26-1 Lesson 8-5-3

Hello? Michelle speaking. P

It's me, Jimmy. P

What a surprise. Is there something that you need? P

Well, since you're so good in biology, I was wondering if you could help me with the Biology assignment. P

Okay. It's fine with me. P

Do you think I can come over right now? P

I'm eating dinner now. P

Then I will come to your house later. P

Yeah, sure. P

Okay. I'll call you before I leave. P

26-2 Lesson 8-6-1

Good morning, Mrs.Leno. Thank you for seeing me today. P

You said you wanted to see me about James? P

Yes. He is a very bright student, but lately he seems to doze off in class. P

He doesn't pay attention and brings incomplete homework to class. P

I just wanted to know if there is something going on. P

I think it's because he spents too much time watching the television. P

I haven't been able to watch over him as closely as I used to. I've been busy taking care of his grandmother. P

I understand. I just wanted to make sure that nothing serious was going on at home. P

Thank you for telling me. I'll have a little chat with my boy when I get home. P

No problem. My job is to help students. P

Thank you so much. P

26-3 Lesson 8-6-2

It's very nice to meet you, Mrs.Choi. Thank you for responding to my message and coming down here to see me. P

I was worried the whole week when you said you wanted to talk to me about Jay. P

I know. This boy is a very studious kid, but lately there seems to be something else on his mind. P

He teases his classmates and draws cartoons on the back of his homework. P

So, I was wondering if there's anything going on at home. P

Oh. He's been watching too much television lately. P

I've been really busy with a new job, so I haven't had much time to be with him. P

I see. I was just a little worried that something serious was going on at your home. P

Thank you for letting me know sooner. I really appreciate it. P

It's nothing really. I just want the best for him. P

He is really lucky to have a teacher like you. P

26-4 Lesson 8-6-3

Hello, Mrs. Lee. Thank you for seeing me this morning. P

What's wrong with Paul? P

He's a very smart boy and has a promising future ahead of him, but lately I've been catching him dozing off in class. P

He seems uninterested in the lesson and throws a tantrum when I try to get him to pay attention. P

I think the reason is because he spends too much time watching movies. P

I've been really busy looking after his little brother and haven't had much time for him. P

Well, that explains it. I just thought something upsetting at home was affecting his study habits. P

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your concern. P

I just want what's best for my students. P

Thank you for looking out for my kid. P

26-5 Lesson 8-7-1

You seem down today. P

I'm in a very bad mood. P

Why? What's wrong? P

I think I got a F on my History test. P

You always think that you do horribly on your tests, but in actuality you do very well. P

But this time its different. I really had a hard time on one question. Its was very difficult. P

How many questions did it consist of? P

About eighty. P

You had a hard time on one problem and you're worried? Come on. You probably got the rest of the questions right. P

Really? You really think I did well? P

26-6 Lesson 8-7-2

Why the long face? P

I'm feeling down today. P

What's the matter? P

I think I did really badly on my Physics exam. P

You always worry. It's okay. I know you did fine. P

You're right, but there was this one problem that was extremely difficult. P

How many questions were on the test? P

There were 80 questions. P

Even if you didn't get that one question you would still get an A if you got all the other questions right. P

I hope you're right. P

26-7 Lesson 8-7-3

Are you feeling okay? P

I'm in a very blue mood. P

Why? Is everything okay? P

I don't think I did that great on my Calculus test. P

Don't worry. You probably did better than you think. P

No, it's not okay. This one question was really confusing and I didn't know the answer. P

What was the total number of questions on the test? P

The question I had trouble with was one of eighty on the test. P

Oh come on. You didn't know one problem and you think you did badly. I'm sure you aced the test. P

You better be right. P

26-8 Lesson 8-8-1

What classes are you taking this semester? P

I'm taking Economics, Biology, History, and German. P

Aren't you going to take a Math class? Isn't it required? P

I'm already finished with it. What classes are you taking? P

Calculus, Law, and Music. P

Only three courses? P

I have to work. I won't have a lot of time to study. P

Well, good luck with everything. P

26-9 Lesson 8-8-2

Did you decide what classes you are going to take this quarter? P

I am going to take Astronomy, Government, Chemistry, and Latin. P

How about History? It's a required class. P

I've already fulfilled the requirement. What courses have you signed up for? P

Statistics, Art, and Geography. P

Why are you only taking three courses? P

I have to work. I won't have much time left. P

Let's meet up sometime when you do have time. P

26-10 Lesson 8-8-3

What courses are you taking for second semester? P

I think I'm going to enroll in Psychology, Dance, Physics, and French. P

No English? I thought it was a mandatory course. P

I've completed all my general requirements. How about you? What are you going to take? P

Algebra, Chorus, and Geology. P

How come you're only taking three classes? P

I need to work. I think I'm going to be really busy. P

Then I hope everything works out well. P

26-11 Lesson 8-9-1

Mr.Bell, my teacher, teaches world history. P

I learned many things from his lecture on World War II. P

He taught us the significance of the war, who started it, and the affects it had on the countries. P

We paid careful attention to his words and took a quiz on it the next day. P

Mr.Bell gave our quiz back and I was stunned at the result. P

I failed the quiz after all that studying. P

I wanted to talk with him, so I waited until the end of class. P

I wanted to know why he marked my answers wrong when they seemed sensible to me. P

He looked at me momentarily and then explained. P

He explained that my facts were correct, but that I didn't provide the historical context for them. P

That is why he didn't give me full points. P

I tried to make him see that it was a mistake and to let my small mistake go unnoticed this once, but his decision didn't change. P

The instructor told me that there are many ways to depict history, but statistics should not be given great significance. P

From that day on, I have tried to understand history from a different perspective. P

26-12 Lesson 8-9-2

My social Science teacher is Mr. Johnson. P

He gave us a lecture on the Civil War. P

He spoke about the many different causes, as well as the pros and cons of the conflict. P

We studied and took notes and two days later we had a quiz on the subject matter. P

When he handed our tests back to us, I was very surprised. P

I had more than a dozen Xs on my paper. P

So after class I went to go talk to the professor. P

I wanted an explanation on why my answers were wrong. P

He glanced down at my quiz for a minute and clarified why. P

The teacher said that my answers were statistically correct, but that they didn't reflect a deep enough understanding of the events. P

Therefore, he couldn't give me full credit. P

I tried to persuade him to at least give me more points, but he wouldn't listen. P

He explained that history could not be understood through numbers alone. P

From then on, I tried to understand history according to the writer's point of view. P

26-13 Lesson 8-9-3

Mr.Huntington is my American History teacher. P

He taught us about the issues related to the attack on Pearl Harbor. P

He explained the causes, when it started, and how it finally ended. P

We took notes and he gave us a quiz on Friday. P

He handed our result back and I was shocked. P

Most of my answers were wrong. P

So when school was over I went to talk to the teacher. P

I wanted to know why my grade was so low after studying so hard for the quiz. P

He look at my paper for a second then made clear my problem. P

He told me that although my answers were factually correct, I didn't include an explanation as to how the facts were related to the subject matter. P

That's why he can't give me a full score on my answers. P

I tried to reason with him, but he still did not acknowledge my explanation. P

The teacher said that there is more to history than factual information, and that I need to interpret history according to my own beliefs and standards. P

After that, I tried to develop my own perspectives on history. P

26-14 Lesson 8-10-1

How are things at school? P

I don't like it. P

What's wrong? P

I don't like the teachers. They don't really care about students. P

So, you don't like the teachers because they are not sympathetic? P

That's not it at all. In fact, everyone in the school is awful. P

Really? P

Everybody seems so self-centered. They just watch out for themselves. P

Uh-huh. Then do you have any friends at school? P

Not really. I find all of them superficial. P

How long have you been in that school? P

I moved there in my sophomore year. P

Did you know anyone when you first went to that school? P

No. I didn't know a single person. P

I understand. I hope you will be able to overcome the situation. P

Thank you for listening. P

26-15 Lesson 8-10-2

How's your school? P

It's horrible. P

Why? P

I don't think the instructors are good. They don't pay much attention to their pupils. P

So the instructors are horrible because of their disinterest? P

Actually every single person in the school is very unpleasant. P

How so? P

They all are so self-involved. They don't care about what happens to anyone as long as it isn't harmful to them. P

Then do you get along with your classmates? P

I don't have many friends because their words and actions seem so insincere. P

Have you been going to that school for a long time? P

I have been attending that school since junior year started. P

Were you well connected with anyone when you first moved there? P

Nope. I didn't know anyone and I still don't know anyone because everybody is so superficial. P

I see. Well I hope everything gets better. P

I want to thank you for listening to my problems. P

26-16 Lesson 8-10-3

Is everything all right in school? P

I don't really enjoy going to school. P

Why do you say that? P

I'm very unhappy with the way the teachers are treating us. P

So you think that the teachers are indifferent? P

Not only that, all the people in the school are terrible. P

Why? P

Everyone is so egotistical. They only watch out for themselves. P

Then did you make any friends? P

Not many. I find almost all of them so fake. P

How long did you attend that school? P

I just moved there in the beginning of senior year. P

Were you familiar with anybody there? P

No. I didn't know anyone then and I don't plan on being friends with anyone now. They are all so phony. P

I believe you. I just hope that everything gets better and that you'll be able to make some friends one day. P

Okay. Thanks for lending an ear. P

26-17 Lesson 8-11-1

What's up? P

Studying for the Physics midterm. P

You still have one more week. P

I don't like to cram things the day before the test. It's just better for me to study earlier. P

I cram the night before the test and I do just fine. P

Maybe that's your method of studying. P

Yeah, I spend less time studying and still get good grades. P

I spend more time studying and I almost always get the highest score on tests. P

You should have more fun while you're still young. P

But doing well in school is important because we are still students. P

I think always doing my best is very important, even though I can't enjoy my young age. P

At least, I'm satisfied with my effort. P

26-18 Lesson 8-11-2

I guess everyone has a different way of studying. P

But I get good grades even though I cram everything the day before. P

Well, I almost always get the top score by spending more time on studying. P

You're only a child once. You should have more fun while you still are one. P

If I get good grades now, it will be helpful in my future. P

Also, I just want to focus on my school life while I'm a student. P

Studying is the first duty that I have. P

My goal is not only getting high scores, but also focusing on my school life as much as I can. P

What are you doing? P

Studying for the Chemistry final. P

But it's next week. Why are you studying now? P

I like to study early so that I can have more time to prepare for the test. P

I only study the day before the test and I get good grades. P

26-19 Lesson 8-11-3

What are you doing? P

Studying for the Biology test. P

We're taking that test next week and you already started preparing? P

Yeah. But it's better to study early because you get more time to process all the information in your head. P

I do just fine even though I do everything the night before. P

Well I guess that's why everybody gets a different grade. P

I spend only a little time studying, and still manage to earn good grades. P

But I spend a lot more time studying and almost always get the top score. P

You should live life with joy while you're still young. P

If I study hard now, I could have more chances in the future. P

As you know, with good grades I have more opportunities to be accepted into good universities and companies in the future. P

Sometimes I just want to play, but I can endure temporary hardship to reach my goal. P

26-20 Lesson 8-12-1

Good morning class. We're having a pop quiz so please take out your writing equipment. P

Oh, man. P

Remember, class, to show all of your work. P

I know. P

No credit for those who do not show their work. P

Okay. P

Good luck everyone. P

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