Lesson 1
Have you seen my ID badge? P
-No-I had it last night, but maybe it fell out of my bag when I paid for the pizza. P
This wouldn't happen if you stayed over. P
If you'll remember back to when I lived here, my ability to lose things has always been top-notch. P
If you stayed over,you wouldn't have had to come, all the way back here when you realized. P
If I stayed over,we both would've gotten a lot less sleep. P
Why is it too soon? P
Because we've only been together a few weeks. P
How many weeks of being together are required before you can stay over? P
I will spend the night Saturday. P
Lesson 2
I'm glad we come here I don't want to stop coming Why would we? P
Well, that's the way it works. P
You mourn, you cry, and then you forget You don't forget. P
Start to move on I don't want to stop coming. P
Your temperature's almost 101 Your other symptoms? P
hoarsely First it was a sore throat, then my body started aching And then there's this cough I even had my flu shot. P
Unfortunately,influenza is constantly mutating. P
The shot always lags behind Hopefully, you'll recover fasterbecause of it. P
My daughter's very worried that I might have this Virus from China What's it called? P
Have you been to Chinaor been around anyone who's been to China recently? Taken any cruises? P
The coronavirusdoesn't cause sore throats -coughing-This is a bad case of the flu. P
Go home, rest, drink plenty of fluids You'll be fine in a week or two. P