3-9-1 Three-Year Bridge I

Once upon a time, there was a bridge called the Three-Year Bridge. P

It was called the Three-Year Bridge because of a legend, P

which said that anyone who fell on the bridge would live for just three years after that day. P

One day, an old man was crossing the bridge on his way home. P

A rabbit hopped out in front of the old man and scared him, P

and the old man tripped and fell on the Three-Year Bridge. P

As he fell, he shouted, "Good Lord! I am as good as dead!" P

The old man cried and pounded his fists on the ground. P

He cried for a long time, and then returned home very depressed. P

He said to his wife, "Honey, I will only live for three years from now! P

I have fallen down on the Three-Year Bridge! P

Why, of all places, did I have to fall there?" P

The old man worried so much that he became very ill. P

After hearing the news of his fall, a clever neighborhood boy came to pay him a visit. P

3-9-2 Three-Year Bridge II

The boy asked the old man, "What are you so worried about? P

Let's just go back to the Three-Year Bridge." P

Confused the old man asked, "Why should we go back there?" P

"So that you can fall down again." P

"What? You want me to fall down again? Are you trying to kill me?" P

The old man was very upset. P

"Sir, when you fall once, legend says you will live for three years from that day? P

If this is true, then falling twice will make you live for six years, P

and falling three times will give you nine years of life. P

Doesn't this make sense, sir?" P

The old man thought about the boy's words, and decided that they were quite sensible. P

"Yes! You are quite right! I'll go back to the bridge right away and fall down again!" P

Now, every time the old man passed the Three-Year Bridge he made sure to fall down at least once for good measure. P

"Ha! I have fallen more than fifty times, so I should live at least another 150 years!" P

Soon, the first three years passed, and the old man did not die. P

Thanks to falling down on the Three-Year Bridge, and the clever neighborhood boy, P

the old man lived a very long life. P

3-9-3 Politicians

A politician or political leader is an individual who is involved in influencing public policy and decision making. P

Jerry Brown is the governor of California and is a politician. P

He runs the State of California and listens to the people of this state. P

Jerry Brown worked hard in the court system before he became governor. P

He will work hard to bring new jobs and help the economy in California. P

He will try to save money for the state. P

He must be sure there is money for schools, libraries, highways, and the police. P

Every decision he makes is important. P

3-9-4 Travel Agent

Travel agents help people to plan trips. P

They can find good prices for airplane tickets. P

They find out about special events around the world. P

They give customers the information they need to know about their trip. P

They can help customers know about the money in the country they are traveling to. P

Travel agents work on computers to find good deals. P

They know about hotels, boats, amusement parks and special attractions. P

They share this information with people. P

Trips are easier to plan when a travel agent is used. P

They work at travel agencies. P

A travel agency is a retail business that sells travel related products and services to customers. P

They sell on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, car rentals agencies, cruise lines, hotels, railways, sightseeing tours and package holidays. P

3-9-6 Directions

So how do I know I've reached your bus stop? P

You'll see a big plaza with coffee shops. P

Where were you this morning? I looked everywhere for you. P

Sorry, I went out for a jog around the block. P

I think it's a right at the second lights from here. P

I think we're lost, let's just stop and ask for directions. P

I'm running low on gas, I need to fill up. P

The nearest gas station is on the next corner. P

What happened to her shoulder? P

She dislocated it while doing gymnastics. P

What happened to the dog's tooth? P

He broke it while chewing on a bone. P

What happened to the man? P

He got fired at the factory. P

3-9-7 Exploring City

Could I please get a city map? P

They're located near the reception desk along with tourist guides. P

Are there any city tours? P

Yes, there is a bus that comes every thirty minutes. P

And how long is the city tour? P

It's about four hours. P

And how much does it cost? P

The city tour costs forty dollars. P

Is there a shopping center near here? P

There is one five blocks away. P

3-9-8 The Station

How do I get to the subway station? P

Go to the bus stop and take the 28 to Davis Ville Station. P

Can you tell me how to get to the bus stop? P

Well, go to the end of this block, and turn left. P

Okay, left at the end of the block. And then? P

Go straight, past the gas station, and turn left again at the lights. P

That seems far. P

It isn't. You'll see the bus stop from the corner. P

What happened to the girl? P

Her trip to France got canceled. P

What happened to the old man? P

He got sick and went to the hospital. P

What happened to the runner's ankle? P

He twisted it while running. P

3-9-9 Checking Out

I'd like a late check-out, please. P

The latest check-out available is 3:00 p.m. P

May I see my bill? P

Yes. Your bill comes to $1,400. P

I don't think this bill is correct. It seems a little high. P

Your bill includes your room service charges. P

Do you accept American Express card? P

Yes, of course. P

And would you call me a taxi, please? P

Yes. A taxi will be here in thirty minutes. P

3-9-11 Zoologist

Animals come in all different shapes and sizes. P

Some are different looking and others have body parts something like humans. P

Zoology is the study of animal life. P

Zoologists are scientists who study animals. P

They observe animals both in their natural habitats and in the laboratory in order to learn as much as possible about animal life. P

Many zoologists do research in Africa because that is where monkeys, giraffes, and zebras live. P

Giraffes still live wild on the plains there. P

Zoologists want to preserve the animal's homes so they don't die off. P

Zoologists are like scientists. P

They use a microscope and a computer. P

Then they write all the information in a report. P

Animals are more than pets. P

They are part of nature. P

3-9-12 Teacher

In education, a teacher is a person who provides schooling for students. P

In many countries, a person who wishes to become a teacher must first obtain professional qualifications or credentials from a university or college. P

Some teachers teach one subject. P

Other teachers teach many subjects. P

Teachers must pass many tests to show they will be a good teacher. P

Most teachers really like children and want to help them. P

Teachers are not paid as much money as other jobs. P

They usually teach because they love it. P

Teachers must be sure students can pass tests. P

If students do not do well on tests, the teacher is perceived to be a bad teacher. P

3-9-13 The Native Americans

The Native Americans were the first people to live in North America. P

When people came from Europe to North America, they forced the Native Americans out of their land. P

The Native Americans were forced to live in small areas. P

These people are also called Indians. P

There are many different types of Indians. P

They are split into groups called tribes. P

Each tribe has their own language and ways of doing things. P

In the northwest area of America, tribes gathered seeds, nuts, and berries to eat. P

Each family lived in a tent so they could easily move and hunt animals. P

In the Midwest area of America, Indians would hunt buffalo and ride horses. P

Their houses were called tepees. P

The Cheyenne Indians have a custom of burying their dead in the trees. P

They believe that everything in life is related and remains connected even after death. P

3-9-14 Hawaii

Hawaii is a group of islands located in the Pacific Ocean. P

It is a beautiful place with nice plants, trees and flowers. P

These beautiful islands are mostly made of the beaches and tropical forests. P

Hawaii is filled with many different types of people. P

There are people from Japan, America, Samoa, and many other places. P

Hawaiians work hard to protect their way of life. P

Hawaii was its own country until 1959. P

After 1959, it became a state in the United States of America. P

Hawaii makes most of its money from the people that visit the islands. P

Hawaii is known for its Luaus. P

A luau is a big party at the beach with Hawaiian dancers and lots of food. P

It's usually done for a baby's first birthday, or after a wedding ceremony, or to celebrate the death of someone. P

Many people surf in Hawaii. P

Volcanoes made the Hawaiian Islands. P

There are many volcanoes still erupting. P

This means the islands are still getting bigger. P

3-9-16 Roads

This bridge is so scary to walk under alone at nighttime. P

I hope you don't do that! That's dangerous! P

I could sit for hours beside this lake, it's so relaxing. P

It is peaceful, but I'd rather be in that boat having fun! P

I took a walk along the beach this morning. P

I saw you, barefoot and enjoying the sand! P

What side of the road do people in your country drive on? P

We drive on the right side of the road. P

What happened to the girl? P

She was scared to perform. P

What happened to the man? P

He got sick and stayed home. P

What is the boy doing? P

He is throwing out his old newspaper. P

3-9-17 International Call

How do I make an international call using the phone in my hotel room? P

Do you know what the country code is? P

I think it's 001. P

Press "1" then the country code and then the number you would like to dial. P

How much does it cost per minute? P

For international calls, it's fifty cents a minute. P

Is there a cheaper option? P

Yes, I would recommend getting a calling card. P

Where do they sell calling cards? P

You can get one at the convenience store in the lobby. P

3-9-18 Finding the Tower

Pardon me, can you tell me how to get to Harbourfront from here? P

Follow this road all the way down. Go under the bridge, to the very end. That's Harbourfront. P

Oh, thank you. Do you know how to get to the CN Tower from there? P

That's a long way to go to the Tower. I can tell you a shorter way from here. P

That's okay. I want to see the lake first. P

I see. Well, when you reach the lakeshore, make a right, keep walking, and go up Rees Street. P

That's it? Which side is Rees Street on? P

It will be on your right. You won't miss it. P

What is the man picking up? P

He is picking up her clothes from the cleaners. P

What is the girl returning? P

She is returning her library books. P

What is the man doing to his computer? P

He is hooking up his new computer. P

3-9-19 Using the Internet

Is there some place to use the internet? P

Yes, we provide internet service in each of our hotel rooms. P

Is it free? P

Yes, you'll just need to sign on to our system. P

I don't have any cables. P

Not a problem. Our internet is wireless. P

The internet is still not working. P

I will send someone up shortly. P

I need to look up information about the subway. P

Go to the subway website and all the information will be there. P

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