27-1 Lesson 8-12-2

I'm going to administer an unannounced exam now. So please get ready. P

No!!!!! P

Remember! You should show your work on the paper. P

Yes. P

Also, if you don't write down the steps, I can't give you a score. P

We know. P

Break a leg. P

27-2 Lesson 8-12-3

Quiz time! Take out a sheet of paper, pencil, and an eraser. P

Oh, no!! P

Don't forget to show all of your work on the sheet. P

Okay. P

If you don't show the method that you used to arrive at your answers, you will get a zero. P

All right. P

Try your best! I know that all of you will do fine. P

27-3 Lesson 8-13-1

Can you help me find the health office? P

It's right next to the restroom. Why? P

I fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle. P

Are you okay? P

I'm fine. It only hurts a little. P

Can I help you? P

Thank you, I'm okay. P

No problem. P

27-4 Lesson 8-13-2

Do you know where I can find the nurses office? P

It's right across from the food court. What's wrong? P

Somebody dropped a dictionary on my foot. P

Does it hurt? P

I'm okay. It only hurts when I move it. P

I'll help you to the place. P

You're very nice. P

It's nothing. P

27-5 Lesson 8-13-3

Help. I'm lost. I can't find the doctor's office. P

It's on the second floor. What happened? P

I tripped on my pants, fell, and hurt my knee cap. P

That must be painful. P

It's only painful when I walk. P

I'll assist you. P

Can you? I appreciate it. P

It's all right. P

27-6 Lesson 8-14-1

A lion was about to devour a sleeping rabbit when he saw a deer pass. P

The lion decided to chase the deer and, in the process, woke the rabbit. P

After a long pursuit, the lion discovered he could not catch the deer and gave up. P

When the lion returned to the place where he had found the napping rabbit, he discovered that the rabbit had fled. P

Therefore the lion had nothing to eat for a number of days. P

After that fateful day, the lion learned not to be so voracious. P

27-7 Lesson 8-14-2

A lion was preying on a sleeping rabbit when suddenly he saw a deer. P

Instead of killing the rabbit, the lion went for the deer and the rabbite woke because of the noise. P

The lion chased the deer for a long time but realized he could not catch up. P

Then the lion went back to the place of the sleeping rabbit, but found that the rabbit was not there anymore. P

For a number of days the lion went without any food. P

From that incident, the lion learned not to be greedy. P

27-8 Lesson 8-14-3

A lion found a rabbit taking a nap, but spotted a deer passing by. P

The lion decided to pursue the deer and the rabbit woke from its slumber. P

The lion realized he could not catch the deer. P

He returned to the place where he had found the rabbit, but discovered that the rabbit had taken flight too. P

Therefore the lion went without food for several days. P

After that unfortunate event the lion vowed to himself that he would not be greedy. P

27-9 Lesson 8-15-1

"Do not judge a book by it's cover". This is a very famous adage we know. P

But sometimes we may ignore this old proverb. P

When we speak to someonen new, we usually judge them by their appearance. P

Even though we do not know someone's personality, we make snap judgments. P

The appearance is usually something a person is born with, but the mind is developed by its owner during his or her whole life time. P

Therefore, we need an intelligence that values a person's mind rather than their appearance. P

27-10 Lesson 8-15-2

"Not seeing the forest for the trees". This is a famous proverb we are taught. P

Although we know the meaning, we don't reflect upon it's significance as often as we should. P

When we meet a new person, we usually look at them head to toe. After that, we determine what kind of personality we think they have. P

If he is good-looking, we guess that he is kind or has other good characteristics. P

We logically know that is not true, but we come to this conclusion just by looking at his appearance. P

Thus, we need to practice not judging someone by their appearance alone. P

27-11 Lesson 8-15-3

Sometimes this can be come a big problem. P

Therefore, we need to be more insightful and consider someone's intelligence rather than appearance. P

"Do not judge a book by it's cover". This describes an attitude humanity must foster. P

Although we know better, it is difficult not to judge by appearance. P

What we're thinking is often the main issue when meeting people. P

We know that we can be judged by our appearance because we also judge others by their appearance. P

27-12 Lesson 8-16-1

We were taught the value of money when we were youngsters. P

But in the process of guiding us, our parents forgot to teach us how to treasure time. P

As a result, we tend to spend our time conserving our money. P

Why waste the afternoon washing the car when we can pay a machine to do it for us? P

We can save both time and money by conserving both. P

27-13 Lesson 8-16-2

As children we were reared to appreciate money. P

However, we were not taught to spend our time wisely. P

Thus, we splurge our time to save a little money. P

Why spend time washing our dogs when we could just take them to a groomer? P

Both money and time can be saved if we plan accordingly. P

27-14 Lesson 8-16-3

In our youth we were instilled with the notion of the importance of money. P

But we were not taught to cherish time. P

Therefore, we spend our time to save money. P

Why walk great distances to save money for a bus fare ticket? P

We can save both time and money if we make wise decisions. P

27-15 Lesson 8-17-1

The rights of inventors have been established since the beginning of this country. P

In 1790, the government enacted legislation to set up a department that would protect inventors' privileges. P

This allowed the inventors to charge a usage fee related to his or her creation. P

After that, other nations started to set up laws similar to the one established in the U.S. P

However, these amendments did not mean that the inventors' creations would be an absolute success. P

Lawsuits are irksome because several people can simultaneously claim to be the inventor of a particular invention. P

27-16 Lesson 8-17-2

The founding fathers of the U.S. sought to defend the rights of many people. P

In 1790, the U.S. government made laws to establish a department to protect inventors' rights. P

Inventors were then allowed to fine anyone who was using their concept. P

Many other countries have also made laws pertaining to inventions. P

However, these rights do not assure an inventor wealth. P

Lawsuits and arguments cause many problems in the world of inventions. P

27-17 Lesson 8-17-3

There are laws to protect the rights of inventors. P

The Congress passed a bill to create a department for inventors' rights. P

This gave the inventor the right to charge people that wanted to use his or her inventions. P

Many other countries have also followed America's lead since that time. P

However, these laws do not guarantee an inventor's success. P

It can be tiresome at times because several people might argue that they are the sole genius behind a particular invention. P

27-18 Lesson 8-18-1

It is highly recommended that one not cram every bit of information that is to be tested the day before the test. P

You should be ready to take the final exam. P

To be ready for finals, a week's worth of studying will not suffice. P

You should constantly review each chapter throughout the semester. P

Otherwise, you will be exhausted with the amount of studying you will have to do. P

Some students who don't feel so comfortable in a particular subject skip other classes in order to spend more time studying the material they are not good at. P

If you neglect other classes, you will end up doing badly in the subjects you ignore. P

Thus, it is very important to balance your workload and subjects. P

27-19 Lesson 8-18-2

You should never try to study everything the day before the exam. P

You should be able to take the exam with little difficulty beforehand. P

One week is not enough to prepare for this exam. P

You should read the assigned pages the entire semester through. P

Or else the amount of studying you have to do will overwhelm you. P

Students who are having difficulty with a certain subject may skip other classes to study for the subject that confuses them. P

Skipping other subjects will eventually lead to bad grades. P

Therefore, it is crucial to keep a delicate balance between all of your classes. P

27-20 Lesson 8-18-3

You should stop the habit of cramming before the day of the final. P

Finals should be prepared for in advance. P

Preparation should not be left until two weeks before the final. P

You should keep notes of lectures throughout the semester. P

Otherwise, you will need to memorize all the information in a short amount of time. P

Some students skip other classes in order to study subjects they are not so confident about. P

You'll end up doing badly on the test if you skip classes. P

So it is important to maintain a good balance in your study habits. P

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