3-1 Lesson 1-14-2

I left my home in New York City last month and went to live in Siberia. P

My family didn't agree with my decision. P

They did not like the idea of me going to a third world country. P

It can get dangerous, but I'll be fine. P

I'm sure nothing will happen to me. P

My family pays too much attention to the news. P

Sometimes, my new country is better. P

My car broke down and my co worker gave me a lift. Hospitality is prevalent here. P

I know I live by myself, but I never feel alone here. P

My neighbors always invite me over for lunch and dinner. I really like the people here. P

I found a man that I really like and we are thinking about starting a family. P

This town is giving me a chance to experience a new atmosphere. P

3-2 Lesson 1-14-3

I moved out of my house in San Diego and relocated to Croatia. P

My friends thought I was crazy. P

They feared for my safety and health. P

It may not be as safe as in the states, but I can take care of myself. P

There will be nothing to worry about. P

I think television has corrupted their minds and instilled fear in them. P

I like my new home more than my old home. P

I didn't have any telephone reception and my neighbor let me use his phone. P

When I sleep at night, I know that my neighborhood is watching over me. P

My neighbors invite me on camping trips and other expeditions. I wish people were like this when I was growing up. P

I met a wonderful man and would like to raise some kids. P

This place is giving me a challenge to experience a new environment. P

3-3 Lesson 1-15-1

Basketball requires great athletic ability, height, and swiftness. P

It was invented in America around 1891. P

The earliest games were played at the local YMCA gymnasiums. P

The sport was catching on in popularity. P

Colleges were the first to incorporate the sport. P

The sport caught on with women too. P

Soon the high schools caught on as well. P

In 1946, the national basketball league was created. P

It spread internationally. P

America dominated the sport in the early days. P

Being very tall is an advantage in basketball. P

Long arms are also a plus in this sport. P

This will always be popular. P

3-4 Lesson 1-15-2

Basketball is a fast paced game and one must be in great shape to play. P

Dr James Nesmith invented this great sport. P

It spread like wildfire. P

The NCAA was the first to incorporate the sport into their systems. P

Female colleges also took up the sport using slightly different rules. P

It also spread to the high schools. P

The first professional sports league started during the mid forties. P

Soon the Olympics incorporated this sport. P

Team USA would crush their opponents in the beginning of international play. P

If you're over six feet tall, you are a suitable height to be a professional player. P

Being able to jump high is also a fantastic skill for this sport. P

Basketball is a very well-known activity. P

Americans love this sport. P

3-5 Lesson 1-15-3

Basketball is a fast paced game that requires great athletic ability, height, and swiftness. P

The sport was invented by Dr James Nesmith. P

It is one of America’s best sports and when the season comes, it receives an enthusiastic welcome. P

Numerous colleges are famous because of this sport and it became one of their trademarks. P

Regardless of age or gender, everyone enjoys watching and rooting for their favorite teams. P

It became popular rapidly. P

The Federal Corporation has been established and soon emerged as an International Federation. P

The United States was a dominant contender and a favorite in many early international competitions. P

The majority of the teams are made up of players that are big, tall and tough. P

Basketball is an admired sport in the world. P

The taller a player is, the better they may play in the game. P

Many basketball players are as popular as movie stars. P

They have their fans. P

It is a great sport for everyone to enjoy. P

3-6 Lesson 1-16-1

Food is one of the necessary requirements of a human being's survival. P

There are so many different types and kinds of food. P

Food is different in different cultures, religions, regions, and also by an individual's own preference. P

In regions of Asia and Africa rice is a main dish. P

America produces meat and dairy products. P

India is famous for tea and curry. P

England is well known for English teas and muffins. P

Tamales are popular in Mexico. P

Americans are known as meat lovers. P

People in the U.S. love to do outdoor barbeque parties, and the hotdog and hamburger are traditional dishes. P

Bacon is one of the typical things that Americans have on their breakfast plates. P

3-7 Lesson 1-16-2

Everybody eats. One usually eats in the morning, afternoon, and in the evening. P

Some people don't follow that routine and just eat whenever they are hungry. P

It doesn't matter what schedule one takes part in, one still needs to eat. P

There are a variety of foods in the world. P

In the United States, people tend to consume a lot of bread and meat. Asia brings in the shrimp. P

Israel has flat bread and pita bread. The Koreans have kimchi. P

Canadians have salmon. American people eat burgers and hot dogs. P

Americans love their porterhouse and rib eye steaks. P

Some people cook their steaks well done. P

No food can beat a burger, though. A well-done piece of meat between two buns and a slice of cheese is the way to go. P

3-8 Lesson 1-16-3

You absorb nutrients from the food you eat. There are three main meals people usually eat everyday. P

Some people eat small portions six to eight times a day and refer to them as meals. P

Differences in culture have led to an abundance of different kinds of food. P

In Europe, breads and pasta dominate the dishes. The Russians are lovers of king crabs. P

Italy has spaghetti and meat balls. The Mexicans have tacos. P

China has the duck. Meat is basically what Americans love. P

New York steak and T-bone steak are taken from parts of the cow. P

There is a percentage of people that prefer their steak to be bloody and rare. P

Grilling meat patties is just as perfect as it gets. Americans love their burgers. The hotdog is as treasured as the burger. P

The hotdog is usually served in a bun with onions, relish, mustard, and ketchup. Americans love pork too! P

Bacon is usually served at breakfast along with eggs, sausages and hash browns. P

3-9 Lesson 1-17-1

I visited New Zealand during my winter vacation. P

It was summer there. P

The country was gentle and romantic. I felt relaxed and peaceful. P

The sky was shining and clear. P

Every part of the country was covered with green. P

The birds were singing and flying in the air. The lambs made a sweet melody with their gentle bleating. P

People responded to me gently and gave me a sweet smile as a greeting. P

It was a place where I could relax. P

If I have another opportunity, I will visit this country again. P

3-10 Lesson 1-17-2

I visited New Zealand during the winter vacation to take a rest. P

The weather was awesome. P

I had peaceful thoughts while I was there. P

The cloud looked like waves in the ocean and appeared very gentle. P

Every part of the country had some hills covered with green. P

Birds were singing while flying in the air, and the lamb's soft cries were very calming. P

People from the town gave me sweet smiles and greetings. P

It was one of the places I really wanted to visit. P

If I have a chance, I would like to revisit this land. P

3-11 Lesson 1-17-3

I took a trip to Australia during winter vacation. P

The weather condition and the climate were pleasant. P

It was a great time to relax and be away from my old life for a few days. P

The countryside was full of living things, including trees and animals. P

The landscape was very natural and serene. P

Animals jumped and hopped around in nature, and one could hear the sounds of a woodpecker pecking at a tree trunk. P

People from my neighborhood welcomed me and invited me to their luncheon. P

I remembe the trip fondly, and I want to go again. P

If I have time to take another trip, I will not hesitate to go there. P

3-12 Lesson 1-18-1

There are various courses of study that are offered in college. P

If you're excellent at math, you can choose that as your path of study. P

If you love to read books and interpret them, you may choose literature or journalism as you direction. P

College is a place where you are able to develop your innate abilities to find your career. P

You may discover your preferred career from your education field, and also from socialization interactions. P

3-13 Lesson 1-18-2

There are many different fields of study at a university. P

If you love traveling, international relations might be the major for you. P

If you like building things, engineering maybe what you will want. P

There is more to explore in college than just academics. P

You should continue doing your hobbies, and the activities you've always enjoyed. P

3-14 Lesson 1-18-3

Education is a necessary step in achieving your goals. P

Colleges and universities offer many different options from which students may choose their field of interest. P

Everyone can have their own specialty and area of expertise. Academics is a fundamental step for students. P

Besides the academic aspects of university, the students also learn to cope with their peers and other groups. P

Socializing within new groups is also an important issue that all students need to be comfortable with. P

3-15 Lesson 1-19-1

Everyone wants to have vacation time from work. P

Heavy work loads and duties make workers demand time for vacation. P

The vacation term varies between weeks and months. P

People have their own ways of spending their valuable vacation time. P

Some individuals travel to other countries and enjoy tourism. P

Some people stay at home to nurture their children and have family time. P

Some people save up their vacation time and utilize it to make up their missed hours of work. P

Some want to make more profit for their organization, so they work during their vacation. P

Some people spend valuable time with family and peers. P

During the vacation, they can recognize the importance of family and friends. P

Vacationing together builds the unity of relationships. P

There are some reasons why workers want and need vacations. P

3-16 Lesson 1-19-2

Everyone likes to take a break once in a while. P

People become stressed periodically and need time to relax. P

A small portion of people spend their break at home because they just want to sleep in and relax. P

Some employees utilize this time to do even more work to get ahead or to make up for lost time. P

Many go away from their home to enjoy vacations. P

People travel to different countries overseas. Some people take airplanes to get to destinations overseas and across the country. P

People travel all over to learn about new cultures, countries, and global diversity. P

Everyone doesn't spend thousands of dollars for a luxurious vacation. P

Some people want to spend time with their families. P

Spending quality time with family is healthy. It helps keep the family together. P

One can understand why more and more workers want vacations. P

3-17 Lesson 1-19-3

Everybody wants to take some time off of work and do something else for a period of time. P

Companies offer these breaks as an incentive for the employee to work harder. P

Many people like to take at least a week off. P

It could be stress, injury, or fatigue that has them situated at home during their free time. P

Some people work at home during the break. It can be used for telecommuting or just for doing chores around the home. P

Most people engage in outdoor activities on their breaks. There are people that travel within their own state. P

A small portion take the train or go cruising to their desired locations. P

But everyone will not spend a large amount of money to feast on wine and escargots in France. P

For many, vacation is a time to enjoy with the family, and go to the beach. P

Precious memories and delightful moments are all priceless when shared with the family on a vacation. P

So, if you're a kid, make great use of the time you have now, P

3-18 Lesson 1-20-1

Hey, Susan. Are you okay? You sound sick. P

Hello, John! I got into a car accident yesterday. P

Are you going to see a doctor? P

Not yet. Can you recommend a good doctor for me? P

Of course. Just walk straight down this road until you pass Fifth Avenue. P

I should pass Fifth Avenue? P

Yeah, and then make a right. P

After two blocks turn right again and from there you should be able to see a pet store. P

What's the name of the shop? P

I think it's called Jonny's Pet and Supplies. The hospital is across the street. P

Be careful not to get it mixed up with the hospital on the corner. The nurses there are not so kind. P

Okay. Thank you so much for your help. P

3-19 Lesson 1-20-2

Hello, Joanna! What's up? You look really tired. P

Hi! I have a headache. I think I have a cold. P

Don't you need to see the doctor? P

I should. Do you know a good doctor you could recommend? P

Yeah. The hospital is just a block before Fourth Avenue. P

A block before Fourth Street? P

Yeah. Then make a left and keep walking and take a right. There will be a hair salon to your right. P

What is the name of the hair salon? P

I believe the store is called Sessions Hair Salon. The hospital should be across the street in the middle of the block. P

Thanks a bunch! P

3-20 Lesson 1-20-3

Hello, Jimmy. Is there something wrong? P

Hey, Sue! I couldn't go to sleep last night because I coughed so much. P

Have you been to the doctor yet? P

No. Do you know the nearest hospital? P

Yeah, sure. All you need to do is walk a block past Third Avenue. P

Just keep going after fifth? P

Yes. After that take a left turn and take a right after three blocks. There should be a Coffee house on your right. P

What's the name of the Coffee house? P

The store is called Peet's Coffee. I think you'll need to cross the street to get to the hospital. P

Thanks! P

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