수능 Day 1
He downed the medicine at one swallow. P
The subject cropped up quite naturally as we talked. P
The sound goes on and off. P
A study found that students who are addicted to the Internet have lower IQs. P
Our product is sold worldwide. P
She started to weep uncontrollably. P
the scales of justice P
Our culture has been enriched by immigrants from many other countries. P
It looks like you're in a very tough situation. P
She averted her eyes from the terrible sight. P
You can only achieve success through hard work. P
Don't forget to write back to me. P
They continue to accept low pay and appalling conditions. P
I was angry when he paid no mind. P
Do you spend your day at a desk? P
Don't worry. You're doing just fine. P
The soprano has the leading role in the opera. P
They were substantial and they remain substantial. P
I didn't realize you were so unhappy. P
Direct your attention to a new problem. P
수능 Day 2
The museum is open daily throughout the year. P
The bright light made her look away. P
He never replied to any of my letter. P
I suggest a tour of the museum. P
That kind of attitude is simply not acceptable. P
Around the age of three children develop vivid imaginations. P
If possible I would like to go with you. P
You decide what you need to do. P
Be careful, or you will lose your money. P
There are distinct differences between the two. P
The experience opened his mind to religion. P
You must increase sales any way you can. P
This jacket is just my size. P
It’ll be a few more days until I can drive again. P
I would like to meet to discuss this with you. P
What was the result of the baseball game? P
He paused to look at the view. P
You should treat people with more consideration. P
Every society needs heroes, and every society has them. P
Food poisoning can cause death. P
수능 Day 3
The new law will come into effect next month. P
My goal is to be a congressman. P
Did you send your kids to nursery school? P
The habits continued into adult life. P
He can break a mirror. P
The extension of the subway will create more jobs. P
Fill out this lost luggage form. P
One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers. P
Cairo is the capital of Egypt. P
Just relax and enjoy the movie. P
Parents have the right to protect their children. P
They are still on the phone, continuing their conversation. P
I made a serious mistake. P
I expect that the weather will be nice. P
His writings include poetry and essays. P
I wonder who she is. P
His pictures don't fit into any category . P
We have to vacate this office by next week. P
I just started to prepare for the mid-term exam. P
She often cast sheep's eyes at me. P
수능 Day 4
The cell split up many pieces. P
For instance, we can either tell the truth or tell a lie. P
You don't have to make excuses for her. P
This medicine will help your cough. P
The gift was intended for you. P
Imagine yourself rich and famous. P
His physical and mental health is getting worse. P
Exercise is conducive to good health. P
They offered me dessert. P
His condition is improving. P
I'm under a lot of stress these days. P
The pilot lost control of the plane. P
It's just waste of time and money. P
He is popular among the students. P
I'm starting to calm down now. P
His academic achievements have been widely recognized. P
This expression stems from an old Korean saying. P
It was second nature to me to use such language. P
We consider her a genius. P
She did not choose to accept my present. P
수능 Day 5
Children need a caring environment. P
Are you certain who will deliver the speech? P
We slid down the grassy slope. P
A large number of squirrels inhabit this forest. P
Let me mark the pages to be translated. P
She led a one-week course last year. P
Mankind has existed for thousands of years. P
The weather looks prosperous for the harvest. P
All knowledge rests on experience. P
I used to climb on everything. P
They are not prepared to govern. P
I am trying to improve my grammar. P
The two old men ambled along in the park. P
She has relation to that issue. P
I am a citizen of this country. P
Peter tried to lift a chair. P
Add four and six and you get ten. P
Have you ever heard of an organization called The Farmer's Alliance? P
It is plain to everyone that she will never return. P
Could I have your autograph? P
수능 Day 6
I keep my car in the garage next to my house. P
You are not right. In fact, it's quite the reverse. P
We were watching the ship move farther beyond the horizon. P
The man is perfect for you. P
I argue with my brother all the time. P
She was upset by his ill-mannered remarks. P
From now on, I will make sure to do my homework in advance. P
They’re willing to pay more for a high-quality product. P
He inched his way toward the front of the bus. P
The size is more important than the material. P
It wouldn't surprise me if they got married soon. P
It was a valuable experience for me. P
Would you advise me what I should do? P
I didn't want to look stupid in front of my friends. P
Doubling reading speed can increase comprehension by about eight percent. P
Bake for 18 minutes in 350 degree F. P
She was honored as a community leader. P
I'm available any time you think you need me. P
Population tends to concentrate in large cities. P
She was careful to avoid controversy. P
수능 Day 7
Suffer severe injuries to the head and neck. P
Will you hold fast to the rope? P
Sounds are made in the air through waves. P
Plastic is often used instead of leather. P
Maybe you'll receive lots of letters from our audience. P
She has an excellent brain. P
We shared the pizza between the four of us. P
People used to think the earth was flat. P
Meanwhile, about 100 people died because of lions last year. P
I’m quite willing to answer questions. P
Her career climaxed with the award of an Oscar. P
Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land. P
She is the youngest contestant in the piano competition. P
His influence was already lessening. P
Our economy is undergoing a revival. P
We clap our hands when we cheer or encourage someone. P
Almost everyone has some musical ability. P
Cows provide us with milk. P
They are still some distance apart. P
These pets require a lot of care and attention. P
수능 Day 8
I don't read the whole paper. P
Each individual has a completely unique set of genetic information. P
There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear. P
Only great effort leads to great rewards. P
His improper behavior placed in jeopardy both his life and his company. P
Public speaking gives me the horrors. P
I feel very lonely. P
The information is available to anyone. P
There was no opportunity for further discussion. P
I can never manage my hair style right. P
Her friend has dozens of postcards from abroad. P
What were his actual words? P
The factory was ordered to clean the polluted stream. P
The exam results could determine your career. P
That is indeed an important distinction. P
Logging too many trees destroys nature. P
This proves that I was right. P
By law, you are a child until you are 18. P
We went for a walk in the park. P
The delicious smell from the kitchen made our mouths water. P
수능 Day 9
The journey remained in his mind as significant. P
We don't carry a large stock of pine furniture. P
My father was the single survivor of the battle. P
Tap your code number into the machine. P
The ocean looks a little rough today. P
These trousers are a bit tight. P
He is the host of the party tonight. P
Is this the same design that we submitted last year? P
Her research has thrown up some interesting facts. P
The reason that she did it is a mystery. P
Let us suppose that it is true. P
He speaks with a nervous stutter. P
Air is necessary to support life. P
These shoes don't fit me. P
There was a large amount of information. P
Why do you not agree with it? P
The President's health was giving serious cause for concern. P
She pointed in my direction. P
The scientist hit upon the right solution. P
The disease has affected her sight. P
수능 Day 10
The doctor is measuring the old man's pulse rate. P
I finally realized how foolish I was. P
He was not stupid, just lazy. P
If there is a breakage I will demand satisfaction within 3 days. P
The escalators in the department store run to all six floors. P
The water supply here is adequate. P
All of these pollute the air, the land, and the water. P
The structure of the banking system is changing. P
Please focus your minds on the following problem. P
Please remind her to call me. P
She is a brave climber. P
I desire nothing other than to be left in peace. P
In a murder case, fingerprints are substantive evidence. P
No transportation is available to the village. P
Therefore, you should learn how to use a computer. P
They gathered around the speaker. P
She wanted a position with more benefits. P
Guess who I saw at the party yesterday? P
I have a sore throat. P
We were disappointed at the news. P
수능 Day 11
The gas flame should be properly shielded. P
He is always polite to his teachers. P
I need a square piece of paper. P
The flight was late so I missed my connection. P
We prayed that no harm should befall them. P
He sat beside her all night. P
The light flashed, and then disappeared. P
He was not his usual cheerful self today. P
A barrier was set up to prevent any more accidents. P
I perceived a change in his behaviour. P
A vast damage was done to the rice crop. P
Go at a fast pace of five miles an hour. P
Many houses were destroyed by the earthquake. P
She had to assume her boss's responsibilities. P
I pay all my utility bills every month without fail. P
No appreciable progress has been made in the work. P
I'll be there ten minutes ahead of time. P
A judge must be free from prejudice. P
She spread apricot jelly on her toast. P
I am not familiar with that subject. P
수능 Day 12
The actress thought it was time for her to quit the stage. P
People wear sunglasses to avoid direct sun light. P
I will allow them to do as they like. P
The sign said, 'Keep away from the cliffs'. P
Study hard to satisfy the examiners. P
We guarantee to deliver within a week. P
Police tried to separate the two men who were fighting. P
The court directed that he should pay a substantial fine. P
We cannot exist without food and water. P
He has a lot of enemies in the company. P
They were ignorant about child safety. P
We depend on the radio for news. P
A bus appeared around the corner. P
I hurt my back lifting that box. P
It seems like I started school just a few days ago, and it's already time to graduate. P
Should we advertise the position in the newspaper? P
People communicate to each other every day. P
Smith is a common English surname. P
I'd like to invite you to a party. P
The school is taking a party of 40 children to France. P
수능 Day 13
Their opinion will not affect my decision. P
People eat fruit in various ways. P
The task was done in ten minutes. P
When exactly did the incident occur? P
She took a pot out of the oven. P
Woman was created to be the companion of man. P
He dropped onto a gas leak. P
She runs a thriving grocery business. P
She wore a loose shirt and jeans. P
Excessive drinking is bad for your health. P
It is traditional around here to fly the flag on holidays. P
He wanted to punish her because he was upset. P
She has worked as a volunteer in a day-care center. P
A crowd was already collecting outside the embassy gates. P
The woman is napping in front of the fan. P
Wrap each piece in clear transparent plastic wrap. P
There are no plans to publish these. P
Our children go to the local school. P
I could recognize her at eye. P
His private life was endlessly profiled in leading magazines. P
수능 Day 14
Though young, he has much gray hair. P
Her courage began to shake when she heard the news. P
First, I'll explain the rules of the game. P
This deal was a challenge for me. P
She celebrated my birthday. P
The girl disobeyed her mother and broke the rule. P
After 18 years of age, wisdom teeth begin to emerge. P
He has a very good sense of direction. P
The spirit of law is ignored. P
The ship turned about and left the spot. P
Many scholars have argued thus. P
Give me a chance to breathe. P
Who invented the steam engine? P
He's gone to be measured for a new suit. P
I had to choose only one person among those people. P
This country trades with America. P
I tried, I tried to be positive. P
Companies are now trying to recycle their waste. P
I prefer tea to coffee. P
I'd like to confirm a reservation for a double room on the first of July. P
수능 Day 15
Owning homes is the most important objective of Koreans. P
I was trying to trick you. P
We collected firewood. P
The former President was popular. P
He was always eager to learn. P
I find this aspect of my job particularly congenial. P
This region is a wildlife sanctuary. P
The vegetables are cooking. P
Winter is approaching. P
We support you in your efforts. P
He was indifferent to the praise. P
Please throw the ball back to me! P
My uncle is a government official. P
What qualifyfies her to represent us? P
He is a man with plenty of courage. P
The food is fantastic but I could forego the decorations. P
I didn't even step out of the house. P
My offer of a bet still stands. P
The incident is forcing me to the wall. P
My leg is a little sore. P
수능 Day 16
The ancient Greeks founded colonies in Sicily. P
One of my friends tries to bring disgrace on me. P
I hate the way that tastes. P
As most of you are aware, war has been constant in human history. P
Spend time with people that you trust. P
The old ethnic boundaries have blurred now. P
I received a great benefit from his teaching. P
Can you describe the events that led up to your decision? P
Although he's nearly 80, he is still very active. P
The cost amounted to $300. P
My main concern is the price. P
It is a false belief that force can solve everything. P
Our basic tenet is that all people are equal. P
You don't sound too bothered about it. P
That's the most boring book in the world. P
Credit cards are more convenient than cash. P
He walked to the first base on four balls. P
The climate of this country is getting hotter and hotter. P
Cleave this block of wood in two. P
The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. P
수능 Day 17
The audience liked the concert. P
We bury the dead in cemeteries. P
They carried out security checks at the airport. P
The industry is propped up by the government. P
He is a very independent minded young man. P
I've met him on several occasions. P
Bring your cholesterol within the normal range. P
Mining is a dangerous job. P
His gloomy news sobered us a little. P
He greeted me politely. P
What is the purpose of our being? P
She has a pain in her stomach. P
Their team work is in perfect harmony. P
Seek the positive rather than the negative. P
We hardly know each other. P
I respect my parents earnestly. P
Traffic reaches its peak between 8 and 9 in the morning. P
My mouth watered at the sight of the hamburger. P
Her high fever caused dizziness and she fell. P
I tried a pretty radical change. P
수능 Day 18
Release the horses into the field. P
They deserve to succeed. P
He was behind on his rent. P
The cunning man was packing cards with his mate. P
The cause of business failure is lack of capital. P
Would you pour me a glass of water? P
I just pretend to go along with her. P
Is there any way of stretching shoes? P
Do you mind if I lean back? P
What is the train's final destination? P
His rude manner injured her pride. P
She used to find a refuge in religion. P
His book is full of similar recipes. P
A talented artist, he was, moreover, a writer of some note. P
Ethnic conflict is tearing the region apart. P
I volunteered at the emergency room at the medical center. P
Medications can be used to relieve your pain. P
She speaks the language like a native. P
Two children drowned after falling into the river. P
His snoring prevents me from sleeping. P
수능 Day 19
You should memorize every new word encountered. P
Good health enabled him to carry out the plan. P
He chased after the burglar but couldn't catch him. P
Caramel candy is smooth, rich, and chewy. P
He is both strict and tender. P
A 15 to 20 minute nap a day helps restore memory. P
I'm sure the job will be an invaluable experience. P
Send a dozen long-stemmed red roses, please. P
Legend has it that the lake was formed by the tears of a god. P
The environment must be preserved for future generations. P
The girl looked in her purse and counted her money. P
I didn't look into the manual hard enough. P
This region is a wildlife sanctuary. P
The centre portion of the bridge collapsed. P
After the seed fell on good soil, it yields plenty of fruit. P
Trucks are used for carrying things rather than people. P
They used brute force to break open the door. P
Children in general are fond of candy. P
No one was responsible, so no one was to blame. P
Go across a river by ferry. P
수능 Day 20
Music is a tool to express man's emotion. P
I regret having to leave so early. P
I am not sure if she is Korean or not. P
I often mistake her for her mother. P
How did you cure your acne? P
We seldom met before 9 a.m. P
Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits. P
He regards himself as a patriot. P
A good wife is a household treasure. P
The stubborn boy refused to obey his mother. P
The desert continued as far as the eye could see. P
Oh, no thanks. I'm on a diet and doughnuts are so fattening. P
Just relax and let things flow. P
You can decorate the house within budget. P
People were turning to stare at him. P
Here are the bills due next week. P
It was typical of her to forget. P
It is useless for you to struggle. P
What shape is it? P
You can have it for a trial period. P
수능 Day 21
The search for a cure goes on. P
Everyone should contribute if they possibly can. P
Does this answer reflect how you feel? P
My suit needs pressing. P
We export to many countries. P
His clothes were covered in dirt. P
Asia is the largest continent in the world. P
The biggest asset you have is your credibility. P
He was dismissed for neglecting his duties. P
He will be an athlete some day. P
You need to dedicate so many hours to it, every single day. P
These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes. P
She performs an important role in our organization. P
Around fifty people die of hunger every day in the camp. P
The blood soaked through his shirt and stained his jacket. P
Obtain a drug on a doctor's prescription. P
There was a risk that a fire might break out. P
They conferred at great length last night. P
Most books consist of several chapters. P
He knew it was useless to protest. P
수능 Day 22
He removed his hand from her shoulder. P
You just need to address the envelope and put it in the mail. P
Man is unique among animals for having developed the power of speech. P
A naughty boy rang a bell by way of experiment. P
I am not interested in that sort of thing. P
The labor union is currently negotiating with the company. P
The foreign students also mentioned other items. P
Aid was requested from the flooded area. P
You are in a state of supreme delight. P
They stepped into the breach with a benevolent fund. P
An interesting feature of the city is the old market. P
She is senior to me in experience, even though she is younger. P
He was also using a stick to lean on. P
You didn't fasten your seat belt! P
This lecture will key on the practical side of chemistry. P
Their friendship was steady. P
A dolphin leapt out of the water. P
He had a stomach pain and rubbed his navel. P
Seek the positive rather than the negative. P
The ceremony was very meaningful to all those who came. P
수능 Day 23
I stand on firm ground on the issue. P
A good marriage is based on trust. P
Love of money is the root of all evil. P
The commission is calling for a global ban on whaling. P
His farm is remote from this town. P
Reporters try to dig out the truth. P
The domestic market is still depressed. P
A wave of panic spread through the crowd. P
You need to demonstrate more self-control. P
The doctor is measuring the old man's pulse rate. P
This bike is in need of repair. P
I was somewhat surprised to see him. P
The flood left thousands of people homeless. P
The firm was at his nod. P
Politics is not my cup of tea. P
May I call you at a more convenient time? P
It is impolite to interrupt the speaker. P
Did he shoot the bird, and killed it? P
Have you seen that article about young fashion designers? P
He bowed slightly to me. P
수능 Day 24
She settled in Vienna after her father's death. P
No fuel is left for the stove. P
The scientist reported a new discovery. P
She was harsh to her servants. P
She added her comments in the margin. P
He lived with himself despite his defeat. P
They'll announce it at a press conference. P
She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal. P
Somebody was beating at the door. P
When did your kids first notice? P
His impatience to begin was visible. P
Passengers are not allowed to smoke. P
There's a lot of marine life in cold oceans. P
Don't involve me in your quarrels. P
Primary teachers have always been mostly female. P
I’m here to fix your photocopier problem. P
A stream divides the field. P
Tell me about them in detail. P
The average age of the students is 19. P
We belong to the same communion. P
수능 Day 25
An inspiration burst upon the poet. P
Please contact me when you come to Korea again. P
He studies in the chemical laboratory. P
I can't promise, but I'll do my best. P
Pressure for higher wages could force companies to raise prices. P
Books are the spring of wisdom. P
Stars fade out as the sun rises. P
But I don't have much appetite. P
Water is mans most important natural resource. P
These designs are antique and elegant. P
The man and the woman are both very attractive. P
We should continue to conserve water to save our future. P
Would you show me your ticket, please? P
He is not afraid to fail. P
The fire was of accidental origin. P
Listen to the counsel of your elders. P
She was in the employ of the company. P
Don't be afraid to admit to your mistakes. P
Will you be able to complete the project on time? P
She is my distant relative. P
수능 Day 26
A noise alarmed the deer. P
I insist on your being present. P
I'll meet you at the main entrance. P
He always stands by me in joy and sorrow. P
Pour into small paper cups and freeze. P
I think we should escape the hot weather at the swimming pool. P
It is so simple, yet so complex. P
She is licensed to practice nursing. P
That cut is taking a long time to heal. P
She did not choose to accept my present. P
Everybody is equal before the law. P
You tend to blow your problems way out of proportion. P
If we don’t stop pollution, it will kill us all and our descendants. P
I love her despite her faults. P
How will the class observe the whales? P
The money was equally divided among her four children. P
It was impolite of them not to respond. P
He is not more diligent than you are. P
You will bring your family to a crisis. P
Our country is characterized by having four distinct seasons. P
수능 Day 27
What flavor of ice cream do you like? P
He hasn't been selected for the team. P
It has a dangerous mutant gene. P
I can't go with you because I have a prior appointment. P
A lion is a fierce animal. P
I will accompany you on a trip to Seoul. P
The male is usually taller than the female. P
He is an honor to his school. P
A fish bone got stuck in her throat. P
The best place to teach public morals is at home. P
President made a short address. P
All the children are earning now. P
How much do I owe you for the groceries? P
There are precious jewels here. P
The straight and narrow way is worthy of praise. P
Oranges are a good source of vitamin C. P
He has a native talent. P
How do Korean dishes compare with American dishes? P
If you are not able to pay the balance in full at this time, please let us know. P
They exchanged a farewell with their teacher. P
수능 Day 28
Honeybees are an important part of the ecosystem. P
The hotel offers a wide range of facilities. P
Many different types of fish inhabit the area. P
Please note our change of address. P
He tied a knot in the rope. P
He boasts too much. P
Do you like spicy food? P
The postage for air mail is greater than that for regular mail. P
The surface of the moon is pitted with craters. P
So some athletes are tempted to take those drugs. P
I managed to grab hold of the jug before it fell. P
The children were having fun, chasing each other's shadows. P
We deal with many customers. P
Soon, everyone is evacuated from the church except for one man. P
Many men like women's straight hair. P
The sun rose above the horizon. P
Museums and libraries are some of the advantages of city life. She learned from her mistake, turning it to her *****. P
Maybe next quarter business will be stronger. P
Clothes are piled in the metal basket. P
Do not disturb others, just read it to yourself. P
수능 Day 29
He was confused at a critical moment. P
I had rather starve to death than steal. P
Andersen wrote many fairy tales for children. P
Our firm is going to locate in California. P
He is an expert in his own field. P
I admire how well she speaks English. P
She made an appointment for her son to see the doctor. P
The jewel is rated as worth 5,000 dollars. P
Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. P
He's old, but his mental abilities are still strong. P
Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders. P
We taste with our tongues. P
Mom is an ordinary housewife. P
You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job. P
I hit the table edge. P
He was trying to hide his disappointment. P
I can't afford it since I have not a sausage. P
They were selling everything at a discount. P
I am sure that he will succeed in the exam. P
The prison provides a very comfortable atmosphere for its inmates. P
수능 Day 30
I am ashamed to be without money. P
I’d like a job working with old folk or kids. P
Two children were rescued from the burning car. P
The balloon may burst. P
She is at the height of her career in law. P
I wanted to comfort him over his terrible loss. P
Solar cells generate electricity directly when struck by sunlight. P
Your answer is correct. P
The ball rolled down the hill. P
Let your muscles relax slowly. P
The teachers on duty are policing the school buildings during the lunch hour. P
His ideas are a contrast to mine. P
The puzzle foxed me completely. P
My team pressed an attack first. P
He exited the conference hall without a comment. P
He pushed the labor onto me. P
She was reluctant to reveal her secret. P
There was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall. P
I didn't mean to frighten you. P
The mayor examined the report. P
수능 Day 31
The match became a part of the annual school routine. P
The student read his poem aloud in class. P
The rabbit has white fur. P
The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone. P
I grasped the handlebars tightly. P
The attempt was rather a failure. P
This is the behavior of a noble-minded patriot. P
Your sweater has an intricate pattern. P
It was the most awful experience. P
He dictated a letter to his secretary. P
He had something on me and used it to threaten me. P
No one thought he was a genius. P
He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table. P
He’s really carried out a major campaign. P
They lived in fear of their master. P
The jury decided that he was guilty. P
She injured her shoulder playing tennis. P
A gentle south wind is blowing. P
The temperature will fall to minus five tonight. P
Did they really harm each other? P
수능 Day 32
She is unwilling to participate. P
She studied marine biology in college. P
Please enter your secret code number. P
The book I want is right at the bottom. P
He filed a lawsuit against his record company. P
She heaved a sigh when she saw the poor work. P
Barnyards are often muddy in the springtime. P
Polar bears have a dense coat of white fur. P
She forgot to bring her note in her haste. P
They lived there for a decade. P
Radios are not permitted in the library. P
Going to the art museum is always an adventure. P
Blow out a candle. P
The maid sweeps the room. P
His personality was hard to understand. P
They have one characteristic in common. P
Once India was a colony of England. P
They are victims of a false accusation. P
The screw was so tight that it wouldn't move. P
This is a beautiful city to explore. P
수능 Day 33
The student was sent to the principal. P
Most people are selfish up to a point. P
He is a rapid speaker. P
I didn’t care because it was a favor for a friend. P
She was a brilliant public speaker. P
He couldn't determine how severe the condition was. P
The revolution created political and social changes in the world. P
An apple is dangling from the branch. P
The population is projected to decrease. P
Agriculture is what people do for a living here. P
Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died. P
The accident victim has amnesia and can't remember her name. P
Rub this ointment in well on the cut everyday P
Tall trees surround the lake. P
There are many empty seats in the room. P
The grain was coarsely milled. P
Somehow or other I must get a new job. P
I can recommend him without qualification. P
The bedrock of this company, the foundation is creativity. P
It's really fancy and the music is techno. P
수능 Day 34
Put your credit card on the counter. P
The aim of the school's advertisement is to increase enrolment. P
Stir in the milk until the sauce thickens. P
Using simple, light portable electronic devices, we can do many things. P
She activated the machine by pressing a button. P
What are your first impressions about Korea? P
This number is called the atomic number of the element. P
She said she has confidence to conquer the disease. P
This situation calls for drastic measure. P
Turn the handle and open the door. P
I overheard a part of their conversation. P
He threw his hat into the ring for the next election. P
They have no incentive to work harder. P
My sister is just the opposite. P
We must delay our decision for a day. P
This season's colors are really bright and cheerful. P
He requested us to stop talking. P
That company was licensed to sell the new drug. P
He is noisy but otherwise a very nice boy. P
The tide comes in with a sudden rush here. P
수능 Day 35
My duty is to supervise criminals. P
What do you conclude from that? P
The rooms on this floor connect. P
He took a nap after lunch. P
I want to live a life of elegant ease. P
The atmosphere over dinner was relaxed and friendly. P
The ice seems too thin to skate on. P
He paused and thought for a while. P
The blood flowed out from the wound. P
She looks pale and thin in the face. P
The police had the authority to conduct a search. P
She easily loses her temper for nothing. P
You should transfer from bus to subway. P
They can't find work, so they beg for food. P
Boil a lot of water in a pot. P
A thick layer of dust lay on the table. P
The yellow lettering stood out against the dark background. P
The foreign worker applied for permanent residence in Korea. P
The movie story was written by an unknown author. P
The house is large and difficult to maintain. P
수능 Day 36
My CPA did my income tax return. P
Sleep and good food are essential to health. P
She skipped happily along beside me. P
These artificial roses are quite lifelike. P
Are you able to imitate a chimpanzee? P
In the distance, the sky was beginning to brighten. P
He is in the vanguard of cancer research. P
One could easily arrange it all oneself. P
I would like to put in a claim for compensation. P
Don't blame others. You are not perfect, either. P
A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day. P
A mass of people were in the town square for the concert. P
The virtue of this drug is temporary. P
Hard work is fundamental to success. P
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough. P
We put our house to lease. P
A number of curious customs prevail in this country. P
Her coat sleeve caught on a nail. P
Canada is a huge country. P
I have received another reminder from the electricity board. P
수능 Day 37
I would like to terminate the insurance. P
He gave the boy a pat on the shoulder. P
Millions of tiny living things glow in the sea. P
He must have a germ phobia. P
He explained his opinion using my name. P
It's time to establish new tradition. P
Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease. P
She is slow to react in any situation. P
The cows are in the greenfield site. P
The drawer had been emptied of its contents. P
He seemed anxious about the meeting. P
It was not in his nature to complain. P
How thick is the ice? P
We apologize for the inconvenience. P
The report was sharply critical of the police. P
The roots absorb water and minerals for the plants. P
No one can ever be absolutely sure. P
I was up to the eyes in debt. P
The journalist put a false color upon the matter. P
She was in a relaxed, confident mood. P
수능 Day 38
His recent conduct has estranged many of his friends. P
Could you lead our clients into our display room? P
I didn't know you were promoted. Congratulations! P
A second factor is the number of immigrants. P
She has always envied my success. P
His ancestors came from Spain. P
He fought desperately to remain conscious. P
At the end of that, make a decision to construct the mine. P
Her beauty and intelligence have captivated many men. P
This is a military uniform. P
Parents have an obligation to nurture their children. P
I wonder if people with great wealth are really happier. P
How much do you weigh? P
His method has not answered. P
People often lie because they want to hide something from someone. P
The door swung shut with a bang. P
He is efficient in his work. P
The big white chief was wearing an indian costume. P
Juvenile crime is increasing at a terrific rate. P
The bed seemed to occupy most of the room. P
수능 Day 39
The doors were painted blue to match the walls. P
You have a portable kennel that you'll keep my puppy in? P
The garden was in a state of total neglect. P
I can be reasonably precise about the time of the incident. P
Does it have any messaging service function? P
The path rose steeply for a while and then evened out. P
It does not guarantee a successful future, either. P
What are you two whispering about? P
It is not easy to forecast the weather. P
A trumpet is a wind instrument. P
The plumber came to our house to plumb in the area. P
He looked like a man about to faint. P
What happened to you is not your fault. P
People who commit such crimes are not normal. P
Lay the book on the table. P
He is a faithful attendant on the queen. P
The recession may deepen still further. P
We admired the depth of his insight. P
Your wife hired a private detective. P
This is no place to educate a boy. P
수능 Day 40
A rainy day like this makes me feel dull and gloomy. P
He sank into despair after his business failed. P
The scale of commercial activity has declined. P
I am grateful for the gift. P
A man is putting garbage into a truck. P
The expense of moving from one house to another is high. P
His greed drove him to steal another's money. P
I am sure he will forgive me. P
Many household machines are great energy wasters. P
The captain was demoted for failing to fulfill his duties. P
He was very rich, generous, and loving toward children. P
The mysterious disappearance of my brother upset everyone. P
You must remove this facility for children's safety. P
They floated the logs downstream. P
An infant is unaccountable[not accountable] for his actions. P
Can you extend the deadline on the report? P
Their equipment was strewn across the floor. P
I cannot tolerate such men as him. P
There's an ink stain on your shirt. P
A lamp was suspended from the ceiling. P