24-1 Lesson 6-13-2

We are finally in Manhattan. I'm really happy! P

Look at all these people. We are completely encircled by them. P

What are we going to do now? P

What should we do? You want to take the subway to Wall Street? P

Good idea. P

If I'm not mistaken, isn't that the Manhattan Music Conservatory? P

Yes, it is. P

I want to visit it. P

You want to have a quick tour there then? P

Can we? P

I think it's possible. P

Hooray! P

24-2 Lesson 6-13-3

Are we really in Long Island? I can't believe it! P

Look at all those monuments. They look ancient. P

What's our schedule? P

Well, why don't we take the cruise and go to the statue of Liberty? P

Awesome! P

Is that a West Point Military Academy? P

I think so. P

I really want to go there. P

Really? Let's go then. P

Are we allowed to go there? P

Sure. Why not? P

Terrific! P

24-3 Lesson 6-14-1

I had the worst trip to China last summer. P

You didn't get diarrhea again like you did in Mexico did you? P

I lost my luggage at the airport and I wasted three days trying to find my luggage. P

So did someone try to steal your luggage, or was it just an accident? P

My luggage had been flown to Africa by accident. P

So did you finally get it back? P

Yes, I did, but I wasted so much of my vacation time searching for it. P

It really upset you, didn't it? P

24-4 Lesson 6-14-2

My trip to Iran was so miserable last year. P

How come? Did you have a bad experience? P

I went to the baggage carousel and my bag never came. It took over a week to recover it. P

So it was a mess! P

They accidentally shipped my bag to Mexico. P

They found it though, right? P

I had to make so many phone calls and had to check the lost and found at the airport daily. P

I was so worried. I was so angry that they didn't even apologize or compensate me in some way for my wasted vacation time. P

You must have been really angry! P

24-5 Lesson 6-14-3

The worst vacation I had was last year in Israel. P

It sounds like something bad must've happened. P

The airport workers lost my luggage and I had no clean clothes for the whole month. P

Did they reimburse you somehow? P

They said that one of the workers thought he had found my long lost luggage. P

Were you able to get it returned? P

It was stressful, but I finally recovered it and the airport did not even reimburse me for their mistake. P

The airport officials should've reimbursed me. I mean, I had no clothes for so long! P

Wow! You must have been very mad! P

24-6 Lesson 6-15-1

I enjoyed watching the film from your trip to Africa. P

Yeah. It was fantastic. P

What makes you feel that way? P

The customs of their culture. P

How nice! P

Yeah, I want to go there again someday. P

24-7 Lesson 6-15-2

I'm really enjoying watching the film clip you shot in England. P

They have an outstanding culture and a beautiful country. P

What interested you the most about the British? P

Their speech patterns and their smiles. P

There are some very good shots. P

I would have taken better shots if I had a better filming technique. P

24-8 Lesson 6-15-3

The video from your trip to Hawaii is so entertaining! P

How do you like it? Isn't it great? P

It's fabulous. What did you like the most about your trip? P

Their tribal dances and crafts. P

Unbelievable. P

If I had more time, I would have taken more pictures. P

24-9 Lesson 6-16-1

Where have you been? P

I was away in Russia on vacation. P

That's awesome. How was it? P

I loved every second of it. I wish I could live there. P

What places did you go see? P

I went to a lot of museums and palaces. P

Am I going to be able to see a lot of pretty pictures? P

Of course, but I need to put an album together before I can show you. P

You seem to have really enjoyed your summer break. P

Maybe next time I will go Jamaica. P

Do you think I can go with you then? P

Sure, but we should start planning it now. P

24-10 Lesson 6-16-2

Did you go anywhere? P

Sorry I didn't tell you. I was in Canada with my family. P

You're so lucky. You always go on trips. So did you enjoy your vacation? P

It was an amazing vacation. I can't stop thinking about it. P

Where did you go and what did you see? P

I took a tour of the historic catacombs and other regions. P

Did you take a lot of photographs? P

I took a lot of pictures, but I don't know when I'm going to get them all organized into an album. P

I think you had a great vacation overall. P

I was thinking about Korea for next year. P

Will you let me travel with you the next time you go somewhere? P

I would be glad if you came with me. We should prepare for the trip early though. P

24-11 Lesson 6-16-3

I couldn't reach you. Were you on vacation? P

I was in Korea visiting some relatives. P

Did you have a good time? P

I had the best time ever. I can't wait to go back there again. P

Did you visit any places of interest or places that you enjoyed visiting especially? P

I enjoyed the military bases and national parks. P

Did you bring back any pictures using that camera of yours? P

I'm almost done organizing them and putting the final touches on an album. I'll show them to you tomorrow. P

So you had a better spring break than I did. P

My next trip will be to the Caribbean Islands. P

Take me with you on your next trip! P

Great. It would be great to be with a friend. I'll call you later with further details. P

24-12 Lesson 6-17-1

Cats and Dogs: Many people have different ideas about these two animals. P

Dogs are described as loyal to their owners. P

They listen to their owner's words carefully. They are so friendly. P

They can even protect their owners from dangerous animals. In other words, they think that their owner is a god. P

Cats are different than dogs. P

They are cleaner than dogs. P

They can catch almost any rodent that you find disgusting. P

They just need a little attention and care. P

But they do not think their owners are their masters. P

Then which one is better? P

24-13 Lesson 6-17-2

Cats and Dogs : Some people like cats and some people like dogs. P

Dogs are very friendly and obedient. P

Whatever their owner say, dogs obediently follow their command. P

They are so meek. However, if their owners get in trouble, they become aggressive. They think that their owner is a master. P

Cats are different when compared to dogs. P

They are quieter than dogs. P

They enjoy their own time. P

They consider their owners friends rather than masters. P

Sometimes they are not friendly as dogs, but they are nice overall. P

Then which one do you prefer? P

24-14 Lesson 6-17-3

Cats and Dogs: Which one do you like better, cats or dogs? P

Dogs are the most common pets and they are treated like members of the family by their owners. P

They usually follow their owners' commands. Even though some of them are small, they try to protect their owners from danger. P

They can be very docile, but can become energetic occasionally. P

The major characteristics of a cat's personality are different from the traits of a dog's personality. They are neater and tidier than dogs. P

They always want a clean environment. P

They don't want to play all the time with their owners. P

Paying too much attention to cats sometime makes them irritable. P

Also, sometimes they need time alone. P

Then which one is better? P

24-15 Lesson 6-18-1

There are two kinds of people in this world. P

There are those who take and those who give. P

The givers, those who are selfless, always have other's best interests at heart. P

Selfish people look out for themselves first. P

24-16 Lesson 6-18-2

In this world there are mainly two types of people. P

There are those who give and those who take. P

Those who give may give generously to charities. P

Those who take keep their money for themselves. P

24-17 Lesson 6-18-3

There are two types or kinds of people in our world. P

There are those who live for themselves and those who live for others. P

Those who live for others share their time and money. P

Those who live for themselves alone often squander their money and time. P

24-18 Lesson 7-1-1

Students are becoming slaves to fashion. P

That is why it is important for students to wear uniforms in school. P

Students compete with one another by wearing fashionable clothing. P

Teachers complain that students use class time to compare clothes. P

There are also students who do not fit in because they cannot afford clothes that are deemed fashionable. P

Students waste their earnings to pay for the clothes they want. P

This world will consist of stylish, yet ignorant people if uniforms aren't required by schools. P

24-19 Lesson 7-1-2

Students seem to be more interested in fashion than in school. P

That's why uniforms are a must. P

Students spend too much time in the morning deciding what to wear to school. P

Teachers complain that students treat the classroom like a catwalk. P

There are also students who do not make friends because they are not considered fashionable enough by their peers. P

Students study less so that they can go to work and afford designer clothes. P

If we don't act now, this will be filled with fashionable, but mindless people. P

24-20 Lesson 7-1-3

Students these days are getting involved with fashion. P

That's why uniforms should be worn in every school. P

Students are having a hard time concentrating in school. P

Teachers complain that their classrooms have become a runway for their students. P

There are also students who do not get along with others because they do not fit in. P

Parents sacrifice their hard earned money so that their children can buy the latest clothes. P

Therefore, wearing uniforms should be strictly enforced in schools. P

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