22-1 Lesson 5-18-1

Thank God it's Friday! This week was exhausting. P

Do you have any plans for this weekend? P

I'm going to my grandparent's house this evening to have supper. P

That's nice. P

And tomorrow I'm having some people over for lunch, so I have to cook. P

I'm supposed to have dinner with my co-workers today, but I'm really tired. P

Then you're just going to stay home? P

Yeah, I think so. P

22-2 Lesson 5-18-2

T.G.I.F! This week was dragging on forever. I thought it would never end. P

What are you going to do on Saturday and Sunday? P

I'm going to visit my parents and go out to dinner with them. P

How wonderful. P

Then tomorrow I need to cook because I invited a couple of people over for brunch. P

Today I'm supposed to go out to my high school reunion, but I'm really busy. P

Then you're not going out? P

Yeah, probably. P

22-3 Lesson 5-18-3

It's Friday! I thought this week would never end. P

Are you going to do anything? P

I'm planning to take my family to a restaurant. P

Good for you. P

Then tomorrow I'm having people over to my place for a barbecue. P

I'm going to hang out time with my friends tonight, but I don't feel like going. P

So I guess you're going to relax. P

Yeah, I guess so. P

22-4 Lesson 6-1-1

What do you like to do in your free time? P

I like to watch movies. P

What is your favorite kind? P

I mostly like horror movies. P

I don't like horror films. They're really scary. P

Then what are your hobbies? P

I really don't have one right now. P

How about taking a dance class? P

I don't know. I usually don't have free time on my hands. P

Then make time. P

22-5 Lesson 6-1-2

What is your hobby? P

I love watching musicals. P

Do you like any specific ones? P

I like anything. P

I hate scary flicks. They are so frightening. P

Then what do you do in your leisure time? P

Oh. I don't know. I guess I haven't really found a passion in my life. P

What about taking an art class? P

I would like to, but I'm really busy with school and everything. P

You can always make time for something if you have good time management. P

22-6 Lesson 6-1-3

Do you have any interesting things to do? P

My hobby is watching documentaries. P

Is there a particular kind of movie that you like? P

My favorites are films that have a meaning to them. P

I dislike scary movies. I can't go to sleep after I watch one. P

Then what do you like to do? P

I don't know. I haven't found something that I like. P

How about taking up music? P

I don't have enough time for lessons. P

It's your loss. P

22-7 Lesson 6-2-1

This is awesome! P

It sure is! I can't believe you've never been to a Maroon 5 concert. P

But these concerts are so expensive. P

You're right, but it's such fun. I never miss a Maroon 5 concert. I'm going to their Miami concert tomorrow. P

You are? P

Yeah. P

But you'll miss our school performance. P

I don't care. I'm still going. P

Wow. You must be a really big fan. P

Of course. P

22-8 Lesson 6-2-2

This concert rocks! P

You're right. Black Eyed Peas rock! P

I usually don't go to any concerts because the tickets are so overpriced. P

It is expensive, but it's all worth it in the end. I'm going to their Florida festival too. P

Really? P

Yup. P

Then you're not going to the school musical? P

There is no way I'm going to miss that concert. P

Somebody really loves them, huh? P

I do. P

22-9 Lesson 6-2-3

What a great concert! P

This band is great! P

But these concert tickets are so costly. P

But it's such fun! I don't want to miss a single one of their performances. That's why I'm going to their concert next week. P

Are you really? P

Yes. P

You'll miss the school gala. I thought you were going. P

I'm not missing that concert for anything. P

You must be a really big fan of the group. P

Yeah. P

22-10 Lesson 6-3-1

Will you please make up your mind? P

There are many things I can't eat. P

You hate almost everything, even bacon. What kind of a person doesn't like bacon? P

Hey, stop it. How about mushroom, sausage, and tomatoes? P

I thought you hated tomatoes. P

I do. Then let's get this one. P

It has green peppers in it. P

Look who's being picky now. P

For your information I'm allergic to green peppers. P

Oh, then let's get red onions, extra cheese, and mushrooms. P

Agreed. P

Let's order then. P

22-11 Lesson 6-3-2

Can you please hurry up? P

There are things that I really don't like. P

You always say that! P

Very funny. Listen to this one. It has meat, extra cheese, and tomatoes. P

You don't like tomatoes, remember? P

I know. Then, how about this one? P

It has green peppers. P

And you say I'm picky? P

Well, I'm allergic to green peppers, so I can't eat it. P

Fine, then let's get pineapple, onions, and mushrooms. P

Okay. P

Waiter. P

22-12 Lesson 6-3-3

Gosh! You're so picky. P

I know I'm picky. P

You might as well not eat anything. P

Yeah, that's me! This one sounds great. It has onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes. P

Don't you hate tomatoes? P

Yeah, I do. Then should we get this one? P

Green peppers? P

You complain about how I'm picky? Look at you. You're doing the same thing. P

I'm not being picky. It's just that I get horrible rashes when I eat green peppers. P

I see. Let's have olives, onions, and extra cheese. P

All right. P

Let's start ordering. P

22-13 Lesson 6-4-1

What are you going to do during summer vacation? P

Have fun. How about you? P

I'm going somewhere with my family next week. P

Where are you going? P

I'm going to Big Bear. P

Really? It sounds great. P

They have lots of activities, including horseback riding, snorkeling, and bungee jumping. P

Are you going to do any of those things you mentioned? P

I think I'll do everything. P

Have a good trip. P

22-14 Lesson 6-4-2

Are you planning to do anything during the break? P

Relax and enjoy life, and you? P

My family and I are going away this week. P

Where? P

I'm going to the Silver Saddle Reserve. P

That sounds fun. P

There are many things to do there, like paragliding, fishing, and star gazing. P

What are you going to do? P

I want to do anything that's fun. P

Have fun and be safe. P

22-15 Lesson 6-4-3

What are your plans now that you've finished school? P

I'm going on a vacation. What about you? P

Me too. P

Where to? P

I'm going to Lake Tahoe. P

It sounds like a fun place. P

There are a lot of things to do there, like hiking, kayaking, and sky diving. P

Which one of those are you going to do? P

I'm going to try and do all of them. P

Enjoy your vacation. P

22-16 Lesson 6-5-1

Can I get any bicycle I want? P

Of course, but a bicycle is really hard to ride. P

I can practice. P

I think you need a bicycle with training wheel first. P

What are training wheels? P

They are two small wheels attached on either side of the back wheel. P

So it has four wheels? P

Yeah. Look at those bicycles over there. You see the small wheels attached to the side? Those are training wheels. P

I see it. Can I have one with a basket on the front? P

Yeah, sure. P

Let's buy it! P

22-17 Lesson 6-5-2

Can I really get the bike I prefer? P

Yes, but I think it will be much too difficult for you. P

I'll do my best. P

I don't want you hurting yourself, so let's get it with training wheels. P

What is that? P

They are tiny tires that stick out so that you can keep your balance. P

Does it have four wheels? P

Yes. They're the bicycles over there. P

I can see them. Then can I have one with a horn? P

Of course you can. P

Yay! P

22-18 Lesson 6-5-3

Are you really going to buy me a bicycle? P

I guess so, but I'm worried that it might be difficult for you. P

I'm sure I'll get used to it. P

Let's get one with practice wheels just in case. P

I've never heard of that before. P

There are two extra wheels on it so that you won't fall down. P

So there are four wheels on the bike. P

Exactly. Look, those are bicycles with training wheels. P

Oh, I see it. Do you think I can have a pink one? P

Okay. P

Goodie! P

22-19 Lesson 6-6-1

Do you think I can have something to eat? P

I don't know. Let me check. P

Okay. P

Sorry, there's nothing to eat. P

Then let's order something. P

Okay. How about pizza? P

Do you have the phone number? P

I think I lost it. Do you mind finding the number for me? P

Got it. The number is 248-3562 P

What toppings do you want? P

Anything is fine. P

Anything else? P

That's it. P

22-20 Lesson 6-6-2

Is there anything to eat here? P

We should have something to eat. I'll look in the fridge. P

I'll help you. P

I guess we're all out of food. P

Why don't we order something to eat? P

All right. Do you like pizza? P

Do you know their number? P

I don't think so. Can you do me a favor and look it up? P

Okay. It's 957-4051. P

What shall I order? P

Anything is okay as long it has olives on it. P

Is that it? P

Just tell them to hurry. P

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