15-1 Lesson 3-19-2

These shirts are nice. How much are they? P

They're ninety-five dollars and sixty-two cents including tax. P

Wait! How about these? They're a lot better looking! P

These are slightly more pricey. They're going to cost you ninety-seven dollars and sixty-four cents. P

Oh! That's too much. They look really nice though. P

Sure. P

Hmm, I need some time to think about this. I think I'll come back later. P

Good decision! P

Thanks for your help! I'll be seeing you soon! P

Thank you for shopping at Bloomingdale's. Have a nice day! P

15-2 Lesson 3-19-3

This skirt looks nice. What's the price? P

Hmm. Let me see. Here's the price tag, seventy-five dollars and forty two cents including tax. P

Okay, Hold on. These are so much nicer! How much are these? P

They're a bit more. They are one hundred six dollars and fortythree cents. P

That's beyond my budget. I really like the design though. P

Wise choice! P

I don't think I can afford the price. Never mind! I'll just forget about buying that purse. I want this now! P

Wise choice! P

Thank you for your help. See you later! P

I was happy to help you. Thank you for shopping at Chez Belle! Enjoy the rest of your day! P

15-3 Lesson 3-20-1

Hi. I would like four tickets to the Jazz concert on Sunday. P

Sure! Where would you like to be seated? P

I want something economical, but not too far back. P

How does Row C sound? P

That's good enough for me. What time does it start? P

It starts at 6 pm. It will be one hundred twenty dollars. How would you like to pay? P

I'm going to pay with a credit card. P

Okay. Have fun at the show! P

Thank you. P

You're welcome! P

15-4 Lesson 3-20-2

Excuse me. I want three general admission tickets for the Comedy show on Friday. P

Yes, sir. Do you have a specific area you want? P

Nothing expensive. However, I don't want to sit too far from the stage. P

How about Row E? P

Sound's great! Can you tell me what time it begins? P

It begins at 7 pm. That will be one hundred and thirty dollars. What's the payment method? P

I will pay by check. P

All right. Enjoy yourself. P

Thanks. See you later. P

Bye. P

15-5 Lesson 3-20-3

Hello. I would like to reserve tickets for two people for tonight's opera. P

Okay. What kind of seats do you want? P

Not too expensive, but not too far from the stage either. P

Would Row G be okay? P

Okay, sounds awesome. Oh, by the way, when does it begin? P

We are about to open the entrance. Your total is one hundred and forty dollars. P

I'm going to pay with cash. P

Okay. Have a nice day. P

Thank you. Goodbye. P

Goodbye! P

15-6 Lesson 3-21-1

Here are your pain killer tablets. P

Thank you. How much will that cost me? P

It will be thirteen dollars and forty-two cents. Please read the directions label on the bottle carefully. P

You must take four pills, twice a day. When you wake up, and before you go to bed. P

Okay, no problem. P

One more thing is that you might feel a bit nauseous at first after taking this medicine, okay? But you must continue to take it. P

You must not skip any meals no matter what and keep yourself hydrated at all times. P

Oh wow, there are so many things I need to know. All this is making me nervous. Is it really safe? P

Yes, they are safe and will prove to be beneficial for your condition. P

Only one in twenty people experienced minor side effects. P

Okay, if you say so, Doctor. Thanks for watching out for me. I appreciate it. P

15-7 Lesson 3-21-2

Here's your acid reflux medication refill. P

Thank you very much. How much is it? P

Nineteen dollars and sixty two cents. P

Please read the directions on the box before using. P

You need to take two tablets, three times a day. P

All right. Anything you say, Doctor. P

You may feel drowsy at first after taking your medication. But, do not discontinue taking them. P

They're the only things that can help your condition. Please eat all three meals, and don't dehydrate yourself. P

Oh, and one more thing. Don't over exert or tire yourself out. P

That's a lot to do for taking a few pills. P

I'm sort of unsure if I want to take these pills, now that you explained all these things to me. P

They are safe! You must take them. They will help you tremendously. P

The side effect ratio is one in five, but you do not have any conditions that make you prone to them. P

All right, I'll take them. Thank you. P

15-8 Lesson 3-21-3

Here you go. These pills are for treating your migraine symptoms. P

Thank you. I really appreciate it. What's the price? P

Twelve dollars and eighty seven cents. Don't forget to read the directions though, they're really important. P

You must take one capsule every night before you go to bed. P

Sure thing. P

You may feel a bit dizzy after taking the medication at first. P

However, continue to take your medication no matter what. P

You really need to get in the habit of taking your medication consistently. P

It is imperative for you to eat three meals a day and drink plenty of water. P

Oh, these pills sound dangerous. Are they safe? P

They are safe to take. Only one in ten people were shown to have some minor side effects, such as itching and fatigue. P

Okay, okay! I'll take your word for it. Thanks, Doctor! P

15-9 Lesson 3-22-1

Hey, this is really nice. What kind of material is it made out of? P

It's made from Indian silk. P

How much does it cost? P

It's one hundred and sixty dollars. P

That's a little too much for a coat! P

That's the original price. I can give you a ten percent discount. P

Can you make me a better deal if I decide to buy two? P

Well, business is pretty slow these days. Sure, I'll knock off another ten percent if you buy two. P

Sounds great! You got yourself a deal. Do you take checks? P

Of course! Thank you for shopping with us. Goodbye. P

15-10 Lesson 3-22-2

Wow! These are quite fancy. What kind of fabric was used? P

It's made out of European linen. P

How much is it? P

It's one hundred seventy two dollars and eighty three cents. P

In my opinion, that's too expensive for a pair of pants. P

Well, that is the retail value, but I'm willing to knock fifteen percent off if you buy it today. P

Would you offer me a better discount if I buy two instead of one? P

Okay. Since you seem to really like my product, I will give you a better deal. P

I'll give you anything in the store of equal or lesser value for half price on top of the ten percent I'm already giving you. P

All right! I'll take two. Do you take credit cards? P

Of course! Thank you. Have a nice day! P

15-11 Lesson 3-22-3

This is really nice. What is it made out of? P

It's imported wool. P

What's the price? P

Let me check. It's one hundred fifty dollars and fifty four cents. P

Wow, that's a little too pricey for me. I don't think I can pay that much for a hat. P

Yes, I know it's a bit expensive, but it is nice. I tell you what, if you buy it right now, I'll knock ten percent off and you won't have to pay tax. P

Will you give me a reasonable price if I buy more than one? P

All right. If you're willing to buy two, I'm willing to take an additional fifteen percent off from your total price. P

Sounds wonderful! I will take your offer. Here you go, I'll pay with cash. P

Sure! Thank you very much. Enjoy! P

15-12 Lesson 3-23-1

May I help you? P

Yes, please. I'm looking for a DVD player. P

We have a wide variety of those. Is there a particular brand you're interested in? P

I really don't mind, but I want something reliable. P

Okay, how about this one? It's a Samsung and it's super reliable. P

Most of our customers seem to be very satisfied with it. It used to be two hundred dollars, but it's on sale now. P

Really? Sounds great! How much will I save? P

You get thirty percent off with the sale. P

Wow! Great deal! Do you accept credit cards? P

Of course! I think you got yourself a good deal, what do you think? P

Yeah, I sure did get lucky. P

15-13 Lesson 3-23-2

Hi. Do you need some assistance? P

Sure. I've been looking everywhere for a boom box stereo. P

Well, we have lots of them. Do you have a specific type or brand in mind? P

I don't have a favorite brand. All I need is something that won't break down on me. P

I see. I strongly recommend this one. It's a Sony. It's supposed to be a hundred fifty dollars, but we're currently having a sale. P

Oh! That's wonderful. What is the discounted price? P

You save twenty five percent. P

Awesome! I'll take it! May I pay with a check? P

Absolutely! You got a pretty sweet deal, right? P

Yes. I'm glad I came during the sale. P

15-14 Lesson 3-23-3

Hello. You look a bit lost. Can I help you with something? P

I want to buy a digital camera. P

We carry many different brands and types of products. Do you have a special model you want? P

Brand doesn't matter. I want something that is durable. I don't want to come back because of a problem, you know? P

I'll recommend this one to you. I personally think that Panasonic is the best of its kind. P

I've never heard of it breaking down or giving problems to any customer yet. P

The original price is one hundred seventy five dollars, but it's listed in our weekly sale catalog. P

Nice! P

I think the discount for this one is twenty percent. P

All right! That's perfect! Do you take money orders? P

Definitely! I think you got a really nice deal, don't you agree? P

Yes. It was a great idea to come here today. P

15-15 Lesson 3-24-1

You see anything you like yet? P

No, not really. Everything seems to be way too expensive for me. P

I think you're looking for a sedan. P

Yes, I am. P

Why don't you walk with me over to this side of the lot? Here we are, how about the white Toyota there? P

It looks nice...how old is it? P

It's 2004, but it has very low mileage and is equipped with full options. The price is quite agreeable in my opinion. You can always get a loan if you need one. P

Great! Do you think I can take it for a spin before I make a decision? P

No problem! Let me go and grab the keys. P

Thank you. P

15-16 Lesson 3-24-2

Hello, sir. Have you found anything that interests you? P

Well, not yet. I can't really find one that's within my price range. P

I guess you're looking for a pick-up truck. P

Yes. Would you please help me? P

Here's a black Chevy. Do you like it? P

Wow, looks good. What year is it? P

It's 1999, but the mileage is reasonable, and runs great! We can easily work out a loan for you if you need one. P

Sounds good. I'd like to take it for a test drive before I decide though. Will that be okay with you? P

No problem! Let me go and grab the keys. P

Thank you. P

15-17 Lesson 3-24-3

Good afternoon, have you seen anything you like? P

Not yet. Everything is beyond my budget. P

You're looking for a coupe? P

Yeah. But I'm having some trouble. P

Why don't we check out that blue Nissan over there. P

Looks decent. How old is it? P

It's a 2002. It's solid. Don't you agree? It comes with full options and low mileage. If you need a car loan, we can work something out for you. P

I think this one is reasonable. Would it be okay to take a ride in it before I decide to buy it? P

Sure! Go ahead! P

I really appreciate it. P

15-18 Lesson 3-25-1

Delta Air Lines. How may I help you? P

I'd like to schedule a flight to England. P

Okay. When do you plan to leave? P

This Tuesday, if possible. P

We have two flights leaving that day. One is at nine fifteen a.m. and the other leaves at six forty-five p.m. P

I'll take the a.m. flight. I'd like to sit in the front of the plane, please. P

Yes. Your reservation is completed. You will be sitting in aisle 16 seat C. P

Okay. Thank you. P

It was my pleasure. P

15-19 Lesson 3-25-2

Good morning. This is West Jet. Can I help you? P

Hello. I would like to book a flight to France. P

When would do you want to depart? P

On Thursday. P

We have a 5:25 am and a 10:30 pm flight. P

I prefer the morning flight. Could you give me a seat mid-plane? P

Yes. Your reservation is confirmed. Your seat number is 12A. P

Thanks for your help. P

My pleasure. Enjoy your trip. P

15-20 Lesson 3-25-3

Continental Airlines. How may I serve you? P

Hi. I would like to reserve a flight to New Delhi. P

When would you like to head out? P

I'm planning to leave this Wednesday. P

One flight departs at three fifty a.m. and the other departs at eight forty p.m. P

I'll take the second one. Also, I prefer the mid-plane area. P

Okay. Your reservation is finished. Your seat number is 18B. P

Wonderful! Thanks. P

You're welcome. P

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