21-1 Lesson 5-11-2

Tim, let's go watch the latest comedy at the movie theatre tomorrow. P

Okay. Let's meet up at the restaurant where we had dinner last week. P

I can't recall where that is. P

Just name a place and I'll pick you up. P

Do you knows starbucks, right? P

Yes, I know. P

I'll wait for you there at six. P

I'll meet you there. Bye. P

21-2 Lesson 5-11-3

Hey, Alex, are you busy tomorrow? Let's go to the concert. P

Cool. Let's meet at the book store we went to last Saturday. P

I really don't know where that is. P

If you name a place, I'll pick you up from there. P

Do you know the donut store in front of my house? P

I know where it is. P

Lets meet there at five. P

See you there then. P

21-3 Lesson 5-12-1

I don't feel like cooking today. Let's eat out. P

Where do you want to eat? P

I feel like eating Chinese today. P

That's fine with me. How about the new place that just opened? P

Good idea. Give me a minute to get ready. P

I'll reserve a table while you're doing that. P

21-4 Lesson 5-12-2

I'm not in the mood to make dinner. Let's go out to eat tonight. P

What are you in the mood for? P

I'm in the mood for Italian. P

Okay. Lets try that new place they opened in the farmer's market. P

Okay, but just give me a second so I can put on my makeup. P

In the meantime I'll book us a table. P

21-5 Lesson 5-12-3

Can we eat out tonight? I really don't feel like making dinner. P

Okay. Where should we go? P

I think I would like to eat Mexican food. P

I want to go to that new place that just opened in the market square. P

Good call. Give me a moment so that I can change my clothes. P

I'll call ahead so that we can get a table. P

21-6 Lesson 5-13-1

Excuse me. Could you tell me where the pants are? P

Please follow me. P

These are perfect except these are too small. I'm a size 4. P

Hold on. I'm sorry, but we're out of size 4. P

What? When will the next shipment arrive? P

Some time next week. P

21-7 Lesson 5-13-2

Hi. Can you show me where the skirts are? P

I'll be delighted. Come this way. P

I love these, but they won't fit. They are too small. I wear size 6. P

Just a moment please. We're very sorry, but we don't have any size six in stock. P

Oh well. Then when will you have some in stock? P

You'll have to wait at least a week. P

21-8 Lesson 5-13-3

Excuse me. Can you help me find the shoe section? P

Of course. If you will please follow me. P

These are my style, but I need them in a bigger size. A size 7 at least. P

Can you wait a minute? I'm sorry. We are all out of size seven. P

What bad luck. When will you get more of these in? P

We will be getting a new shipment of them next week. P

21-9 Lesson 5-14-1

Excuse me, sir. P

Yes? P

I'm new here and I need to find a Whole Foods market. Do you know where one is? P

Do you have a pen and paper? P

Give me a second. Okay, go. P

Listen carefully. P

I'm listening. P

Go straight to La Cienega and turn right at the first traffic signal. Make another right at the Grove. P

Okay. P

Afterwards make a left and go straight down the alley. You'll be able to see the market's parking structure. P

Thank you. You were very helpful. P

I live here, so I'm really familiar with this area. P

Really? Well thanks again. P

Hope you find what you're looking for. P

21-10 Lesson 5-14-2

Excuse me. P

Can I help you? P

I'm new to this town. I'm looking for a restaurant called "Joan's on Third". P

Do you have something to write with? P

Hold on. Okay, I'm ready. P

The streets here can be very confusing so you'll have to listen carefully. P

Okay. P

Keep going straight on Broadway and make a right at the first traffic signal. Then make another right turn at the park. P

Go on. P

When you cross an alley, make a left there and you'll be able to see the market's parking lot. P

Thank you for your time. I really appreciate it. P

No problem. I've lived here my whole life, so I know this place very well. P

Oh. I didn't know. Thanks. P

Good luck. P

21-11 Lesson 5-14-3

Excuse me, sir. P

Do you need something? P

This is my first time here and I don't know how to get to the Beverly Hills hospital. P

I'll tell you as soon as you get something to write it down with. P

Wait. Okay, go on. P

You could get lost easily so keep your ears open. P

All right. P

Go down Wilshire and at the first traffic signal make a right. When you reach the first intersection make a right again. P

Mm-hmm. P

Make a left as soon as you've made the right turn on Grove. Then you'll see an alley leading to the market's parking lot. P

Thank you so much. P

It was nothing. I'm really familiar with this area. P

Is that so? Well thanks. P

Bye. P

21-12 Lesson 5-15-1

Mom! Can I use the internet really quickly? P

Why do you need to go online this late? P

I forgot to do research for my project. P

Which project? P

I'm doing a research on toys that move at night and stay completely still in the day. P

There is no such thing. P

You're not being very supportive. P

Fine. But only for ten minutes. P

Thanks Mom! P

Yeah. Yeah. P

21-13 Lesson 5-15-2

Mommy!!! I need to go online real quick. P

Why this late? P

I completely forgot to finish my project. P

What project? P

My research is on toys that move like humans when we all fall asleep. P

I've never heard of these toys. P

Are you trying to discourage me from doing my project? P

Okay. I'll give you fifteen minutes only. P

Love you, Mom! P

Right. P

21-14 Lesson 5-15-3

Mother! May I please use the computer? P

Why? P

I need to finish my research for my project. P

Project? P

My research topic is on these weird toys that move at night and stay still during the day time. P

I can't believe it! P

Do you want me to get an A or not? P

Go ahead sweety. Use the internet as much as you want. P

Thank you Mom! P

No problem. P

21-15 Lesson 5-16-1

Can I help you? P

I bought this knit hat three days ago. P

Is there something wrong? P

Yeah, I should have checked it twice before I bought it. P

I don't see anything wrong with it. P

The color here is different from the color over here. P

Did you wash it in the laundry? P

No, I just noticed it as I was putting it on for the first time yesterday. P

We're sorry. There must have been something wrong with the machine. P

It's okay. P

Please, wait here. P

Okay. P

Do you want a refund or an exchange? P

I just want my money back. P

Okay. Here is your money. P

21-16 Lesson 5-16-2

Do you need help? P

Yes. It's this scarf. P

You don't like it? P

Yes, but I should have checked more carefully before I left this store. P

Why? Is there something wrong with it? P

There is a loose peice of yarn over here. P

Did you do something to it? P

No, it was in the bag until I took it out this morning. P

It must have been a mistake at the factory. P

It's all right. P

Please wait so I can go talk to the manager. P

All right. P

Do you want your money back or something else from this store? P

I want a refund. P

That's fine. Here is your money and once again we are sorry for the inconvenience. P

21-17 Lesson 5-16-3

May I help you? P

These are the mittens I bought four days ago. P

Is there something you don't like about them? P

I should have checked my purchases more carefully before I bought them. P

It looks all right to me. P

This area over here is discolored. P

Did you wash it? P

I didn't do anything to it. I noticed it today as I was wearing them for the first time. P

I'm sorry. I'm sure it was the manufacturer's fault. P

That's okay. P

I need you to wait here for a moment. P

Fine. P

Would you like a cash refund or would you like to exchange it for something else? P

I don't want anything else from this store. Just give me a refund. P

Here is your refund, and thank you for coming to our store. P

21-18 Lesson 5-17-1

Did Liesl, Friedrich, and Brigitta sign up already? P

They did. Now choose your job, dear! P

I want to set the dinner table and take out the trash out. P

You have one more left. How about sweeping the floor? P

No. I hate doing that. P

Then do you want to do everything twice? P

I want to, but I have soccer practices at night, and if I come home it will be too dark to walk the dog. P

I see. It would also be too late to vacuum the house because of the noise. P

He got all the good chores. Make him change something. P

I guess you'll have to do what you need to do. P

Mom! P

No. Do it. P

21-19 Lesson 5-17-2

Did Joanna, Marcus, and Luis already choose their chores, Mom? P

They already did. It's your turn to choose darling! P

I want to dust the furniture and take Max for a walk. P

You still need to pick one more. Why don't you do the dishes? P

No, thank you. P

Then how about taking a double task? P

I wish I could, but coach moved our football practices to the evening. By the time I get home it will be too late to walk Max. P

You're right. It's also too late to use the vacuum because it is too noisy. P

She got all the easy chores, Mom. Make her give one up and change it with mine. P

I guess you'll have to do it. P

Please, Mom. P

It's settled. P

21-20 Lesson 5-17-3

Mom, did Peter, Frank, and Marta pick their tasks? P

Yes, they did. Now pick your duties! P

I choose taking the dog for a walk and watering the yard. P

There's still one more that you need to do. How about organizing the books? P

I'm not good at that job. P

Then how would you like to do the job more than once? P

I would if I could, but basketball practice is in the evening, so I don't have time to do it. P

And you can't use the vacuum at night because it is too loud. P

They always get the same chores. I want one of hers. Make her change one, Mom. P

You have no choice but to do them. P

No. Please, Mom. I'll do anything. P

Do the chores or we can't finish cleaning the house. P

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