1-1 Reading 1

Open Your MIND, Open Your HEART P

Look AROUND and Let’s Rap It OUT P

Do you want to write your own rap? P

You can rap about anything because everything can be a story for a rap. P

I get ideas when I'm on the bus, in the shower, or in my bed. P

I write down my ideas and use them when I write my rap. P

There are no rules for writing raps. You can start today! P

1-2 Reading 2

Welcome to Fantastic Pets! Having a pet is great. P

Today I’m going to introduce my pet hedgehog, Polly. P

When I first got Polly, she was very scared. P

I couldn't hold her because she raised her spikes. P

So, I placed my T-shirt in her cage and she got used to my smell. P

Finally, I was able to hold her in my hands. P

Now, Polly is my best friend and always makes me happy. P

1-3 Reading 3

Where do you normally sit in a movie theater? Here is a tip. P

You will find it easy and helpful. P

Point your finger at something far from you. P

Close one eye and open it. Repeat it with the other eye. P

When does your finger move? P

Is it when you close your right eye? P

Then you mainly use your right eye. P

This means you should sit on the left side in the theater. P

That way, you can enjoy a full view of the screen better. P

This information is also helpful when you choose a seat in a classroom, too. P

1-4 Listen & Talk 1

Betty, what are you looking at? P

I’m reading the comments on my blog. P

What do you usually write blog posts about? P

I usually write about books. I’m interested in reading. P

Mike, who is the man on your SNS? P

Oh, he is my favorite baseball player, John Luke. I’m really interested in baseball. P

Wow, you met him in person! P

Yeah, that was the best day of my life. P

1-5 Listen and Correct

Which after-school class are you going to take? P

I’m going to take the drama class on Thursdays. What about you, Jake? P

I’m thinking of taking the Tuesday photography class. I’m interested in taking pictures. P

Oh, I heard that the teacher is a famous photographer. P

Really? That’s really cool! P

1-6 Listen & Talk 2

I baked this bread, but it came out too dry. P

Oh, I know how to bake bread without making it dry. Put a glass of water in the oven. P

That's a great tip. Where did you learn that? P

I saw it on a cooking show. P

Is that a 1000-piece puzzle? P

Yeah, but there are so many pieces. It'll take a long time to finish. P

Oh, I know how to do it quickly. P

Start from the corners, and then group the pieces with the same colors. P

1-7 Listen and Write

Oh, no. I broke a dish. P

Don't worry. I know how to clean up the glass pieces with bread. I read the tip in a magazine. P

With bread? How? P

You can wipe the area with it. It picks up the small pieces. P

Great tip! Thanks, Tina. I'll go get some bread in the kitchen. P

1-8 Communication

Welcome to It’s Your Stage! We have a great show for you today. P

Let's meet the people with special talents. P

Hello. I'm Doremi. I'm interested in music. P

Great! What are you going to show us today? P

I know how to sing high notes easily. I can show you easy steps. P

Sounds interesting! P

1-9 Wrap Up

Emily, what club are you going to join? P

I'm going to join the music club. I'm into music. What about you, Aron? P

I want to join the gardening club. I'm interested in plants and flowers. P

Oh, that sounds like an interesting club. P

I'm looking for a special gift for Clara. Do you have any ideas, Lisa? P

Well, why don't you make some macarons for her? She really loves them. P

But I don't know how to make them. P

Don't worry. I know how to make them with easy steps. I'll help you. P

2-1 Reading 1

I'm from Germany and my job is to clean chimneys. P

During winter, chimney sweeps help people to keep warm and safe. P

So people think chimney sweeps bring them good luck. P

People even want chimney sweeps to be at their weddings! If you see me, it is your lucky day. P

2-2 Reading 2

My name is Jose and these are my mariachi band members. P

We play folk music and always wear our sombreros, or big hats. P

In Mexico, people wear these hats to stay cool under the hot and strong sunlight. P

We mariachi players want our sombreros to look fancy. P

So we often decorate them with a lot of different materials. P

Which of our sombreros do you like best? P

2-3 Reading 3

We are a tribe in South Africa. P

What do you think of my beads? Zulu people enjoy making clothes with beads. P

They are beautiful and each color has a special meaning. P

When we did not have our own writing system, we used beads to communicate with each other. P

If you want to know the meaning of the colors, check out the following box. P

2-4 Listen & Talk 1

Elsa, how is your Hula dance class going? P

We are going to perform at the ABC Hall this weekend. P

That sounds like a big day for you! P

I'm looking forward to the performance. P

What are you going to do this Sunday? P

I'm going to go to the World Food Fair. P

I was there last weekend. There were lots of traditional foods from all over the world. P

Great! I'm looking forward to trying them. P

2-5 Listen and Write

Jane, what are you doing? P

I'm signing up for a program at the African Museum. P

Is there an interesting one? P

Yeah, I'm going to make an African drum and a traditional mask. P

Yeah, I'm looking forward to visiting the museum. P

2-6 Listen & Talk 2

I bought this tea for Wang's birthday. Will he like it? P

Sure, he will. Wang enjoys drinking tea. P

Great. Then I'll wrap the present. P

Don't forget to wrap it in red. Red stands for wealth in China. P

Our visit to Gyeongbokgung is this Friday. Let's meet at two. P

Okay, I'll see you at the bus stop. P

Oh, and don't forget to wear a hanbok. We can get into the palace for free in our hanboks. P

Right, I almost forgot. P

2-7 Listen and Write 2

Look, Brandon. A horse is crossing the street over there. P

Yes, there is a crossing light for horses here in London. P

Oh, I didn't know that. That's interesting. Now let's cross the street. P

Wait! Cars come from the right side in London. P

Right, I forgot about that. P

Yeah, it's different from country to country. Don't forget to look to the right before you cross in London. P

2-8 Communication

How was your first day here in Mongolia? P

It was great. By the way, where am I going to stay tonight? P

You're going to sleep in a ger, a Mongolian tent. P

Oh, I'm looking forward to it. P

You'll like it. There is a fireplace in the ger. P

So,don't forget to put your things away from the fireplace. P

Where am I going to stay tonight? P

You’re going to sleep in an ice hotel. P

You’ll like it. The room is cold at night. So, don’t forget to wear a hat. P

2-9 Wrap Up

Jina, is it you? You're wearing a kimono in this photo. P

Yeah, it's me. I tried it on at the World Culture Festival. P

That sounds fun. I should go there. How long does the festival go on for? P

Until this weekend. When you visit, don't forget to try on traditional clothes from other countries. P

Okay. I'll try them. P

What are we going to cook in the next cooking class, Mr. Jones? P

We'll make Ratatouille. P

Ratatouille? What is it? P

It's a vegetable dish. People in France enjoy eating it. P

Oh, I'm looking forward to the class. P

Glad to hear that. I'm sure you'll like it. P

3-1 Reading 1

In animation movies, amazing things are possible. P

But are they actually possible in real life? P

In the animation, Rapunzel must lower her long hair to let people in her tower. P

But could human hair really hold up a person? P

Surprisingly, yes! A single hair can hold up 100g and an average head has about 120,000 hairs. P

All those hairs could hold up a couple of elephants! With her hair, Rapunzel has the ability to hold up a person. P

But she should wrap her hair around something strong and heavy. P

If she doesn't, she will get a very sore neck. P

3-2 Reading 2

In the animation, monsters scare children to get energy from their screams. P

Amazingly, their city is powered by this sound! P

But could we actually produce electricity to light up a city from sound? P

Yes, sound can be changed into electricity. P

But it would not be helpful in our everyday activities because the amount is too small. P

For example, the sound from a car horn only produces 50 mv. P

That is only 1/4400 of the average 220 v of electricity in our homes. P

So, we would need an unbelievable amount of screams to light up an entire city. P

3-3 Reading 3

The house is lifted and flown by thousands of balloons in the animation. P

Could that actually work? P

Let's say that a house weighs about 50,000 kg. P

A normal balloon at an amusement park can lift about 14g. P

So we need about 3,570,000 balloons to lift up the house. P

We also have to think about the weight of the balloons themselves and the strings. P

Then, we need to add a few more thousand balloons. P

Now, the biggest challenge is pumping up all those balloons! P

3-4 Listen and Number

What show are you watching, Sally? P

I'm watching the Sci-Magic show. It's a new program. Have you heard about it? P

No, I haven't. What's it about? P

The program uses science to explain magic tricks. P

Oh, it sounds interesting. P

Mom, have you heard about the Chat Robot? P

No, I haven't. What is it? P

It's a phone application. You can ask any questions and it will answer. P

Let me show you. "Emily, what's the weather like today?“ P

"It's going to rain, so you'll need an umbrella." P

Wow, what a great application! P

3-5 Listen and Write

Have you heard about the DIY Drone Class? P

You can make your own drone in the class. P

The Youth Community Center offers the class at 3 p.m. every Wednesday in May. P

Make your special drone and learn how to control it. P

Don't miss this great chance! P

3-6 Listen and Choose

You know what? I made a potato clock yesterday! P

A potato clock? What do you mean? P

My clock works with potatoes, not with batteries. Potatoes can produce electricity. P

Lisa, what did you do last weekend? P

I made an egg ball with my brother. P

An egg ball? What do you mean? P

We put an egg in vinegar for two days. Then, the egg turns into a ball. P

Wow, I want to make one, too! P

3-7 Listen and Write 2

Anna, let's make a "Mystery Card" for the science experiment. P

A "Mystery Card?" What do you mean? P

It's a special card. It can hide your message. P

How do you make it? P

Mix baking soda and water. Then, write a message on the card with it. P

How can you read the card? P

Paint over the card with grape juice, and then the message appears. P

3-8 Communication

Have you heard about the Smart App Contest? P

Yes, I have. Are you going to enter it? P

Yeah, I'm going to send my idea about a Pic Gardener App. P

A Pic Gardener App? What do you mean? P

When you take a picture of a plant, the app tells you how to take care of it. P

It sounds like a very useful app. P

3-9 Wrap Up

Hey, Katy. Have you heard about the science fair? P

Yeah, I'm going to go there. P

Me, too! I'm excited about doing different kinds of experiments. P

Yeah, I'm also looking forward to it! P

How about making "Dancing Beans" for the science project? P

"Dancing Beans?" What do you mean? P

They are beans that move in the water like they're dancing. P

Sounds interesting! What do we need? P

We just need some water, vinegar, baking soda, and beans. P

4-1 Reading 1

At the go-kart race track, there are many people who are cheering excitedly. P

The karts that are making loud engine noises are waiting. P

An official waves a green flag and the race starts! P

Max pushes his foot down hard on the gas pedal as he completes his sixth lap on the track. P

On the straightaway, Max pulls right beside the race's leader, Simon. P

Last year, Simon won many races, but Max's best result in a race was coming in fifth place. P

This time, he has a chance to finish second. P

But he isn't going to be satisfied with second place today. P

The winner gets to meet the world famous racer L.J. P

Richards! He doesn't want to miss the chance to meet his role model. P

4-2 Reading 2

Max completes the tenth lap and now has five more laps to go. P

Max sees Simon's kart ahead, just out of Max's reach. P

Max's kart gets closer and closer to Simon's. P

It almost hits the back end of Simon's kart. P

They drive into the straightaway and Max presses harder on the gas pedal. P

"I can catch up," says Max. P

Max sees the official waving a white flag which means the last lap. P

Max is right behind Simon. P

The finish line is getting closer, and the cheering from the crowd is getting louder. P

"I can do it!" Max says loudly. He can feel his heart beating hard. P

The karts rush across the finish line. Who is the winner? P

4-3 Reading 3

Max's eyes are filled with tears as he finds out that he came in second. P

"No need for tears, kid," says a man's voice. P

Max can't believe his eyes. P

The man who is standing in front of him is L.J. Richards! P

"Thank you, but I'm not the winner," says Max. P

"It was a real close race. P

Even though you didn't win the race, you did your best. P

That's the thing that counts!" says L.J.Richards. P

'Did I do my best?' thinks Max. P

After a moment, he smiles. "Yeah, I guess I did. P

4-4 Listen and Choose

David, how was your basketball game today? P

We lost, Mom. I missed too many chances for a three-pointer. P

Oh, don't be so hard on yourself. You'll do better next time. P

Did you come and watch my volleyball match yesterday? P

Yeah, I did. That was a great volleyball match. You were great! P

Thanks, but it was a close match. My serves were not strong enough. P

Oh, you're a great player. You'll do better next time. P

4-5 Listen and Write

I heard your baseball team, the Reds, won the match. Eight to seven, right? Congratulations, John! P

Thanks. It was a close game. I'm not happy with my pitching. P

Why do you say that? P

I allowed two homeruns. P

Oh, you're a great pitcher. You'll do better next time. P

4-6 Listen and Number

Is it your first time riding a bike, Mina? P

Yes, it is. I just can't keep my balance. P

Let me help you. I'll hold your bike. P

Thanks, Mike. Don't let go, okay? P

Don't worry. Sit up and look straight ahead. P

What are you doing, Sarah? P

I learned how to stand on my head in PE class. So I'm trying it now but it's not easy. P

Let me help you. Kick your legs in the air again. I’ll catch you. P

4-7 Listen and Write 2

Hey, Brian. Did you practice the taegwondo side kick? P

Yes, Coach. But I'm still not comfortable with it. P

What problem are you having? P

Well, I can't lift my leg high enough. P

I see. Let me help you. I'll hold this kick pad for you. P

Show me your side kick. P

4-8 Communication

I'm worried about our next soccer match, James. P

Why are you worried, Megan? P

Well, I couldn't catch high balls in the last soccer match. I gave away too many goals. P

I see. Here, let me help you. I'll kick high balls to you. P

Oh, that'll really help. I hope my skills get better. P

Don't worry. You'll do better next time. P

I missed all the curve balls in the last baseball match. P

Let me help you. I’ll throw curve balls to you. P

Oh, that’ll really help. I hope my skills get better. P

4-9 Wrap Up

Hi, Jake. Do you come to the pool often? P

Oh, hi, Anna. I take a swimming class here once a week. P

When did you start the class? P

Last month. But swimming is still not easy for me. P

Oh, let me help you. I teach children how to swim in the school club. P

Oh, that'll help me a lot. Thanks. P

How was your soccer match last week? P

We won, but I'm not satisfied with our match. P

Why do you say that? P

My passes were too short. P

Don't take it too hard. You're practicing a lot. You'll do better next time. P

5-1 Listen and Choose

You don't look so happy today. What's the matter? P

I wore my sister's favorite T-shirt. But I got grape juice on it. P

Oh, no. Did you tell your sister? P

No, not yet. I don't know what to do. P

David, you look down today. What's the matter? P

I got a haircut but it's too short. I look funny. P

Take off your hat and let me see. Oh, it looks fine. P

Really? I guess I'm just not used to it yet. P

5-2 Listen and Write

You look tired. What's the matter? P

I didn't have breakfast this morning. I'm so hungry. P

Oh, that's too bad. We still have two more hours until lunch break. P

Our school should have a snack bar. Then, we could have a quick breakfast or snacks. P

I think so, too. How can we make that suggestion? P

We can post it on the suggestion board. P

5-3 Listen and Choose 2

I don't know how to do better in math. Can you give me some advice? P

How do you study for tests? P

I just solve a lot of problems. P

Well, don't solve everything. I think you should focus on the ones you got wrong. P

I was late for class again. I just can't wake up in the morning. P

Do you set an alarm? P

Yeah, but I turn it off and go back to sleep. P

I think you should put it far from your bed. P

That way, you'll have to get out of bed. P

5-4 Listen and Write 2

Ms. Morris, I just can't stop playing computer games. What should I do? P

Well, why don't you use a special program? P

When you set a time limit, the computer shuts down at that time. P

Oh, that's a good idea. P

And I think you should move the computer out of your room and into the living room. P

I think I should. Thank you for the advice, Ms. Morris. P

5-5 Communication

Hello, you're on the air. P

Hi, Amy. What's the matter? P

I hate sharing my room with my little sister. P

She uses my stuff without asking me first. What should I do? P

I think you should tell her your feelings. P

And you should also make some rules with your sister. P

Oh, I'll try that. Thanks for the advice. P

5-6 Reading 1

Bella is 15 years old this year and these days her feelings are going up and down. P

Today, she looks down. P

Let's listen to Bella's feelings and find out why. P

What a day! I can't believe Jenny yelled at Bella after the school play. P

Well, that's because Bella forgot her lines on stage. P

Jenny pointed out the mistake that Bella made. P

How could she do that in front of everyone? P

5-7 Reading 2

But I'm sure Jenny did not mean to hurt Bella. P

They have been best friends since elementary school. P

That's what I'm saying. P

A true friend would never put Bella down like that. P

I'm worried that they are not going to be friends anymore. P

5-8 Reading 3

I can't forgive Jenny. She didn't say a word to Bella. P

Jenny didn't even look at her. Jenny has never been this cold before. P

Bella ate alone during lunch today. Poor Bella! P

Jenny is Bella's best friend. I'm sure there is a reason that we don't know about. P

I can't stand this any longer. Bella should just go and tell her about her feelings. P

I don't want Bella to be hurt again. She should let it go. P

They are good friends. They will work it out. P

5-9 Reading 4

Whew! I'm so happy that they are talking again. P

Yeah, Bella went to Jenny and talked to her first. P

Jenny didn't avoid Bella on purpose. P

Yeah, Jenny didn't know a way to say sorry. P

I hope Bella doesn't have any more problems like this. P

Me, too. But problems are part of growing up. P

Just like this time, Bella will face the problems, solve them, and become wiser in the end. P

5-10 Wrap Up

Daisy, you're late again. P

I'm really sorry, Mr. Jones. I stayed up late again last night. P

Well, I think you should try to go to bed earlier. P

You should also pack your bag the night before, so you can save time in the morning. P

Okay, Mr. Jones. I'll try your advice. P

5-11 Wrap Up 2

Kevin, you look so nervous. What's the matter? P

I dropped my mom's new glasses and broke them. P

Oh, that's terrible. So, your mom also knows about it? P

Not yet. I can't tell her about it. What should I do? P

Just tell her first before she finds out about it. P

6-1 Listen and Choose

Judy, did you choose a topic for your science project? P

Not yet. How about you, Ryan? P

I'm curious about weather change. So I'm thinking about doing the project on that. P

That's an interesting topic! P

Look at this picture of a huge flower. P

Wow, it is bigger than a person. P

Yeah. I'm really curious about this flower. P

It also says here that the flower smells very bad, but insects love the smell. P

I wonder why. P

6-2 Listen and Write

Do you think we can be friends with lions, Todd? P

No, Clare. I don't think so. P

Well, I watched a video clip about friendship between two men and a lion. P

Really? I'm curious about the story. Can you tell me more? P

The two men raised a baby lion and sent her back into the wild. P

When the men and the lion met a year later, she remembered them. P

Wow, that's so touching. P

6-3 Listen and Choose 2

Look at this picture, Mina. We got a new puppy yesterday. He's only two weeks old. P

Oh, Dylan, he's so small! P

Yeah. He's as small as my hand now, but he'll get much bigger in a few months. P

Wow, puppies grow very quickly. P

George, that red house over there is my grandparents' house. P

Wow, the tree by the house is really big. P

Actually, that tree is as old as me, thirteen years old. P

How do you know that, Kelly? P

My grandfather planted the tree in 2004 when I was born. P

6-4 Listen and Write 2

I'm going to give a presentation about the blue whale. P

It's the biggest sea animal in the world. P

How big is it? Well, it's about 30 m long. P

That means it's longer than a basketball court. P

Another interesting thing is that its tongue is as heavy as an elephant! Surprising, isn't it? P

6-5 Communication

Hello, Dr. Watson. Can you tell us about your study? P

I study animals that lived millions of years ago. P

Oh, I'm curious about those animals. Were there any interesting ones? P

Yes, there were many. This is the giant kangaroo. It lived in Australia. P

It was as heavy as three men and it couldn't jump well. P

That's amazing! P

I study animals that lived millions of years ago. P

Oh, I’m curious about those animals. P

This is the giant snake. It lived in South America. P

It was as long as a bus and it had two legs. P

6-6 Reading 1

Today was my first day in Africa. P

I took lots of pictures of elephants. P

This morning, I found an elephant group by a small water hole. P

I saw a baby elephant drinking water beside her mother. P

Her eyes were as bright as stars. P

I gave her a name, Stella. P

Around noon, I saw a group of lions approaching Stella. P

The elephants stood around Stella and made a thick wall. P

Thanks to them, Stella was safe. P

6-7 Reading 2

Around sunset, I heard a strange sound. P

I followed the sound and found Stella crying next to her mom. P

She was lying dead and Stella was alone. P

It is dangerous to stay alone in such a wild area. P

What's more, it was going to be dark soon. P

Elephants can't see well at night. P

So Stella could easily be attacked. P

I called the elephant shelter and asked for help. P

I decided to stay by her until the rescue team came. P

6-8 Reading 3

The night was dark and quiet. P

I kept my eyes on Stella with my night camera. P

Stella was still next to her mom. P

She was touching her mom's lifeless body with her nose. P

It was sad to see Stella staying close to her mom. P

I hope Stella stays safe throughout the night. P

6-9 Reading 4

A new elephant group appeared and Stella approached them. P

At first, I thought that they would not let Stella in their group. P

But I was wrong. P

An elephant, probably the oldest female allowed Stella to become part of the group. P

The other elephants also seemed to welcome Stella. P

Unbelievably, one of the female elephants fed Stella. P

She cared for Stella as warmly as Stella's mom did. P

This was such an amazing moment! P

6-10 Wrap Up

Look! Isn't that a sea horse? P

Actually, no. It's a sea dragon. P

Oh, really? I'm curious about the difference between them. P

Look at the tail carefully. A sea dragon has a straight one, but a sea horse does not. P

Oh, I can tell the difference now! P

6-11 Wrap Up 2

I'm going to give a presentation about ants. P

They have special abilities. P

First, they have a good sense of smell. P

They can smell things as well as dogs. P

They also have amazing strength. P

They can carry 50 times their body weight. P

Aren't they surprising? P

7-1 Listen & Talk 1

Brian, is your band going to play at the Teen Music Festival? P

Yes, we're practicing almost every day. P

What kind of music are you going to play this year? P

Rock music. We'll play songs from the nineties. P

Can you help me? I don't know how to paint clean lines. P

What kind of brush were you using? P

This round brush. P

When you paint lines, a flat brush is better. Try this one. P

7-2 Listen and Write

Hi, Anna. We're meeting at the arts festival tomorrow at 1:30, right? P

Right. What kind of performance do you want to watch first? P

I want to watch the hip-hop dance performance first. P

Sounds good. It's at 2 p.m. at the gym, right? P

Yeah, and how about watching the play, Romeo and Juliet, at 4 p.m.? P

Oh, the one at the Main Hall near the gym? Sure! P

Which activity are you going to do? P

I’m going to go to a concert. P

What kind of concert is it? P

It’s a rock concert called Songs from Movies of the 90s. P

7-3 Listen & Talk 2

What are you reading, Jina? P

The novel, Life of Pi. It's a story of a boy and a tiger. P

It's a great book. I've seen the movie of it, too. I prefer the movie to the novel. P

Why do you like it better? P

The scenes are very beautiful. And the tiger looks so real. P

Have you listened to Jane's new song, Girl Friend? P

Yeah, it's really cool. The guitar part is great. P

There is also a dance version of the song on the album. P

I've listened to it, but I prefer the guitar version to the dance version. P

It matches her voice better. P

7-4 Listen, Choose and Write

I saw an interesting painting in an art book. Look at this. P

Wow, it looks like da Vinci's Mona Lisa. P

Actually, it's Mona Lisa by Fernando Botero. Which do you prefer? P

I prefer da Vinci's to Botero's. Da Vinci's Mona Lisa has an interesting smile. How about you? P

Well, I prefer Botero's to da Vinci's. His Mona Lisa is cute, and it looks modern. P

7-5 Communication

Hi, we are planning a school festival, so we want to find out students' favorite types of performances. P

May I ask you a few questions? P

What kind of performance do you like best? P

I like music performances best. P

Okay. Then, which do you prefer, rock or hip-hop? P

I prefer rock to hip-hop. P

Who's your favorite musician? P

My favorite musician is TJ. P

Great. Thank you for your answers. P

7-6 Reading 1

Welcome to the World Art Museum tour. P

When you go to an art museum, how much time do you spend looking at each painting? P

Many visitors glance at one painting for only a few seconds before they move on. P

But you might miss the important details of paintings since it is hard to notice them right away. P

Today, we'll look at two paintings closely and I'll help you see interesting details. P

Look at this painting first. P

The seaside landscape is so peaceful and beautiful, isn't it? P

The title of this painting is Landscape with the Fall of Icarus. P

So, can you see where Icarus is? P

Do you see two legs that are sticking out of the water near the ship? P

This is Icarus in the famous myth in Greece. P

7-7 Reading 2

In the myth, Icarus' father made wings for him with feathers and wax and told him to stay away from the sun. P

However, Icarus didn't listen. P

He flew too close to the sun. P

So, the wax melted and he fell into the water. P

Now, look at the entire painting again. P

Despite the tragedy of Icarus, people are going on with their everyday activities. P

Does the painting still look peaceful? P

What do you think the artist is trying to tell us? P

7-8 Reading 3

Now, let's move on to the next painting. P

Do you see the artist behind the large canvas? P

He is Diego Velzquez, and he actually painted this picture. P

Who do you think he is painting? Take a quick look. P

The young princess seems to be the main person because she is in the center of the painting. P

But the title of the painting is The Maids of Honour. P

Then, is the artist drawing the two women beside the princess? Take a close look. P

It will make you wonder about the painting more. P

Try to see which direction the artist is looking at. P

Can you see the king and the queen in the mirror in the background of the painting? P

Who do you think he is painting now? P

7-9 Wrap Up

Can you help me? I want to buy a guitar. P

There are various kinds of guitars. What kind of music do you want to play? P

I want to play pop songs. P

Then you should get a classical guitar. P

Okay, I will take a classical guitar. P

What are you reading, Sally? P

I'm reading The Maze Runner. It's about boys who are put in a maze. P

It's a great story. I've seen the movie of it, too. I prefer the novel to the movie. P

Why do you like it better? P

The novel has various stories. But the movie didn't show some important parts of the story. P

8-1 Listen & Talk 1

Look, Dad. This is Mom's birthday gift. P

Oh, you're giving her a memory stick? P

Yeah, I've made a family video clip for Mom and saved it on this stick. P

What do you think about the present? P

I think it's really touching. She'll love it. P

Jenny, what do you think about the new online comic Scary Night? P

I didn't like it. I thought it had too many sound effects. P

Really? I thought they made the story more interesting. P

Not me. I couldn't focus because I was too scared. P

Hey, Julie! Have you heard about the Quiz & Rice game? P

Yeah, isn't it the one that donates rice when you get a right answer? P

Yeah, what do you think about the game? P

I think it's a creative game. P

You can have fun and help out hungry people. Have you played it yet? P

No, but I'm going to try it out this weekend. P

8-2 Listen & Talk 2

Sally, did you watch Super Voice's Top 10 finalists yesterday? P

Yeah. They all sang much better than before. P

Yeah, they did. I think this singing contest helps them get closer to their dreams. P

I'm with you on that. I can't wait to watch their next performances. P

Hey, Lisa. I've got over a hundred comments on my SNS posts. P

Oh, I wouldn't feel comfortable to share my posts with so many people. P

Really? I think it's great that a lot of people see my posts. P

I'm not with you on that. I only want to share my posts with my close friends. P

8-3 Listen, Order and Write

Excuse me. Can you help me order with this machine? P

Sure. First, press the Hot Dog button and choose your hot dog and drink. P

Okay. How do I pay for my order? P

Touch the Done button at the bottom and pay for them. P

Wow, it's so simple. This machine is much faster than ordering at the counter. P

I'm with you on that. It really saves a lot of time when there's a long line. P

8-4 Communication

Now, we will start the three-minute debate. P

Today's first topic is fast fashion. P

What do you think about it? Please, begin, James. P

I think fast fashion is good. P

We can wear trendy clothes at a cheaper price. P

I'm not with you on that. P

It makes us spend too much money and throw away clothes too often. P

It looks like the two of you have different opinions on the first topic. P

Now, let's move on to the second topic. P

8-5 Reading 1

Last summer, my father suggested a surprising event: a family trip without smartphones! P

He said, "I hate to see you sitting together and only looking at your smartphones." P

My sister and I explained the need for smartphones, P

but he kept saying that we could not fully enjoy the trip with them. P

So we started a technology-free trip to a new city, Barcelona, Spain. P

8-6 Reading 2

Our first day was terrible. P

On the way to our guesthouse around Plaza Reial, we got lost in downtown Barcelona. P

Dad was busy looking at the map and asking for directions with a few Spanish words he got from a tour guidebook. P

Even though our guesthouse was right next to the Plaza, it took us about two hours to get there. P

We were so tired that we could not go out for dinner. P

I went to bed but couldn't fall asleep because I was worried about what would happen the next day. P

8-7 Reading 3

After looking around Gaudi's Park Guell, we decided to have seafood fried rice for lunch. P

However, we didn't know which restaurant to go to. P

We needed help, so Mom went up to an elderly lady and tried to ask for directions to a popular seafood restaurant. P

Luckily, she seemed to understand Mom's few Spanish words. P

She took us to a small local restaurant nearby. P

The seafood fried rice was amazing. P

I really wanted to take pictures of the food and post them on my blog. P

But without my phone, I just decided to enjoy the moment. P

During the remaining days, we relied more and more on the locals. P

We were able to meet and talk with various people on the streets, in the bakeries, and in the parks. P

They were always kind enough to show us different sides of Barcelona with a smile. P

Also, our family talked a lot with each other. P

We spent much of our time together on the Spanish train, on the bus, and at the restaurants. P

8-8 Reading 4

Our technology-free trip was a new and different experience. P

Before the trip, I was so dependent on my smartphone that I couldn't do anything without it. P

But now I see that I can enjoy the moment without it. P

From the experience, I have learned the importance of a balanced use of the smartphone. P

So, next time, would I travel without a smartphone? Probably not. P

But I will try to use it more wisely. P

8-9 Wrap Up

I've just finished making the posting for Leon, Mom. P

What do you think about it? P

Oh, the title "LOST CAT" in big letters at the top is easy to see. P

Yeah, I did it to get attention. How about these photos below the title? P

The one on the right doesn't show Leon's face well. P

Okay, I'll change the photo. P

Oh, I hope we can find Leon. P

8-10 Wrap Up 2

My little brother is always using his smartphone. P

Last night, he was up all night playing with his phone. P

Oh, he should find a way to control it. P

I'm with you on that. What should he do? P

He should try the smartphone use control app. P

It can help him plan his phone use. P

Oh, that's a good idea. Thanks for the trip. P

9-1 Reading 1

One day, Maibon was driving down the road on his horse and cart when he saw an old man. P

The old man looked very sick. P

Maibon began to worry about growing old. P

Later that day, he saw a dwarf, Doli, in the field. P

He was trying to get his leg out from under a log. P

Maibon pulled the log away and freed the dwarf. P

"You'll have your reward. What do you want?" P

"I've heard that you have magic stones that can keep a man young. I want one." P

"Oh, you humans have it all wrong. P

Those stones don't make you young again. P

They only keep you from getting older." P

"Just as good!" P

Doli tried to explain the problem with the stones, but Maibon didn't listen. P

So Doli handed him a magic stone and went away. P

9-2 Reading 2

After a few days, Maibon saw that his beard didn't grow at all. P

He became happy, but his wife, Modrona, got upset. P

"The eggs don't change into chickens!" P

"Oh, the season's slow, that's all." P

But she was not happy. "The cow doesn't give birth!" P

Maibon, then, told her about the stone, and she got very angry and told him to throw it away. P

He didn't want to, but he listened to his wife and threw the stone out the window. P

However, the next morning, he found the stone sitting by the window! P

Maibon was worried about the animals, but he was glad that he was still young. P

9-3 Reading 3

Now Maibon's baby was having trouble. P

No tooth was seen in his mouth. P

His wife told him to throw away the stone and this time, Maibon put the stone under the ground. P

But, the next day, the stone came back! Time went by and nothing grew or changed. P

Maibon began to worry. P

"There's nothing to look forward to, nothing to show for my work." P

Maibon tried to destroy the stone, but it kept coming back. P

9-4 Reading 4

Maibon decided to throw away the stone far from his house. P

On his way to the field, he saw the dwarf. P

Maibon got angry with him. P

"Why didn't you warn me about the stone?" P

"I tried to, but you wouldn't listen. P

Doli explained that Maibon couldn't get rid of the stone unless he really wanted to. P

"I want no more of it. Whatever may happen, let it happen!" P

Doli told him to throw the stone onto the ground and go back home. P

Maibon did as Doli said. P

9-5 Reading 5

When he arrived home, Modrona told him the good news―the eggs changed into chickens and the cow bore her baby. P

And Maibon laughed with delight when he saw the first tooth in his baby's mouth. P

Maibon, Modrona and their children and grandchildren lived for many years. P

Maibon was proud of his white hair and long beard. P