1-1 Board games

Board games are an activity to do with family and friends at home. P

Board games are games that are made on boards and are a lot of fun. P

One board game is called Monopoly. P

In this game people move a piece around the board and buy and sell houses. P

The person with the most houses and money wins. P

This is a game that a lot of people can play at once. P

Playing board games at home is a way to spend time with your family. P

It is important to spend time with your family. P

Another board game people play is Scrabble. P

In this game people make words with tiles that have letters on them. P

This is a good game to practice spelling words. P

Playing board games with people challenges your mind and keeps you sharp. P

1-2 Knitting

Knitting is an activity to do at home. P

Knitting is a method by which thread or yarn may be turned into cloth or other fine crafts. P

When people knit they take yarn and needles and make clothes, blankets and other items. P

Yarn is soft string that people can wear. P

The needles people use are very long. P

Yarn comes in all kinds of colors. P

People often knit blankets for ladies that are having babies. P

Knitted blankets are soft for babies to use. P

Many ladies knit. P

Teaching people to knit is passed down from mother to daughter. P

Knitting is a fun activity that is a creative thing to do. P

1-3 Puzzles

Puzzles are an activity that people can do at home. P

Puzzles can be completed alone or with another person. P

In a basic puzzle, a person needs to put together pieces in a logical way in order to come up with a solution. P

A puzzle is also a picture that has been cut into many small pieces. P

People put the pieces together to see the picture. P

Puzzles can have a lot of pieces or not very many pieces. P

Some puzzles are one hundred pieces and others are five hundred pieces. P

Puzzles with a lot of pieces may take a long time to do. P

Puzzles are a great way to have fun at home on a rainy day. P

Sometimes people do puzzles with each other to have fun together. P

1-4 Television

The history of television records the work of numerous engineers and inventors in several countries over many decades. P

Watching television can be a fun or relaxing activity. P

There are many things to watch on television. P

When you watch television, you watch a channel which broadcasts shows. P

Some channels have the news and some have movies. P

Some channels have television shows. P

Parents control what channels and shows their children watch. P

It is important to only watch the shows that parents say are acceptable to watch. P

Television is something that should be watched a little bit at a time. P

It is important to play outside and have fun with family, too. P

1-5 Astronauts

An astronaut is a person trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a spacecraft. P

Astronauts are brave and require lots of training. P

They go through many years of training where they learn everything they need to know to be a part of a flight crew. P

Many astronauts began their training as airplane pilots. P

Astronauts go through many physical, emotional and mental tests in training. P

There is no gravity in space so they practice by spending time in a gravity-free training area. P

Some astronauts are scientists. P

They go up into space to do research. P

Astronauts took the first steps on the moon back in the 1960's. P

Astronauts have helped us to learn so much about our planet and the universe. P

1-6 Automobile/Car Mechanic

An auto mechanic is a mechanic that works in auto repair shops. P

They have the skill to repair either in a specific area or in a specific make of car. P

They are very good at fixing cars. P

Basic vehicle maintenance is a fundamental part of a mechanic's work. P

They put cars up on a lift and check under the car. P

They also slide under the car and check things out underneath the car. P

They use computers to find out what is wrong with cars. P

Car engines have many parts and wires, which can confuse people. P

A good mechanic is very good at figuring out what is wrong with a car and fixing the problem easily. P

They may get dirty while working on engines. P

A mechanic's work clothes usually consists of overalls and gloves. P

People are happy to find a good mechanic to work on their cars. P

1-7 Chefs and dinner cooks

A chef is a person who cooks professionally for other people. P

Over time people have come to describe any person who cooks for a living as a chef. P

But traditionally, it refers to a highly skilled professional who is proficient in food preparation. P

Chefs create new recipes and improve on old recipes. P

They are proud of the food they create. P

They have learned to combine ingredients to make delicious food. P

They work in kitchens that are like the kitchens we have in our homes but they are much bigger. P

Dinner cooks follow directions from the chef and measure ingredients carefully. P

There are usually several cooks in a kitchen. P

Chefs supervise their work. P

They have to work fast to serve many customers. P

Customers like a good chef. P

1-8 Firefighter

A firefighter works to put out fires, save live and save houses and buildings. P

Firefighters put out fires, which is not as simple as it may sound. P

Fighting fires is dangerous and complex, and it takes organization and teamwork. P

Firefighters also save people who are trapped in burning buildings. P

Firefighters must work in dangerous places. P

Sometimes they must break windows to save people from the flames. P

It can take hours or days to put out flames. P

Firefighters are brave because they have a very dangerous job. P

They risk their lives everyday. P

When they are not saving lives they help the community. P

Firefighters spend nights at the firehouse when they are on duty and they share meals together. P

Firefighters train hard by working out and learning how to put out fires. P

1-9 Lawyer

A lawyer is a person who is practicing law. P

Lawyers work in many different areas of law. P

The law affects nearly every part of our society, from buying a home to crossing the street. P

Some lawyers argue cases in front of a judge. P

Other lawyers represent the government or criminals. P

They use law books to build cases. P

Lawyers spend a lot of time helping their clients and they often leave work very late. P

Lawyers do not work in the courtroom every day. P

They spend quite a bit of time in the office. P

They write agreements called contracts. P

Contracts are a written agreement. P

Contracts help everybody know what they agreed on and they help the judge understand what the people agreed to. P

1-10 Nurse

Nurses treat patients and educate patients about various medical conditions. P

They also provide advice and emotional support to patients' family members. P

Nurses care for sick people in clinics or hospitals. P

They do many things to help sick people. P

There are two typical educational paths to becoming a nurse. P

Nurses must obtain a degree and a diploma from an approved nursing program. P

Nurses help the doctor and take care of patients. P

They bathe and dress patients. P

They record their temperature, pulse, and breathing. P

Doctors give them orders to give medicine to patients. P

Nurses monitor the patient's blood pressure, pulse and temperature. P

It takes a team of medical professionals to provide care. P

A nurse is a part of the team. P

1-11 Politicians

A politician or political leader is an individual who is involved in influencing public policy and decision making. P

Jerry Brown is the governor of California and is a politician. P

He runs the State of California and listens to the people of this state. P

Jerry Brown worked hard in the court system before he became governor. P

He will work hard to bring new jobs and help the economy in California. P

He will try to save money for the state. P

He must be sure there is money for schools, libraries, highways, and the police. P

Every decision he makes is important. P

1-12 Travel Agent

Travel agents help people to plan trips. P

They can find good prices for airplane tickets. P

They find out about special events around the world. P

They give customers the information they need to know about their trip. P

They can help customers know about the money in the country they are traveling to. P

Travel agents work on computers to find good deals. P

They know about hotels, boats, amusement parks and special attractions. P

They share this information with people. P

Trips are easier to plan when a travel agent is used. P

They work at travel agencies. P

A travel agency is a retail business that sells travel related products and services to customers. P

They sell on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, car rentals agencies, cruise lines, hotels, railways, sightseeing tours and package holidays. P

1-13 Zoologist

Animals come in all different shapes and sizes. P

Some are different looking and others have body parts something like humans. P

Zoology is the study of animal life. P

Zoologists are scientists who study animals. P

They observe animals both in their natural habitats and in the laboratory in order to learn as much as possible about animal life. P

Many zoologists do research in Africa because that is where monkeys, giraffes, and zebras live. P

Giraffes still live wild on the plains there. P

Zoologists want to preserve the animal's homes so they don't die off. P

Zoologists are like scientists. P

They use a microscope and a computer. P

Then they write all the information in a report. P

Animals are more than pets. P

They are part of nature. P

1-14 Teacher

In education, a teacher is a person who provides schooling for students. P

In many countries, a person who wishes to become a teacher must first obtain professional qualifications or credentials from a university or college. P

Some teachers teach one subject. P

Other teachers teach many subjects. P

Teachers must pass many tests to show they will be a good teacher. P

Most teachers really like children and want to help them. P

Teachers are not paid as much money as other jobs. P

They usually teach because they love it. P

Teachers must be sure students can pass tests. P

If students do not do well on tests, the teacher is perceived to be a bad teacher. P

1-15 The Native Americans

The Native Americans were the first people to live in North America. P

When people came from Europe to North America, they forced the Native Americans out of their land. P

The Native Americans were forced to live in small areas. P

These people are also called Indians. P

There are many different types of Indians. P

They are split into groups called tribes. P

Each tribe has their own language and ways of doing things. P

In the northwest area of America, tribes gathered seeds, nuts, and berries to eat. P

Each family lived in a tent so they could easily move and hunt animals. P

In the Midwest area of America, Indians would hunt buffalo and ride horses. P

Their houses were called tepees. P

The Cheyenne Indians have a custom of burying their dead in the trees. P

They believe that everything in life is related and remains connected even after death. P

1-16 Hawaii

Hawaii is a group of islands located in the Pacific Ocean. P

It is a beautiful place with nice plants, trees and flowers. P

These beautiful islands are mostly made of the beaches and tropical forests. P

Hawaii is filled with many different types of people. P

There are people from Japan, America, Samoa, and many other places. P

Hawaiians work hard to protect their way of life. P

Hawaii was its own country until 1959. P

After 1959, it became a state in the United States of America. P

Hawaii makes most of its money from the people that visit the islands. P

Hawaii is known for its Luaus. P

A luau is a big party at the beach with Hawaiian dancers and lots of food. P

It's usually done for a baby's first birthday, or after a wedding ceremony, or to celebrate the death of someone. P

Many people surf in Hawaii. P

Volcanoes made the Hawaiian Islands. P

There are many volcanoes still erupting. P

This means the islands are still getting bigger. P

1-17 Italians

Italy is a part of Western Europe. P

If you look at Italy on a map you see that is shaped like a boot. P

It's one of the oldest countries in the world and has a lot of history. P

In Rome, the capital, there are many old buildings. P

The Coliseum is a historic building that's in Rome. P

Italians make good food. P

Italians created many of the most popular dishes that we like to eat today like pizza and pasta. P

Many Italians have come to the United States. P

In New York, there is a place called "Little Italy" because there are so many Italians. P

Italy is also known for their fast cars. P

Italian-Americans have been featured in many movies like "The Godfather" and "Rocky". P

1-18 French

France is a large country in Western Europe. P

It's one of the most famous tourist spots in the world. P

The biggest city in France is Paris, and people come to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower and visit the Louvre Museum. P

The French make bread that is crusty and delicious. P

They also make a wonderful French onion soup that has bread and melted cheese on it. P

They do cook wonderful food. P

They enjoy drinking coffee and eating good pastries. P

French fashion is beautiful and the countryside in France is lovely. P

The French people love good food and some of the best restaurants in the world are in France. P

1-19 Russians

Russia is the largest country in the world. P

Over the years, Russia has seen many wars. P

Because of all the wars, lots of the old buildings have been destroyed. P

Pollution is a big problem because of all the factories in the area. P

The country is very cold. P

Many of the foods are stews and soups to help the people keep warm. P

In Russia, they eat a lot of potatoes because that is one of the few vegetables that grow in the cold weather. P

Russians were the first people to launch a spaceship and Yuri Gagarin was the first man to be in space. P

Russia's national sport is hockey. P

They have one of the best teams and they have won many Olympic gold medals. P

1-20 China

China is the second largest country in the world. P

China has a very big population. P

Shanghai is the largest city with over nine million people. P

Each family in China is only allowed to have one child. P

This is because they do not want too many people in the country. P

This is because the government doesn't want the country to become overpopulated. P

The Chinese invented four great things for the world. P

They are paper, printing, the compass, and gunpowder. P

The Chinese people are very healthy and they drink a lot of tea. P

It's part of their daily routine. P

The country of China is very beautiful. P

The martial art called "kung fu" was created in China. P

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