17-1 Lesson 4-2-3

Global Travel Agency. How may I be at your service? P

I need a flight to New York. P

Southwestern and Pan Am are taking off for the location. Do you know which one you would rather fly on? P

An inexpensive one please? P

Good news! Southwestern is having their anniversary event. P

Awesome! What's the price? P

Originally it was a hundred, but now it's only 50 dollars. P

My mom really wanted to go to trip with me but she thought that the plane tickets would be too expensive. P

Then, do you want to discuss it with her and call us back? P

I think I will. P

Of course. P

Thanks a lot. P

17-2 Lesson 4-3-1

Paramount Travel Agency. P

Hi. I would like to book a flight from California to New York for March 3rd. P

Just a minute please. There are two flights for Sunday. P

If it's possible, I'd like to leave in the evening. P

Hold on. I'm sorry but all evening flights are booked. P

Oh. Then do you have anything for the morning? P

There are eleven seats left. P

Excellent! I take then. P

17-3 Lesson 4-3-2

Four Seasons Tour and Travel. How may I help you? P

I would like to go from Washington to Chicago on May fifth. P

Please hold. There are two flights left for Monday. P

I'd like to leave as soon as possible. I would prefer the evening flight. P

Just a moment. I'm sorry, but there are no seats left for the evening flight. P

Then, is there anything for the morning flight? P

In fact, there are exactly five seats left. P

Wonderful! I'll take that flight. P

17-4 Lesson 4-3-3

First Class Travel Agency at your service. P

I need to get from Arizona to Seattle on June twelfth. P

Please hold a moment. There are two seats left for Saturday. P

Is it possible to leave at night? P

Hang on. I'm sorry. All flights are booked for the evening. P

Then are there any flights left for the morning? P

There are exactly two seats left. P

I'll take one. P

17-5 Lesson 4-4-1

Good evening. Plooey's Plumbing Services. P

Hi. My toilet is clogged. Could you send somebody down here? P

I'm sorry but the plumber is busy today. P

Is there anyone else? Maybe you can take a look at it. P

No. I'm sorry. We are all busy at the moment. P

Then I want a word with the manager. P

The manager isn't available right now. Did you try flushing the toilet? P

I already tried. P

We'll call you as soon as we have a spot open. P

Okay. P

17-6 Lesson 4-4-2

Central Plumbing Company. How may I help you? P

Yes. Can you help me? There's something wrong with the toilet. P

I'm sorry to tell you but the plumber wasn't feeling well so he took the day off. P

Then could you take a look at it? P

Sorry. I'm only the secretary. P

Then connect me to the manager. P

The manager is very busy right now. How about trying to flush the toilet? P

I've already done that. P

I will try to arrange your appointment. We'll call as soon as possible. P

Fine. P

17-7 Lesson 4-4-3

Hi. Porky's Plumbing. How may I be at your service? P

Yeah, I need someone to help me. My toilet is broken. P

I'm afraid the plumber is on vacation right now. Can I take a message? P

Is there no one else? Can you take a look at it? P

I'm sorry there is no one here and I only take calls and schedule appointments. P

Then I want to speak with whoever is in charge. P

The manager isn't in. Did you try flushing the toilet? P

I've done everything already. P

We'll give you a call as soon as the plumber gets back. P

All right. P

17-8 Lesson 4-5-1

Hey, Sam. Who is Dr. Rincon? P

Oh, he's the interim professor of the math department. P

I have to take this package and hand it to him personally. Can you tell me what he looks like? P

He's tall, has black curly hair and is African American. P

Have you seen the professor today? Do you know what he wore today? P

No, but I heard he usually wears a black jumpsuit every day. P

Are there any other distinct features that might help me to recognize him? P

Not that I can think of. P

Do you know where I can find him? P

He's probably at his office in the science building. Just ask someone at the building. P

Thank you for your information. Bye. P

No problem. Bye. P

17-9 Lesson 4-5-2

I have a question, Jacob. Do you know who Dr. Shoput is? P

You didn't hear? He's the replacement professor for Dr. Hicks. P

I don't know what he looks like but I need to deliver this to him. How can I recognize him? P

The man is very short. He has blue eyes. The wrinkles on his face are like creases in the Grand Canyon. P

Did you see him today? What was he wearing? P

Not today. People tell me that he wears faded jeans and a pink shirt. P

Is there anything about this person that you know so I can find him easily? P

I don't think there are any more distinctive features. That's all I know. P

I need to find him. Can you tell me where his office is? P

I think he's in the teacher's snack room. P

I appreciate your help. See you tomorrow. P

Sure. Bye. P

17-10 Lesson 4-5-3

Who is Dr. Jim? P

The school just hired him for the new Department of Quantum Physics. P

I'm going to have to ask him some questions personally. Can you elaborate on his appearance? P

Well, he's six feet tall. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. P

There are a lot of people who look like that. Do you know what he wore today? P

No, I have no idea. Well, he routinely wears jean shorts and a flannel sweater. P

What else can you tell me? Does he wear glasses or any hats? P

There is nothing more that I know other than what I've already told you. P

Where does this guy usually eat lunch? P

It's most likely that when he's not teaching, he's at the lab doing experiments. I hear he even eats there. P

Thanks a lot. I'll meet up with you later tonight. P

All right. P

17-11 Lesson 4-6-1

I was born in Germany on March 14, 1879. P

I am an American physicist. P

Even though my overall school record was not good, I always got outstanding math scores. P

I majored in physics at Swiss Zurich Industrial College. P

After my studies, I published a special theory related to light. P

Because of the theory, I became the most famous physicist in the world. P

Finally, I won the Nobel prize. P

17-12 Lesson 4-6-2

Germany is my mother country. P

My name is Einstein, and I am an American physicist. P

As a student, I usually failed to get good scores, but I was really gifted in math. P

I majored in physics at Swiss Zurich Industrial College. P

I presented the special theory related to an exercise on the speed of light. P

My theory astonished the whole world. People regard me as one of the foremost scientists of the century. P

My theory marked a new era in physics. P

17-13 Lesson 4-6-3

I was born in 1879. My birth country is Germany. P

You may have heard of my name - Einstein. P

When I was a student, I couldn't get good grades, but I stood out among the students for my brilliant math scores. P

I majored in physics at Swiss Zurich Industrial College. P

After that studies, I published a special theory related to an exercise in radiance. P

The impact of the theory on modern physics was huge. P

People remember me as one of the great scientists. P

17-14 Lesson 4-7-1

Kobe Bryant is the greatest basketball player that has ever lived. P

He had a career of scoring a hundred points in a game. P

He has broken many records. P

He has ten world titles and has been crowned MVP year after year. P

He has never missed a free throw in the playoffs and has played all forty eight minutes in every game. P

Everybody wants to be like him. P

Fans all across the world have products with his name and face on them, including jerseys, sneakers, and even posters. P

17-15 Lesson 4-7-2

Shaquille O'Neal is one of the best centers in NBA history. P

He has played twenty seasons in the NBA. P

He has come out on a top of the scorer in rebounds, and is responsible for plenty of overturns every single game. P

He has won six rings with the same team and has always been flawless in the playoffs. P

His strong points are rebounds and scoring second chance opportunities. P

People agree that he's the best player in the game. P

He will be remebered forever by basketball fans. P

17-16 Lesson 4-7-3

Robert Horry is remembered as the best clutch shooter in basketball. P

He has made numerous playoff appearances. P

No one has ever seen a player with so much energy and passion. P

He accomplished twenty buzzer beaters, the most in playoff history, and this makes him an icon in basketball. P

He's been player of the month every month this season. P

When he retires, no one will play the sport the way he did. P

Fans remember his excellent games. P

17-17 Lesson 4-8-1

I want to introduce my sister. P

She is now twenty-six. P

Her major in university was business administration. P

She was always a good student and every semester she got scholarships. P

My parents were proud of her. P

She is a role model in my life. P

She always does her best wherever she is. P

She is a good daughter as well as a good sister. P

She always obeys our parents. P

She is very attentive to our siblings. P

She will get married next month. P

I can't believe that from next month on, it will be difficult to see her as freely as I can now. P

Sometimes, I don't want to her to get married. P

However, I wish her happiness. P

17-18 Lesson 4-8-2

Let me talk about my sister. P

She turned twenty-five last month. P

She was majoring in business. P

She is good at marketing. P

When she was a student, she focused on her studies. P

She always tried not to be a disappointment to our parents. P

She is not only a good daughter but also a good sister. P

Our parents depend on her and discuss things with her. P

She is very faithful as well. P

I'm so grateful that she is my sister. P

Sooner or later, she will get married. P

I don't want to imagine my life without her. P

Sometimes, I don't want to let her get married. P

However, I wish her happiness. P

17-19 Lesson 4-8-3

Here is the best sister that you will ever meet. P

She is now twenty four. P

Last year, she graduated from university with a Bachelor's degree in international trade. P

She always gets top scores in exams. P

She often helps me with homework. P

She wants to be an international entrepreneur. P

She hopes that someday she will establish her own company. P

To my parents, she is a good daughter. P

She is also a very sincere sister. P

She is kind to our family. P

This fall she will be a bride. P

There's no doubt that she will be the most beautiful bride. P

Sometimes, I don't want to let her go. P

However, I wish her happiness. P

17-20 Lesson 4-9-1

In America, a woman is considered a beauty if she has a slim body, a mild smile, and a pretty face. P

If a woman has long, silky hair, she may be considered beautiful. P

In Latin America, the concept of beauty is different. P

In Latin America, someone who has an oblong sized head and many piercings is considered a beauty. P

In America, many women try to achieve the perfect look by getting plastic surgery. P

Beauty can be defined differently according to their culture and country. P

If you're considered pretty in America, you might be thought of as ugly in Afghanistan, or vice versa. P

Appearance doesn't last forever. Therefore, it is important to make one's mind beautiful. P

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