3-7-1 A Good Scrooge I

One day, on our way home from school, P

my friends asked if I wanted to ride bicycles with them in an open parking lot. P

But they were only teasing me, because I didn't own a bicycle. P

Since I was not able to ride with them, I just went home. P

When I got there, my father was fixing something in the garage. P

Our garage was always full of old junk that my father would bring back on his way home from work. P

"Father, what are you doing?" P

"I'm fixing this washing machine. You know the old woman who sells grain in front of the pharmacy? P

She says that it's hard for her to wash her clothes because she doesn't have a machine at home." P

3-7-2 A Good Scrooge II

I quietly watched my father work, and my fingers fiddled with some nails on his workbench. P

My father could tell that something was on my mind and asked, P

"Do you have something you want to tell me, Nate?" P

"Dad, can you buy me a new bicycle? P

I'm the only one of my friends who doesn't have a bicycle!" P

"Do you really want a bicycle? If you do, then have a little patience, and I will get you one." P

"Thanks dad! That's so cool!" P

But I wasn't sure that I totally believed his promise. P

My father rarely ever bought things. P

He was always fixing old things to reuse them instead. P

3-7-3 A Good Scrooge III

Everything in my house is over ten years old. P

My father always taught me to take good care of my things and not throw them away if they could still be used. P

This was true of everything, even down to something as simple as the stump of a pencil. P

A few days had passed since we had talked about the bicycle, P

when I saw my father carrying a bicycle on his way home from work. P

"Father. Who is this bicycle for?" P

"Someone threw this bicycle away, so I thought I could bring it home and fix it up for you." P

When I realized that my father was just going to fix some old bike for me and not buy me a new one, I said, P

"I don't want that old bike! I already told all my friends that you were going to buy me a new one!" P

I was very upset, and I knew that my friends would tease me about only having an old, used bicycle. P

3-7-4 A Good Scrooge IV

"You're just a cheapskate!" P

I was so mad that my father was always giving me fixed-up used things instead of new ones. P

I kept staring at the sky to keep my tears from springing out of my eyes. P

"Son. Do you want to go somewhere with me? Won't you please come with me? P

Father held my hand and we rode on the village bus. P

We soon arrived at a garbage dump. P

There were piles and piles of old junk everywhere, P

everything from old refrigerators to bicycles was on those piles. P

But most of the things in the piles seemed fine. P

It just needed a little fixing up and they would work again almost as good as new. P

My father said, "Don't you think all of these things could be fixed easily and used again? P

Wouldn't leaving them here be a terrible waste? P

There is a saying: 'One man's trash is another man's treasure.' P

There is nothing wrong with fixing things up and reusing them. P

3-7-6 Various Stores

There is so much to choose from. I don't know what I want to eat! P

Why don't you try the new Japanese food? P

Where do you buy the vegetables? P

I usually buy them in the market. They are fresh and cheap. P

Let's come back to this store again when I have the money. P

Sure, just tell me when you are ready. P

Stationery is very helpful when I do my work. P

But those sharp objects look dangerous. P

Why is the guy happy? P

He just opened up his new business. P

Why is the boy nervous? P

He is about to take a test. P

Why is the little girl crying? P

Her older sister is teasing her. P

3-7-7 Wakeup Call

Hello. Front desk. May I help you? P

I would like a wakeup call, please. P

What time would you like your wakeup call? P

For 6:00 am. P

Anything else? P

Yes, I would like to order some breakfast for tomorrow. P

What would you like? P

I would like the fruit platter and a coffee. P

What time would you like your breakfast? P

7:00 am please. P

Blank P

3-7-8 Stores In the Mall

Do you know which stores are in the mall? P

Yeah, my sister was there yesterday. She said it has everything. P

As in, everything for you, or everything for everybody? P

Everybody! Children, men, women... there are clothes stores, shoe stores, stationery stores. P

How's the food court? P

All you ever think about is food. Well, my sister said it's really big, with a Fried Fries. P

Fried Fries? You sold me! I'll pick you up in one hour, at one, okay? P

Okay. Oh! She also told me there's a food and fruit market inside the mall! P

Why is the neighbor mad? P

The dog dug a hole in his garden. P

What are they eating for dessert? P

They are eating ice cream for dessert. P

What is the boy doing in the forest? P

He is canoeing in the forest. P

3-7-9 Gym And Spa

What kind of amenities does the hotel offer? P

We have a gym and a spa. P

Oh, what floor is the spa on? P

The spa is located in the north end on the 5th floor. P

Do they offer any massage treatments? P

Yes, we offer an assortment of massage treatments. P

Where is the gym located? P

The gym is also located on the 5th floor. P

Does it have a pool? P

I'm sorry there is no pool. P

3-7-11 A Good Scrooge V

On our way home, we met the old woman who sold grain in front of the pharmacy. P

"Hello, my friend! And thank you so much for the washing machine! P

It's so much easier to wash my clothes now. Thanks again!" P

And the old woman thanked my father over and over again. P

When I saw how happy the old woman was with her new old washing machine, P

I was ashamed that I wasn't more grateful for the bicycle my father had offered me. P

So I pulled myself together and said, P

"Hey, dad? I think I'd like to ride that bicycle you brought back after all. P

Only… could you at least paint it a bright new color so it doesn't look quite as old as it does?" P

My father smiled and said, "Of course, son." P

3-7-12 Puzzles

Puzzles are an activity that people can do at home. P

Puzzles can be completed alone or with another person. P

In a basic puzzle, a person needs to put together pieces in a logical way in order to come up with a solution. P

A puzzle is also a picture that has been cut into many small pieces. P

People put the pieces together to see the picture. P

Puzzles can have a lot of pieces or not very many pieces. P

Some puzzles are one hundred pieces and others are five hundred pieces. P

Puzzles with a lot of pieces may take a long time to do. P

Puzzles are a great way to have fun at home on a rainy day. P

Sometimes people do puzzles with each other to have fun together. P

3-7-13 Television

The history of television records the work of numerous engineers and inventors in several countries over many decades. P

Watching television can be a fun or relaxing activity. P

There are many things to watch on television. P

When you watch television, you watch a channel which broadcasts shows. P

Some channels have the news and some have movies. P

Some channels have television shows. P

Parents control what channels and shows their children watch. P

It is important to only watch the shows that parents say are acceptable to watch. P

Television is something that should be watched a little bit at a time. P

It is important to play outside and have fun with family, too. P

3-7-14 Astronauts

An astronaut is a person trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a spacecraft. P

Astronauts are brave and require lots of training. P

They go through many years of training where they learn everything they need to know to be a part of a flight crew. P

Many astronauts began their training as airplane pilots. P

Astronauts go through many physical, emotional and mental tests in training. P

There is no gravity in space so they practice by spending time in a gravity-free training area. P

Some astronauts are scientists. P

They go up into space to do research. P

Astronauts took the first steps on the moon back in the 1960's. P

Astronauts have helped us to learn so much about our planet and the universe. P

3-7-16 I Need To Buy Some

Hey, I need to buy a birthday gift for my little nephew. P

Look, there's a toy store! Do you want to stop by? P

What happened to this department store? Where is everyone? P

I don't know. Maybe it's a day off for the department store, too. P

I need to buy food for tonight. Let's go to the superstore. P

Okay, just don't forget to bring along the membership card. P

Is auto racing a sport, too? P

I guess so. P

What is the mother doing? P

She is cooking eggs for breakfast. P

What is the man wearing? P

He is wearing a polka dot shirt. P

What is man doing at the party? P

He is showing a card trick. P

3-7-17 Restaurants In the Hotel

What kinds of restaurants are in the hotel? P

We have three restaurants, but I recommend the Italian restaurant. P

Oh! Where is it located? P

It is located in the south end of the lobby. P

And what dish do you recommend? P

My favorite is the seafood pasta. P

Do they serve wine? P

Yes, by the bottle and the glass. P

Do I need a reservation? P

Reservations are not required, but you may make one if you wish. P

Oh, thank you. P

3-7-18 That Would Be Bad

Now that I think about it, the discount store may just be a toy store. P

I was wondering, if the equipment is discounted, maybe there's something wrong with it. P

If you want good prices, there's a secondhand store very close-by. They inspect everything. P

Do you mean a used goods store? No, thank you. Can you imagine how it might smell? Sports equipment? P

Ah, true. That would be pretty bad. Okay, do you want to go to a department store? P

No, they wouldn't have soccer equipment. P

True. Okay, we'll go to the sports store then. It's a bit far. P

Here, let's go to the superstore first. They have everything. It's worth a try. P

Did the man make it to the post office in time? P

No, he didn't make it to the post office in time. The post office was already closed. P

What happened to the flight? P

The flight already took off. The lady missed her flight. P

What happened to the train? P

The train already left. The woman was running after the train. P

3-7-19 Bar In the Hotel

Is there a bar in the hotel? P

Yes, we have a bar on the top floor. P

What floor is that? P

Take the elevator up to the seventeenth floor. P

Until what time is the bar open? P

It is open until 4:00 am. P

Is there an outside patio? P

Yes, there is a patio with seating available. P

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