11-1 Lesson 2-37-3

You're really improving. Do you want to try something a little more challenging? P

Okay. P

Listen. You're going to build up some speed and lift your left leg behind you. P

I know how to do that. P

You didn't let me finish. When you do this you are going to lean backwards not forward. P

I can't do that. P

You need to lift your leg as high as you can. First try lifting it to the side and then slowly push it back. P

Like this? P

Take your left ankle in both your hands and lift it up high. P

Ouch! I fell. P

You need some speed first. Try again. P

Am I doing it right? P

That was wonderful. P

Thank you. P

11-2 Lesson 2-38-1

Look at this gold jewelry box. Isn't it beautiful? P

Yes. It's lovely, but it's really expensive. Can you afford it? P

I think so. It will be a good idea to give it to Claire as a birthday gift. P

Claire likes glittering objects, so I think she'll like it. P

Do you think it's a good idea? P

Sure, it is, but if I were you, I would get that silver one. P

No. I think this pink one is prettier. P

What do you think of this design? P

It looks as if it will snap in my hands. P

Fine. Then how about the one that has a picture holder? P

That's not a bad idea. P

I think it's nice too. P

11-3 Lesson 2-38-2

Take a look at this ornament. It's really beautiful. P

It's really expensive, though. P

I think it's the perfect gift for Cathy. P

Since she likes sparkly things, I think it's perfect for her. P

How about this one? P

It's pretty, but I think she'll like the red one better. P

It's all right but I personally like the brown one better. P

Then how do you like the kitten shaped one? P

It looks too brittle. P

I guess you're right. Why don't you get the puppy design? She loves puppies. P

I think she will like that one. P

I agree. P

11-4 Lesson 2-38-3

Look at this music box. It's really lovely. P

It looks pricey. P

I think Cindy would love this for her birthday next week. P

She likes shiny things, so I think she'll like it. P

What do you think of this one? P

It's nice, but, personally, I like the green one better. P

It's okay, but I think the yellow one is better. P

How about the flower shaped one? P

It looks very fragile. P

You're right. Get the one that symbolizes her country. P

It's perfect. P

Yeah. P

11-5 Lesson 2-39-1

I'm beat. I feel like I haven't slept in a week. P

You should really go to bed earlier. P

People won't give me a moment's peace. They keep calling me with their problems. P

You shouldn't answer the phone. P

What if they really need me? I can't just ignore them. P

They might leave you alone if you're honest with them. P

I don't know. I really want to be there for them. P

Everyone must love you. P

Well, thanks. I really try hard to be there for my friends. P

You need to think about yourself, too. P

I'll try to get some rest. P

11-6 Lesson 2-39-2

I'm exhausted. I didn't get any sleep last night. P

You should really learn to sleep early. P

Everybody won't stop calling me. They think I'm their therapist or something. P

You should tell them that you're busy. P

What if it's an emergency? P

You should tell them what's on your mind. P

I can't say that. P

You must be a really good friend. P

Thank you. I guess I really value friendship. P

You should really get some rest. P

I'll do my best. P

11-7 Lesson 2-39-3

I am so tired. P

You really shouldn't go to bed so late. P

I was so busy on the phone. Everybody keeps calling me. P

You should have made up an excuse. P

But they're my friends. I need to be there for them. P

Well, you should listen to your body once in a while and get some rest. P

I don't think I can be that honest. P

You are too nice. P

Thanks. I guess it's part of my nature. P

You should learn to relax. You can die from lack of sleep. P

I'll try. P

11-8 Lesson 2-40-1

How do you do it, Jeff? Why is it that your class is always so quiet? P

My students like to focus on their work. P

Do you have problems with any of them? P

The majority of them are good students but a couple of them cause a lot of trouble in class. P

Oh. Do you strictly punish your students? P

No reason for that. P

You must be enjoying your job. P

Sure, I do. P

11-9 Lesson 2-40-2

Wow! Your students are always silent. P

They don't have enough time to talk because they are working. P

Do any of them cause trouble? P

Some of them don't seem to pay much attention but otherwise they're great. P

Do you discipline your students when they misbehave? P

Yes, if it's necessary. P

I see. You do have the skill to manage your student. P

Thanks. P

11-10 Lesson 2-40-3

It's amazing! Your kids are very calm and sweet. How do you manage your kids? P

They have the ability to concentrate on their duties and tasks. P

Is there any trouble between you and the kids? P

Not really. Most of my kids have good attitudes towards their elders. They respect the teachers. P

I see. Do you discipline your kids often? P

Not often, but if they do something wrong, I give them a light penalty. P

You must love your kids. P

Of course. P

11-11 Lesson 2-41-1

Hello? P

Hello? This is Esther. P

How are things? P

I'm fine. Hey listen. Do you think you can do something for me? P

Yeah. Tell me. P

Well, my family and I are going on a long retreat for a couple of weeks and I was hoping that you could look after my dog. P

Okay. Do you want me to water your plants while I'm at it? P

No, that's all right. We have a sprinkler that goes off at a certain time. P

I see. Should I gather up the newspaper then? P

No. I already told my neighbor to pick them up for us. P

Okay. I'll see you when you get back. Have fun. P

Look after my dog and thanks for your help. P

11-12 Lesson 2-41-2

Hello? P

Hello? This is Evelyn. P

How are things? P

I'm fine. Hey, listen, will you do me a favor? P

Yeah. P

Well, my family and I are going on a long trip for a couple of months. I'm hoping that you could look after my cat. P

Okay. Do you want me to water your flowers I'm at it? P

No, that's all right. We have a sprinkler that goes off at a certain time. P

I see. Should I gather up the mails then? P

No, I already told my neighbor to pick it up for us. P

Okay. I'll see you when you get back. Have fun. P

Look after my cat and thanks for your help. P

11-13 Lesson 2-41-3

Hi! P

Long time no see! It's me, Susie. P

Hey! How are you doing? P

I'm doing great. I called to ask you for a favor. Do you mind? P

Not at all. What is it? P

Do you think you could feed my puppy while I'm away on a trip? P

Yeah. Sure. What else? What about your front lawn? If you want, I can water it. P

We have a timed water device that waters every three hours, so that won't be necessary. P

Oh, okay. How about the mail? You want to me collect it? P

We already requested that and they keep it until we come back to pick it up. P

Oh. Okay. Well, have a good trip. P

Thanks. P

11-14 Lesson 2-42-1

Washington Mutual Bank. P

Hi. I would like to speak to Karen Lorings. P

This is her speaking. P

Hello. I'm Michael Gellis and I'm interested in the consumer investment services. P

Oh. I'm sorry but you will need to speak to the new accounts department. P

Can I speak to her right now? P

I'm very sorry but she's in the middle of a conference right now. P

Then what time should I call again? P

I don't think it will be possible for you to speak to her any time soon. P

Okay. Then is it possible to schedule a meeting with her? P

Yeah. Sure. How about next Tuesday? P

At what time? P

How is eight-thirty in the evening? P

Yeah. Okay. That works for me. Thanks for being so helpful. P

11-15 Lesson 2-42-2

Good afternoon. Bank of America at your service. P

May I speak to the assistant manager? P

This is she. P

Hi. My name is George Lucas and I would like to know more about the real estate mortgages. P

The mortgage department will be with you shortly. P

Is now a good time to talk to them? P

Sorry, they are currently out of the office. P

Then when should I call back? P

I apologize, but Ms. Brown won't be able to speak to you today. P

I see. Then do you think I can make an appointment to speak with her in person? P

Let's see. She's available next Saturday. P

Sure. When does she have openings? P

She is available at one in the afternoon. P

That'll be great. Thank you so much for your help. P

11-16 Lesson 2-42-3

Thank you for calling Wells Fargo. This is Susan. How may I help you? P

I would like to speak to Joanna Gonzalez. P

Okay. May I ask who I am speaking to? P

Oh. My name is Joshua Gonzalez and I'm calling about the new platinum checking account. P

I will put you on hold. P

Is she available now? P

Unfortunately she's out of town until next Monday. P

Then when is a good time to speak to her? P

I can't guarantee a specific time for you. P

Oh. Then can I at least leave my name and number so she can give me a call when she's available? P

Of course. She's available Thursday of next week and I will let her know that you called. P

Okay. Can you tell me when she has an open time? P

At nine in the morning. P

Okay. I appreciate it. P

11-17 Lesson 2-43-1

Jack Hanna speaking. P

How are you doing today sir? I'm calling from the Salvation Army. P

Oh! Hello. P

I wanted to personally thank you for your help with the Christmas seal drive last year. P

You're welcome. P

You are quite the modest gentleman. P

You give me more credit than I deserve. P

We would be greatly appreciate if you could make a donation to allow free spaying and neutering clinics for all dogs and cats. P

Yeah. Of course. I will do anything to help animals. P

Your help is greatly appreciated, Sir. P

11-18 Lesson 2-43-2

This is John Andrews. P

My name is Janet and I'm calling from the YMCA. P

Oh, Hi. P

We just wanted to call and tell you that we greatly appreciate your volunteer service last summer. P

It was my pleasure. P

You take less credit than you deserve. P

You're making me blush. P

Well, we were wondering if you'd like to contribute to our new project that is a petition to stop animals from performing in circuses. P

Sure. I'll mail a check to your headquarters. P

That is very generous of you, Sir. P

11-19 Lesson 2-43-3

Paul Parker speaking. P

Good Afternoon. My name is Rachel Goody and I am calling from the Goodwill donation center. P

Hello. How are you? P

I'm good. We just wanted to make a thank you call to say we appreciate your support for last year's Thanksgiving outreach party. P

Not at all. P

You're so humble. P

It was nothing, really. P

We wanted to know if you'd like to make a donation for the children in Africa. P

Of course I would like to help. P

Thank you very much. P

11-20 Lesson 2-44-1

Lexus Dealership at your service. P

Hello. I need to speak to the sales department. P

He just went out for lunch. I can leave a message if you want. P

I have a question about the new model that just came out last week. P

We are having a sale right now so if you purchase one right away you are sure to get a good deal. P

Fantastic! I was looking for a good but affordable car. P

Can I take your name and number so that he can call you? P

No. I'll call him later this afternoon. P

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