Lesson 4-1

Tania has a little angel. But nobody knows about her. P

She lives in Tania's pocket. P

The angel has curly hair and small silver wings. P

She helps Tania in times of trouble. P

Yesterday a boy teased Tania. P

Tania started to cry. The angel wanted to help Tania. P

She quietly came out of the pocket. P

She tied the boy's shoelaces. Then the boy fell over. P

Tania stopped crying and helped the boy. The boy was very sorry. P

The angel smiled at them and went into Tania's pocket. P

Lesson 4-2

For homework, I visited Aunt Monica. P

She is a police officer. She works at the police station. P

She picks up emergency phone calls. P

She sometimes goes out to help the caller. P

When I was there, an old lady called. P

"I live on High Street. I heard a strange sound in the kitchen. P

I got scared. Please come and help me." P

Aunt Monica and I rushed to the old lady's house. P

I waited in the car. I was worried. P

But Aunt Monica came back soon. P

She said there was a big rat in the kitchen! P

Lesson 4-3

Shhh! Don't tell Mom! An alien lives next door to us! P

In the daytime, he looks like a normal man. P

He wears glasses. He wears a suit and necktie. P

He carries a briefcase. But at night, he changes. P

He puts on big goggles. He wears a white robe. P

He carries a machine with an antenna. P

When the stars are out, he goes up on top of the roof. P

The machine makes a strange noise. P

He whispers into the machine. P

I think he is calling home! But, shhh! Don't tell Mom! P

Lesson 4-4

There are many people in the world with no homes. P

Some people are too poor. P

Some people lose their homes in floods, fires, earthquakes or hurricanes. P

Habitat for Humanity builds houses for these homeless people. P

Habitat was started in America in 1976. P

Today, this group is international. P

Every year, hundreds of volunteers help out. P

They went to over 100 countries and built houses. P

They have built more than 250,000 houses around the world. P

Lesson 4-5

Where is Reporter Reece today? P

Turn on the TV first and watch the news, and you will find her. P

Last month, she interviewed an acrobat in Russia. P

Last week, she interviewed a monk in Nepal. P

Right now, she is in India. P

She is interviewing the world's oldest belly dancer! P

Reporter Reece travels over 10 times a year. P

She is always very busy. Sometimes she gets tired. P

But she loves her work all the time. P

She loves meeting new people. P

She also loves being on TV! P

Lesson 4-6

Tony likes to play computer games. P

He sometimes plays too much. P

He usually plays computer games after school. P

But this morning, Tony was eager to play computer games. P

He secretly walked to the computer room and turned on the computer. P

He started to play his favorite game. P

It was so fun. He forgot about the time. P

Uh oh! It was past 8 o'clock. P

Tony missed the school bus! Tony's mother was mad! P

She shouted, "No more computer games for you!" P

Lesson 4-7

Today my family is making a video for Dad. P

Dad is in Kenya right now. He is an architect. P

He is building a huge hotel near the jungle. P

Mom puts the video camera on the stand. P

We wave at the camera and say, P

"Hi, Dad!" I say, "I love you, Dad." P

Then I blow him a kiss on the camera. P

Mom says that she misses him. P

Next, my younger brother opens his mouth. P

"I pulled my tooth out yesterday, Dad!" he shouts. P

We all laugh loudly. I hope my dad likes the videotape. P

Lesson 4-8

Why is the computer mouse called a "mouse"? P

Doug Engelbart created the first computer mouse with computer scientists in 1963. P

The first computer mouse was much larger than today's mouse. P

It was a wooden box. It only had one little round button. P

It had wheels on the bottom and a long cord on the end. P

The long cord looked like a mouse tail. P

That's why the scientists called it a "mouse". P

Nowadays, the shape and size of the mouse has changed. P

But one thing did not change. P

The mouse still looks like a little mouse! P

What a perfect name! P

Lesson 4-9

There's a phrase: "Eat your greens!" P

I hate that phrase. Mother always tells me at the dinner table, P

"Eat your greens! Try some cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers and lettuce, please!" P

But I don't like vegetables. I like doughnuts, hamburgers, and pizza. P

Oh, one more thing! I like Coke. P

Mom says, "No! This food is not good for your health. Eat your greens!" P

Mom makes a special salad for me. P

It's spinach salad! Oh, Mom, please. P

I don't like salad and I really hate spinach. P

Lesson 4-10

Every Sunday morning, I go jogging with Dad. P

Dad comes to my room and wakes me up. P

We go out of our house quietly. P

Mom doesn't want to wake up early on Sunday mornings. P

Last Sunday, a lady was jogging in front of us. P

I wanted to see her face. P

So I jogged really fast. I soon passed her. P

I turned around and was surprised. P

It was Mom! Dad was also surprised. P

Mom said, "I'm getting fat, so I need some exercise." P

We all laughed. Now I go jogging with Dad and also with Mom! P

Lesson 4-11

Mrs. Duran drinks 2 liters of water every day. P

She carries a 2 liter water bottle with her everywhere. P

One day, little Tommy asked her, P

"Why do you drink so much water?" P

She answered, "Water is good for our health! P

Water has lots of minerals, and it cleans our body." P

"Oh, I see," Tommy nodded. P

And he looked at his hands. P

He could see the dirt under his fingernails. P

So he drank lots and lots of water. P

After a while, he looked at his hands again. P

His fingernails were still dirty! P

He thought Mrs. Duran had lied. P

Lesson 4-12

People use vinegar for cooking. P

Vinegar looks like water and is sour. P

It smells very strong. P

t can be made from rice, fruits, herbs, and even honey! P

Vinegar is very good for us. P

Vinegar is good for our stomachs. P

It helps us digest food. P

It also helps our hair. P

It makes our hair strong and shiny. P

It is good for our livers. P

It makes the liver healthier. P

Finally ,vinegar is good for our hearts! P

It helps old people with heart disease. P

Vinegar makes your life happier and longer! P

That's why it is super! P

Lesson 4-13

Science class is always a time of adventure. P

Every class, we learn a new thing. P

Last class, we learned about different animals and wildlife. P

We learned about honey bees and crocodiles. P

Today, we did tests with many chemicals. P

We put on big goggles. They protect our eyes. P

Sometimes we visit the science museum, too. P

We see talking robots and flying cars at the museum. P

I didn't like science first. But now I love science. P

I can't wait for the next class! P

Lesson 4-14

It was night. Beth's family was camping in the field. P

Beth and Tom, her little brother, looked up at the sky from the tent. P

The full moon was shining. P

Tom asked his sister, "What is the moon made of?" P

Then Beth smiled and said, P

"Don't you know? The moon is made of cheese!" P

"Cheese?" Tom was surprised. P

"Can we eat the moon?" He asked again. P

His dad started to laugh. His mom started to laugh, too. P

"No," said his dad. P

"She is joking. The moon is rock. We cannot eat the moon!" P

Lesson 4-15

Dear Lauren, How are you? P

I'm sorry my reply is late. P

I was busy because I got a new pet. P

Her name is Elsie. She is a baby kangaroo. P

We have many kangaroos in Australia. P

But Elsie lived alone in the desert. P

She didn't have a mother, so I am her mother now. P

Elsie was sick, so I nursed her. P

Now she is very healthy. P

She loves to play soccer and she eats so much! P

I will send you a picture of her. P

Isn't she cute? She now lives with us. P

But when she is bigger, she must leave us. P

Her real home is in the wild. P

With love, Naomi P

Lesson 4-16

Honey bees have black and yellow stripes. P

They have a furry and round body. P

They live in a beehive. They make honey for food. P

So making honey is a very important job for the honey bees. P

They are always very busy. They fly to flowers and collect nectar. P

Nectar is the sweet juice inside flowers. P

They fly back to the hive with the nectar. P

They store it in the honeycomb cell. P

Then the nectar turns into honey. P

A honey bee takes the nectar from 2,000 flowers for one spoon of honey. P

Lesson 4-17

I am going rollerblading. P

Mom says, "Wear knee pads and elbow pads. Don't forget a helmet." P

I shout, "Yes, Mom!" I wear knee pads and elbow pads. P

But I can't find my helmet. P

I look under my bed. It is not there. P

I look in the closet. It is not there, either. P

Where can it be? P

Suddenly, my little sister runs to me. P

She has something behind her. P

I think she has my helmet. P

A smile is on my face. She turns around. P

My smile disappears. She has a teddy bear. P

Not my helmet! Where is my helmet? P

Lesson 4-18

What should you do when you meet an unknown dog? P

You may think it's okay to pat it. P

But no! Don't do that! P

These dogs can be dangerous, small or large. P

Never touch a dog you don't know very well. P

It may bite your fingers. Small bites can be dangerous. P

Don't run away. The dog may run after you. P

Stand very still. Don't look at the dog's eyes. P

The dog may attack you. P

Wait until the dog goes away from you. P

Then quietly walk away. P

Lesson 4-19

Last summer, Danny's family went to a theme park. P

He wanted to ride the roller coaster there. But he couldn't. P

Children below 120 centimeters couldn't ride it. P

He was so disappointed. P

Every night, Danny closed his eyes and wished, P

"I want to be one centimeter taller!" P

Then every morning, he measured his height. P

He did this for 3 months. And guess what? P

Now he is 121 centimeters! P

Finally, he can ride the roller coaster. He is so happy. P

Lesson 4-20

Swimming pools are fun. But you must be careful! P

First, walk carefully around the swimming pool. P

The floor may be very slippery. P

Second, never swim alone. Always stay near an adult. P

They can help you when you are in trouble. P

Third, never swim after eating too much. P

And don't chew gum or eat while swimming. P

Next, enter feet first if you do not know the depth of the water. P

You can hit your legs on the bottom. P

Last, never push others in the pool. They may get hurt. P

Have fun! But be safe! P

Lesson 4-21

Princess Emmy lived in a castle. P

She had a puppy named Fluffy. P

One day Princess Emmy was not able to find Fluffy. P

She looked everywhere for him. P

She met Prince Matty in the living room. P

"I cannot find Fluffy!" she cried. P

"Where did you leave him?" asked Prince Matty. P

"After breakfast, I left him on my bed. P

I went to pick some flowers in the garden. P

When I returned, he wasn't there," said Princess Emmy. P

"Don't cry, Emmy. Let's look everywhere for Fluffy," said Prince Matty. P

They met the cook in the kitchen. P

"Have you seen Fluffy?" they asked together. P

"No, I have not seen him this morning," said the cook. P

"Why don't you look in the library?" P

They ran to the library. P

The king was reading a book. P

"Have you seen Fluffy, Father?" asked Princess Emmy. P

"No. I haven't seen him all morning," answered the king. P

"Why don't you look outside?" P

They ran into the garden. P

"Gardener, have you seen Fluffy?" P

"No, I haven't. It's lunchtime now. Aren't you hungry?" asked the gardener. P

"I can't eat without Fluffy!" cried Princess Emmy. P

Prince Matty put his arm around Princess Emmy's shoulders. P

As they walked back to the castle, they saw the queen. P

"Mother, we cannot find Fluffy. Princess Emmy is very sad," said Prince Matty. P

"Fluffy has been with me all morning," said the queen. P

"We went for a walk. Now, we are going to have lunch." P

Fluffy ran to Princess Emmy. P

She gave him a big hug. P

It was a happy day after all. P

Lesson 4-22

Amanda was 10 years old when she moved to a small town in Idaho. P

Her routine was the same every day. P

She got up at 7a.m., ate breakfast, brushed her teeth, took a shower, and got dressed for school. P

Then, she walked to school. P

One day, as she was walking home after school, she heard a crying sound. P

Amanda went closer to check what could possibly be crying. P

She found a puppy in a small box. P

He was cute but very thin. P

He looked hungry. P

Amanda picked him up and took him home. P

Amanda ran into her room with the puppy and fed him. P

After that, she gave him a bath, and then she placed the puppy into a box. P

"I should give him a name. I'll call him Toby," she thought. P

The next day, she told her mother how she met Toby. P

"You can keep him as long as you take care of him," her mother said. P

That's how Toby found his new home. P

Time went by and Toby grew older, but there was something strange about him. P

Toby didn't look like a normal dog. P

His teeth were too sharp and he howled instead of barking. P

Amanda took Toby to the vet. P

At the vet, she found out Toby wasn't a dog. P

He was a wolf. P

Sadly, Amanda took Toby out into the wild to set him free. P

Amanda knew that she couldn't keep Toby, but she felt happy because of the times they had spent together. P

Lesson 4-23

I got up and turned off the alarm clock. P

I reached to turn on the bathroom lights. P

They sparked. I thought weird, but fine. P

Then I looked into the mirror and screamed. P

I was invisible! What should I do? What could I do? P

"This is cool!" I thought. P

"I can do whatever I want." I headed to school. P

I saw some of my friends, but they didn't see me. P

I went to the zoo. P

I didn't pay because no one was able to see me. P

The movie theater, the basketball game, and the amusement park-I enjoyed all of them for free. P

Life was wonderful! Things suddenly changed. I was hungry. P

I went to a restaurant, but I couldn't order anything because no one was able to see me. P

I ran to a store and grabbed some potato chips. P

A woman screamed when she saw two packs of chips floating out the door. P

I dropped them and ran away. P

It wasn't fun anymore. P

I wanted to talk, but I didn't want to scare anyone anymore. P

I told my best friend about my problem on the phone. P

He thought it was a joke. P

He believed me only when I invited him over to my house. P

We looked everywhere for a solution-in science books, online, and in chat rooms. P

People in the chat rooms laughed at us. P

I really wanted to solve my problem. P

My friend told me that I had dirt on my face. My nose tickled. P

I sneezed! My friend yelled, "I can see your face, Jack! P

You are not invisible anymore!" We jumped up and down with excitement. P

I was visible again! P

Lesson 4-24

Kids laughed at John because he often looked strange. P

Once, Brad called him a bad name so John ran home in tears. P

His dad asked, "What's wrong?" P

John didn't answer. He went to his room. P

"I'll turn Brad into a snake," he thought. P

He searched on the Internet for a potion. P

He typed: "How to make potions." P

To his amazement, websites were easy to find. P

He found a potion titled "Turning Someone into a Snake!" P

It had strange ingredients. P

They were spoiled milk, rotten eggs, and leftovers. P

John started to mix the milk and eggs. P

Then he mixed in some leftovers. P

He put the potion in a small piece of chocolate to disguise it. P

The next day, John said to Brad, "I want to be your friend! Here's a gift." P

Brad ate the piece of chocolate. P

Suddenly, smoke rose up around Brad. P

When the air cleared, only a snake remained. P

John was scared so he ran home. P

He went to the same website to see how to turn Brad back into a boy. P

Luckily, John found a potion. P

He worked on the ingredients. P

A few days later, he found the snake outside his home. P

John said, "If you promise not to laugh at me anymore, I will turn you back into a boy." P

The snake nodded its head, and John gave the potion to the snake. P

The snake licked it. P

When the snake finished licking, smoke rose up. P

When the air cleared, Brad appeared and ran home quickly. P

After that day, Brad didn't laugh at John anymore. P

When any other kids laughed at John, Brad would say, "Please be nice to him!" P

Lesson 4-25

My mom always says, "No matter what happens to you, someone else is in a worse position." P

I always believed her, except today. P

When I woke up this morning, the light bulbs did not work. P

There was no power. P

I got dressed in the dark, and I hurried out to catch my bus. P

I missed it, and I had to walk all the way to school. P

When I got to school, everyone started laughing at me-one of my socks was green, the other yellow. P

I really looked silly. P

At lunchtime, I realized that I forgot my lunch box. P

I went to the cafeteria for lunch. P

To my surprise, there was no money in my purse. P

I borrowed some money from Alice for a sandwich. P

My mother was supposed to pick me up after school, but she didn't. P

I had to walk back home with an empty stomach. P

On my way, I fell and hurt my knees. P

At home, I found out that my mom was very sick. P

That's why she didn't pick me up. P

Dad and I decided to prepare dinner. P

That turned out to be a disaster. P

Dad burned the chicken badly. P

There was nothing else to eat, so we ordered pizza. P

Forty-five minutes later, there still was no pizza. P

I called the restaurant to ask about our order. P

They said no order was placed. P

Something went very wrong. P

We found four cups of yogurt in the fridge and ate them. P

I was frustrated. P

But, as hungry as I was, yogurt never tasted better. P

I couldn't imagine anyone else having a worse day. P

Lesson 4-26

When you have a problem, who do you ask for help? P

Some people go to their parents or teachers for counseling. P

Some go to a counselor for advice. P

Jean has a problem. P

She is writing a letter to Ellie, her counselor, for advice. P

Dear Ellie, My name is Jean and I am an elementary school student. P

There is a new girl in my school. P

She is very different from us. P

She dresses and behaves differently. P

Her hair is not combed well and her clothes are always too tight. P

She doesn't talk as much as we do. P

No other students talk to her. P

I told my friends that I wanted to offer her help. P

They said I might lose all of my friends if I helped her. P

What should I do? Sincerely, Jean P

Dear Jean, These kinds of problems happen in schools everywhere. P

You seem like a caring person. P

I agree the girl needs your help. P

I suggest you invite her to your home. P

Spend time trying on dresses or changing each other's hair styles. P

Don't forget to give her positive comments about her new look. P

Then you can know what her interests are. P

You can also help other students get to know her. P

In time, she will change and start making more friends. P

She is lucky to have someone like you who cares about her. Best of luck, Ellie P

Whenever you have a problem or difficulty talking to others, you can write letters to your favorite counselor. P

That counselor will help you to find a good solution. P

Lesson 4-27

There are many soups in the world. P

Soups vary according to culture. P

However, there is one soup that transcends culture. P

It's chicken soup. P

People eat it as a meal and as a way to treat colds. P

Today we will learn how to make chicken soup. P

To prepare this popular soup, cut the chicken into small pieces. P

Put the chicken in a large bowl and remove the skin and fat. P

Wash and rinse very well with the lemon and vinegar. P

After rinsing, put the chicken in a pot. P

Peel and dice the onion, and put the pieces in the pot. P

Sprinkle with the black pepper, salt, and soy sauce. P

Cut the fresh thyme leaves into small pieces and add to the pot. P

Stir the contents well, making sure that all the ingredients are mixed together. P

Cover the contents and leave for about 45 minutes. P

After 45 minutes, place the pot on a lit burner. P

Be sure that the flame is very low so the contents do not burn. P

Stir the contents of the pot and then cover the pot. P

Leave it to simmer on low heat for about 10 to 15 minutes. P

Stir 2 or 3 times while simmering. P

At this time, add about 5 cups of water. P

Raise the heat gently and leave it to boil. P

When the chicken is cooked halfway, add the peeled potatoes cut into quarters. P

Also, add the sliced carrots and the bell pepper. P

Then, add the olive oil and margarine. P

When the contents boil, add the macaroni. P

Cook until the macaroni is tender. P

This recipe serves 4 to 6 people. P

It's delicious and healthy. P

Lesson 4-28

There are some tastes that people learn to like over time. P

Some foods are just not tasty at all for many people. P

Some are just downright delicious to the taste buds. P

Pizza is one such food. P

That's because pizzas come with many options. P

There is a lot of debate about the origin of pizza. P

Some say that the first pizza was made by Persians about 3,000 years ago. P

However, the most common belief is that Italians invented pizza a long time ago. P

Italian pizzas were flat and round, much like the shape of most pizzas today. P

The people of Naples started to add tomatoes to pizza in 1522. P

They definitely made the taste much better. P

Pizzas come with a variety of tastes depending on the toppings. P

Most pizzas come with cheese, and that's why most people like pizza. P

In addition to cheese, some people like pepperoni on their pizzas. P

Others like pineapple, vegetables, herbs, and other meats. P

In Korea, some people enjoy pizza with corn, potatoes, and other tasty spices. P

Pizzas also come in many different shapes. P

Of course, there are pizzas that are round, but there are also pizzas that are square and even oval! P

Pizzas are made in different ways as well. Chicago style pizzas are baked in deep pans. P

If you don't like such thick pizza dough, thin crust pizzas will be better for you. P

You can enjoy some creative pizzas like Calzones which look like a half-moon and are filled with salami, mozzarella, etc. P

Try making your own pizzas at home, and try to be creative. P

You can create new tastes in pizzas that anyone could love. P

Lesson 4-29

New Year's Day is the world's most popular holiday. P

It is popular in the world, and it is also popular in America. P

Americans follow many traditions to celebrate the New Year. P

One of these traditions is going to parties on New Year's Eve. P

People party all the way into the New Year. P

Another tradition is eating black-eyed peas. P

People believe it will bring them good luck the next year. P

Making resolutions is also one popular tradition. P

People make promises to themselves to improve their lives. P

They resolve to exercise, eat healthy, and study harder. P

Some people resolve to be kinder to others. P

Most Americans make at least two resolutions. P

Many large cities in America celebrate the New Year in their own special ways. P

In New York City, people watch the ball drop on the New Year's clock at midnight. P

Many more people watch this event on television. P

In Pasadena, California, there is the Tournament of Roses Parade. P

Many pretty floats parade the streets. P

These floats are usually decorated with many seeds and flowers. P

Marching bands accompany the parade. P

The fun does not end there. P

Beginning in the afternoon on New Year's, football fans watch major league games called "Bowl Games" on television. P

American football is one of the most popular sporting events in the country. P

By the end of the day, people are tired from the many activities they have done. P

They make another resolution-never to repeat the same things next year. P

It doesn't last long, though, because celebrating is so much fun. P

When the next New Year arrives, they will do the same things all over again. P

Lesson 4-30

Some people celebrate the New Year based on the solar calendar; others use the lunar calendar. P

Though people in China celebrate the lunar New Year, Yao's family celebrates the solar New Year. P

This is because they are Chinese-Americans living in America. P

However, they still follow Chinese New Year's Day traditions. P

On New Year's Eve, Yao's grandmother writes four Chinese characters in black ink on two sheets of red paper. P

It is called a Spring Couplet. P

These characters mean, "Happy New Year." P

She puts them on the front gate to celebrate the New Year. P

Yao and his sister are given red envelopes with money. P

These envelopes are called Hong Bao. P

Yao and his sister are excited whenever they receive them. P

They jump and dance. P

When evening comes, the family eats dinner together. P

They eat roast beef, potatoes, carrots, peas, and dumplings. P

After dinner, Yao's father brings a rice cake to the table. P

They eat all of the rice cake. P

Afterwards, the family usually goes out to the front porch to watch the fireworks. P

By this time, Yao's sister is asleep. P

His grandmother goes in to wake her up just before midnight. P

The New Year is about to begin. P

Everyone watches the countdown and welcomes the New Year. P

The family does their own countdown 10 seconds before the New Year. P

As the New Year arrives, everyone claps and wishes each other, "Happy New Year!" P

Yao and his sister go to sleep excited about the New Year. P

Lesson 4-31

Jenny lived with her parents and her younger brother Brad. P

She enjoyed doing chores at home and her parents gave her money for doing them. P

When she got this money, she put it in her piggy bank. P

She was excited about saving money. P

One day, she came into her room to put the money in her piggy bank. P

She was shocked;her piggy bank was missing! P

"Where is my piggy bank? Did I put it somewhere different? P

Did someone steal my piggy bank?" she thought. P

She looked everywhere in the house, but she couldn't find it anywhere. P

Jenny went back to her room. P

There, she found one of her brother's baseball cards. P

She got suspicious. P

"Brad was in my room! He probably took it!" she thought. P

She waited for her brother to come home. P

Finally, she confronted him. P

"Brad, I know you stole my piggy bank. P

Give it back to me!" Jenny said. P

"What piggy bank? I don't know anything about your piggy bank!" Brad answered. P

"Don't lie to me! I found one of your baseball cards in my room. P

You dropped it when you were in my room!" Jenny said. P

"You can't prove that! P

I didn't steal your piggy bank," Brad said. P

They started arguing. P

They were getting too loud. P

Seconds later, their mom entered the room. P

She asked what was happening. P

After Jenny explained, her mom started laughing. P

She said that she had taken the piggy bank. P

She was going to open a savings account for Jenny. P

Jenny apologized to Brad. P

Brad laughed and said, "But still, why was my baseball card in your room?" P

Lesson 4-32

Gale Manson is a private detective. P

He works with other detectives to solve crimes. P

Gale and his detectives have great conversational skills. P

They are good at asking questions to witness and talking to informants. P

Witnesses are people who have seen crimes. P

Informants are people who have been involed in crimes. P

Gale and his detectives get useful information from them. P

Gale and his detectives need keen observational skills. P

Gale once examined a sofa for a fingerprint or hair for evidence. P

Gale finally found a hair which was the evidence he needed. P

His detectives had DNA testing done on the hair and proved who had done the crime. P

They always have to be very observant to never miss such important clues and evidence. P

Gale and his detectives need to have a lot of patience. P

Sometimes, it takes a long time to solve cases. P

When they search for clues and evidence, they examine sites using feelings, knowledge, and experience to solve crimes. P

This can take from minutes to years to do. P

One case took Gale and his detectives 5 years to solve. P

A child was kidnapped for almost a year and then released. P

Nobody knew who had done the kidnapping. P

Gale and his team never gave up, and they continued to search for clues and evidence. P

They examined the site again and again using all their experience and skills. P

They finally found a suspect. P

He was the criminal. P

If Gale and his team had given up, the criminal might have done another crime. P

Gale and his detectives are a good team. P

They solve crimes and this keeps us safe. P

Lesson 4-33

My name is Tina, and I have a problem. P

Yesterday, I borrowed a book from the library. P

It was about dinosaurs and had wonderful pictures. P

My mom told me to be careful with the book. P

I tried my best, but something terrible happened. P

I was reading the book in the living room when my friend called me. P

I went into my room to speak privately. P

While on the phone, I left the book on the sofa. P

Sam, my little brother, crawled to the book and ripped a few pages out. P

I didn't know what to do. P

My mom would be very mad. P

I wanted to tell her something that wouldn't make her mad. P

I came up with three plans: P

Plan One: Tell my mom that I lost the book. P

She would say I am not responsible. P

Besides, I would have to find a good place to discard the book. P

Plan Two: Tell my mom I lent the book to a friend and her dog ripped it apart. P

I would get my friend in trouble. P

I would feel terrible. P

Plan Three: Tell my mom the truth. P

I think this would be the best of the three. P

My mom would be mad, but this is the right thing to do. P

Besides, I don't want to be a liar. P

I decided to tell my mom the truth. P

When I told her what happened, she frowned, but then she smiled. P

She said that she was proud of me. P

She also said I was responsible because I told her the truth. P

I was happy that I did. P

My mom took me to the library and paid for the book. P

She told me to give her the money later. P

From now on, I'll be more careful with everything, including my library books. P

Lesson 4-34

Joining a public library is a very helpful way to become a good reader. P

Public libraries are usually larger than school libraries and have many kinds of books, magazines, and newspapers. P

Some even have audio equipment and movies that you can borrow. P

With a library card, you may check out library books, printed materials, equipment, or movies. P

You can keep them for a short period of time before you return them. P

Without a library card, you can't borrow anything from the library. P

Most libraries issue youth cards for children from ages 5 through 16. P

At such young ages, one has to go to the library with a parent to sign up. P

To register, you have to fill out a form with your name, age, address, and telephone number. P

A parent has to sign the form. P

Joining a library means you promise to follow all the rules of the library: P

1. Show your library card when borrowing books or equipment. P

2. You may check out three items at a time during the first three months after you have your library card. P

3. After three months, you may check out as many as seven items at a time. P

4. Checked out items must be returned within 14 days. P

5. You will have to pay a fine for overdue, damaged, or lost items. P

6. If you find lost items, you may get a refund or you can donate them to the library. P

Joining a library is useful. P

However, you must be responsible and take good care of the items you borrow. P

Lesson 4-35

My Dearest Ken, You might be surprised by this letter in your bag. P

You might just smile. P

I 'm writing to say sorry for shouting at you last night. P

I hope you understand. P

When I was young, I didn't always understand my mother. P

She always told me how to behave. P

She told me when to go to bed and when to get up. P

She was worried about me getting hurt. P

One time, she said I was driving her nuts. P

That made me angry. P

Now I really understand her love. P

It helped me understand things. P

She was always there when I felt afraid. P

She held my hand and gave me warm hugs that made me feel safe. P

She put happy notes in my lunch bag. P

I was surprised by the happy notes each time. P

We curled up on the couch and watched TV together. P

She also always read me bedtime stories before I went to bed. P

I hope you are beginning to smile now. P

As I grew older, I understood her love more than before. P

I thanked her for listening to my stories and for always being there for me. P

I thanked her for teaching me right from wrong. P

Her love, always gentle and soft, inspires me to this day. P

Every night, she said, "Did I tell you today that I love you, Sara?" P

I want to be a good mother to you like my mother was to me. P

Someday, you will be a good father to your children. P

Did I tell you today that I love you? P

I love you very much, Ken. Love, Mom P

Lesson 4-36

Rafer Johnson is an Olympic gold medalist. P

He is a real American hero. P

He was born to a very poor African American family in Hillsboro, Texas. P

In high school, he played football, baseball, and basketball. P

In college, he was not only a star athlete, but he was also president of the student body. P

He liked the decathlon because he was good at many sports. P

He broke the world record in only his fourth competition. P

In the 1956 Olympics, he had an injury but still won the silver medal. P

In 1960, he won the gold medal at the Rome Olympics. P

Jennifer, his daughter, barely knew that he was an Olympic hero. P

She found out only when he was chosen to light the Olympic flame at the 1984 Summer Olympics. P

She had never seen the medals her father had won. P

Then one day, when she was in the sixth grade, she was studying ancient Greece and the Olympics. P

Her father stopped by her class with a surprise. P

He showed the class his medals and told them all about his Olympic achievements. P

Right then, Jennifer knew she wanted to be an athlete like her father and be in the Olympics. P

In junior high, she started playing volleyball. P

She joined the women's volleyball team at school. P

She was not the best player on the team, but she didn't mind. P

The advice her father gave her was to do her best, no matter what. P

With her hard work, and the support from her loving father, she became an excellent volleyball player. P

She competed in the 2000 Olympic Games. P

Later, she was ranked number two in the Federation International de Volleyball (FIVB) World Player Rankings. P

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