1-1 Bees
There is a bee. P
The bee can fly. P
The bee can gather nectar. P
The bee visits a lot of flowers. P
The bee takes the nectar home to her sisters. P
The bee lives in a hive with all of her sisters. P
The bee can make nectar into honey. P
The honey is stored inside the hive. P
The bee says, "If we all work together, we'll have enough food for winter." P
1-4 A Pond
The pond is a home. P
It is a house. P
Many things rely on the pond. P
The pond is the fish's home. P
Several fish live here. P
The fish swim in the pond. P
Three frogs live in the pond. P
They jump on the lily pads. P
What else lives here? P
Ducks live here. P
Ducks dive for grubs in the mud. P
1-5 A School
There is a school. P
What can be in a school? P
Children and teachers are here. P
Students study in school. P
Students study math, history, and literature. P
They are in the classroom. P
Students can go outside and play. P
They can play with the ball or climb on a jungle gym. P
When the bell rings they must come inside. P
1-6 Going to School
Most children go to school. P
They have to learn. P
There are playgrounds at school. P
Children can play outside. P
Jenny likes to learn about history. P
She also likes to play jump rope. P
Hubert can be outside. P
He plays kick ball. P
Many children play on the jungle gym. P
They have fun. P
1-7 Giraffe
This animal has a long neck and four long legs. P
It can reach the very highest leaves on trees. P
How tall are you? P
When this animal is born, it is even taller than an average person. P
The baby can stand and walk around shortly after it is born. P
It stays close to its mother so that it can stay safe. P
What animal is this? P
It is a giraffe. P
1-9 The Sparrows
The sparrows were working since the sun came up. P
They were building a nest. P
The nest was in a very old tree. P
They chose a spot high up so that their babies would be safe. P
Mr. Sparrow found a lot of sticks and grass. P
Mrs. Sparrow picked up some mud to keep it together. P
Soon Mrs. Sparrow will lay her eggs in the nest. P
The eggs will be small and round. P
1-10 A Rabbit and a Wolf I
Rabbit says, "I like my house. It's under the ground and near some bushes." P
A wolf says, "I will see where you live." P
Rabbit runs home as quick as he can. P
He jumps into a hole and goes deep into the earth. P
The wolf looks into the hole but he cannot see the rabbit. P
He tries to go into the hole but he is too big. P
The wolf is unhappy. P
He wants to eat the rabbit. P
He says, "I am not small enough to fit inside." P
1-11 A Rabbit and a Wolf II
The rabbit looks out of his hole. P
He says, "I am happy because the wolf cannot eat me." P
A snake comes along. P
She says, "I can fit into the rabbit's house. I want to eat the rabbit." P
Rabbit sees the snake and runs as fast as he can to the back of his house. P
The snake chases the rabbit. P
The rabbit says, "She cannot eat me! I will escape through the back door." P
1-13 Winter Is Coming!
A goose says, "Winter is coming. It is getting cold. P
I am going to go away and you will not see me, squirrel. Goodbye." P
The squirrel says, "Where are you going?" P
The goose says, "To the south where it is warm." P
The beaver says, "Good-bye squirrel. P
I will go away too because winter is coming." P
The squirrel says, "Where will you go, beaver?" P
The beaver points to its dam. P
"I will go sleep inside my dam until spring. P
Then it will be warm and I will come back out." P
The squirrel waves good-bye to the goose. P
He watches the beaver swim away. P
The squirrel shivers and says, "I think I will go home too." P
1-14 You Forgot the Herbs!
One day, Dad decided that he wanted to cook lasagna. P
Manny and Fred went to the store to pick up the ingredients Dad needed. P
They walked down the street and through the park. P
They turned right and walked a little bit more and arrived at Summer's Grocery Store. P
Manny and Fred found crushed tomatoes, lasagna noodles, ground beef, and cheese. P
They took it to the register where they paid for their things and a woman put their things in a bag. P
Manny and Fred walked out of the store and went home. P
When Dad looked in the bag, he said, "You forgot the herbs!" P
Manny and Fred had to return to the store for the herbs and then walked home again. P
1-15 Who Did Not Put the Toys?
The children's room was very messy. P
Mom and Dad wanted them to clean up their toys. P
Before they went to bed, the children always put their toys away onto a shelf. P
Each child had their own shelf. P
Hannah was nine. She had the top shelf. P
Ben was seven. He had the middle shelf. P
Evan was six. He had the bottom shelf. P
One evening, Mom and Dad came into the room and found a lot of toys on the floor. P
They looked at the toy shelf and saw that the bottom shelf was empty but the other shelves were full. P
Dad said, "I can guess who did not put his toys away." P
Mom said, "I think I know too." P
1-16 Hens
Hens like to be out in the sunshine. P
They can peck the ground and pick up food. P
The farmer will throw grain on the ground around them. P
They walk around and cluck. P
Sometimes they will sit in the shade and take a nap. P
They can pull plants out of the ground and eat them. P
Hens have small yellow feet with claws. P
The claws are good for scratching the ground. P
Hens cannot fly because their wings are too small and their bodies are too heavy. P
A lot of hens tend to be raised together. P
They are vulnerable in the open air and a hawk can get them. P
The farmer has to keep a close eye on his chickens. P
1-17 Running
Last Wednesday, eight children were running around as fast as they could. P
They were having a race on the school playground. P
Mrs. Lim was at the starting line. P
She told them to wait behind the line. P
"Ready, set, go!" she yelled out. P
The children shot out quickly. P
They moved their legs as fast as they could. P
The other children cheered them on. P
Helen fell down and could not run anymore. P
Ursula's shoelaces became untied and her shoe fell off. P
She could not run anymore either. P
Mrs. Lim finally called out, "Regina wins the race!" P
Ben was second and Timmy was third. The last person to cross the line was Liam. P
1-18 A Caterpillar
One afternoon Kevin was walking home from school when he noticed something in the bushes. P
He called his friend Sally over to look at it. P
It was a small, green caterpillar munching on some leaves. P
It had little red dots on its back. P
When it moved, it scrunched its whole body together and then stretched it out again. P
The two put the caterpillar into a jar and put some leaves in it. P
They took it home with them and fed it every day. P
The caterpillar grew and grew. P
One day, it started to wrap itself in string. P
It did this until its whole body was wrapped in a cocoon. P
A few days later, the caterpillar broke out of the cocoon, but it was not a caterpillar any more. P
It was a butterfly! P
1-19 Lost Things
Olivia came home from school one day. P
She was crying because she had lost all her things! P
Olivia had lost her jacket, her backpack, her necklace, and her books. P
She had even lost the ring her mother had given her. P
Olivia had two brothers named Ted and Adam. P
They were eight and twelve years old. P
She asked them to help her look for her things. P
Ted found Olivia's backpack in a tree. P
Adam found her necklace on a bench in the park. P
Olivia found her books in the garden. P
Ted looked again but could not find the ring. P
The next day, Olivia went back to school. P
The teacher told Olivia that she had found the ring. P
Olivia had left it on her desk by accident. P
1-20 Elephant Family
One afternoon, Mrs. Elephant wanted to drink some water. P
Baby Elephant did not want to go with her. P
Mrs. Elephant said, "Don't wander off, and stay where you are." P
After a while, Baby Elephant became hungry. P
She forgot what her mother said and went to look for food. P
Baby Elephant was very big. She was even bigger than a gazelle. P
She stomped through the tall grasses after one gazelle, but it ran away too quickly. P
Baby Elephant found a tree. P
She reached with her long nose and picked some leaves. P
She put the leaves into her mouth and ate the leaves. P
Dad Elephant came by, looking for Baby Elephant. P
"You found good food!" he said, "But next time listen to your mother." P