7-1 Lesson 2-11-1

How are you doing San Francisco? Let's look at today's weather conditions, shall we? P

During the afternoon we can expect a drizzle of rain, and possibly a storm in the evening. P

Mountain temperatures are expected to drop to about -5° degrees centigrade. P

So don't be surprised to see mountains covered in frost. P

It will also be very windy as the cold moves in from the Pacific Ocean. P

However, the rain will definitely clear out tomorrow. P

Protect yourself from the cold by wearing warm clothing. P

That's all to report for now. Be alert for new weather updates on our next program. P

7-2 Lesson 2-11-2

Good morning, Santa Barbara! We've got the latest update on today's forecast. P

Today's weather forecast shows that there will be some raining during the afternoon and probably a little wind late at night. P

Mountain temperatures will drop as low as minus three degrees Celsius. P

So there will be snow caps at lower elevations. P

The cold will be moving in from the Pacific, so it will be extremely breezy today. P

Fortunately the rain will stop in a day or two. P

The weather won't be getting much warmer than this so be sure to dress in warm clothes. P

This was Hal Fishman. Until tomorrow, I wish you a good day! P

7-3 Lesson 2-11-3

Nice to see you all, San Diego! P

Expect some rain during the afternoon and maybe a thunderstorm. P

Temperatures in the mountains will drop to at least negative two degrees Celsius. P

So expect to see snow covering the top of the mountains today. P

The cold gusts from the Pacific Ocean will settle in and it will be very windy today. P

The heavy showers will clear up in the next two days. P

It's cold so you better wear a nice thick jacket outside. P

This was your weather report! P

7-4 Lesson 2-12-1

I'm Mark Kristi, and I'm here to report today's weather. P

It was very warm yesterday. P

However, today there is a 90% chance of rain and heavy fog so be sure to take your umbrella with you. P

Temperatures are expected to drop to about minus four degrees Celsius. P

We could have a rain shower tomorrow, but it will definitely stop on Wednesday. P

Also, don't forget to dress in nice warm clothing as the temperatures will keep dropping. P

7-5 Lesson 2-12-2

This is John Horowitz with today's weather forecast. P

Yesterday was pleasant and warm. P

However, today we expect heavy showers so be prepared with raincoats and umbrella. P

Temperatures will drop and it will be extremely chilly. P

It also might rain tomorrow, but the rain will stop on Thursday. P

It will continue to be very cold so make sure you wear warm clothes when you go outside. P

7-6 Lesson 2-12-3

Hello. This is Henry Goose and I am here today with the weather. P

On Monday the weather was unusually warm for fall. P

However, today there will be a downpour and strong wind, so don't forget to grab your raincoat when you go outside. P

Temperatures will drop as low as negative four degrees Celsius. P

There is also a large chance of rain tomorrow, but it is expected to stop on Wednesday. P

Temperatures will continue to drop for a few days so be sure to keep yourself warm. P

7-7 Lesson 2-13-1

I saw the news online this morning and there is an 80% possibility of snow. P

That means we need to leave the house thirty minutes earlier than usual. P

Why don't we leave one hour early? P

Okay. Then we definitley won't be late for work. P

7-8 Lesson 2-13-2

I saw the news and they reported that even though the fog has cleared up, there might be heavy rain in Midwest region. P

We need to leave at least 40 minutes earlier than usual. P

It's better to leave one hour earlier. P

Good idea. The freeways will be crowded. P

7-9 Lesson 2-13-3

I heard Northern regions have experienced heavy rain and Midwest regions are experiencing heavy snow. P

You know what that means, right? We need to leave for work one hour earlier than normal time. P

Yes. It's better to leave early. P

I bet everyone has the same idea. P

7-10 Lesson 2-14-1

I'm Mark Thompson from Fox 11 with today's weather report. P

The temperature today is predicted to be between the low sixties and the mid eighties. P

We will have beautiful weather, so head for the nearest swimming pool to cool down and relax. P

Temperatures will reach the mid eighties in the afternoon. P

Temperatures, however, are expected to drop to the mid sixties in the evening. P

Don't be surprised if a storm heads your way, as there is a seventy percent chance of one arriving. P

And please do not be alarmed if there is a power outage. P

These things do happen often when there is a storm. P

Skies will clear up in the morning. P

Have a good one. P

7-11 Lesson 2-14-2

Good morning, Los Angeles. This is David Porter with the latest weather report. P

Today's temperature will extend from the low seventies to the mid eighties. P

It's expected to be pretty warm today, so don't forget to put on sunscreen. P

The highs will reach to eighty-four degrees Fahrenheit in the afternoon. P

Unfortunately, temperatures will drop to the low sixties in the evening. P

Also, there are signs that a storm is coming. P

As with all storms, there is always a chance of a blackout. P

So keep your flashlights and candles close by. P

When morning comes, the sky will clear up. P

Good day. P

7-12 Lesson 2-14-3

Good morning. This is Henry Goose. P

Temperatures will range from the low seventies to the mid eighties today. P

There will be plenty of beautiful sunshine so don't be afraid to take out your swimsuits and head out to the beach for some fun. P

The hottest time of day will be in the afternoon which will reach temperatures up to eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit. P

However, temperatures will drop considerably during the evening. P

There is also a chance of a storm tonight. P

There might be a power outage. P

So, do not fret and keep your flashlights nearby. P

However, you'll see clearer skies in the morning. P

Have a good day. P

7-13 Lesson 2-15-1

This is "Sports time" and I'm Christine Devine in the Switzerland. P

The temperature here has fallen to negative fourteen degrees. P

This Swiss are hosting the semi-annual swimming competition. P

And this is Peter Jennings, the co-founder and chairman of the Ice Swimmer Club. P

Would you be kind enough to explain why you and your club members are swimming in ice water? P

Well, first of all, cold water invigorates our body. P

It improves blood circulation and shields us from the flu. P

Some ice swimmers have also said that it relieves back pain. P

You have only highlighted the good things of swimming in cold water. P

Is there anything that swimmers need to be cautious of? P

It is very hard to stay in cold water. P

Only those who are able to withstand the cold can compete. P

All others just take short dips in the cold water. P

Usually there is a hot tub near the water. P

But it is unwise to go directly from cold water to hot water. P

You could suffer a heart attack. P

So you should follow safety precautions. P

And lastly, I strongly recommend people with heart conditions to check with their doctors first. P

Thank you for your time. P

7-14 Lesson 2-15-2

This is Joshua Collen with "World's highlight Sports." from Canada. P

It's approximately negative thirteen degrees here. P

If you can see behind me, they are holding their annual swimming competition. P

This is Collen Power, the president of the well known Ice Swimmer Club. P

Would you please explain to me why you're swimming in ice cold water? P

I'll be glad to. Ice water rejuvenates our bodies and minds. P

Swimming in cold water promotes better blood circulation and fights off common colds. P

Some ice swimmers have also said that it helps them with depression. P

You have only explained the benefits of ice swimming. Are there any problems with it? P

Well, all I can say is that it is very difficult to stay in the cold water long. P

Only very experienced ice swimmers take part in the swim competition. P

Most others can only stay in there for a short time. P

There should always be a warm Jacuzzi close by. P

It may not be such a good idea to go in the hot tub right after coming out of the cold water. You could faint. P

So you should be careful to wait for a few minutes before going in the warm water. P

Finally, people with heart conditions should talk to their doctors to see if this sport is safe for them. P

Thank you for being here. P

7-15 Lesson 2-15-3

This is Martin Gotts reporting for "Eyewitness Sports" in Antarctica. P

The temperature is now minus twelve degrees with an arctic cold in the air. P

As you can see they are holding the Olympic swimming competition. P

This is Francis Horiz of the Ice Swimmer Club. P

Would you first explain why you chose ice water to swim in? P

Of course. First of all ice water refreshes our body. P

It helps with our blood circulation and helps build resistance to cold related diseases such as the flu. P

Some find that it also relieves arthritis and helps you cope with depression. P

You only mentioned the benefits of ice swimming. P

Can you mention things that people should be wary of when they swim in waters of this temperature? P

Some may find it hard to stay in cold water. P

Experienced ice swimmers may stay in there for a long time but usually others only take short dips. P

There is usually a hot tub nearby. P

It may be a bit unhealthy to go inside the hot tub right after coming out of the ice cold water. P

You could black out. So you should wait a while before taking a dip into the warm water. P

Lastly, people with heart problems should consult with their doctors first before ice swimming. P

Thank you. P

7-16 Lesson 2-16-1

I'm burning up! P

Yeah. It's so hot that I can't think properly. P

I don't think I can stand this much longer. P

And even worse I don't even have an air conditioner at my house. P

Can you even go to sleep without an air conditioner? P

I can't even get three hours of sleep. P

I'm sorry. Lets go to someplace with an air conditioner. P

I would love that. P

7-17 Lesson 2-16-2

I'm burning up! P

You're right. It's so hot that I can't even breathe properly. P

It's not even summer yet. How long is this heat going to go on? P

The fact that I don't own an air conditioner makes this experience even more unbearable! P

Crazy! How can you sleep like that? P

I haven't had a decent night's sleep because of the sweltering heat. P

Poor boy. Why don't we go to an airconditioned bookstore to cool ourselves? P

Okay. P

7-18 Lesson 2-16-3

I'm melting! P

I know. Its way too hot this summer. P

And it's only June. How are we going to survive this? P

Yeah, the worst thing is that my air conditioner is broken. P

Wow! How do you sleep at night? P

I know. Sometimes I only have two hours of sleep because of the heat. P

You poor thing. Let's go to the mall to cool ourselves. P

Let's go. P

7-19 Lesson 2-17-1

Good afternoon. P

This is KTLA 5 with today's weather report. P

My name is John Beard. P

Breezy and cool describes today's weather. P

The average temperature for today will be between seventy-five to seventy-nine degrees. P

The beaches will be crowded due to the nice weather. P

Remember that temperatures are expected to go down during the evening. P

So carry a jacket all the time. Have a fantastic day everyone. Thank you. P

7-20 Lesson 2-17-2

Good morning. P

This is Eyewitness News reporting today's weather. P

This is George Cooler reporting. P

The weather today is very pleasant and warm. P

Today, temperatures will top seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit, but the midday heat will cool down by the evening. P

There are many people going to the piers to fish and have fun. P

Know that temperatures will go down in the evening. P

So bring something warm to protect yourself from the cold. Have a good day. P

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