Reading 40 3-1

Dave plays outside every day. P

Dave needs a raincoat. It is rainy. P

Dave needs a sun hat. It is sunny. P

Dave needs mittens. It is snowy. P

Dave needs a kite. It is windy. P

Every day is a fun day! P

Reading 40 3-2

Buster finds things in the garden. P

Buster finds a shoe. P

It is in the bush. P

Buster finds a fork. P

It is in the sandbox. P

Buster finds a mop. P

It is in the trash can. P

Buster finds a wig. P

It is in the mailbox. P

Grandpa wants his wig back! P

Reading 40 3-3

Kevin has a nice garden. P

Kevin plants tiny seeds. Tomatoes grow. P

Kevin plants round seeds. Peas grow. P

Kevin plants long seeds. Sunflowers grow. P

Kevin plants big seeds. Pumpkins grow. P

It is fun to watch seeds grow! P

Reading 40 3-4

A spider makes its house. It is a web. P

A bird makes its house. It is a nest. P

A bee makes its house. It is a hive. P

An ant makes its house. It is an anthill. P

Dad makes Lola's house. P

Lola loves it! P

Reading 40 3-5

Today is Sports Day at school. P

Mike plays tennis. He hits a ball. P

Amy plays baseball. She throws a ball. P

Helen plays basketball. She bounces a ball. P

Alvin plays soccer. He kicks a ball. P

Here comes a ball! Look out! P

Reading 40 3-6

The seasons are exciting! P

Spring is here. Let's plant a garden! P

Summer is here. Let's swim in a lake! P

Fall is here. Let's jump in leaves. P

Winter is here. Let's make snow angels! P

What fun things to do! P

Reading 40 3-7

Jill helps Grandpa feed the animals. P

Here are seeds. P

Grandpa feeds the chickens. P

Here are pumpkins. P

Grandpa feeds the sheep. P

Here are cucumbers. P

Grandpa feeds the goats. P

Here are carrots. P

Grandpa feeds the pigs. P

Where is Max? P

He eats with the pigs. P

Reading 40 3-8

I am at a food festival. P

This food is from Italy. It is pizza. P

This food is from India. It is curry. P

This food is from Mexico. It is a taco. P

This food is from Japan. It is sushi. P

I like all food! Food is tasty! P

Reading 40 3-9

Mary gets a big birthday present. P

Is it a new desk? No, it isn't. P

Is it a new dress? No, it isn't. P

Is it a new computer? No, it isn't. P

Is it a new backpack? No, it isn't. P

Her friends jump out! P

"Surprise! Happy birthday, Mary!" P

Reading 40 3-10

Guess what this is. P

I use my hands. It feels soft. P

I use my nose. It smells good. P

I use my ears. It sounds quiet. P

I use my tongue. It tastes sweet! P

What is it? P

It is cotton candy! P

Reading 40 3-11

Three brothers paint Cody's house. P

Jim likes the color brown. P

He paints the roof brown. P

Nick likes the color yellow. P

He paints the walls yellow. P

Billy likes the color purple. P

He paints Cody purple. P

Uh-oh, Cody is all purple! P

Reading 40 3-12

I have many friends. P

Leo has short hair. P

He wears a blue shirt. P

Jessie has long a hair. P

She wears green shorts. P

Tony has curly hair. P

He wears gray pants. P

Clara has straight hair. P

She wears red glasses. P

Do you know who is who? P

Reading 40 3-13

Ivy and Jack go to the fair. P

They turn right at the bakery. P

They go straight. P

They turn left at the toy store. P

They go straight. P

They turn right at the restaurant. P

They go straight. They see the fair. P

Time to have some fun! P

Reading 40 3-14

Tony is the class helper this week. P

Today is Monday. He helps Suzie clean. P

Today is Tuesday. He helps Rick paint. P

Today is Wednesday. He helps Maya read. P

Today is Thursday. He helps Fred cook. P

Today is Friday. He helps Lily eat lunch P

Reading 40 3-15

Aliens are on a stage. P

What can Zut play? P

She can play the keyboard. P

What can Nipper play? P

He can play the guitar. P

What can Fraw play? P

She can play the drums. P

What can Quaz do? P

He can sing! P

Everyone loves the music! P

Reading 40 3-16

Animals walk in spring. Feed get muddy! P

What are these? P

They are a bear's footprints. P

What are these? P

They are a bird's footprints. P

What are these? P

They are a pig's footprints. P

What are these? P

They are a frog's footprints. P

Animals are muddy in spring! P

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