1-1 나에 대하여
My name is Hee-Jin. P
I'm 9 years old. P
I go to Dae-gok elementary school. P
I have father, mother, and a sister. P
I love my family. P
1-2 내가 좋아하는 가수
My favorite singer is 'Seven'. P
He is an excellent singer. P
He is very handsome. P
He sings very well. P
I listen to his songs everyday. P
1-3 나의 엄마
I love my mom very much. P
She is beautiful and tall. P
She is always good to me. P
She cooks well. P
She cooks delicious food for me everyday. P
1-4 나의 취미
My hobby is reading books. P
I read "Peter Pan" today. P
It is a funny story. P
Peter Pan likes adventures. P
He travels everyday. P
I want to travel like Peter Pan. P
1-5 나의 하루
I get up at 7:00. P
I go to school at 8:30. P
I eat lunch at 12:00. P
I come back home at 3:00. P
I play the piano at 4:00. P
I watch TV at 6:00. P
I go to bed at 10:00. P
1-6 날씨
It is cold today. P
It snowed all day. P
I don't like the cold. P
So I stayed home all day. P
I hope that it will be warm tomorrow. P
1-7 축구하기
I played soccer today. P
I like sports. P
I always play soccer in the afternoon. P
My team won the game today. P
So I was happy. P
1-8 과일
I ate an apple and grapes today. P
I love fruits. P
My favorite fruit is grape. P
I ate too many grapes. P
So I had a stomachache. P
1-9 지각
My mom didn't wake me up. P
So I got up late. P
I skipped breakfast. P
I ran to the school. P
But I was still late for school. P
1-10 나의 생일
Today is my birthday. P
My mom prepared a birthday party. P
I invited my friends to my birthday party. P
Jin-Su gave me a doll. P
Mi-Ran gave me a pencil case. P
I was happy today. P
1-11 내가 좋아하는 과목
My favorite subject is English. P
I like to speak English. P
I won the first place in the English Speech Contest. P
I sometimes teach English to my sister. P
I will study English very hard. P
1-12 나의 꿈
My dream is to become a doctor. P
I want to become a good doctor. P
I want to help people who are sick. P
My mom says that I have to study hard. P
I will study hard, so I can become a good doctor. P
1-13 외식
My dad bought me pizza at Mr. Pizza. P
The pizza was really delicious. P
I ate two slices of pizza. P
And I drank a cup of coke. P
I was full and happy. P
1-14 시험
I took the exam today. P
I studied hard yesterday. P
But the science exam was difficult for me. P
I am not good at science. P
I will study hard for the next exam. P
1-15 감기
I played in the rain yesterday. P
I have a cold. P
I have a sore throat. P
So it is hard for me to speak. P
I can't go to school. P
I am going to rest at home today. P
1-16 숙제
It's Monday again. P
Our teacher gave us a lot of homework. P
Two pages of math and one page of English. P
It was hard. P
I don't want to do my homework. P
1-17 인형
I bought a new doll today. P
It was pretty and cute. P
My sister wanted it. P
I decided to play with my sister. P
It is fun playing with dolls. P
1-18 내 친구 진호
Jin-ho is my best friend. P
He lives next door. P
He is tall and thin. P
He plays basketball in school. P
Jin-ho is smart and kind. P
1-19 반지의 제왕
I went to the movie theater with my friends. P
We watched the Lord of the Rings. P
The movie was about a Hobbit and a ring. P
It was fun. P
Legolas was cute and handsome. P
I want to watch it again. P
1-20 집안일
I like to help my mom. P
So I did the chores today. P
I started with cleaning my room. P
Then, I picked up the garbage in the living room. P
I was happy to help my mom. P
Mom was pleased too. P