9-1 Lesson 2-24-2

In society, people live busy and hectic lives. P

For that reason, people manage the wheel recklessly and rudely. P

People change lanes and drive dangerously, especially when they are in hurry. P

Car accidents are caused by careless driving. P

Car accidents also encourage traffic congestion by blocking the road. P

People risk having accidents in order to save minutes of driving time. P

Sometimes accidents can lead to a permanent end. P

Drivers should think of their lives and the lives of others before they get behind the steering wheel. P

9-2 Lesson 2-24-3

People these days are always in a hurry. P

This causes some to exhibit what is known as "road rage". P

Foolish people speed at 90 mph to get to their destination. P

Reckless driving like this is the cause of most road accidents. P

The result of many car accidents is a roadblock. P

Car accidents can cause lots of problems such as traffic jams, injuries, and death. P

Would you harm others just to save a few seconds? P

People should always consider the safety issues concerning driving. P

9-3 Lesson 2-25-1

It is important to teach young children the morals of life. P

Then children will realize that honest people will find success. P

That is why we teach them about the lives of famous people who achieve success through honesty and hard work. P

We also point out fictional characters who suffered miserably because of their insincerity. P

Adults set poor examples for little children by lying. P

When pulled over by the police, drivers insist that they have not broken the law in any way. P

We make up excuses just to get out of work. P

Children realize that greedy people have more money than honest people. P

We teach them the importance and advantages of telling 'white lies'. P

There are times when it is difficult to decide whether to be completely honest or to tell a little white lie. P

9-4 Lesson 2-25-2

Young children should be taught the morals of life. P

It plants the idea that hard workers will eventually succeed in the end. P

This is why we highlight the accomplishments of those who worked hard. P

Likewise, we also refer to fictional characters that experienced misfortune because of their fraudulence. P

Society, on the other hand, does not serve as a good role model to youngsters. P

When we are pulled over by a cop, we insist that we have not been drinking. P

When we want a day off of work, we tell our boss that we're not feeling so well. P

Furthermore, little kids see that selfish people attain more wealth than people who are giving. P

Also, we teach older children the usefulness of small lies. P

Once in a while there will be a situation when it is not easy to decide whether to be straightforward or whether to tell a lie. P

9-5 Lesson 2-25-3

It is crucial for children to be instructed in the morals of life. P

Only then will the notion be instilled that sincerity will bring success. P

That is why we emphasize the achievements of people who prospered through respectable hard work. P

On top of that, we also focus on fictional characters that became miserable because of their dishonesty. P

Nevertheless, there are those who set bad examples for innocent children. P

When pulled over by a police officer, we lie and insist that we did not drive through a red light. P

When we don't feel like going to work, we tell our boss that we are sick. P

Additionally, kids may perceive that corrupt humans often gain more than those who are honest. P

As childen mature, we train them in the value of exaggerating. P

From time to time, it is tough to determine whether to be absolutely forthright or whether to exaggerate a bit. P

9-6 Lesson 2-26-1

I was having lunch in a restaurant yesterday, and a father and his young daughter were having a serious conversation. P

I wasn't planning to overhear their conversation, but I happened to hear some of what they said. "So, how are you doing?" the father asked. P

"Not very well. I'm very unhappy with my life right now," the daughter responded. P

This confirmed my belief that children today are maturing more rapidly than children in previous generations. P

My friends and I never felt anything close to depression until middle school. P

That conversation was enough evidence to show that children are growing up faster than we thought. P

Children don't seem so innocent anymore. They dress, talk, and even act like adults. P

It is not unusual to see little girls dressed up and showing their young bodies off. P

They use their allowance to buy fashionable bags. P

It is also not unusual to see boys walking around with stylish chains. P

These rapid changes happen for a reason. P

Long ago, children grew up watching their parents and other adults. P

These days, however, children are looking to the media for information. P

The pressure to seem mature is making children participate in activities they aren't ready for. P

9-7 Lesson 2-26-2

I was drinking coffee in a cafe the other day, when a mother and her daughter sat down to talk. P

I happened to hear what they were saying. The mother asked, "Are you okay?" P

The nine year old girl replied, "I've been feeling a bit down lately." P

This just made me realize how quickly children were growing up. P

As far as I can remember, my friends and I were never really depressed until high school. P

This change in children is increasing gradually. P

Young children don't seem to be all that innocent anymore. They behave just like adults do. P

Teenage girls wear dangling chandelier earrings and put layers of makeup on their faces. P

They even work part time jobs so that they can buy the latest trendy designer bags. P

It is not unusual to see boys sporting the latest celebrity haircuts. P

These changes occur for a reason. P

In past generations, children matured as they gained more life experience. P

The media is responsible for exposing children to the adult world too quickly. P

The vast amount of adult-oriented information made public is causing children to mature too quickly. P

9-8 Lesson 2-26-3

I was at the library the other day when a father and his daughter sat down behind me. P

I happened to eavesdrop on their conversation. The dad asked, "Are things alright?" P

The little girl replied, "I find myself in a constant state of depression these days." P

This was all I needed to hear to reinforce my belief that children are developing at a very fast pace. P

When my friends and I were in elementary school we never experienced anything close to depression. P

The change in children these days seems so obvious. P

Children don't seem as angelic as they used to. P

They carry themselves like adults. Girls put on makeup and dress like models. They save their tutoring money to buy designer bags and clothes. P

Even boys are seen with expensive new cell phones. P

I believe that there is an explanation for all these changes. P

In the past, children matured gradually as they learned from life. P

These days, however, the media is thrusting children into the adult world too fast. P

The media is sending lots of negative messages to children. P

The media is making children want to develop too quickly. P

9-9 Lesson 2-27-1

Today's marketing field is filled with many types of jobs. P

Everyone does not have the same skills, so they choose the career that they have an aptitude for. P

We cannot set the goal too high, or be too greedy, or we will never be able to accomplish anything significant. P

We need to stick with one goal and work diligently to get it accomplished. P

Of course, support and care from family and friends is necessary in order to accomplish your dreams. P

There may be a period of time in which you will not able to socialize with your peers and family. P

Dedication and self-sacrifice are needed in order to accomplish remarkable things. P

Famous inventors have spent most of their time devoted to achieving success. P

9-10 Lesson 2-27-2

There are many different professions in this world. P

Since we all do not have the same kind of skills, we have to choose which job is best suited to us. P

We need to keep in mind that very little can be done when we try to do everything at once. P

That is why we need to choose one thing that interests us, finish it, and move on to the next item on our agenda. P

You definitely need the support of family to attain your goals. P

Devoting your time to your work means spending less time with family and friends. P

You need to build self-discipline to overcome and endure hardship. P

The achievement of great presidents proves this to be true. P

9-11 Lesson 2-27-3

There are numerous kinds of careers to choose from in the marketplace. P

However, we have to select jobs that correlate with our skills. P

If we do everything all at once, very little can be completed. P

So therefore we must choose one thing and stick with it until it is completed. P

You truly need the support of family and peers to succeed. P

Focusing your attention on your career means surrendering quality time with family and friends. P

In order to accomplish a great feat, devotion and time are needed. P

Famous artists have dedicated themselves in order to achieve fame and recognition. P

9-12 Lesson 2-28-1

The website 'Myspace' is becoming more popular among young people these days. P

It is a great place to make new friends. Old friends can keep in touch through these websites. P

Each individual can post his or her thoughts on the site so that others may read and respond to it. P

The comments written on the site blog are interesting. P

In addition to keeping in touch with friends, it does not cost anything to be a member of these websites. P

Therefore, social networking websites on the internet are a good way to make friends all over the world. P

9-13 Lesson 2-28-2

An internet website called 'Friendster' is gaining popularity among the young folks these days. P

In this world of advanced technology, social networking websites are a great way to forge new friendships. P

Existing friends can communicate through these websites. P

Others can respond to the blogs written on an individual's site. P

Compelling topics are often mentioned in the comments. P

It is important to have access to the internet because it is a good way to meet new people, and it does not cost anything to chat with friends. P

9-14 Lesson 2-28-3

'Facebook' on the internet is very popular among students. P

Social networking websites make it easier for people to meet new people. P

These websites are not limited to new friends, but old friends may also talk to each other. P

Comments are posted on blogs so that other members can read and respond them. P

Also it is a cheap way to keep in touch with friends. P

It is important to get involved with internet websites because you can make friends all over the world. P

9-15 Lesson 2-29-1

One should be very selective when choosing a job. P

One should not make a rushed decision. P

One should also not make decisions based on money alone. P

There are hundreds of people who are wealthy but do not take pleasure in what they do. P

Above all, one must ask one's self, "What am I interested in?" P

Some jobs require an advanced degree or a training course. P

And lastly, one would need to work hard to stay above the rest of their peers in the field. P

9-16 Lesson 2-29-2

One should be very cautious when choosing a career path. P

Making decisions should never be rushed. P

Money alone should not be the only thing considered when making a decision. P

For instance, there are those who make a huge salary but are not content with what they do. P

It is important to choose a career that is reflective of one's interests. P

There are some jobs that make work experience a necessary requirement. P

Lastly, one would need to increase one's expertise to be promoted to a higher position. P

9-17 Lesson 2-29-3

Selecting a career should be done with careful consideration. P

Decisions should not be made on an impulse. P

Moreover, career decisions should not only be based on money. P

For example, some rich people are miserable because they do not like their job. P

Most of all, it is important to find out what one enjoys doing. P

One may also find that some jobs make first year training mandatory. P

Finally, one needs to be a step ahead of the rest in order to be a success. P

9-18 Lesson 2-30-1

Hey, Susan. Do you have a schedule for Saturday? P

No. Why? P

Do you want to go see a horror movie? P

Sorry, but I'm not into scary movies. P

Then how about an action movie? I heard the new Demi Moore film is really good. P

I wish I could go to the movies with you, but I have more important things to do right now. P

What's keeping you so busy all the time? P

I need time to prepare for my hour presentation this Friday. P

You still have plenty of time. P

I'm sorry Christina, but my grades are more important than movies. P

You're always too hard on yourself. You should go with the flow. P

Yeah but I still get good grades. P

Whatever. See you next week. P

9-19 Lesson 2-30-2

Hello, Sarah. Are you doing anything this Sunday? P

Why do you ask? P

Want to go watch a scary show with me? P

I can't watch horror stuff. P

Then do you like comedies? There's one starring Eddie Murphy that looks fun. P

Sorry, but I don't have time for movies. P

Why can't you go? P

I have a really important test coming up next week. P

It's due next week. P

Why is it so hard for you to understand me? My grades are really important to me. P

You need to relax. You're always too tense. P

Mind your own business. P

Fine. I'm leaving. P

9-20 Lesson 2-30-3

Sally! Are you available this coming Monday? P

Why? Are you planning something? P

I was wondering if you want to go along to see a horror movie. P

I hate gory things. P

How about something surrealistic? P

I'm really sorry, but I am busy right now. P

Why are you busy? P

I have an English project due next Wednesday. P

What? That's it? P

This is really important to me. P

You need to loosen up once in a while. P

You're not my mom. Stop telling me what I should do and what I shouldn't. P

Whatever. I'm going. P

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