Tortoise 1


What happened Tofu? What is it that you are thinking? P

I am not able to understand how can a person win the race if he is slow and yet steady? P

There is a very famous story behind this. P

Should I tell you about that first? P

Tortoise 2

Long ago, in a forest. P

A small get-together of animals was taking place. P

You know what? P

I can beat anyone in this forest P

Nobody can beat me in a race. P

Yes, I have seen him running. P

I bet he can beat anyone in this forest. P

Suddenly from the crowd they hear somebody's laughing! P

Tortoise 3

Why are you laughing? P

You think you can beat me in a race? P

I may not disagree with you all Mr. Hare. P

But I might not deny that I had no fear of competing with you. P

So let's have a race and let's see who wins. P

Tortoise 4

So one fine sunny day all the animals gathered for the race. P

Everybody was sure that the hare is gonna be a clear-cut winner. P

May the best man win! And that is me! P

Said the hare proudly Hahahaha! P

Now lets go old man! I'll beat you in a second! P

The hare runs so fast that all the things on the path go for a spin! P

Tortoise 5

On the other hand the tortoise is running too. P

but at such a space that even snails could pass by him easily. P

Suddenly the hare stops and looks behind. P

That tortoise is gonna take ages to reach this point. P

So let's just stop here and take some rest. P

By the time he reaches here I would get good rest. P

and then cover him up in a blink of a second. P

Tortoise 6

In the meanwhile the taught rise slowly and steadily. P

reaches the point where the hare is fast asleep. P

He very quietly tip toes past the hare. P

and hare is all ignorant of this fact. P

Tortoise 7

Suddenly the hare gets up by the roars of the crowd cheering up the tortoise. P

Go tortoise Go! Go tortoise! P

Oh My Lord! How is that possible? P

I kept on sleeping for so long that the tortoise is about to finish the race! P

He runs and runs and runs. P

But to his disappointment the tortoise just manages to finish the race before he could. P

Tortoise 8

In the story the Hare was so full of himself. P

He was overconfident that he would surely beat the Tortoise in the race. P

Because he is faster than that poor being in every other way. P

But the hare underestimated the Tortoise and succumbed in his own fake over confidence. P

And that's why only a person who thinks calmly and is not over confident of Himself. P

Tortoise 9

wins the race in every sphere of life. P

Proud people can't survive for long. P

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