8-1 Lesson 2-17-3

Good afternoon. P

This is Fox 11 news reporting the weather conditions today. P

This is Peter Potter. P

Today's weather is very nice. P

The high temperatures will reach about eighty five degrees Fahrenheit, but it will cool down at sunset. P

Many people are visiting the beaches to have a little fun in the sun. P

It will get a little chilly at night. P

So make sure to bring a sweater. Enjoy your day. Thank you. P

8-2 Lesson 2-18-1

Did you ever go to Korea? P

Yes. I went there last year. P

How was it? P

Korea is a gorgeous country. I enjoyed everything there except the weather. P

Yeah. I know what you mean. Korea's winter is extremely harsh and cold. P

The air was so cold that I felt like I was being stabbed by a knife when I first got off the airplane. P

I know what you mean. I lived in Korea for about five years. P

Is the weather always like that? P

No. Korea only gets that cold during the winter. But the weather is very nice in autumn. P

Shoot. I should have talked to you earlier. Now I missed it. P

Why don't we go there together during fall? P

Yeah! Okay! P

8-3 Lesson 2-18-2

Have you ever been to England? P

Yeah. I was there a month ago. P

Did you enjoy the trip? P

I loved it! It was amazing, but I really didn't like the weather there. P

I heard. The weather is not pleasant during the winter. P

The moment I got off the airplane I thought the cold was slitting my skin and it numbed me. P

I know exactly how you felt. I used to live there. P

Is the winter always like that? P

No. It's only that cold in the winter. You should have visited during autumn. There are a lot of things to do during that time of year. P

Really? I wish I would have gone there during that time. P

How about we go there together in autumn? P

You're on! P

8-4 Lesson 2-18-3

Have you ever visited Japan? P

I was there five months ago. P

Did you like it? P

It was absolutely fabulous! But the weather was horrible. P

Yes. The winter is very cold. P

The first day I was there, I thought icicles were forming inside my lungs. P

I know that feeling. I was there myself last winter. P

Is it always that cold? P

No. Its only like that in the winter. Autumn is very nice. P

I can't believe I missed it. I should have gone during the fall. P

Let's go there next fall. P

I'd love to. P

8-5 Lesson 2-19-1

It's raining, Mom! P

Get inside. You're going to get wet. P

Fine. P

The weather has been so strange lately. It's impossible to predict what's going to happen. P

There's a school field trip tomorrow but if it rains then we won't be able to go. P

I'm sorry, sweetie, but it's not like anybody can control the weather. P

I know. It's just that I was really looking forward to that field trip. P

All right. Come inside right now. You don't want to get sick. P

I'm going inside. P

8-6 Lesson 2-19-2

Mommy! It's raining outside! P

Come inside now. P

Okay. P

The weather is so unpredictable. It's not supposed to rain yet. P

We have a school field trip to Disneyland. If it continues to rain, the trip will be canceled. P

You can't stop it. It's natural. P

Yeah. I guess you're right. P

Come inside. You don't want to catch a cold. P

I am. P

8-7 Lesson 2-19-3

It's raining! P

You should come inside before you get wet. P

All right. P

The weather is strange. It's not even rainy season yet. P

I have a field trip tomorrow. If it rains, the whole school won't be able to go. I'm going to be so upset if this happens. P

Don't get frustrated with the weather. It's a natural phenomenon. P

I know. P

Hurry up and get inside. You don't want to get sick. P

Okay. P

8-8 Lesson 2-20-1

When giving a lecture, you need to discuss the details of the research. P

But every so often, you need to come up with a specific topic. P

Before selecting the topic for your speech there are various things that you need to consider. P

You have to remember that the subject that you are addressing needs to appeal to the audience. P

When speaking in public make sure that the speech does not drag on and on. P

Lastly, practice by speaking to yourself several times. P

8-9 Lesson 2-20-2

When giving a speech, a certain theme needs to be selected. P

Sometimes you need to think of a theme to discuss. P

There are several things you must keep in mind before picking the theme of your lecture. P

The most important aspect of choosing the theme is that it needs to spark the audience's interest. P

Don't select a topic that the students find tedious. P

If you select a topic that doesn't interest the listeners, you will bore listeners to death. P

8-10 Lesson 2-20-3

A successful oration needs to have a specific subject to address. P

However, every now and then you need to choose the topic of discussion. P

There are numerous things you must examine when choosing the issues for your discussion. P

It is important that you select a theme that is of interest to the audience. P

Make sure to avoid long and boring themes. P

8-11 Lesson 2-21-1

The governor informed us that all street parking near our building next Thursday and Friday will be prohibited due to the parade. P

All vehicles parked on the street will be ticketed. P

Cars will be towed if the car is not removed an hour after the ticket is issued. P

Since there is limited parking in our building, it would be advisable to travel by means of mass transportation. P

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the city's traffic bureau number. P

The number of the city's traffic bureau is posted on the bulletin board in the lounge. P

8-12 Lesson 2-21-2

Because of the street cleaning day on Thursday, there will be no street parking near our building next Tuesday and Wednesday. P

Automobiles parked on the street will be ticketed. P

Vehicles that are not removed within an hour after the ticket is given will be towed. P

Since parking spaces are limited on the days of the parade, carpooling would be a much easier way to travel. P

For more information, please feel free to call the city's traffic bureau. P

The traffic bureau's number is posted on the bulletin board in the kitchen. P

8-13 Lesson 2-21-3

Monday thru Friday of next week street parking will not be allowed near our building due to the construction. P

Tickets will be issued to cars that are parked on the street. P

Any car that has not been removed within an hour after the ticket is given will result in it being towed. P

Public transportation would be an easier way to travel due to the limited parking spaces available on the days of the event. P

For those who have any questions, please contact the bureau of traffic. P

The number of the city's traffic bureau is located on the bulletin board in the elevator. P

8-14 Lesson 2-22-1

It is crucial for people to explore their interests in order to obtain success in life. P

But some people don't alert themselves to these challenges, and they give up on their goals. P

They might be unsuccessful due to a lack of discipline or effort. P

Young folks only search for new things that make them excited and happy. P

8-15 Lesson 2-22-2

Finding happiness should be an important aspect of a person's life. P

Many people, however, feel that they don't need this goal. P

Many fail to see that all pursuits require little steps. P

Young people feel overwhelmed when they have to wait for things to change. P

8-16 Lesson 2-22-3

It is essential to find passion in life. Many, however, feel that this virtue is useless. P

Many people are unsuccessful because the virtues that are required for success are aquired gradually. P

This frustrates many people because change occurs slowly. P

When you try your best to recognize your own abilities and talents, then a successful life is guaranteed. P

8-17 Lesson 2-23-1

All matters of friendship seem to be topics of interest these days. P

Friends trust each other based upon past experience with one another. P

Keeping promises shows what a reliable person you are. P

But if you break your promises, your friends will doubt you. P

Trust cannot be established by promises alone. P

You need to prove your trustworthiness with your actions. P

8-18 Lesson 2-23-2

The issue of trust in a relationship is a very important matter. P

Friends look at past behavior to determine if you are trustworthy or not. P

Keeping promises is the best way to show your friends how reliable you are. P

Your friends will start doubting you if you break your promises. P

You cannot earn trust just by being kind to your friends. P

You need to show your friends that they can count on you because actions speak louder than words. P

8-19 Lesson 2-23-3

It is difficult to trust others these days. P

Your past behaviors determine whether your friends trust you or not. P

Taking responsibility for your actions shows what a good friend you are. P

When you don't take responsibility for your actions your friends will not deem you trustworthy. P

You cannot earn trust by keeping your promises just once in a while. P

You will gain your friend's trust by being true to your words. P

8-20 Lesson 2-24-1

People these days are always in a hurry to get somewhere. P

Often times this interferes with a person's driving. P

They change lanes without thinking. P

These bad driving manners cause many car accidents. P

Heavy traffic is often the result of these car accidents. P

Why expose yourself and others to danger just so you can get to your destination earlier than others? P

Is saving a few minutes more important than saving lives? P

People should always remember to drive safely. P

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