Happy Prince 1

Once upon a time. A beautiful golden statue of the most beautiful smiling prince stood in the town centre. P

It was covered with gold leaves and had eyes made of blue sapphire. P

It had a huge red ruby on the hilt of its sword. P

Everyone, who ever saw the Happy Prince, fell in love with it. P

The baker whose flour had just fallen on the floor saw it and said. P

Oh, Happy Prince, I wish I could always be happy like him. From now on I will. P

The schoolgirl whose mother wouldn't buy her ice cream saw the Happy Prince and said P

Oh, the Happy Prince, I wish I could always be like him. From now on I will. P

Happy Prince 2

At the same time in the forest near the city a Swallow asked his new bride. P

My love, all our friends have left for Egypt for the winters. P

There they will see the Pharoahs palace and bask in the sun in the royal gardens. P

They will enjoy many fruits and berries of different kinds. P

We must join them there. P

But his bride just nodded her head to say no. P

We will come back after the winters. P

You must let go of your attachment with this home and dwelling. P

bride again noddes no. P

You are being foolish my new bride. P

But I must go. My friends wait for me. P

And so the swallow flies away. P

Happy Prince 3

After a whole day of flying he is half way through the Happy Prince's city P

and then begins to feel tired. P

I think I will rest the night here. P

And start again for Egypt tomorrow. P

This golden statue is very beautiful I will rest between his feet. P

Just as the swallow was about to sleep a large drop of water fell on him. P

What? what this come from? The sky is clear. P

Just as the swallow was getting ready to sleep again another large drop of water fell on him. P

When he looked up he saw that the Prince was crying. P

Happy Prince 4

Who are you? P

I am the Happy Prince. P

Why are you crying then? P

I lived in the city palace once. I was always happy. P

I had no reason to be sad because I knew my people were happy too. P

When I died, they made a golden statue of me and put me here. P

From here I can see the sadness of my people. P

and my heart though it is made of lead, feels sad. P

What do you see, Oh golden Prince? P

Far away I can see a seamstress. P

Her fingers are red and bloody from endless stitching. P

Happy Prince 5

Next to her on a bed is a little boy. P

He is sick with fever and is crying out for oranges. P

But the seamstress doesn't have anything other than river water to give him. P

Oh, swallow, take the ruby from my sword and give it to her. P

No, no! I have to go to Egypt I cannot stay! P

If I go to the seamstress's house I won't be able to reach Egypt. P

Please, swallow. The child is very thirsty. P

Well. Okay, I will go. P

Happy Prince 6

So the swallow took the ruby from the hilt of the Prince's sword and flew to the seamstress's house. P

By the time he got there, the tired seamstress had fallen asleep on her working table. P

So the swallow kept the ruby on the table. P

Then he flew around the sick boy's bed flapping his wings. P

I feel so much cooler. I think I must be getting better. P

Happy Prince 7

By the time the swallow returned it was the next night. P

I will now go to Egypt. P

But the Prince was crying again. P

I can see a hard working man filled with despair. P

He is a writer and must finish his next play soon. P

But he is tired because he has no food to eat. P

Wont you stay another night and help that man? P

Okay! One night it is. P

Should I take another ruby to him? P

Alas! I have no ruby to give him now. P

But my eyes are made of sapphire. Take one of my eyes. P

No, no! I cannot do that! P

But I order you to do so. P

And so the swallow plucked out the Prince's eye. P

And flew away to the writer's house. P

By the time he reached there the writer had fainted out of hunger and cold. P

The kind swallow put the sapphire on the writer's desk. P

and collected dry twigs and lit a fire for the writer before he flew back to the Prince. P

Happy Prince 8

When he returned to the prince it was the next night again. P

And once again, the Prince was tearful. P

What is wrong Prince? P

In the square, I can see a match-girl crying. P

All her matches have fallen in to the gutter and got spoilt. No one will buy them now. P

She is afraid her father will be very angry when she goes home without any money. P

please swallow. Take my other eye and give it to her. P

No, no! I cannot do that! You will become blind! P

But I order you to do so. P

And so the swallow plucked out the Prince's other eye and took it to the little girl. P

The girl became very happy when she saw the stone and went home skipping. P

Happy Prince 9

The swallow returned to the Prince. P

Now you can go to Egypt, my friend. P

No, now I cannot go my friend. I will stay here and become your eyes. P

So the swallow stayed by the Prince. P

Ever day he would fly over the city and tell the Prince the sorry tales he saw. P

The Prince would then tell the swallow to pluck out a gold leaf from his body and give it to the poor people of his city. P

Soon there were no leaves left on the body of the Prince. P

All that was left was his cold grey body. P

It kept getting colder as the winters kept setting in. P

and the weather kept getting chillier. P

The swallow knew that he will not survive the season much longer. P

My friend, it is time for me to go. P

Finally! You going to Egypt? P

Not Egypt but towards death. Isn't it like sleep after all? P

But before I go, can I kiss you? P

I will once again be sad without you. Kiss me before you go. P

And so the frail swallow kissed the prince and feel at his feet, dead. P

Happy Prince 10

Suddenly there was a loud sound like a crack. P

It was the sound of the breaking of the Prince's lead heart. P

In the morning, the mayor of the city crossed the statue. P

What an ugly statue. And it has a dead bird at its feet too! P

Break it down immediately and put up my statue instead. P

A few hours later, when the mayor's men broke the statue apart they found the two pieces of the Prince's heart. P

And they threw it into the bin next to the dead swallow. P

Happy Prince 11

That's when God said to his angels. P

Bring me the most precious two things in the world. P

And they took the dead swallow and the Prince's broken heart to God. P

Well chosen my angels. P

From now on the Swallow will sing in my heaven. P

and the Prince will praise my ways. P

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