30-1 Lesson 9-2-2

Sigmund Freud brought about the concept of the Oedipus Complex. P

The Oedipus Complex explains certain neuroses during childhood. P

It is child's love for the opposite sex parent. P

A son will be jealous of his dad and want to kill him to be with his mom. P

The Oedipus Complex is derived from the Greek mythical character Oedipus, who kills his dad and marries his mom. P

Psychologists believe that only boys could be diagnosed with the Oedipus Complex. P

Psychologists have begun using the term The Electra Complex to apply to the girls. P

Like Oedipus, Electra is also from Greek mythology. P

30-2 Lesson 9-2-3

Freud introduced the Oedipus Complex. P

The Oedipus Complex describe the causes in childhood that may have brought about the condition. P

When a son loves his mom or a daughter loves her dad in a sexual way, this is known as the Oedipus Complex. P

A daughter will be jealous of her mom and want to kill her to be with her dad. P

The Greek Oedipus killed his dad to marry his mom Jocasta. P

But psychologists have argued that the term Oedipus complex only applies to boys. P

So the boys had The Oedipus Complex and the girls have The Electra Complex. P

Electra is derived from a Greek myth as well. P

30-3 Lesson 9-3-1

Abortion is still a debatable issue in terms of whether or not it should be legal. P

The debate is over whether the unborn child should be terminated if it's still inside the womb. P

The religious often view abortion as murder. P

The debate continues when the question arises whether the unborn child is considered a human being. P

The political right is usually pro life and the political left is usually pro choice. P

In America, the government gives women the right to choose, but many governments abroad do not. P

30-4 Lesson 9-3-2

People have been fighting over the issue of abortion for a long time. P

People have been fighting over the idea of terminating the pregnancy while the unborn fetus is still in the womb. P

The fundamentalists disagree with the right to have an abortion. P

When is the fetus considered a human? Warring sides argue that it's never acceptable to kill and that the decision should be up to the mother. P

Abortion may be something women can choose to do in America, but other countries say otherwise. P

30-5 Lesson 9-3-3

The debate of whether people could abort their pregnancies has come a long way. P

The clash is whether or not the unborn fetus inside the mother should be terminated or not. P

Conservatives are against the termination of an unborn baby. P

Is the baby thought to be a livng child at a certain stage of pregnancy? P

Religious and conservatives view that abortion is wrong under any circumstance, while the liberals see fit that mother should be able to make the decision. P

America is one of the few countries that allows women to abort their pregnancies. P

Many countries around the world are not so tolerant. P

30-6 Lesson 9-4-1

Flat panel televisions are very popular in many homes today. P

Many of the companies are based in Japan and America. P

Companies include Toshiba, Sony, and Zenith. P

These televisions are exported to Europe, Asia, and America. Prices vary of course and so do the quality and size of the televisions. P

If you notice carefully, the quality and price go hand in hand. P

You will not be able to find the best quality television for the cheapest price in the market. P

The choices do not stop there. Electronic companies cater to specific countries that demand certain specifications in their televisions. P

Televisions continue to change and become a better commodity item for consumers worldwide. P

30-7 Lesson 9-4-2

Plasma televisions are widely found in the homes of many people. P

The Japanese and American companies make up the bulk of the television industry. P

Among the companies are Panasonic, Sharp, and Magnavox. P

The big consumers of new televisions are Americans, Europeans, and Asians. P

There are a wide variety of televisions that are available, including price, size of screen, and quality of picture. P

The price and quality of the televisions are related. The more expensive the television is, the better quality it is. P

The variety knows no limit. Not all televisions in every country are the same. P

Companies cater specifically to different importing countries based on the particular country's demand. P

Television technology and advancements are always improving and people are buying them. P

30-8 Lesson 9-4-3

LCD televisions are a favorite among entertainment lovers everywhere. P

Japan and America are the leaders in television export around the world. P

Rounding out the business are Phillips, Maxent, and Vizio. P

The areas in which most televisions are sold are the developed countries in Asia, America, and Europe. P

Televisions come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Not to mention quality and price too. P

The relationship between price and quality is relative. P

The higher the price, the higher the quality. The lower the price, the lower the quality. P

Also, the bigger the screen is, the more expensive the television will be. P

Chances are that if you have a television in America, you won't find the same television in Japan. P

Demand is different for these two countries and companies cater to best fit the multinational audience's needs. P

People keep buying newer models of televisions every few years to make sure that they have the latest in technology. P

It's like a fashion statement. P

30-9 Lesson 9-5-1

Unsuccessful people lack a trait that successful people have. P

That trait is a way of viewing life. P

Meeting the right people and establishing friendships pave the way to success. P

Bribes are not necessarily part of the equation. P

Successful people know that life offers more to those that are eager to seek out new friendships and sustain the old ones. P

Successful people are not embarrassed to thank people. P

Saying your sorry is also important in reconciling with people. P

Successful people speak only when they need to and are careful when they talk. P

30-10 Lesson 9-5-2

What personal quality determines who is successful or not? P

Those who succeed have a different outlook on life. P

Unsuccessful people do not maintain many connections and networks, while the successful do. P

Be friending someone and paying attention to them is not always a reason for success. P

The successful individuals are those that are willing to meet new people and keep in touch with friends. P

Simply thanking new people is a great tool in getting to know them. P

Apologizing goes a long way in strengthening friendships and connections. P

If you want to be successful, you should watch what you say and make sure it doesn't offend anyone. P

30-11 Lesson 9-5-3

Successful people enjoy success because they have a view on life that is not the same as those of unsuccessful people. P

Success comes only through knowing people and having relationships with many people. P

You don't always have to flatter someone and pay someone off to be successful. P

One recipe to success is making new contacts and continuing to talk with already existing contacts. P

Successful people often leave gift cards and send thank you letters for a lot of things. P

The hardest thing to say to someone who isn't that close is "sorry", but it is important to do if you want to keep contacts. P

Saying sorry doesn't mean that you are a weak person, so we need practice saying sorry with confidence and conviction. P

Lastly, you must think before you speak because if you don't, you might lose a lot of friends, which could jeapardize your success. P

30-12 Lesson 9-6-1

Prodigies aren't always book smart. P

They can also be great sport stars. P

They can play an instrument. P

Being sociable is also an attribute. P

Completing a thousand pieces jigsaw puzzle shows signs of a great thinker. P

Sometimes people take these wonderful talents for granted. P

People keep wishing they had more. They should be satisfied with the extraordinary things they can do. P

Be happy with what you have. P

Stop praying for the abilities that others possess and be glad that you have your own. P

30-13 Lesson 9-6-2

Being gifted doesn't always mean that you have to be the smartest. P

They can be athletic. P

They can be an avid piano player. P

Talking to strangers and holding a conversation is a talent. P

Great problem solvers are also gifted. P

Everyone must foster their own unique abilities to truly understand themselves. P

Everyone is unique and should never take what they possess for granted. P

You should feel very blessed with who you are. P

In life, you should be happy with what you have. P

30-14 Lesson 9-6-3

A special person is not someone who is the most intelligent. P

Those people can be triumphant competitors. P

They may even be in a garage rock band. P

Meeting new people and seeking new relationships can be special too. P

Thinking outside the box signifies being special. P

Some people are not aware of how special they are. P

People need to appreciate what they have and be unique. Diversity is special. P

Appreciate yourself more and that will boost self confidence. P

It's healthy to accept your gifts and use them. P

30-15 Lesson 9-7-1

Popular culture has convinced people to buy things in order to be cool and hip. P

When something becomes obsolete, people must replace it with the latest object to stay in fashion. P

Individuals show who they are by wearing a certain clothing style, driving a certain car, and sometimes listening to a certain genre of music. P

People don't realize that the media outlets and brand name companies launch huge advertisement campaigns to lure people into buying unnecessary things. P

Those who follow up with the latest trends and need to have the latest fads end up wasting the most money. P

Of course it doesn't matter if they're rich though. P

30-16 Lesson 9-7-2

If people want to attract attention, they would buy fashionable clothes. P

Everyone wants to own and wear the latest things. P

When new products come on to the market, they want to aquire more and more to show themselves off. P

They go beyond simply buying clothes, and, instead, show off with cars and accessories. P

Of course, trends are important. P

However, these days, people use trends to define themselves. P

These thoughts cause wrong consumerism. P

30-17 Lesson 9-7-3

Destructive consumerism can be caused by unhealthy desires. P

Some people buy objects to show off. They live to be seen and envied by others. P

Therefore, everyday they need new things that can enhance their self-image. P

People like that are easily blinded by companies' seductive advertisements. In addition, they buy newer and newer things even though they cannot afford them. P

People should know that showing off to others is not fulfilling. P

We must not wish to embody a false image. P

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