Country Mouse 1

country mouse and city mouse. P

The country mouse opens the door. P

"It is nice to see you." P

"It is nice to see you too." P

The country mouse bring some food potatoes, carrots, tomatoes. P

"Let's have lunch." P

"I don't like vegetables. let's go to the city." P

"Okay" They eat lunch pizza. P

spaghetti cheese yummy. P

Country Mouse 2

A large cat jumps out. P

The cat chases them. P

"Yikes, A cat. run." P

They Run to the park then a dog chases them. P

"Yikes" A dog and a cat run. P

They hide behind a tree. P

The cat goes away . P

The dog goes away. P

"Let's have dinner." P

"No way I am going home." P

Country Mouse 3

The aunt and the dog. P

The aunt is walking. P

I like walking. P

The ant slips. P

A dove here's the end. P

She drops a leaf. P

The end climbs on the leaf. P

The aunt sees the dove. P

He sees a hunter too. P

"Oh no hunter." P

The aunt thinks. P

What do I do? P

He bites the hunter. P

"Huh ouch" an edge bite. P

The Dove wakes up. P

The hunter runs away. P

Country Mouse 4

The wolf and the crane. P

The wolf was eating chicken. P

He ate it too quickly he began to choke. P

"Help me, I am joking." P

The wolf runs to a cow. P

"Help me, I am joking." P

"I will give you a gift." P

"I am sorry wolf, I am too big to help you." P

The wolf runs to a turtle. P

"Help me I am joking. I will give you a gift." P

"I am sorry wolf, I am too short to help you." P

Country Mouse 5

The wolf runs to a mouse. "Help me I am joking." P

"I will give you a gift." P

"I am sorry wolf I am too small to help you." P

The wolf runs to a crane."Help me I am joking." P

"I will give me one kill." P

"I will help you open your mouth." P

The wolf opens his mouth. P

The crane sticks his head inside. P

The crane pulls out a bone. P

"Thank you, what is my gift? P

"I didn't bite off your head that is your gift." P

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