6-1 Lesson 2-4-2

Can you help me? P

Yes, what's the problem? P

It's been almost forty five minutes and my food still isn't here. P

I truly apologize. We've been so busy today. I think I forgot to place your order. P

I'm so upset. P

I forgot what you ordered. Can you tell me again please? P

What is this! Is that some kind of joke? I asked for a chicken bowl. P

I'm so sorry, but I think I forgot to write that order down. P

I've been waiting all this time after I ordered. What do you want me to do now? P

Would you like to order again right now? P

I want to speak to your supervisor right now! P

He's not here. P

This is the worst restaurant I've ever been to. P

I'm very sorry. P

6-2 Lesson 2-4-3

I need to ask you something. P

Yes, please ask. P

I've waited for over thirty minutes and I still haven't received my order. P

I'll check out the kitchen to see if they forgot to call me to get your food. P

Hurry up and find out what's going on! P

You're going to have to repeat what you ordered again sir. P

I can't believe this. You don't remember the order I just placed? P

I have no recollection of taking that order down, but you can order right now. P

Let me speak to your manager. What kind of service is this? P

I can quickly take your order now. P

In the next ten seconds you better get me whoever is in charge of this place. P

He just left to go home. P

You better pay for my valet parking because this is ridiculous. P

I'm really sorry for my mistake. P

6-3 Lesson 2-5-1

How are you folks doing? How many guests did you bring? P

Twenty people are in my party tonight. P

That is a huge group. What's the occasion? P

We're celebrating the birth of my son. P

Congratulations! Do you want the top or bottom floor? P

It doesn't matter. P

What is your name again? P

John Sphinx. I called yesterday for arrangements. P

Yes, you're on the list. I just needed to make sure. So, is anyone else coming? P

No. P

It seems that I will personally serve you throughout the night. P

Great. P

For this special occasion, I will provide free desserts. P

You're the best. P

No problem. P

6-4 Lesson 2-5-2

Welcome to the restaurant. What is the total number in your party? P

Around sixty people will be eating with me. P

Wow, what a large number of guests! Are you celebrating a wedding or something? P

My daughter's engagement party. P

Excellent! Where would you prefer to eat? We have the master ballroom and the emperor's suite. P

Anywhere is nice, but I would prefer the bigger of the two rooms. P

Could you give me the name of the party again, please? P

My name is Cindy Biggums. I thought I made the reservation for today. P

Okay, you guys are ready to go in. Are there more guests coming? P

No. P

I will be serving you tonight. P

It's good to have someone who is very polite. P

Drinks will be on the house. P

This is the best service ever. P

We live up to the reputation of our restaurant. P

6-5 Lesson 2-5-3

How many people will be at the party? P

There are seven people in the party. P

If you don't mind me asking, what's the event? P

My son graduated from college. P

Your guests are so friendly. Which room do you want, the room on the left or the room on the right? P

Let's take the room on the right. P

So who's the head of this group? P

Mike Larry. P

All right. Is anyone else joining this party tonight? P

Just seven including me. P

I'll also be your waiter for tonight. P

That would be lovely. P

Any beverages will be free tonight. P

Thank you for your hospitality. P

We want to meet the customer's expectations. P

6-6 Lesson 2-6-1

Are you ready to order? P

Please give me some more time. I need to look over the menu. P

We're famous for our pasta. Why not try the rigatoni? It's a favorite among our customers. P

What sauces do you guys use? P

It's all homemade and our specialty is Alfredo. P

Do you guys also serve any seafood? P

Yes. We have steamed shrimp and broiled trout. P

Those both sound delicious. P

So what will it be today? P

Rigatoni and clams please. P

I will be back in no time. P

Great. P

6-7 Lesson 2-6-2

Anything you'd like? P

This is my first visit here, and I'm having trouble deciding what to order. P

Well we do serve great linguini. You might want to try the Alfredo. P

What pasta sauces do you guys use? P

We make it all here and the best selling one is the meat sauce. P

Are there any seafood dishes? P

We serve all kinds of fish and shellfish and they are all fresh. P

You are making my mouth water. P

Well then, have you made your decision? P

Linguini and the shrimp. P

It will take around twenty minutes for the food. P

I can hardly wait. P

6-8 Lesson 2-6-3

Can I take your order? P

I've never been here before and I can't decide what to get. P

Our restaurant is famous for Italian food. How about trying our house style ravioli and wine? P

What sauce will be on the dish? P

Tomato basil sauce. P

Do you serve any seafood? P

Yes. We have steamed clams and lobster in wine sauce. P

I would love to eat both. P

May I take your order? P

A glass of wine and some trout. P

Very good choices. I will be back with your order. P

Thank you. P

6-9 Lesson 2-7-1

How may I assist you? P

I think there's been a mistake. P

What's the issue? P

I wanted a vegetable burger, but it seems that this is a real hamburger with real meat. P

Let me check your order. P

I can't eat that. P

I truly apologize. Let me get the correct order in. P

Good. P

Can I help you with anything else? P

No. P

6-10 Lesson 2-7-2

What can I do for you? P

You might be confused about my order. P

What's wrong? P

I asked for a beef burger, but I got a pork burger. P

Oh. I'm sorry, but are you sure that you ordered a beef burger? P

I made a special order. P

I'm sorry. I feel really terrible. Let me take this and bring the right order. P

That's what I expected. P

Do you require additional assistance? P

No, thank you. P

6-11 Lesson 2-7-3

I told you explicitly that I'm a vegetarian. P

I made a horrible mistake. The food will be on me. P

Thank you. P

Is there anything else that I can help you with? P

Nothing more to ask. P

Is there a problem? P

You messed up my order. P

What is it? P

This burger is not the veggie burger I ordered. It's all beef. P

I see that I had written down what you said. P

6-12 Lesson 2-8-1

Thank you for visiting our "Tasty" restaurant. P

It is our grand opening so I hope the food is really tasty. P

Our best dish is "Crab Soup". P

I can't wait! P

Do you want to try it? P

I will. P

Please wait. P

Thank you. P

6-13 Lesson 2-8-2

Welcome to "Spaghetti House" P

The interior of this house is so wonderful. I bet the food will be awesome too. P

Thank you. We have a variety of dishes that are ready for you. P

It's hard for me to decide what to order. Help me! P

Try our Alfredo Pasta. It's one of our best dishes! P

I can hardly wait! P

I will be back as soon as possible. P

Great! P

6-14 Lesson 2-8-3

Thank you for visiting Home Town Buffet. P

This is my first time here and everything looks very delicious. P

Thank you. P

What is the popular dish here? P

Everything is good, but our fried chicken breast is the most popular. P

I will choose that. P

As soon as it is ready, I will serve it to you. P

Okay. P

6-15 Lesson 2-9-1

Oh! I'm so sorry! It wasn't my intention to spill the juice on your pants. P

It's okay. Just hand me some napkins so I can wipe up the mess. P

Okay. Here you go. What can I do? P

Don't worry about it. Everything has been taken care of. P

Once again, I'm very sorry. P

6-16 Lesson 2-9-2

Oh no! I accidentally dropped the mustard sauce on your shirt. P

Really? I should hurry up and wash it. Can you get me some soap? P

Sure. I will go and get it. What do I need to do to make you feel better? P

Nothing. It's only a piece of clothing. P

I'm really sorry. P

6-17 Lesson 2-9-3

Oops! I spilled milk on the white rug! P

Oh! The smell will be so bad. We should hurry up and clean up the mess. Bring the Clorox to me. P

I got it. What do I need to do to prevent you from becoming more upset? P

I'm okay. Just be careful next time. P

Okay. I'm sorry. P

6-18 Lesson 2-10-1

Goodness, it's freezing! It feels like the sharp air is piercing my skin. P

It's usually not this chilly in September. P

I heard it was 6 degrees centigrade this morning. P

Yeah, as I was driving to work this morning I saw the mountains covered in white frost. P

This weather is giving me a really hard time. P

For what reason? P

Well since my shift begins early in the morning I need to wear thick clothes all the time. P

It must be toasty in the afternoon with all your warm clothing. P

Yeah, but taking off my clothes will make me look like I'm strip-teasing. P

I think I've got a solution. P

Really? P

Try dressing in layers. P

Good thinking. That way I can stay either warm or cool depending on how many layers I'm wearing. P

Bingo! P

6-19 Lesson 2-10-2

I can't stand this cold climate! P

Yeah, I agree. It seems like it's worse than last year. It wasn't this cold! P

The thermometer outside reads negative five degrees Celsius. P

I heard that some of our neighboring towns had an early morning snowfall. P

It's really difficult for me to concentrate on my work because of the cold weather. P

Why? P

I always dress myself with warm clothing because it is extremely cold in the morning. P

It must be really stuffy in the warm cafeteria. P

I know. It's really hard for me to adjust to the hot heat inside the building. P

You've got to change the way you are dressing, and I've got the perfect solution. P

Really? Please give me some advice. P

Dressing in layers is the key to solving your problem. P

So, all I need to do is add or subtract the layers of clothing I'm wearing in order to stay either cool or warm? P

Exactly! P

6-20 Lesson 2-10-3

It's really cold these days! P

It's only October, but the weather is bitterly cold. P

The weather forecast said it is minus four degrees Celsius. P

Really? I heard that some areas had a snowstorm already. P

I'm having a really difficult time because of the weather. P

Why? P

Well it's very cold in the morning and I need to come to work early. I need to put on warm clothes wherever I go. P

The afternoon is really sunny. You must be really hot in your clothes. P

Yeah. It's very uncomfortable. P

Maybe you should change the way you dress. P

What should I do then? P

You need to dress in layers. That's how people stay warm in the winter, and stay cool in the summer. P

That's a good idea. The layers will keep me warm and when I'm feeling a bit hot, I can take off one layer of clothing at a time. P

Precisely! P

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