10-1 Lesson 2-31-1

It's nice finally to meet you, Mr. Brown. Please sit down. P

All right. P

I called you in so that we could discuss your child. P

Is there something wrong? P

No, she's doing fine. P

Then, what's the matter? P

I wanted to tell you to that she shows a great deal of interest in music. P

Really? She never said anything like that at home. P

I think it may be a wise decision to let her take music lessons. P

Is there a kind of instrument that she shows interest in? P

No but why don't you take her to a music store and let her choose? P

It sounds great. P

Break will end in about a minute so I should be getting ready for class to start. Thank you for seeing me, Sir. P

Thank you for letting me know. It was a pleasure meeting you. P

10-2 Lesson 2-31-2

Please, have a seat, Mr. Goody. P

Oh. Okay. P

I asked you to see you because I wanted to talk to you about Sarah. P

Is she in trouble? P

Not at all. There's nothing to worry about her. She's an excellent student. P

Then what is it? P

The reason I called you is to let you know about the talent she has with musical instrument. P

I didn't know that. She never mentioned anything about music to us. P

I recommend that you start giving her music lessons. P

Does she seem to have a special interest in a certain instrument? P

No, she doesn't, but I think you should let her decide. P

Okay. I think that's a good idea. P

Recess will end soon, so I should be getting back. It was nice meeting you. P

Thank you for your advice. P

10-3 Lesson 2-31-3

Please come in, Mr. Baker P

Thank you. P

I wanted to have a conversation regarding Michelle. P

Is she causing problems at school? P

Of course not. She's doing fine. P

Then why did you call me? P

I called you to help her with her artistic development. P

Oh, I didn't know. P

I think it might be good for her to receive musical training. P

Does she show a preference for any kind of instrument? P

I'm not sure, but I think you should let her pick one. P

That would be the right thing to do. P

That's all the time I've got left. Thank you for your time. P

I appreciate your concern. P

10-4 Lesson 2-32-1

Do you need help? P

Where is the pie section? P

The pies are over here. P

What kind are they? P

We have pumpkin, cherry, and apple pies. If you buy one right now you can even choose the shape of the pie. P

I like this shape. P

Do you mean this one with the heart? P

No. I like the one with the star. P

Good choice. That one is very popular among our customers. P

Can I have that one in a smaller size? P

Okay. P

I'll take three of the star shaped pies. P

Do you want in a box? P

Yes, please. P

10-5 Lesson 2-32-2

How may I help you? P

I want a pie. P

The pies are over in this area. P

What kind of pies are these? P

These are cherry, apple, and pumpkin pies. You could also choose the shape you want for your pie. P

Okay. This shape is pretty. P

The one with the heart on top? P

No, the star shape on top. P

That is our most requested pie. Customers love that one. P

Do you think you can make the star bigger? P

Sure. P

I'll take three of those. P

Should I pack them in a box? P

Okay. P

10-6 Lesson 2-32-3

Good morning. May I help you? P

I'm looking for a pie. P

They are right over here. P

What kind of pies do you have? P

We have apple, cinnamon, fruit and cream pies. You could also choose the shape of your pie. P

Oh, I like this one right here. P

Do you mean the one with the arrow shape on top? P

No, the one with the horn on top. P

Excellent choice! That is our customer's favorite. P

Can I have it in a bigger size? P

Of course. P

I'll take it. P

Would you like it in a box? P

Yes. P

10-7 Lesson 2-33-1

Good morning. What can I get for you today? P

May I have Columbia morning coffee please? P

What size of cup do you want? P

I will have the regular size. P

Do You want medium or large? P

Anything is fine with me. P

This is large and its 4 dollars. P

How much is the smaller size? P

One size smaller than this is 3 dollars and 25 cents. P

Hmm. Hard to decide. I will take the smaller one. P

Okay. P

Does it take a lot of time? P

No, it will come out soon. P

All right. P

10-8 Lesson 2-33-2

Hello. What do you want to order today? P

I will have Caramel Macchiato. P

What size do you want? P

Let me see. I will get the regular one. P

Small or medium? P

Show me the medium size. P

This is medium and its 3 dollars and 75 cents. P

How much is the small? P

It's 3 dollars. Not a big difference. P

Then I will take medium. P

Alright. P

How long do I need to wait? P

About 2 minutes. P

Okay. P

10-9 Lesson 2-33-3

Good morning. What can I get you today? P

I want coffee. P

What size do you want? P

I will get the regular one. P

Do you want medium or large? P

How much is the medium? P

This is medium and its 2 dollars. P

What about large? P

Its 2 dollars 50 cents. No big differences. P

I will take that. P

Good choice. P

How long do I need to wait there? P

It will come out in a minute. P

Thanks. P

10-10 Lesson 2-34-1

Hello, my name is Jimmy. Let me know if you need anything. P

This is lovely. I've always wanted one of these. P

That is one of our customers' favorite. P

Can I have them in a size 7? P

Wait a minute please. Our store is all out of your size. How about one size bigger? P

All right. P

Here they are. P

How does it look on me? P

They're perfect on you. P

Really? P

Are you going to take them? P

Umm... No. I don't like how this color looks on my skin. P

I understand. P

Thanks for your help. P

10-11 Lesson 2-34-2

Welcome. Can I help you find something in particular? P

I've been looking everywhere for this shoe. P

Those just came in last night. P

Can I see these in a size 6? P

I'll check in the back. Sorry. I don't have it anymore. Do you want to try a half size up? P

Oh. Yes. That's fine. P

Here you go. Try them on. P

Are they good on me? P

They look really good on you. P

Thank you. P

Shall I ring them up on the register? P

Sorry. I wasn't planning on buying shoes today. P

Come back when you change your mind. P

Okay. Thank for your help. P

10-12 Lesson 2-34-3

Hi. Do you need help? P

Oh. This one is so nice. P

We just got them in two days ago. P

Do you have them in a size 5? P

Hold on.. I'm sorry. We're all out of it, but we do have a bigger size. P

Oh. Okay. I'll try it. P

Here you go. P

How do they look? P

It suits you very well. P

Thanks. P

Do you want that? P

No. Not today. P

Oh, then come back next time. P

Thanks anyway. P

10-13 Lesson 2-35-1

I can't do this. P

Never give up. I think there is a good chance that you might still win. P

Now I don't have the hope to even try. P

Don't give up hope. You still have two more sets to play. P

I don't think I can hold on much longer. It's better if I just quit now. P

Keep trying. I know you can do this. You're better than this game. P

I'll try my best, but I don't think I'll win. P

Don't pay attention to who loses and who wins. You have had a tough year, but it will still be worth it. P

10-14 Lesson 2-35-2

I don't think I'll get any more points than this. P

Don't be so down. Maybe you should try harder. P

I've practiced so hard all year and I'm really tired now. P

There's still time left. You still have two sets to go. P

I can't stand this humiliation. I should just forfeit the match now. P

Don't say that. Keep trying and maybe you can win this set. P

Fine. I'll try, but I can't guarantee a win. P

Don't forget that winning isn't everything. P

10-15 Lesson 2-35-3

This is impossible. P

Don't give up. You still have time. P

This is the best I can do. P

It's not too late. You only played one set. P

I don't think I can hang on much longer. I should just quit. P

Don't give up. Keep trying and maybe luck will be on your side. P

All right. I'll finish this game, but I know I'll lose. P

Remember it doesn't matter if you win or lose. It's how you play the game. P

10-16 Lesson 2-36-1

Can you help me get something nice to wear? P

Of course. What do you want to buy? P

Hmm. I want a sophisticated looking skirt. P

Pleated skirts look nice in the fall, so I think you should get this one. P

I like it. How about a top? P

I would suggest a ruffled blouse. It matches the skirt. P

This is perfect! Now I need a jacket that I can wear over this. P

Right. How about this jacket? P

I'm not sure that would match. How about the one with buttons over there? P

It looks good on you. P

Finished. Lets go pay for these clothes. P

10-17 Lesson 2-36-2

Could you help me choose something nice? P

I'd love to help. Is there any particular clothing you would like to wear? P

First, I want a cute little skirt. P

Denim should only be worn over the summer. Since it's so cold right now why don't you get a nice pleated skirt? P

Okay. That looks nice. I need a top that goes with that skirt. P

How about a turtleneck? It coordinates well with that skirt. P

Ooh! This looks nice. All I need is a jacket to go with it. P

Do you like this one? P

I don't know. I like ones with longer sleeves like that one over there. P

Yeah. That looks so much better. P

Okay, I'm done. Let's go to the register. P

10-18 Lesson 2-36-3

Can you help me choose something that would look good on me? P

Sure. What do you want to wear? P

I want a nice skirt. P

It's sort of cold so I don't think denim will do. How about a pleated skirt? P

That's pretty. Now I need a top. P

I think a turtleneck or a ruffled blouse would look nice with the skirt. P

This is gorgeous! Now I need a jacket that goes with it. P

How about this one? P

I don't like the length of this jacket. I prefer something that goes right below the hip line like that one. P

Ooh yes! That is pretty. P

I'm finished. Let's go pay for these. P

10-19 Lesson 2-37-1

You're a really good figure skater. Why don't we try and learn something a little harder today? P

Yeah, okay. P

Excellent. First circle around the ring to build up speed, then lift your left leg. P

I already know how to do that. P

Let me finish talking. When you lift your leg you are going to lean back. P

I don't think I can do that. P

First, try to lift your leg to the side and then move it back. P

Is this how you do it? P

Grab your left ankle with both of your hands and lift your left leg up high. P

I can't keep my balance. P

You need more speed. P

Okay. Did I do it? P

Fantastic! Your talent amazes me. P

Thanks for your help. P

10-20 Lesson 2-37-2

It's only been a month and you already look like a professional skater. Let's try some different movements today. P

All right. P

First you need to increase the speed as much you can and raise your right leg. P

That's easy. I can do it already. P

You didn't let me finish what I wanted to say. After you lift up your leg you are going to lean backward. P

That's too hard. P

Try lifting your leg to the side first and then push it back and lift it as high as you can. P

Am I doing it? P

Hold your left ankle with both hands and lift it as high as it can go. P

Oh, no! I am falling. P

Get up and try again. P

How about this? P

Excellent work! You really surprise me. P

I learned it from the best. P

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