29-1 Lesson 8-25-3

Can you teach me to make M&M cookies? P

Why? P

I'm having tea at Joanna's house tomorrow and we decided to bring one dish each. P

That sounds fun. I thought you already knew how to make chocolate chip cookies. P

Yeah, but I forgot. P

First add flour, baking soda, sugar, eggs, milk, salt, and butter into a bowl. P

Mix it throughly and add the spices. Grease the cooking sheets and drop the mixture by rounded spoonfuls. P

Put the sheets in the oven and bake them for about ten minutes. P

Thanks! P

29-2 Lesson 8-26-1

Will you please help me with the laundry? P

Sure. P

Thanks. Can you make two piles? One pile of color and one pile of whites. P

Why do you need to make two piles? P

The white clothing will turn into a different color if they are washed with clothing that is colored. P

I didn't know. P

After you sort the clothing, put them in the washing machine. P

Put the colored clothing in and set the machine so that it bathes the clothing in warm water. P

Wash white clothing in hot water. Also, jeans and jackets need to be washed in cold water. P

Is the detergent even going to dissolve in cold water? P

The detergent will dissolve. If you wash the jeans in hot water, they will shrink. P

You must be an expert in washing clothes. P

Thanks, but most everyone knows what I've told you thus far. P

I think I need lessons in clothes washing from you. P

Thanks. P

No problem. P

29-3 Lesson 8-26-2

29-4 Lesson 8-26-3

Can you help me? P

All right. P

First, let's separate the clothes with color and the clothes without color. P

Why do you need to divide them? P

If you mix the white with the color, the white clothes will fade. P

I never knew that. I guess I learned something today. P

Next, put the clothes in the washing machine. Use hot water for the whites and warm water for the colors. Jeans and jackets belong in cold water. P

Cold water? Will the detergent be able to dissolve? P

Of course it dissolves. It's just that when you wash jeans in hot water they shrink. P

I see. You're really good at this. P

No. This is something that everyone should know. P

I should learn from you before I ruin all my clothes. P

Sure. P

Great! P

29-5 Lesson 8-27-1

Today is cleaning day and everyone will take part in cleaning up the house. P

Can we pick which chores we want to do? P

Sure you can, but I don't want to see you guys picking the easiest tasks and finishing before the rest of us. P

Fine. I'll vacuum the entire house. P

Then get right to it. I will be cleaning the garage. P

What should I do next when I'm finished vacuuming? P

We also need to clean all the windows and the bathroom. P

Gross! Cleaning the bathroom is so disgusting. P

The bathroom needs to be cleaned, or else you won't be able to use the toilet. P

But I don't want to do that afterwards. P

Tell you what. Why don't we both clean the bathroom together? P

All right. P

29-6 Lesson 8-27-2

Pay attention everyone. Today we will clean the whole house! P

Will you let us choose our chores? P

Okay, but if you linger over simple jobs, I will assign more difficult things for you to do. P

Dibs on the vacuuming. P

While you're doing that, I am going to clean the garage. P

What will we do afterwards? P

The windows and the bathroom need to be cleaned. P

But I hate cleaning the bathroom. It's so unsanitary. P

The bathroom isn't unsanitary. We need to keep it clean. P

But I.. P

Let's do one thing at a time and discuss this later. P

Fine. P

29-7 Lesson 8-27-3

It's Spring Cleaning Day! Everyone will help in cleaning the house. P

Can we choose what we want to do? P

Of course, as long as you don't choose the easiest chores. P

Okay. I want to vacuum the house. P

Then I will clean the garage. P

What should I do after I vacuum? P

We need to clean the windows and the bathroom. P

Yuck, I hate cleaning the bathroom. P

We need the bathroom clean. It is important for our health. P

But! P

No buts. Lets hurry and clean this house. Chop chop. P

Okay. P

29-8 Lesson 8-28-1

You can exercise in your home to maintain good health. P

At the gym, sometimes people have to wait in line to use equipment. P

While exercising in your home may be comfortable, it can be dangerous for young children. P

Everyday, hundreds of children get hurt on home gym equipment. P

The exercise bike is the piece of equipment that causes the most injuries. P

Many children lose fingers and toes by sticking them between the fast moving spokes in the wheels. P

If you own an exercise bike and have children, then please be aware of the risks involved in owning gym equipment. P

29-9 Lesson 8-28-2

You can work out in the comfort of your own home to stay fit. P

Going to the gym can be expensive. P

Children are likely to injure themselves on the gym equipment at home. P

In the past twenty years, thousands of children have been hurt while playing on gym equipment at home. P

The wheel of the exercise bike can sever and mangle the limbs of younger children. P

Kids lose their toes and fingers easily when playing with the exercise bike. P

Make sure your children will not be subject to injuries from the exercise bike by supervising them closely. P

29-10 Lesson 8-28-3

Losing weight can be done at your own home with exercise and balanced meals. P

Driving to the gym costs time and money. P

Young children can get hurt on the gym equipment around the home. P

Last year alone, thousands of children have sustained serious injuries from unsupervised playing on home gym equipment. P

Young children tend to be curious about exercise bikes and often get hurt as they try to figure out how they work. P

It is dangerous for children to play with the wheel of the exercise bike because they could lose a finger or two. P

Please educate your children on the dangers of the exercise bike. P

29-11 Lesson 8-29-1

Do you think putting someone to death for murder is justified? P

One hundred and eighty countries all over the world are executing criminals. P

Almost half of those countries are planning to put an end to it in the next ten years. P

A fourth of the 180 countries are planning to end capital punishment by 2008. P

However, a third of the countries that practice executions don't want to get rid of it because they think their crime rate will increase. P

As a result, more people continue to die. P

This means that many innocent people sometimes do not get the chance to prove their innocence. P

When that happens, the justice system is not working correctly. P

Many families are hurt and their pain is indescribable. P

This is why there are many organizations that try to stop criminal executions. P

Pardons are seldom granted to the doomed prisoners. P

Of course, the most well known celebrities find ways of get out. P

The rich and powerful have the best lawyers and resources. This is a problem too. P

Reform and fairness need to be emphasized in the legal system. P

29-12 Lesson 8-29-2

Interest groups lobby using millions of dollars raised in the community to stop innocent people from being wrongfully convicted of crimes they did not commit. P

Those in power don't seem to care. The rich and powerful have a wide variety of options if they find themselves in legal trouble. P

Celebrity status can sway the jury and make them believe the celebrity is bigger than life and, therefore, exempt when it comes to abiding by the law. P

The justice system has too many problems. P

More should be done so that these things don't happen so often. P

Do you think we should execute people for heinous crimes? Even though there is opposition, one hundred and eighty countries still practice capital punishment. P

Some countries have vowed to put it behind them within the next ten years. P

Half of the nations that are going to end executions say they will end them by 2008. P

Thirty three percent of the countries aren't budging because they think stopping executions would increase the crime rate. P

People die daily for their crimes. P

Sometimes the executions are carried out so quickly that the prisoner doesn't have a chance to plead for a second trial. P

This is not how the law should operate. P

Friends and loved ones are tragically affected as well. P

29-13 Lesson 8-29-3

Do you believe in the biblical concept of an eye for an eye, and a life for a life? P

Capital punishment is practiced in one hundred and eighty countries. P

Over the last ten years, half of the 180 countries have abolished capital punishment. P

Twenty five percent of the countries say that they will stop practicing execution by 2008. P

Some of the countries that carry out capital punishment do not want to get rid of it because they say it affects the decline of the crime rate. P

Everyday many executions still continue. P

Too many times innocent people have gone to their graves without a chance to depend themself. P

If this happens continually, then the purpose of the government is not being carried out properly. P

29-14 Lesson 8-30-1

J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series is considered to be an important piece of work in British literature. P

The differences between all the characters makes the story interesting. P

Harry goes through life balancing his schoolwork and battling the evils of Lord Voldemort. P

The book has sold millions of copies around the world. P

29-15 Lesson 8-30-2

Harry Potter books are the master creations of J. K. Rowling. P

The characters are all different and all have realistic personalities. P

Life is hard for Harry because he's going through school while fighting against an evil enemy, Lord Voldemort. P

All over the world the book has been sold in the millions. P

29-16 Lesson 8-30-3

J. K. Rowling is greatly revered for her Harry Potter series. P

Harry's fellow characters all have natures that seem to fit seamlessly into the story. P

The story is about a wizard named Harry who battles the evils of Lord Voldemort while attending Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. P

China has banned the books, but everywhere in the world the book has been in great demand. P

29-17 Lesson 9-1-1

Anarchy can wreak havoc in society even in the lives of those who obey the laws and live by them. P

Anarchy does not liberate people, but, rather, oppresses them with the strong forcefully persecuting the weak. P

Usually laws and police officers prevent these anarchists from thriving. P

Advances in science and technology have all been made possible by working together cooperatively in a stable society. P

Anarchism seems like an escape for those who want to avoid political confrontation and compromise. P

29-18 Lesson 9-1-2

Anarchy is chaotic and can damage the balance of society. P

Anarchy rules with brute force, not with diplomatic solutions. P

Government laws and police strength can combat those who break the rules. P

If people were running about and doing only what pleased them, we would not have the medical and scientific breakthroughs we have today. P

Some people turn to anarchy when they feel like the government has mistreated them. P

29-19 Lesson 9-1-3

Sometimes people find an escape through anarchy, but breaking laws disrupts the balance in society. P

The raw, primitive characteristics of anarchy can be seen in the physical subjugation of those that follow the rules set in place. P

Police will use force to control the animal like anarchists from getting out of hand. P

Only when people follow the law and live under a governed society, can advances in medicine and science flourish. P

Some people view anarchism as an escape from the everyday turmoils of politics. P

29-20 Lesson 9-2-1

Sigmund Freud was one coined the term "The Oedipus Complex". P

The Oedipus Complex is caused by environmental factors during childhood. P

The child will develop a sexual desire for a parent of the opposite sex. P

The child will be jealous of the opposite sex parent and wish his same sex parent to be dead. P

Oedipus in Greek mythology killed his dad and married his mom. P

In the scientific community, psychologists said that it was possible only for boys to have the Oedipus Complex. P

When girls are infatuated with their fathers and jealous of their mothers, this is know as The Electra Complex. P

Electra is another character from Greek mythology. P

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