13-1 Lesson 3-6-1

Hey Lucy, would you be so kind as to let me borrow your truck tomorrow? P

Sure, Jack. I'll need it back by six o'clock in the evening, okay? P

No problem, I can do that. Oh, do you think you can lend me some money too? P

My paycheck doesn't come in for another few days. P

About how much do you need? P

I need about fifty bucks. Do you think you can manage that? P

Sure thing. Let me get it for you. P

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I will pay you back as soon as my next paycheck comes in. P

Ok. That'll be good. You mind telling me what you need my truck for? I'm just curious. P

Oh, nothing special. Do you remember my old roommate back at college? Chris? P

He just moved back into town and we decided to share my condo. I need the truck to help him move. P

If you need anything else, feel free to ask. P

Thanks! You've already done so much. I really do appreciate all this. P

Don't sweat it. That's what friends do for each other. P

13-2 Lesson 3-6-2

Helen, I need a favor. May I borrow your car next Saturday? P

No problem, but I'm going to need it back by eight o'clock in the evening. I have plans. P

Sure, I only need it for three hours in the afternoon on Saturday. P

Oh, I almost forgot, do you happen to have some money on you that I can borrow? P

I'm really broke right now, and I need some cash pretty fast. P

How much? P

Not a lot, just twenty dollars. Is that okay? P

Sure! Just pay me back whenever you can. P

Thank you so much! I don't know what I'd do without you. P

I'll be sure to pay you back as soon as I get my hands on some money! P

Sounds good, but I'm sort of curious why you want to borrow my car all of a sudden. What do you have planned? P

Well, some old high school friends are in town, and they want to hang-out. I want to show them around town. P

It'll give us time to catch up and chat. P

Sounds great... Listen, if you need anything else, just call ok? P

I think that's all I need. I really appreciate you always helping me out like this. P

Don't worry about it. This is the least I can do for you, little cousin. P

13-3 Lesson 3-6-3

Susan, I really need your help. Do you think I can perhaps borrow your SUV on Monday? P

Sure, I can help you out. However, you have to promise me to bring it back by seven o'clock in the evening. I have a date. P

I promise I'll bring it back on time. P

Hey, can I ask you for one more request? P

I'm really short on cash right now, and I don't get my pay check until Wednesday. P

Do you think you can lend me some money? P

How much do you think you need? P

I'm sorry for asking for so much, but I need about a hundred bucks. Do you think you can help me out? P

No problem, but you're going to have to wait a little bit. P

I'm not going to the bank until later today. Why don't you swing by tonight? P

You're a lifesaver! I really, really appreciate it. P

I'll come over at eight tonight for the money, and I'll pay you back as soon as I can! P

Ok. That's fine. I'm curious about why you want to borrow my car. What are you planning to do? P

Not much, an old friend of mine is flying in. He's going to stay with me for 2 weeks. I need to pick him up at the airport. P

I see. Do you need anything else? P

No, I really appreciate all this. Thanks for always helping me out. P

It's all good. That's what friends are for. P

13-4 Lesson 3-7-1

Hey Tim! Over here! P

Oh, hey Donna. Is this where we stand in line? P

Yes. Whew! I'm glad you made it on time. P

Sorry for keeping you all waiting! For a moment there, I wasn't sure if I was going to make it on time! P

It's okay. As long as you're here now, we're going to be okay. We still have ten minutes. P

Hey, that's great. I have time to prepare myself! P

You better be happy that you got here on time, because I would have been so mad if you showed up late! P

I know, and I apologize for keeping you waiting. But I'm here, and that's what counts right? P

We forgive you...But what happened? Why were you running so late? P

My ride got cancelled at the last minute. I called five cab companies, but none had any cars available. P

So, what did you do? P

I ran to the bus stop two blocks away. Luckily, the bus was just arriving. I got on, and it took me ten minutes to get here. P

Wow! You got lucky! Well...I'm so happy you made it, and on time! How could the dance start without the event coordinator? P

13-5 Lesson 3-7-2

Steve! We are here! P

Hey Tracy! I almost missed you. Is this the line? P

Yes. Thank goodness. I'm glad you came on time! P

I'm so sorry for being late. I thought I would never make it! P

Don't be anxious! You still made it in time so we're good! It starts in 5 minutes. P

That's good! I have enough time to catch my breath! P

You are lucky! If you stepped into this room a minute late I would not be happy with you. P

I know. I'm very sorry for coming late and making you worry. But I still made it, so forgive me. P

All right. We accept your sincere apology. But did something happened? Why are you late? P

I couldn't find my car keys. I searched everywhere, but it was useless. P

So what happened? P

My mom came back from work. I borrowed her car and I drove here in less than ten minutes. P

How lucky! I'm glad that you made it! The coach will be very satisfied with your improvement. P

13-6 Lesson 3-7-3

Josh! Josh! We're all over here! P

Oh Elisha! Is this where we line up? P

Yeah. I'm relieved that you made it! P

So sorry! Were you worried? I looked at the time, and I really thought it would be impossible to make it on time. P

No worries, we're just really glad you made it. We have fifteen minutes. P

Oh, I'm in luck! I have time to take a breather and calm my mind. P

You're in luck, mister! If you didn't make it on time, I would have never spoken to you again! P

I understand how you feel, and I really am very sorry. It's all good now because I made it! P

It's okay. We're glad that you made it. But why were you so late? P

I woke up late and had to run to the bus stop. But when I got there, the bus had just left, and I probably had to wait another twenty minutes for the next one. P

So, what did you do? P

A friend of mine drove by and picked me up. He was coming this direction anyway, so he dropped me off. P

I guess you got really lucky. Thanks for arriving on time! I mean how can the track team do their best without their coach? P

13-7 Lesson 3-8-1

Hey Judy! Over here! P

Wow, look at all these people. I almost walked right past you! P

I never expected to see so many people. The football game must be a much bigger deal than I thought! P

Yes, I guess it's a pretty important event. How much time do you think we have before it starts? P

The game is scheduled to start at seven o'clock. P

So we have about two and a half hours. I was planning to go grab some drinks and take a walk. P

We'll have a late dinner after the game. P

Um, but I'm starving right now. Can we eat first? P

Of course, I'll call the restaurant right now and ask them to change our reservation. P

That'll be wonderful! I think I will cheer our team a lot better with a full stomach! P

Okay then we'd better get started. We don't have that much time. P

You're right. If we don't hurry we might lose our seats! P

13-8 Lesson 3-8-2

Michelle! I'm over here! P

Oh my goodness. There are so many people! I almost got lost in the crowd! P

Yeah! I never thought this many people would show up to the basketball game! P

Me neither! This is the most people I've ever seen in one place! How long will it be before it starts? P

The game is supposed to start at six o'clock. P

We have about an hour to kill. I was thinking about finding our seats and chatting until the game starts. P

We'll grab a bite to eat after the game. P

Sounds good, but I'm really hungry now. Do you think we can grab something to eat now? P

Sure, no problem. I saw a little concession stand on the way in. P

They had all kinds of stuff. Hotdogs, hamburgers, nachos, churros, candy, drinks... P

I think we can grab some snacks there and eat a real dinner later. P

That'll be great! I'm so hungry that I'll eat anything! P

All right! Let's go, but we don't have time to dawdle! P

The game will start sooner than you think! P

Right! I don't want us to have to wait in line again, or even worse, lose our seats! P

13-9 Lesson 3-8-3

Here Charlene! I'm over here! Turn around! P

Look at all these people! I would have missed you if you hadn't called me! P

Yeah I know! I don't think I've ever seen this many people at a baseball game before! P

I guess it is a big deal. How long do you think before it begins? P

I think the sign said five o'clock. That gives us about an hour and half. P

How about looking around to see who else is here? P

A few of my friends are going to show up at the game. We'll go to a restaurant after the game. P

I would really like to eat first. I'm starving... Can we please grab a bite to eat now? P

We'll be cutting it close, but okay... P

Let's run over to the burger place across the street. We'll get something better after the game. P

Okay! That sounds like a plan! I'm starved! P

Hurry up then! We don't have all the time in the world! The game will start without us! P

Let's hurry! I would really hate to lose our seats! P

13-10 Lesson 3-9-1

Hi, Josh. What a pleasant surprise! P

Hi, Janice. I need to ask you a favor. Can you turn my Literature essay in for me during first period? Ms. Munroe is expecting to see it today. P

What for? P

I have a dentist appointment. I need to get my wisdom teeth removed. P

I see, but why don't you just do it yourself? P

I would if I could, but I'm really in a hurry. I'll be late if I do it myself. P

What time is your appointment anyway? P

I'm scheduled for eight-thirty. P

I really want to help you out, but I'm not going to be in class either. P

What do you mean? P

I have a track meet today at Washington High School. P

Oh, well. That's too bad. I'll just ask Chuck to deliver it for me instead. Good Luck by the way! P

Thanks for the encouragement! Hope your appointment goes well too! P

13-11 Lesson 3-9-2

Hello, Paul. It's so nice to see you! P

Hey, Jane. Can you do me a favor? I need you to give this note to Ms. Rosen before fourth period today. P

What is the note for? P

I have an optometrist appointment. I think I need a pair of glasses. I have a hard time seeing the blackboard these days. P

Ah, I see, but why don't you just give it to her yourself and explain the situation? P

I really would do it, but I won't have enough time. I'll be late for my appointment. P

What time do you need to get there by? P

I need to get there by seven-thirty. P

I really do want to help you, but I can't make it to class today either. P

Why not? P

I have a swim meet at Roosevelt High School. P

That's okay.. I'll just drop it in her teacher's box as I leave campus. Good Luck! Try your best and win! P

Thanks! I will try my best! I hope everything goes well with you too! P

13-12 Lesson 3-9-3

Hey, Xavier! Good to see you. P

Hello, Leila! I need a favor. Can you please deliver this to Ms. Kim during second period today? P

It's yesterday's math homework. She needs to get it today, or I won't get credit for it. P

Mind if I ask what it's about? P

I have a doctor's appointment today. I need to get my vaccinations. P

Hey, why don't you just give it to her yourself? P

I would do that if I had more time, but I'm really running late. P

What time must you get there? P

I need to be there at nine-thirty. P

I would really like to do you this favor, but I'm not going to class, either. P

Why aren't you going to class? P

I have a tennis match at Kennedy High School. P

I see. Oh, well. I'll just deliver the note a little early, right before I leave. Best of luck to you. Try your best and win! P

Thanks! I'll do my best! P

13-13 Lesson 3-10-1

We're really running late! P

Don't worry. We still have another fifteen minutes. P

I know, but we still haven't found a parking spot yet! P

Look at all those people waiting in line to buy tickets! Don't worry about it, we'll have enough time! P

Stop! Stop! Back up! I just saw a parking space. Look, right there next to the red minivan! P

Great! I think if I'm really careful I can fit. It's a bit of a squeeze though. P

Great parking. You drive like James Bond! Hurry up, and get out. We're late! Let's run! Oh, no! P

What's the matter? P

I lost my wallet. I thought I had it in my pocket! Now I won't be able to buy my ticket! P

Relax! You're always so stressed out. Look on the floor of the car, under the seat! You probably dropped it when you sat down. P

Found it. Let's go. P

13-14 Lesson 3-10-2

Hurry! We're going to be late! P

Chill! The bus is not going to leave for another ten minutes. P

We haven't even found a place to park our car! P

Even after parking, we're going to have to wait in line anyway. Everybody is going to be trying to buy a ticket to get on just like us. So calm down! P

Hey look! Over there by the green Mercedes! Hurry up before someone else takes it! P

Good job! I've never seen it before. P

Good job! That was like a scene from an action movie! Come on we need to run! Oh, man. This is not good. P

What's wrong now? P

I can't find my money clip! How am I going to buy my ticket? P

Relax! Don't panic. I brought plenty of cash. You can pay me back later. P

Let's go! P

13-15 Lesson 3-10-3

Oh, man! We are so late! P

Relax! It's okay. We still have half an hour until take-off. P

What do you mean relax! We haven't even parked our car yet! We've been circling around this lot for the last twenty minutes! P

Once we park, we'll be okay. Look at that ticket line over there. Those people are all taking the same trip as we are. There's a hundred people waiting to buy tickets. P

Stop! You have to make a turn. I just saw a blue BMW pull out on the other side of the lot. Look! Let's park between the black SUV and the purple sports car. P

Wow! You have great eyes! Hold tight! I need to get there before the red Mustang over there does! P

Great job parking! I never knew you could drive like that! Hurry up, run! Hold on! I have a big problem. P

What's wrong? P

I left my wallet at home! How could I be so forgetful! Now I can't buy my ticket! P

Calm down. You gave it to me to hold on to while you were tying your shoelaces. I have it in my bag. Let's go! Stop getting stressed over nothing. P

Got it! P

13-16 Lesson 3-11-1

Pardon me. Do you happen to know what time it is? P

Sure. It's three-thirty. P

Oh, my! I'm really late! P

Where are you headed? P

I need to be at La Guardia Airport by four o' clock. I really can't miss that flight! P

You don't have a lot of time left. I don't think you can make it if you are planning to take my bus. P

What should I do? P

Take the taxi. Here, call this number. It's the best you can do. P

Oh, thank you so much! P

Good luck, son! Have a nice trip! P

13-17 Lesson 3-11-2

Excuse me. Would you be so kind as to tell me the time? P

Let's see. It's quarter to four. P

Goodness gracious! I'm so late! P

Where are you going? P

I absolutely have to be at JFK Airport by four thirty! P

Well, you don't have much time left.. It will take too long if you take the metro bus. P

What can I do? P

You might be in luck. Across the street is the Airport Bus Shuttle office. P

I think I can see one coming a few blocks down. Run over there and get on it. It'll probably take you there in time. P

Gee.. thanks! I think I will do that! P

Hey, good luck! Hope you get there on time! P

13-18 Lesson 3-11-3

Umm, excuse me. Will you please tell me the time? P

Sure thing! Let me see. It's a quarter past five. P

Oh no! I'm going to be seriously late! P

Where are you trying to go? P

It is crucial for me to arrive at Los Angeles Airport by four-fifteen! P

You don't have enough time to get there by bus... I suggest you find another way. P

What do I do? P

You may be in luck! That truck that just stopped at the red light is the truck that carries fuel to the airport. P

I think if you run over to the driver, and ask him really nicely, he might give you a ride. P

Thank you! Have a nice day! P

Good Luck! P

13-19 Lesson 3-12-1

Would you please hurry up and finish your homework? P

I will. I just need to do one more page of math. P

Why aren't you doing everything at once? P

I am just a slow learner. I will be done soon. P

If you don't finish in 5 minutes, I'm going to go see the movie by myself. P

No, but please wait for me. I'm almost done. P

All right. P

Thank you. P

13-20 Lesson 3-12-2

Shake a leg! You need to hurry up and complete the dishes before mom gets home. P

All right, I am. Let me just finish watching this episode. P

Why are you always postponing your chores? P

I just feel like doing it later. Eventually I am going to finish it. P

If you don't do it now, I'm going to eat the ice cream by myself. P

No you are not. You need to wait for me. P

Okay. Hurry up. P

Fine. I will do it. P

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