and drinks and raised 600 dollars. P

We hope the Kenyan students are happy with the new bags. P

Awesome! I’m sure they will like the bags. P

You did something wonderful! P

4-4 Reading 4

My school started a wall painting campaign to make our village look better. P

Students who are good at painting gathered and painted on some walls of schools and parks. P

Thanks to this campaign, our village looks much nicer. P

Now, everyone can enjoy walking alongside the painted walls. P

4-5 Listen & Speak 1

Did you watch the news about the flood? P

Yes, I did. They said a lot of people lost their homes. P

My club is going to send them some money. P

How can you do that? Are you going to raise money, Andy? P

Yes. We're going to make pencil cases and sell them. P

Do you have any plans for the summer vacation, Suji? P

Yes. I'm going to the Philippines to do some volunteer work with my family. P

Oh, I went there and helped some children study last year. P

Are you going to do that, too? P

Yes. And I'll also paint walls with the children. P

4-6 Listen & Speak 2

I'm making a poster about global hunger. Many people are dying of hunger. P

That's too bad. I didn't know that. P

I hope more people care about global hunger. P

Dad, my class decided to make a vegetable garden. P

A vegetable garden? What will you grow there, Sena? P

Carrots. We'll grow them and share them with others. P

That's a good idea. P

I hope the carrots grow well. P

4-7 Cartoon Time

Every day, many students leave some food on their plates. P

So, our club is going to hold a campaign about it. P

If you finish all the food on your plate, you will get a small gift. P

I hope many students join our campaign. P

Jiho, isn't that too much? Are you going to eat all of that? P

I'm not sure, but Bulgogi is my favorite. P

Hey! Look at the campaign poster. "Think, Eat, Save!" P

What does that mean? P

It means "Think first before you eat and save the Earth." P

I think I took too much Bulgogi. Let's share it. P

We ate it all. My clean plate makes me feel good. P

Let's not waste food from now on. I hope we can save the Earth. P

4-8 Wrap Up

What's your plan for the weekend, Sumin? P

Are you going to do anything special? P

Yes. On Saturday, I'm going to visit my grandmother. P

How about on Sunday? P

I have no plans for Sunday. Why? P

I'm going to do volunteer work at the library on Sunday. P

Would you like to come with me? P

5-1 Reading 1

The world is full of interesting things. P

Take this quiz and find out how much you know about them. Are you ready? P

The Eiffel Tower gets taller during the summer. P

Babies have fewer bones than adults. P

Only female mosquitoes bite people. P

Lightning never strikes the same place twice. P

The elephant is the biggest animal on the Earth. P

There is no gravity in space. P

5-2 Reading 2

Metal expands in heat. P

Due to summer heat, the metal of the Eiffel Tower expands. P

In summer, the Eiffel Tower gets 15cm taller than in winter. P

Adults have 206 bones, but babies have about 300 bones. P

With time, some of the babies’ bones join together, so adults have fewer bones than babies. P

Only female mosquitoes will bite you. They need blood to produce eggs. P

After a female mosquito gets enough blood, she’ll rest for a few days and lay her eggs. P

Lightning can strike the same place over and over again. P

The Empire State Building gets hit by lightning 23 times a year on average. P

The biggest animal on the Earth is the blue whale. P

It can weigh up to 180 tons and grow up to 30 meters long. P

Its tongue alone can weigh as much as an average African elephant. P

5-3 Reading 3

In fact, there is gravity everywhere in space. P

As you get farther from the Earth, the gravity of the Earth weakens, P

but it never goes away completely. P

When you get closer to another planet, such as Mars or Venus, P

its gravity becomes stronger than that of the Earth. P

Which of these quiz items is the most interesting to you? P

There will be another quiz soon. P

Guess what the next topic will be. P

See you next month. P

6-1 Listen & Speak 1

Excuse me. Is the Picasso Museum near here? P

Yes. It's not far from here. P

How can I get there? P

Go straight one block and turn left. It's on your right. P

Sally, I need to buy some candies for Halloween. Where can I buy them? P

You can buy them at Wendy's Candy Shop. P

Where is it? P

Go straight two blocks and turn right. It's across from the library. P

6-2 Listen & Speak 2

It’s really hot here in Thailand. Let’s go to the night market and have some fresh fruit juice. P

Sounds good. How do we get there? P

We can go on foot or by bus. Which do you prefer? P

I prefer the bus. P

What is this long dress called? P

It is an Ao dai, a type of traditional clothing from Vietnam. P

Can I try one on? P

Sure. Which do you prefer, the purple one or the yellow one? P

The purple one, please. P

6-3 Conversation

Welcome to London City Tour. P

Today, we’ll visit famous places in London. P

Can you see the London Eye? It’s on your right. P

It’s a Ferris wheel near the River Thames. P

The view from the London Eye is amazing. P

Many people visit it every year. P

6-4 Cartoon Time

How may I help you? P

We want to enjoy a good view of London. P

Where is the best place to go? P

We have two great places. P

The London Eye is a Ferris wheel and the Sky Garden is a glass garden on top of a tall building. P

Which do you prefer? P

I prefer the London Eye. P

Good choice. You can get there by bus. P

Where is the nearest stop? P

Go straight one block and turn right. P

It’s on your left. Have a good trip! P

Wow, I can see all of London. Look! There is a big clock. P

I think that’s Big Ben. Why don’t we go and visit it later? P

That sounds great. P

6-5 Reading 1

My family traveled to Spain this summer. P

Spain is loved by lots of tourists. P

We visited many interesting places. P

Our trip started in Madrid. P

Madrid is the capital and is famous for soccer. P

We went to a stadium to watch a soccer match. P

My sister and I were excited because we could watch some of the world’s most famous soccer players. P

6-6 Reading 2

The stadium was full of soccer fans. P

As we watched the match, we cheered by singing songs, waving our hands, and shouting with other fans. P

After we toured Madrid, we went to Seville. P

While we walked around the city, we saw many historic buildings. P

We visited a flamenco museum and watched a flamenco dance. P

A woman in a red dress was dancing the flamenco with wonderful movements. P

6-7 Reading 3

For dinner, we ate paella. P

It is a traditional Spanish dish with rice, vegetables, meat, and seafood. P

It tasted like fried rice in Korea. P

It was so delicious that we all enjoyed it. P

In Barcelona, we took a tour of Park Guell and Sagrada Familia. P

Both were designed by Antoni Gaud?. P

In Park Guell, we saw some of Gaud?’s creative works like a colorful lizard. P

6-8 Reading 4

After Park Guell, we visited Sagrada Familia. P

Work on the building started in 1883 and is still going on today. P

I was impressed by its size and unique design. P

The ceiling inside Sagrada Familia shone like the night sky with bright stars. P

Its stone columns stood like big trees. P

At Park Guell and Sagrada Familia I could feel Gaud?’s creativity and his love of nature. P

Traveling in Spain was a wonderful experience. P

While I was there, I learned a lot about Spain. P

I want to visit the country again. P

6-9 Wrap Up

Can you tell me how to get to the Africa Museum? P

Go straight two blocks and turn right. P

Go straight and turn right. P

It’s on your left. P

It’s across from the shoe store. P

Jisu, why don’t we watch the movie Best Friends on Saturday? P

Sounds good. P

What time does it begin? P

On Saturday there are two showings, one at five and the other at seven. P

Which do you prefer? P

I prefer the seven showing. P

Then let’s meet at six. P

Sounds good. P

7-1 Listen & Speak 1

I wonder what you did during the summer vacation. P

I took a trip to Kenya and saw many animals on the plains. P

Wonderful! By the way, what are the plains? P

They are large areas of flat land. P

Look at that lake! It’s really beautiful. P

It’s not a lake! It’s a river. P

Is it? I wonder how a river and a lake are different. P

A river is a long body of fresh water. Unlike a lake, a river flows toward the ocean. P

7-2 Listen & Speak 2

Do you know how many oceans there are on the Earth? P

The answer is four, isn’t it? P

No. There are five oceans on the Earth. They cover most of the Earth. P

How much of the Earth do they cover? P

I heard the oceans cover about 70% of the Earth’s surface. P

I heard the Amazon rain forest is called the lungs of the Earth. P

Because it produces about 20% of the Earth’s oxygen. P

7-3 Conversation

Guess what this is! It’s not a tree. P

It is a plant that looks like tall grass. P

In fall, it turns yellow. P

It grows well in wet lands. P

I heard Suncheon Bay is famous for this plant. P

7-4 Cartoon Time

Do you want to see an amazing place? P

Then, let’s get on the train. P

Look at the yellow plants! I wonder what they are. P

They are reeds. Suncheon Bay has beautiful reed fields. P

Wow, the reeds are even taller than you, Dad. P

They really are. Let me take a picture of you. P

This reed field is very large. P

Yes. I heard it is the largest one in Korea. P

Look at the sky. It’s turning red. P

7-5 Reading 1

Mudflats are large areas of muddy land at the seaside. P

They appear and disappear with every tide. P

During low tides, they show up, and during high tides, they are covered by the sea. P

Mudflats help sea creatures, people, and the Earth in many ways. P

It is important to understand the roles of mudflats. P

Let’s see what they do. P

7-6 Reading 2

Mudflats are home to a lot of living things at the seaside. P

Not only very small living things like plankton but also crabs and fish live there. P

Mudflats provide various types of food for them. P

Also, many birds eat food there. P

Mudflats are my home sweet home. P

7-7 Reading 3

Mudflats are good for people, too. P

People who live near mudflat areas make a living by catching fish and other sea animals nearby. P

Thanks to mudflats, people can get fresh seafood. P

People can enjoy fun activities, such as mud sliding and body painting on mudflats. P

They can also watch large number of birds that feed on the sea animals there. P

Mudflats are nature’s gift to living things! P

7-8 Reading 4

Mudflats help the environment greatly. P

Mudflats hold a lot of water, so they can reduce damage from floods. P

Also, mudflats filter water that flows from the land into the sea. P

They remove bad things in the water before it enters the sea. P

Thanks to mudflats, the water that reaches the sea is clean. P

Mudflats work as the Earth’s lungs. P

They produce a huge volume of oxygen that is necessary for life on the Earth. P

Mudflats keep me healthy and clean. P

Mudflats are wonderful places, aren’t they? P

They are a gift from nature to living things on the Earth. P

For all these reasons, it is necessary to protect mudflats. P

7-9 Wrap Up

I just finished making a plan for my trip. Do you want to hear it? P

Sure. I wonder what you will do. P

On the first day, I’m going to go fishing on a lake. The next day, I’m going to climb a mountain. P

Is that all? P

No. On the last day, I’m going to go swimming. P

Wow. You will do a lot of activities. P

8-1 Listen & Speak 1

Hey, Minho. Did you find the answer to the math problem? P

No. It's too hard for me. l'm not good at math. P

Let me see. It's important that you use this math rule to solve the problem. P

Oh, I see. I'll use it. P

Your poster looks great. P

Thanks, Kate. Did you finish yours? P

Not yet. I can't draw well. How can I become good at drawing? P

It takes time. It's important that you draw as often as you can. P

You mean I should keep practicing? P

8-2 Listen & Speak 2

Oh, this is hard to do. P

What's the matter? P

Can you teach me how to make cookies? P

Sure. It's a walk in the park. P

What do you mean by that? P

I mean it's easy to do. P

I have a singing contest tomorrow. I really want to win first place. P

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. P

What do you mean by “keep my fingers crossed”? P

It means I wish you good luck. P

8-3 Conversation

To achieve my dream, I went to many auditions, but I often failed. P

However, never gave up. I took acting and dancing classes. P

Finally, I achieved my goal. It's important that you never give up. P

You look sad, Jiho. What's wrong? P

I don't think I can achieve my dream. P

What do you mean by that? P

I want to be an actor, but I always fail auditions. Maybe I have to give up. P

Do you know this actor? P

Sure. He's a famous movie star. P

He failed more than 100 auditions. P

Really? Maybe I should keep trying. I will practice more for my next audition. P

That's right! It's important that you never give up. P

8-4 Reading 1

It was New York City on April 15, 1947. P

Jackie Robinson, an African American, went on the field as second baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers. P

People couldn’t believe their eyes. P

He was the first African American player to play on a Major League team. P

That day, the color line was broken. P

Robinson faced many difficulties. P

Although Robinson was a talented player and a gentle person, his teammates did not want to play with him. P

Every hotel turned the team down because Robinson was on the team. P

When he was at bat, people in the stands rudely shouted at him. P

Robinson thought to himself, ‘I need to keep calm and focus on baseball.' P

8-5 Reading 2

I will try and become a player who people like. P

Then, next season, there will be more African American players in the league. P

Robinson put all his time and energy into baseball. P

With practice, he became great at batting and base running. P

Robinson’s effort moved his teammates. P

When people shouted at Robinson, one of his teammates walked up to Robinson and tapped him on the shoulder. P

“Do not listen to them. You’re doing fine,” he said. P

His support helped Robinson to play harder. P

Finally, Robinson earned the respect of other players and fans. P

8-6 Reading 3

Thanks to Robinson, the Dodgers won the National League Championship in 1947. P

The league recognized Robinson’s excellence and presented him with the Rookie of the Year Award in the same year. P

After that season, other teams asked African American players to join them. P

Robinson’s uniform number was 42. P

Baseball players on Major League teams no longer wear the number 42 to honor him. P

Every year, however, on April 15, every player wears the number that Robinson wore. P

The day is called "Jackie Robinson Day." P

8-7 Wrap Up

Do you want to achieve your dream? P

Remember! Great people never stop learning. P

The best way to learn is by reading. P

Even when you are busy, you have to find time to read. P

However, it's important that you choose the right books to read. P

Here is how to choose the right books. P

It's difficult to learn English. P

Rome was not built in a day. P

What do you mean by that? P

I mean it takes time to achieve something. P

9-1 Listen & Speak 1

Oh, I forgot to turn off the heater before I left home. P

Really? Then do you need to return home? P

No. I can turn it off with my smartphone. P

Wow, I’m surprised that you can turn off the heater with your smartphone. P

Welcome to VR World. Would you like to visit Niagara Falls? P

Okay, put this on. P

All right. Wow, it looks so real. P

It is huge, isn’t it? P

Yes, and I’m surprised that I feel water on my face. P

9-2 Listen & Speak 2

May I help you? P

Hi, I’m looking for a smart watch. Can you show me one? P

Sure. Look at this one. It can play music for you. P

Sounds cool. P

Also, you can search for anything just by talking to it. P

That’s great. I will take it. P

Welcome. This is our new smart light. You don’t have to use your hands to turn it on and off. P

Really? Then can you tell me how to do it? P

Just say, “Light on!” or “Light out!” P

Light on or light out? That’s very simple. P

9-3 Conversation

These days, many things can work like humans. P

Some cars can travel without a human driver. P

We can make smartphones do simple work only by talking to them. P

I’m surprised that we’re already living in the future. P

Wow, there are so many books in this library. P

You’re right. Where can we find books about gravity? P

Hi, I’m Terry, the AI librarian. Can I help you? P

Hi. We’re looking for books about gravity. Can you recommend one, please? P

We have fifty seven books about gravity in this library. P

I think The Law of Gravity will be the best one for you. P

I’m surprised that you can recommend books. P

Right. That’s amazing. Where is the book, Terry? P

It’s on the third floor. Come with me. P

9-4 Reading 1

Advances in science and technology have caused many changes in our lives so far. P

In the future, science and technology will make more changes. P

Let‘s see what our lives may be like in the near future. P

Shopping is much easier. P

There are no lines and no counters. P

Sangho enters a shop with his smartphone which has a special shopping app. P

In the shop, he takes the items he wants. P

The items are automatically added to a virtual card on his smartphone. P

If Sangho puts an item back, it is automatically removed from his list of purchases. P

When he finishes shopping, Sangho does not need to wait in line to pay. P

His virtual card adds up all the prices and will charge him later. P

Isn‘t that fancy? P

9-5 Reading 2

Sumin lives in a 3D printed house. P

Building a 3D printed house is faster and cheaper than building a house with traditional methods. P

Sumin‘s house looks fantastic because of its unique design. P

A 3D printer can produce house shapes that people cannot make with traditional building methods and materials. P

Sumin also likes to make her clothes at home by using a 3D printer. P

She can choose colors and materials and can design clothes that fit her body and suit her tastes. P

Sumin is now a fashion designer! P

9-6 Reading 3

Dongmin is visiting his grandfather in the hospital. P

An AI nurse enters the room. P

It moves around the room and checks the patients‘ conditions. P

When the AI nurse finds that Dongmin’s grandfather has a high temperature, P

it gives him some medicine to lower his temperature. P

Have you ever thought about these changes? P

Some changes have already started to take place while others may start in the near future. P

Can you imagine other changes? P

Take some time to think about them. P

9-7 Wrap Up

Are you ready for your trip to London? P

Yes, but I’m worried about getting lost. I’m not good at finding places. P

Don’t worry. There are many good smartphone apps you can use. P

Can you show me one? P

Sure. Use this one. It shows you a map of the city and pictures of streets. P

Uncle Jack! Your new drone looks cool. P

Thanks. I designed it to save people’s lives. P

Save people’s lives? P

Yes. It watches the ocean. If there is a person in trouble, it flies over and drops a tube. P

I’m surprised that drones can rescue people. Can you show me how it works? P

Sure. Watch this. P

10-1 Reading 1

One day, an elderly woman walked into a restaurant. P

She was with her grandson. P

Quietly, the woman asked Mr.Kang, the owner of the restaurant. P

“How much is a bowl of Gukbap?” P

“It’s 4,000 won, ma’am.” P

Mr.Kang answered with a smile. P

She was too poor to pay for two bowls. P

She ordered a single bowl for her grandson. P

“Are you sure you are not hungry, Grandma?” the boy asked, as he ate the hot soup. P

“No, I’m not hungry. Don’t worry about me.” P

She picked up some Gimchi and chewed on it happily. P

Mr.Kang watched them eat, and a warm feeling came over him. P

He thought up a plan to give the boy a free meal. P

When the woman was about to pay, P

Mr.Kang waved his hands and said, “No need, ma’am. P

In my restaurant, you don’t pay if you’re the 100th customer of the day.” P

The woman and her grandson thanked Mr.Kang and left. P

10-2 Reading 2

A month later, Mr.Kang saw the boy in the street outside the restaurant. P

The boy was gathering stones. P

“What are you doing?” asked Mr.Kang. P

“I’m counting the number of customers who enter your restaurant. P

Today is my grandma’s birthday.” P

‘He wants to be the 100th customer and treat his grandmother to a bowl of Gukbap!’ P

Mr.Kang said to himself. P

Mr.Kang looked down. P

He could see that the number of stones was not yet even fifty. P

He had to do something to help the boy gather 100 stones. P

Mr.Kang went back into the restaurant and called his friends. P

Come to my restaurant now and bring everyone who works with you. P

There is a boy who needs your help. P

10-3 Reading 3

People began to arrive at the restaurant. P

When the 99th customer arrived, Mr.Kang heard the boy say, “It’s our turn, Grandma.” P

Mr.Kang welcomed them and served the woman a free bowl of Gukbap. P

“Are you sure you are not hungry?” the woman asked the boy. P

The boy chewed loudly on some Gimchi and said with a smile, “No, I’m not hungry, Grandma. P

Don’t worry about me. Happy birthday!” P