2-1 Lesson 1-7-3

This is a bad day for me. I can't find my USB. P

Remember the locations you were in and see if you can guess where you might've lost it. P

I can't think. I really need it back quickly. P

You're going to have to relax and describe the details of that item so I can help you find it. P

The brand name is LG. It's pearly white with my name on the front. P

I think this is it. P

Wrong one. I swear I put it in my backpack. P

You dummy! You had it in your front pocket and you forgot about it. P

2-2 Lesson 1-8-1

This is such a bad day. The GPS system that my dad got me for my birthday is not in my pocket. P

We'll have to backtrack and see if we can find it on the way. P

Remember when we took that raft on the river? You think I could've lost it then? P

That is possible. I think you lost it somewhere else though. P

I trust you. Let's head on over to the trail. P

I'm sure it'll turn up on the way. It's just a matter of time. P

2-3 Lesson 1-8-2

I'm so sad. I lost the ring that my grandmother gave me.It's priceless. I'm not able to find it. P

Let's head back the way we came. I think we should be able to find it. P

The kayaking event a couple hours ago could've been the time I lost it. You think it's in the river? P

I'm pretty sure you didn't lose it then. Let's just head to the path we first came through. P

Fine. Let's get going then. P

You'll find it soon. Don't worry. P

2-4 Lesson 1-8-3

I can't believe this. The compass that my best friend gave me is gone. P

We'll just go back on the path we came on and begin there. P

I was in a canoe with you. P

No. You didn't lose anything at that time. I'm sure you lost it on the trail somewhere. P

I believe you. It's going to be a long walk and a long search. P

Hey, I see something shiny on the ground. We found it. Your luck is getting better. P

2-5 Lesson 1-9-1

At my house, I have many photographs around. P

There's one with the whole family in it. P

This one is of me and my sister at the amusement park. P

Above the fireplace is the photo of my grandmother and grandfather. P

A picture of my father's siblings is in his den. P

I also keep a picture of every family reunion in this album under the coffee table. P

Many of these pictures feature beautiful canyon landscapes. P

2-6 Lesson 1-9-2

I have some large scale paintings of my family in the living room. P

That painting contains my immediate family. P

This canvas was created a long time ago. P

This picture is of my mom and me sitting in the pasture. P

In the kitchen, there is a portrait of my sister and my mom. P

In this picture of my family, we were standing in front of our old house. P

The backgrounds of our paintings contain a lot of scenic beauty because my family loves the outdoors. P

2-7 Lesson 1-9-3

I have portraits of family members all around the house. P

My mom, dad, and sister are in this portrait. P

My favorite image is this one. It's of me at the zoo. The horse is licking my face. P

In my room, I keep a picture of all my cousins. P

I have this photo of my dog and bird at the head of my my bed. P

A picture of my uncles and aunts also has a place in the living room. P

A lot of these photos have an ocean in the background. We go surfing a lot. P

2-8 Lesson 1-10-1

Hey! Do you know where my backpack went? P

You mean the one you bring to school? P

Yes. P

Nope. I haven't seen it. P

Well, since you're my friend, please help me look for it. P

Why not? Where were you before now? P

I was at the store today. P

You might want to go back and check it out. P

It's not there. P

I think I see it. It was in the bathroom. P

Thanks a lot. P

2-9 Lesson 1-10-2

Did you happen to see my messenger bag? P

The green one, right? P

Of course. P

Not today. P

I've got class soon. Can you help me find it? P

I'd be glad to help. Do you remember where you were today? P

I was shopping at the mall. P

We'll go over there and start looking. P

I asked the security guard and he said he hasn't come across any lost items. P

You're lucky I found it. Your bag was in this trash can. P

You're a great detective. P

2-10 Lesson 1-10-3

Have you seen my bag by any chance? P

The one you got as a present from your grandmother? P

Yes. P

Sorry. I haven't seen it. P

I need your help to find it. P

Sure. Where do you think you lost it? P

Before coming to school, I stopped by the gym to work out. P

Let's hurry up and check at the gym. P

I already asked the janitors there, but they hadn't seen it. P

Hey! Look! Isn't that your bag under the weight machine? P

Yes, it is. Thank you. P

2-11 Lesson 1-11-1

Good luck charms are important to those who are superstitious. P

A four leaf clover is perceived to bring good luck. P

Finding a penny with the head facing up is considered to bring luck. P

If you find a ladybug, things will go in your favor that day. P

Sometimes people cross their fingers hoping that something will go in their favor. P

The practice of throwing rice at the bride and groom at weddings is in the hopes that the new couple will live happily ever after. P

Others wear a favorite shirt that they think will help bring them good fortune. P

2-12 Lesson 1-11-2

People carry around special ornaments for good fortune. P

Some people carry the cross to ward off demons and devils. P

Horseshoes are supposed to conjure good will and fortune. P

The number seven signifies both the heavens and good luck. P

A common tradition to ensure that the New Year will be filled with good events is eating black-eyed peas on New Year's day. P

Another method people take seriously is chanting or praying. P

Some people will wear their caps inside out to have things go in their favor. P

2-13 Lesson 1-11-3

Some people carry around objects that they believe have mystical powers. P

For muslims, a necklace with the crescent moon might be a symbol of protection. P

People carry a rabbit's foot, which they think will bring them luck or success. P

The expression "knock on wood" is said so that nothing is jinxed and only good things will happen. P

Some consider being born on Christmas Day a blessing that means you're chosen to lead a great life. P

A routine of some sort is performed by many superstitious people to ward off bad luck. P

Many people believe in karma and think doing good deeds will bring good luck and fortune. P

2-14 Lesson 1-12-1

Traveling on a plane for more than ten hours is tiring. P

You should move around to circulate the blood in your extremities. P

There are exercises to help people get through this ordeal. P

Stretching before any strenuous work is a given. P

Doing some jumping jacks gets the blood moving, and your heartrate up. P

If your legs are feeling numb, shake them and stretch them out. P

If your arms are cramping or going to sleep, massage them thoroughly. P

Mental fatigue is also a negative side effect, so some neck exercises can help. P

2-15 Lesson 1-12-2

It is difficult for people to drive in the same position for many hours. P

With the lack of body movement, the muscles get cramped and blood doesn't circulate well. P

In order to release the stress and relieve the pain, you should stretch. P

Many of these activities are recommended by physicians. P

While you are driving, sit properly with your eyes at the correct angle so that they will not tire quickly. P

Wiggle your fingers to exercise them. P

If you can't stay alert yourself and become drowsy, drink an energy drink or coffee. P

Deep breathing will stimulate the blood cells. P

2-16 Lesson 1-12-3

Having to work while standing is very stressful and inconvenient for many people, including professors, waiters, and cooks. P

When people get groggy and aren't able to stand up straight, other debilitating symptoms occur. P

You don't have to always take pain medications and apply creams to treat the pain. P

Before standing up for a long period of time, getting loose and warming up is a good idea. P

You can get the blood flowing to the arms and legs by doing simple sit ups. P

The numbness may be overwhelming if your legs fall asleep, so massage them until they regain feeling. P

For your arms, do some pushups to get the blood pumping. P

Take in some fresh air, since you've been traveling all day inside. P

2-17 Lesson 1-13-1

Native Americans were the first inhabitants of North America. P

Native Americans wandered around the different regions and established settlements. P

When white men entered into the Native's territory with arms to force them to abandon their land, the Indians' happiness was threatened. P

From a military perspective, Natives carried only arrows, spears, and bows. P

Native Americans did not have the power to resist the white man. P

Native Americans surrendered and had to give up their lands. P

Today, some Native Americans live in tight knit communities known as reservations. P

2-18 Lesson 1-13-2

European settlers brought a number of new diseases to the previously unknown new world. P

The Europeans wanted to take the land to build their own communities. P

The Europeans brought supplies and goods. P

The Native Americans traded parcels of their land to get weaponry. P

Through war between the Europeans and Natives, the Europeans achieved victory. P

Some unprincipled whites often got the natives drunk and took their land unfairly. P

Today, some Native Americans live in tight knit communities called reservations. P

2-19 Lesson 1-13-3

Long before the white men landed their ships in North America, a different color of people lived in what we now know as the United States. P

The Europeans did not respect the culture of the other occupants and sought to drive out the natives. P

The whites had the advantage over the Indians and could wipe them out. P

The unscrupolous whites often got the natives drunk and took their land from them. P

There are only a few hundred thousand natives left. It's a sad story of what happened to their way of life. P

In the battle between the Europeans and Natives, the Europeans achieved victory. P

Today, some Native Americans live in isolated communities called reservations. P

2-20 Lesson 1-14-1

I left my home in Los Angeles a year ago and went to live in Miami. P

My relatives didn't think that I made the right choice. P

They didn't agree with me because they thought I would be going to a region with a number of natural disasters. P

I can't guarantee that bad incidents occur. It can be hazardous, but I think I can handle it. P

People worry too much about the issues that affect this town. P

Even so, I think that my new home is pleasant and lovely. P

When I do the grocery shopping, people help me by carrying the bags. Friendliness is one of their habits. P

I was never alone. P

People encouraged me to join them for luncheons and to enjoy fellowship. P

I'm very lucky to meet these polite and generous people. P

I met a man from my town, and I have decided that we are going to get married. P

I am really enjoying experiencing these phases of my life. P

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